
Examples of use of several functions.

This is designed for programmers who need examples of use of the functions of the module. The examples are designed to illustrate the syntax. They do not correspond to any meaningful model.


Michel Bierlaire


Thu Nov 23 22:25:13 2023

import pandas as pd
from biogeme.version import getText
import biogeme.biogeme as bio
import biogeme.database as db
from biogeme import models
from biogeme.expressions import Beta, Variable
import biogeme.biogeme_logging as blog

Version of Biogeme.

biogeme 3.2.13 [2023-12-23]
Home page:
Submit questions to
Michel Bierlaire, Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
logger = blog.get_screen_logger(blog.INFO)


df = pd.DataFrame(
        'Person': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2],
        'Exclude': [0, 0, 1, 0, 1],
        'Variable1': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        'Variable2': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50],
        'Choice': [1, 2, 3, 1, 2],
        'Av1': [0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
        'Av2': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
        'Av3': [0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
Person Exclude Variable1 Variable2 Choice Av1 Av2 Av3
0 1 0 1 10 1 0 1 0
1 1 0 2 20 2 1 1 1
2 1 1 3 30 3 1 1 1
3 2 0 4 40 1 1 1 1
4 2 1 5 50 2 1 1 1

my_data = db.Database('test', df)


Choice = Variable('Choice')
Variable1 = Variable('Variable1')
Variable2 = Variable('Variable2')
beta1 = Beta('beta1', 0, None, None, 0)
beta2 = Beta('beta2', 0, None, None, 0)
V1 = beta1 * Variable1
V2 = beta2 * Variable2
V3 = 0
V = {1: V1, 2: V2, 3: V3}
likelihood = models.loglogit(V, av=None, i=Choice)
my_biogeme = bio.BIOGEME(my_data, likelihood)
my_biogeme.modelName = 'simpleExample'
my_biogeme.save_iterations = False
my_biogeme.generate_html = False
my_biogeme.generate_pickle = False
File biogeme.toml has been parsed.
simpleExample: database [test]{'loglike': _bioLogLogitFullChoiceSet[choice=Choice]U=(1:(Beta('beta1', 0, -1.3407807929942596e+154, 1.3407807929942596e+154, 0) * Variable1), 2:(Beta('beta2', 0, -1.3407807929942596e+154, 1.3407807929942596e+154, 0) * Variable2), 3:`0.0`)av=(1:`1.0`, 2:`1.0`, 3:`1.0`)}
f, g, h, gdiff, hdiff = my_biogeme.checkDerivatives(
    beta=my_biogeme.beta_values_dict_to_list(), verbose=True
x               Gradient        FinDiff         Difference
beta1           +2.220446E-16   -6.039613E-07   +6.039613E-07
beta2           +2.000000E+01   +1.999994E+01   +6.110388E-05
Row             Col             Hessian FinDiff         Difference
beta1           beta1           -1.222222E+01   -1.222222E+01   +8.314151E-07
beta1           beta2           +6.111111E+01   +6.111115E+01   -4.166707E-05
beta2           beta1           +6.111111E+01   +6.111112E+01   -4.274759E-06
beta2           beta2           -1.222222E+03   -1.222223E+03   +8.332704E-04
0 6.039613e-07
1 6.110388e-05

0 1
0 8.314151e-07 -0.000042
1 -4.274759e-06 0.000833

scipy: this is the optimization algorithm from scipy.

my_biogeme.algorithm_name = 'scipy'
results = my_biogeme.estimate()
Optimization algorithm: scipy
Minimize with tol 1e-07
Value Rob. Std err Rob. t-test Rob. p-value
beta1 0.144546 0.366198 0.394720 0.693049
beta2 0.023502 0.034280 0.685574 0.492982

for k, v in
Algorithm:      scipy.optimize
Number of iterations:   13
Number of function evaluations: 17
Optimization time:      0:00:00.003132

Newton with linesearch

my_biogeme.algorithm_name = 'LS-newton'
results = my_biogeme.estimate()
Optimization algorithm: Newton with line search [LS-newton]
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
** Optimization: Newton with linesearch
Value Rob. Std err Rob. t-test Rob. p-value
beta1 0.144545 0.366198 0.394720 0.693050
beta2 0.023502 0.034280 0.685573 0.492982

for k, v in
Algorithm:      Unconstrained Newton with line search
Relative gradient:      3.289367616755922e-07
Cause of termination:   Relative gradient = 3.3e-07 <= 6.1e-06
Number of function evaluations: 4
Number of gradient evaluations: 4
Number of hessian evaluations:  4
Number of iterations:   3
Optimization time:      0:00:00.002186

Changing the requested precision

my_biogeme.tolerance = 0.1
results = my_biogeme.estimate()
Optimization algorithm: Newton with line search [LS-newton]
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
** Optimization: Newton with linesearch
Value Rob. Std err Rob. t-test Rob. p-value
beta1 0.144317 0.365691 0.394641 0.693108
beta2 0.023428 0.034256 0.683887 0.494047

for k, v in
Algorithm:      Unconstrained Newton with line search
Relative gradient:      0.014746524905601736
Cause of termination:   Relative gradient = 0.015 <= 0.1
Number of function evaluations: 3
Number of gradient evaluations: 3
Number of hessian evaluations:  3
Number of iterations:   2
Optimization time:      0:00:00.001344

Newton with trust region

my_biogeme.algorithm_name = 'TR-newton'
results = my_biogeme.estimate()
Optimization algorithm: Newton with trust region [TR-newton]
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
** Optimization: Newton with trust region
Value Rob. Std err Rob. t-test Rob. p-value
beta1 0.144317 0.365691 0.394641 0.693108
beta2 0.023428 0.034256 0.683887 0.494047

for k, v in
Relative gradient:      0.014746524905601736
Cause of termination:   Relative gradient = 0.015 <= 0.1
Number of function evaluations: 3
Number of gradient evaluations: 3
Number of hessian evaluations:  3
Number of iterations:   2
Optimization time:      0:00:00.001810

We illustrate the parameters. We use the truncated conjugate gradient instead of dogleg for the trust region subproblem, starting with a small trust region of radius 0.001, and a maximum of 3 iterations.

my_biogeme.dogleg = False
my_biogeme.initial_radius = 0.001
my_biogeme.maxiter = 3
results = my_biogeme.estimate()
Optimization algorithm: Newton with trust region [TR-newton]
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
** Optimization: Newton with trust region
It seems that the optimization algorithm did not converge. Therefore, the results may not correspond to the maximum likelihood estimator. Check the specification of the model, or the criteria for convergence of the algorithm.
Value Rob. Std err Rob. t-test Rob. p-value
beta1 0.000053 0.308910 0.000170 0.999864
beta2 0.007000 0.030019 0.233173 0.815627

for k, v in
Cause of termination:   Maximum number of iterations reached: 3
Optimization time:      0:00:00.001556

Changing the requested precision

my_biogeme.tolerance = 0.1
my_biogeme.maxiter = 1000
results = my_biogeme.estimate()
Optimization algorithm: Newton with trust region [TR-newton]
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
** Optimization: Newton with trust region
Value Rob. Std err Rob. t-test Rob. p-value
beta1 0.111901 0.357903 0.312658 0.754541
beta2 0.021615 0.032531 0.664435 0.506412

for k, v in
Relative gradient:      0.04203221663984542
Cause of termination:   Relative gradient = 0.042 <= 0.1
Number of function evaluations: 8
Number of gradient evaluations: 8
Number of hessian evaluations:  8
Number of iterations:   7
Optimization time:      0:00:00.002655

BFGS with line search

my_biogeme.algorithm_name = 'LS-BFGS'
my_biogeme.tolerance = 1.0e-6
my_biogeme.maxiter = 1000
results = my_biogeme.estimate()
Optimization algorithm: BFGS with line search [LS-BFGS]
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
** Optimization: BFGS with line search
Value Rob. Std err Rob. t-test Rob. p-value
beta1 0.144546 0.366198 0.394720 0.693049
beta2 0.023502 0.034280 0.685574 0.492982

for k, v in
Algorithm:      Inverse BFGS with line search
Relative gradient:      5.5446416666399e-07
Cause of termination:   Relative gradient = 5.5e-07 <= 1e-06
Number of function evaluations: 19
Number of gradient evaluations: 19
Number of hessian evaluations:  0
Number of iterations:   6
Optimization time:      0:00:00.002813

BFGS with trust region

my_biogeme.algorithm_name = 'TR-BFGS'
results = my_biogeme.estimate()
Optimization algorithm: BFGS with trust region [TR-BFGS]
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
This algorithm does not handle bound constraints. The bounds will be ignored.
** Optimization: BFGS with trust region
Value Rob. Std err Rob. t-test Rob. p-value
beta1 0.144546 0.366198 0.394720 0.693049
beta2 0.023502 0.034280 0.685574 0.492982

for k, v in
Relative gradient:      9.951716866221394e-10
Cause of termination:   Relative gradient = 1e-09 <= 1e-06
Number of function evaluations: 13
Number of gradient evaluations: 13
Number of hessian evaluations:  0
Number of iterations:   12
Optimization time:      0:00:00.004345

Newton/BFGS with trust region for simple bounds

This is the default algorithm used by Biogeme. It is the implementation of the algorithm proposed by Conn et al. (1988).

my_biogeme.algorithm_name = 'simple_bounds'
results = my_biogeme.estimate()
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter.           beta1           beta2     Function    Relgrad   Radius      Rho
    0               0           0.001          5.5        3.4     0.01        1   ++
    1            0.01           0.011          5.3        1.2      0.1     0.99   ++
    2            0.11           0.021          5.3       0.11        1        1   ++
    3            0.14           0.023          5.3      0.013       10        1   ++
    4            0.14           0.024          5.3    8.4e-06    1e+02        1   ++
    5            0.14           0.024          5.3      2e-11    1e+02        1   ++
Value Rob. Std err Rob. t-test Rob. p-value
beta1 0.144546 0.366198 0.394720 0.693049
beta2 0.023502 0.034280 0.685574 0.492982

for k, v in
Relative gradient:      2.0479777952529902e-11
Cause of termination:   Relative gradient = 2e-11 <= 1e-06
Number of function evaluations: 7
Number of gradient evaluations: 7
Number of hessian evaluations:  6
Algorithm:      Newton with trust region for simple bound constraints
Number of iterations:   6
Proportion of Hessian calculation:      6/6 = 100.0%
Optimization time:      0:00:00.004603

When the second derivatives are too computationally expensive to calculate, it is possible to avoid calculating them at each successful iteration. The parameter second_derivatives allows to control that.

my_biogeme.second_derivatives = 0.5
results = my_biogeme.estimate()
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Hybrid Newton 50.0%/BFGS with trust region for simple bounds
Iter.           beta1           beta2     Function    Relgrad   Radius      Rho
    0               0           0.001          5.5        3.4     0.01        1   ++
    1            0.01           0.011          5.3        1.2      0.1     0.98   ++
    2            0.11           0.021          5.3       0.11        1        1   ++
    3            0.14           0.023          5.3      0.058       10      1.1   ++
    4            0.14           0.023          5.3    0.00012    1e+02        1   ++
    5            0.14           0.023          5.3    8.4e-07    1e+02        1   ++
Value Rob. Std err Rob. t-test Rob. p-value
beta1 0.144546 0.366198 0.394720 0.693049
beta2 0.023502 0.034280 0.685573 0.492982

for k, v in
Relative gradient:      8.430721282926752e-07
Cause of termination:   Relative gradient = 8.4e-07 <= 1e-06
Number of function evaluations: 7
Number of gradient evaluations: 7
Number of hessian evaluations:  3
Algorithm:      Hybrid Newton [50.0%] with trust region for simple bound constraints
Number of iterations:   6
Proportion of Hessian calculation:      3/6 = 50.0%
Optimization time:      0:00:00.004522

If the parameter is set to zero, the second derivatives are not used at all, and the algorithm relies only on the BFGS update.

my_biogeme.second_derivatives = 0.0
results = my_biogeme.estimate()
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: BFGS with trust region for simple bounds
Iter.           beta1           beta2     Function    Relgrad   Radius      Rho
    0               0           0.001          5.5        3.4     0.01     0.97   ++
    1            0.01           0.011          5.3        1.2      0.1     0.98   ++
    2            0.11            0.02          5.3       0.21      0.1     0.73    +
    3            0.14           0.023          5.3       0.21        1     0.98   ++
    4            0.14           0.023          5.3       0.21   0.0013     -1.2    -
    5            0.14           0.024          5.3       0.14   0.0013     0.23    +
    6            0.14           0.023          5.3    5.8e-05    0.013        1   ++
    7            0.14           0.024          5.3    2.2e-06     0.13        1   ++
    8            0.14           0.024          5.3    8.7e-07     0.13        1   ++
Value Rob. Std err Rob. t-test Rob. p-value
beta1 0.144545 0.366198 0.394719 0.693050
beta2 0.023502 0.034280 0.685573 0.492982

for k, v in
Relative gradient:      8.717117167567343e-07
Cause of termination:   Relative gradient = 8.7e-07 <= 1e-06
Number of function evaluations: 10
Number of gradient evaluations: 9
Number of hessian evaluations:  0
Algorithm:      BFGS with trust region for simple bound constraints
Number of iterations:   9
Proportion of Hessian calculation:      0/8 = 0.0%
Optimization time:      0:00:00.006090

There are shortcuts to call the BFGS and the Newton versions

my_biogeme.algorithm_name = 'simple_bounds_newton'
results = my_biogeme.estimate()
Optimization algorithm: Newton with simple bounds [simple_bounds_newton].
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter.           beta1           beta2     Function    Relgrad   Radius      Rho
    0               0           0.001          5.5        3.4     0.01        1   ++
    1            0.01           0.011          5.3        1.2      0.1     0.99   ++
    2            0.11           0.021          5.3       0.11        1        1   ++
    3            0.14           0.023          5.3      0.013       10        1   ++
    4            0.14           0.024          5.3    8.4e-06    1e+02        1   ++
    5            0.14           0.024          5.3      2e-11    1e+02        1   ++
Value Rob. Std err Rob. t-test Rob. p-value
beta1 0.144546 0.366198 0.394720 0.693049
beta2 0.023502 0.034280 0.685574 0.492982

for k, v in
Relative gradient:      2.0479777952529902e-11
Cause of termination:   Relative gradient = 2e-11 <= 1e-06
Number of function evaluations: 7
Number of gradient evaluations: 7
Number of hessian evaluations:  6
Algorithm:      Newton with trust region for simple bound constraints
Number of iterations:   6
Proportion of Hessian calculation:      6/6 = 100.0%
Optimization time:      0:00:00.005003
my_biogeme.algorithm_name = 'simple_bounds_BFGS'
results = my_biogeme.estimate()
Optimization algorithm: BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds_BFGS].
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: BFGS with trust region for simple bounds
Iter.           beta1           beta2     Function    Relgrad   Radius      Rho
    0               0           0.001          5.5        3.4     0.01     0.97   ++
    1            0.01           0.011          5.3        1.2      0.1     0.98   ++
    2            0.11            0.02          5.3       0.21      0.1     0.73    +
    3            0.14           0.023          5.3       0.21        1     0.98   ++
    4            0.14           0.023          5.3       0.21   0.0013     -1.2    -
    5            0.14           0.024          5.3       0.14   0.0013     0.23    +
    6            0.14           0.023          5.3    5.8e-05    0.013        1   ++
    7            0.14           0.024          5.3    2.2e-06     0.13        1   ++
    8            0.14           0.024          5.3    8.7e-07     0.13        1   ++
Value Rob. Std err Rob. t-test Rob. p-value
beta1 0.144545 0.366198 0.394719 0.693050
beta2 0.023502 0.034280 0.685573 0.492982

for k, v in
Relative gradient:      8.717117167567343e-07
Cause of termination:   Relative gradient = 8.7e-07 <= 1e-06
Number of function evaluations: 10
Number of gradient evaluations: 9
Number of hessian evaluations:  0
Algorithm:      BFGS with trust region for simple bound constraints
Number of iterations:   9
Proportion of Hessian calculation:      0/8 = 0.0%
Optimization time:      0:00:00.006053

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.094 seconds)

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