Go to the end to download the full example code.
Calculation of willingness to pay
We calculate and plot willingness to pay. Details about this example are available in Section 4 of Bierlaire (2018) Calculating indicators with PandasBiogeme
- author:
Michel Bierlaire, EPFL
- date:
Wed Apr 12 20:57:00 2023
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from IPython.core.display_functions import display
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
can_plot = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
can_plot = False
import biogeme.biogeme as bio
from biogeme.exceptions import BiogemeError
import biogeme.results as res
from biogeme.expressions import Derive
from import read_data, normalized_weight
from scenarios import scenario
Obtain the specification for the default scenario The definition of the scenarios is available in Specification of a nested logit model.
V, _, _, _ = scenario()
V_PT = V[0]
V_CAR = V[1]
Calculation of the willingness to pay using derivatives.
WTP_PT_TIME = Derive(V_PT, 'TimePT') / Derive(V_PT, 'MarginalCostPT')
WTP_CAR_TIME = Derive(V_CAR, 'TimeCar') / Derive(V_CAR, 'CostCarCHF')
Formulas to simulate.
simulate = {
'weight': normalized_weight,
Read the data
database = read_data()
Create the Biogeme object.
the_biogeme = bio.BIOGEME(database, simulate)
Read the estimation results from the file.
results = res.bioResults(pickle_file='saved_results/b02estimation.pickle')
except BiogemeError:
'Run first the script in order to generate '
'the file b02estimation.pickle.'
simulated_values is a Pandas dataframe with the same number of rows as the database, and as many columns as formulas to simulate.
simulated_values = the_biogeme.simulate(results.get_beta_values())
weight WTP PT time WTP CAR time
0 0.886023 0.026513 0.026513
2 0.861136 0.026513 0.026513
3 0.861136 0.026513 0.026513
4 0.957386 0.086226 0.086226
5 0.861136 0.026513 0.026513
... ... ... ...
2259 2.036009 0.026513 0.026513
2261 0.861136 0.086226 0.086226
2262 0.861136 0.086226 0.086226
2263 0.957386 0.026513 0.026513
2264 0.957386 0.026513 0.026513
[1906 rows x 3 columns]
Note the multiplication by 60 to have the valus of time per hour and not per minute.
wtpcar = (60 * simulated_values['WTP CAR time'] * simulated_values['weight']).mean()
Calculate confidence intervals
b = results.get_betas_for_sensitivity_analysis(the_biogeme.free_beta_names)
Returns data frame containing, for each simulated value, the left and right bounds of the confidence interval calculated by simulation.
left, right = the_biogeme.confidence_intervals(b, 0.9)
Lower bounds of the confidence intervals
weight WTP PT time WTP CAR time
0 0.886023 0.009167 0.009167
2 0.861136 0.009167 0.009167
3 0.861136 0.009167 0.009167
4 0.957386 0.071430 0.071430
5 0.861136 0.009167 0.009167
... ... ... ...
2259 2.036009 0.009167 0.009167
2261 0.861136 0.071430 0.071430
2262 0.861136 0.071430 0.071430
2263 0.957386 0.009167 0.009167
2264 0.957386 0.009167 0.009167
[1906 rows x 3 columns]
Upper bounds of the confidence intervals
weight WTP PT time WTP CAR time
0 0.886023 0.066435 0.066435
2 0.861136 0.066435 0.066435
3 0.861136 0.066435 0.066435
4 0.957386 0.146445 0.146445
5 0.861136 0.066435 0.066435
... ... ... ...
2259 2.036009 0.066435 0.066435
2261 0.861136 0.146445 0.146445
2262 0.861136 0.146445 0.146445
2263 0.957386 0.066435 0.066435
2264 0.957386 0.066435 0.066435
[1906 rows x 3 columns]
Lower and upper bounds of the willingness to pay.
wtpcar_left = (60 * left['WTP CAR time'] * left['weight']).mean()
wtpcar_right = (60 * right['WTP CAR time'] * right['weight']).mean()
f'Average WTP for car: {wtpcar:.3g} ' f'CI:[{wtpcar_left:.3g}, {wtpcar_right:.3g}]'
Average WTP for car: 2.88 CI:[1.9, 5.72]
In this specific case, there are only two distinct values in the population: for workers and non workers
'Unique values: ',
[f'{i:.3g}' for i in 60 * simulated_values['WTP CAR time'].unique()],
Unique values: ['1.59', '5.17']
Function calculating the willingness to pay for a group.
def wtp_for_subgroup(the_filter: 'pd.Series[np.bool_]') -> tuple[float, float, float]:
Check the value for groups of the population. Define a function that
works for any filter to avoid repeating code.
:param the_filter: pandas filter
:return: willingness-to-pay for car and confidence interval
size = the_filter.sum()
sim = simulated_values[the_filter]
total_weight = sim['weight'].sum()
weight = sim['weight'] * size / total_weight
_wtpcar = (60 * sim['WTP CAR time'] * weight).mean()
_wtpcar_left = (60 * left[the_filter]['WTP CAR time'] * weight).mean()
_wtpcar_right = (60 * right[the_filter]['WTP CAR time'] * weight).mean()
return _wtpcar, _wtpcar_left, _wtpcar_right
Full time workers.
aFilter =['OccupStat'] == 1
w, l, r = wtp_for_subgroup(aFilter)
print(f'WTP car for workers: {w:.3g} CI:[{l:.3g}, {r:.3g}]')
WTP car for workers: 5.17 CI:[4.29, 8.79]
aFilter =['Gender'] == 2
w, l, r = wtp_for_subgroup(aFilter)
print(f'WTP car for females: {w:.3g} CI:[{l:.3g}, {r:.3g}]')
WTP car for females: 2.22 CI:[1.21, 4.83]
aFilter =['Gender'] == 1
w, l, r = wtp_for_subgroup(aFilter)
print(f'WTP car for males : {w:.3g} CI:[{l:.3g}, {r:.3g}]')
WTP car for males : 3.72 CI:[2.77, 6.84]
We plot the distribution of WTP in the population. In this case, there are only two values
if can_plot:
60 * simulated_values['WTP CAR time'],
plt.xlabel('WTP (CHF/hour)')

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.687 seconds)