Examples of mathematical expressions

Example of manipulating mathematical expressions and calculation of derivatives.


Michel Bierlaire, EPFL


Wed Apr 12 21:06:21 2023

import numpy as np

from biogeme.function_output import BiogemeFunctionOutput, NamedFunctionOutput

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    can_plot = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    can_plot = False

from biogeme.expressions import Beta, exp

# ##
# We create a simple expression:
b = Beta('b', 1, None, None, 0)
expression = exp(-b * b + 1)

We can calculate its value. Note that, as the expression is calculated out of Biogeme, the IDs must be prepared. So the parameter ‘prepare_ids’ is set to True

z = expression.get_value_c(prepare_ids=True)
print(f'exp(-b * b + 1) = {z}')
exp(-b * b + 1) = 1.0

We can also calculate the value, the first derivative, the second derivative, and the BHHH, which in this case is the square of the first derivatives

the_function_output: BiogemeFunctionOutput = expression.get_value_and_derivatives(
print(f'f = {the_function_output.function}')
f = 1.0
print(f'g = {the_function_output.gradient}')
g = [-2.]
print(f'h = {the_function_output.hessian}')
h = [[2.]]
print(f'BHHH = {the_function_output.bhhh}')
BHHH = [[4.]]

From the expression, we can create a Python function that takes as argument the value of the free parameters, and returns the function, the first, the second derivatives, and the BHHH.

fct = expression.create_function()

We can use the function for different values of the parameter

beta = 2.0
the_named_function_output: NamedFunctionOutput = fct(beta)
print(f'f({beta}) = {the_named_function_output.function}')
print(f'g({beta}) = {the_named_function_output.gradient}')
print(f'h({beta}) = {the_named_function_output.hessian}')
f(2.0) = 0.049787068367863944
g(2.0) = {'b': np.float64(-0.19914827347145578)}
h(2.0) = {'b': {'b': np.float64(0.6970189571500952)}}
beta = 3.0
the_named_function_output = fct(beta)
print(f'f({beta}) = {the_named_function_output.function}')
print(f'g({beta}) = {the_named_function_output.gradient}')
print(f'h({beta}) = {the_named_function_output.hessian}')
f(3.0) = 0.00033546262790251185
g(3.0) = {'b': np.float64(-0.0020127757674150712)}
h(3.0) = {'b': {'b': np.float64(0.011405729348685403)}}
if can_plot:
    # We can also use it to plot the function and its derivatives
    x = np.arange(-2, 2, 0.01)

    # The value of the function is element [0].
    f = [fct(xx).function for xx in x]

    # The gradient is element [1]. As it contains only one entry [0],
    # we convert it into float.

    g = [float(fct([xx]).gradient['b']) for xx in x]

    # The hessian is element [2]. As it contains only one entry
    # [0][0], we convert it into float.
    h = [float(fct([xx]).hessian['b']['b']) for xx in x]

    ax = plt.gca()
    ax.plot(x, f, label="f(x)")
    ax.plot(x, g, label="f'(x)")
    ax.plot(x, h, label='f"(x)')

plot b01expressions

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.204 seconds)

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