Go to the end to download the full example code.
Combine many specifications: assisted specification algorithm
We combine many specifications, defined in Combination of many specifications. This leads to a total of 432 specifications. The algorithm implemented in the AssistedSpecification object is used to investigate some of these specifications. See Bierlaire and Ortelli (2023).
- author:
Michel Bierlaire, EPFL
- date:
Sat Jul 15 15:02:20 2023
from typing import Optional
import biogeme.biogeme_logging as blog
import biogeme.biogeme as bio
from biogeme.assisted import AssistedSpecification
from biogeme.multiobjectives import loglikelihood_dimension
from everything_spec import model_catalog, database
from biogeme.results import bioResults, compile_estimation_results
logger = blog.get_screen_logger(level=blog.INFO)'Example b07everything_assisted')
PARETO_FILE_NAME = 'b07everything_assisted.pareto'
Example b07everything_assisted
Function verifying that the estimation results are valid.
def validity(results: bioResults) -> tuple[bool, Optional[str]]:
"""Function verifying that the estimation results are valid.
The results are not valid if any of the time or cost coefficient is non negative.
for beta in
if 'TIME' in and beta.value >= 0:
return False, f'{} = {beta.value}'
if 'COST' in and beta.value >= 0:
return False, f'{} = {beta.value}'
return True, None
Create the Biogeme object
the_biogeme = bio.BIOGEME(database, model_catalog)
the_biogeme.modelName = 'b07everything'
the_biogeme.generate_html = False
the_biogeme.generate_pickle = False
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Estimate the parameters using assisted specification algorithm.
assisted_specification = AssistedSpecification(
non_dominated_models =
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Unable to read file b07everything_assisted.pareto. Pareto set empty.
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 4 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.29 -0.76 -0.7 -0.77 8.8e+03 0.04 10 1.1 ++
1 -0.0015 -0.66 -0.77 -1.2 8.7e+03 0.0064 1e+02 1.1 ++
2 -0.0015 -0.66 -0.77 -1.2 8.7e+03 0.00012 1e+02 1 ++
The number of possible specifications [432] exceeds the maximum number [100]. A heuristic algorithm is applied.
*** VNS ***
ASC:no_seg;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:linear [8670.163646094408, 4]
Initial pareto: 1
Attempt 0/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 7 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.26 -0.22 -0.68 0.25 -0.54 -1 1.5 8.8e+03 0.044 1 0.86 +
1 -0.027 -0.62 -1.1 1.2 -0.82 -1.3 0.78 8.3e+03 0.014 10 1.1 ++
2 0.22 -1.1 -0.83 1.7 -0.72 -1.8 0.26 8.2e+03 0.007 10 0.87 +
3 0.17 -1.2 -0.9 1.7 -0.72 -1.7 0.35 8.2e+03 0.00063 1e+02 1.1 ++
4 0.17 -1.2 -0.9 1.7 -0.72 -1.7 0.35 8.2e+03 1.1e-05 1e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:boxcox [8237.366622314748, 7]
Attempt 1/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 6 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.025 -0.82 -0.19 -1 1.1 1.3 9e+03 0.066 1 0.68 +
1 0.25 0.18 -0.67 -1.9 0.13 1.4 8.8e+03 0.015 1 0.59 +
2 0.15 -0.14 -0.77 -1.7 0.39 1.2 8.6e+03 0.0084 10 1.2 ++
3 0.12 -0.36 -0.78 -1.6 0.53 1.1 8.6e+03 0.0026 1e+02 1.1 ++
4 0.13 -0.47 -0.79 -1.6 0.55 1 8.6e+03 0.001 1e+03 1.1 ++
5 0.14 -0.47 -0.79 -1.6 0.55 1 8.6e+03 0.00021 1e+04 1 ++
6 0.14 -0.47 -0.79 -1.6 0.55 1 8.6e+03 2.2e-07 1e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:no_seg;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:nested public;train_tt_catalog:boxcox [8626.21963567831, 6]
Attempt 2/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.074 -0.11 -0.011 -0.79 -0.32 -0.016 -0.28 -1 -0.58 1.2 1.7 1e+04 0.16 1 0.22 +
1 -0.074 -0.11 -0.011 -0.79 -0.32 -0.016 -0.28 -1 -0.58 1.2 1.7 1e+04 0.16 0.5 0.019 -
2 -0.08 -0.16 -0.021 -0.31 0.18 0.0019 -0.57 -0.63 -0.43 1 1.4 8.8e+03 0.081 0.5 0.74 +
3 -0.13 -0.17 -0.12 -0.66 0.47 0.14 -0.76 -0.87 -0.47 0.55 1.7 8.5e+03 0.015 0.5 0.86 +
4 0.069 -0.14 -0.22 -0.64 0.47 0.36 -0.84 -1.2 -0.57 0.7 1.2 8.5e+03 0.012 0.5 0.76 +
5 0.17 -0.15 -0.64 -0.91 0.73 0.67 -0.83 -1.2 -0.62 0.54 1.1 8.5e+03 0.0025 5 1.1 ++
6 0.21 -0.14 -0.64 -1.1 0.77 0.67 -0.84 -1.3 -0.64 0.55 1 8.5e+03 0.0026 50 1 ++
7 0.21 -0.12 -0.65 -1.1 0.88 0.71 -0.83 -1.3 -0.66 0.52 1 8.5e+03 0.00095 5e+02 1 ++
8 0.21 -0.12 -0.65 -1.1 0.88 0.71 -0.83 -1.3 -0.66 0.52 1 8.5e+03 3e-05 5e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 7 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.22 -
1 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 5 0.98 ++
2 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 2.5 0.98 -
3 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 1.2 0.98 -
4 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 0.62 0.98 -
5 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 0.31 0.98 -
6 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 0.16 0.98 -
7 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 0.078 0.98 -
8 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 0.039 0.98 -
9 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 0.02 -4.3 -
10 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 0.0098 -4.7 -
11 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 0.0049 -3.6 -
12 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 0.0024 -2.6 -
13 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 0.0012 -1.9 -
14 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 0.00061 -1.1 -
15 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 6.5 0.00031 -0.25 -
16 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.00031 1.5 0.00031 8.9e+03 4.9 0.00031 0.58 +
17 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.00018 1.5 0.00061 8.9e+03 5.3 0.00031 0.18 +
18 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.00031 1.5 0.00092 8.9e+03 4.9 0.00031 0.16 +
19 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.00018 1.5 0.0012 8.9e+03 5.4 0.00031 0.16 +
20 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.00018 1.5 0.0012 8.9e+03 5.4 0.00015 0.096 -
21 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.00018 1.5 0.0012 8.9e+03 5.4 7.6e-05 0.022 -
22 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.00025 1.5 0.0013 8.9e+03 1.2 7.6e-05 0.68 +
23 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.00024 1.5 0.0014 8.9e+03 0.11 0.00076 0.99 ++
24 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.00025 1.5 0.0021 8.9e+03 0.29 0.0076 1 ++
25 0.12 -0.5 -0.19 -0.51 -0.00028 1.5 0.0098 8.9e+03 0.1 0.076 1 ++
26 0.097 -0.52 -0.22 -0.57 -0.0006 1.5 0.086 8.7e+03 0.83 0.76 0.98 ++
27 -0.024 -0.36 -0.64 -0.77 -0.00042 2 0.048 8.5e+03 5.4 7.6 1 ++
28 -0.024 -0.36 -0.64 -0.77 -0.00042 2 0.048 8.5e+03 5.4 0.4 -23 -
29 -0.024 -0.36 -0.64 -0.77 -0.00042 2 0.048 8.5e+03 5.4 0.2 -3.1 -
30 -0.03 -0.45 -0.61 -0.97 3e-05 2.1 -0.067 8.5e+03 5 0.2 0.84 +
31 -0.046 -0.38 -0.62 -1.2 4.8e-05 2.1 -0.069 8.5e+03 4.4 2 1 ++
32 -0.046 -0.38 -0.62 -1.2 4.8e-05 2.1 -0.069 8.5e+03 4.4 0.3 -2.8 -
33 0.085 -0.24 -0.61 -1.5 0.0002 2.2 -0.11 8.4e+03 22 0.3 0.58 +
34 0.11 -0.18 -0.63 -1.6 0.00016 2.2 -0.097 8.4e+03 4.1 3 0.93 ++
35 0.12 -0.19 -0.62 -1.6 0.00016 2.1 -0.096 8.4e+03 0.058 30 0.99 ++
36 0.11 -0.2 -0.63 -1.6 0.00016 2.1 -0.097 8.4e+03 0.0077 3e+02 1 ++
37 0.12 -0.19 -0.63 -1.6 0.00016 2.1 -0.097 8.4e+03 0.076 3e+03 1 ++
38 0.12 -0.2 -0.63 -1.6 0.00016 2.1 -0.097 8.4e+03 0.0016 3e+04 1 ++
39 0.12 -0.19 -0.63 -1.6 0.00016 2.1 -0.097 8.4e+03 0.21 3e+05 1 ++
40 0.12 -0.2 -0.63 -1.6 0.00016 2.1 -0.097 8.4e+03 0.00064 3e+06 1 ++
41 0.12 -0.19 -0.63 -1.6 0.00016 2.1 -0.097 8.4e+03 0.039 3e+07 1 ++
42 0.12 -0.19 -0.63 -1.6 0.00016 2.1 -0.097 8.4e+03 4e-05 3e+07 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Attempt 3/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 -0.52 -0.22 -1 0.15 -0.45 -0.63 -0.43 -0.52 -0.27 -0.63 -0.32 1.4 8.9e+03 0.071 10 0.9 ++
1 -0.52 -0.22 -1 0.15 -0.45 -0.63 -0.43 -0.52 -0.27 -0.63 -0.32 1.4 8.9e+03 0.071 5 -5.4e+05 -
2 -0.52 -0.22 -1 0.15 -0.45 -0.63 -0.43 -0.52 -0.27 -0.63 -0.32 1.4 8.9e+03 0.071 2.5 -32 -
3 -0.52 -0.22 -1 0.15 -0.45 -0.63 -0.43 -0.52 -0.27 -0.63 -0.32 1.4 8.9e+03 0.071 1.2 -0.76 -
4 -0.19 -0.6 -0.99 1.4 -0.77 -0.31 -0.51 -0.89 -0.58 -0.88 -0.56 1.4 8.3e+03 0.017 12 0.92 ++
5 -0.19 -0.6 -0.99 1.4 -0.77 -0.31 -0.51 -0.89 -0.58 -0.88 -0.56 1.4 8.3e+03 0.017 6.2 -1.9e+06 -
6 -0.19 -0.6 -0.99 1.4 -0.77 -0.31 -0.51 -0.89 -0.58 -0.88 -0.56 1.4 8.3e+03 0.017 3.1 -1.9e+02 -
7 -0.19 -0.6 -0.99 1.4 -0.77 -0.31 -0.51 -0.89 -0.58 -0.88 -0.56 1.4 8.3e+03 0.017 1.6 -13 -
8 -0.19 -0.6 -0.99 1.4 -0.77 -0.31 -0.51 -0.89 -0.58 -0.88 -0.56 1.4 8.3e+03 0.017 0.78 -0.66 -
9 -0.12 -0.75 -1 1.6 -0.84 -0.55 -0.71 -1.2 -0.67 -1.1 -0.75 0.62 8.2e+03 0.0093 7.8 1.1 ++
10 0.094 -0.94 -0.71 1.5 -0.82 -0.97 -0.8 -1.6 -0.26 -1.7 -0.92 0.25 8.1e+03 0.0056 78 1.1 ++
11 0.12 -0.96 -0.66 1.5 -0.83 -1 -0.86 -1.6 -0.32 -1.9 -0.98 0.2 8.1e+03 0.00035 7.8e+02 1 ++
12 0.12 -0.96 -0.66 1.5 -0.83 -1 -0.86 -1.6 -0.32 -1.9 -0.98 0.2 8.1e+03 4.1e-06 7.8e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:FIRST;B_TIME_gen_altspec:altspec;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:boxcox [8128.954751986814, 12]
Attempt 4/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 8 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -1.9 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.03 -
2 0.0078 -0.25 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.4 2.5 1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.25 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.4 1.2 -4.1 -
4 0.0078 -0.25 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.4 0.62 -2.6 -
5 0.0078 -0.25 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.4 0.31 -1.1 -
6 0.048 -0.47 0.022 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.31 0.27 +
7 0.048 -0.47 0.022 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.16 -0.39 -
8 0.048 -0.47 0.022 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.078 -0.14 -
9 0.048 -0.47 0.022 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.039 -0.057 -
10 0.048 -0.47 0.022 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.02 -0.027 -
11 0.048 -0.47 0.022 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.0098 -0.016 -
12 0.048 -0.47 0.022 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.0049 -0.012 -
13 0.05 -0.46 0.024 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 0.00036 0.23 9.2e+03 6.5 0.0049 0.4 +
14 0.05 -0.46 0.024 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 0.00036 0.23 9.2e+03 6.5 0.0024 -0.44 -
15 0.052 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0021 0.22 9.1e+03 4.7 0.0024 0.48 +
16 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.024 1.3 ++
17 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.012 -2.2 -
18 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.0061 -2.9 -
19 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.0031 -3.4 -
20 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.0015 -2.5 -
21 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.00076 -1.3 -
22 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.00038 0.0084 -
23 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.4 0.0038 1 ++
24 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.4 0.0019 -2.8 -
25 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.4 0.00095 -3.4 -
26 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.4 0.00048 -3.1 -
27 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.4 0.00024 -1.6 -
28 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.4 0.00012 -0.29 -
29 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9e+03 0.11 0.00012 0.79 +
30 0.053 -0.46 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9e+03 0.4 0.0012 1 ++
31 0.054 -0.46 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9e+03 0.11 0.012 1 ++
32 0.056 -0.46 0.03 0.21 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9e+03 0.85 0.12 1 ++
33 0.073 -0.45 0.054 0.088 -0.47 -0.54 -0.001 0.18 8.9e+03 0.045 1.2 0.98 ++
34 -0.47 -0.26 -0.28 -0.72 -1.7 -0.88 -0.00024 -0.0084 8.5e+03 0.58 12 1 ++
35 -0.41 -0.034 -0.32 -0.79 -1.8 -1.3 -0.0002 -0.013 8.4e+03 1.8 1.2e+02 1.1 ++
36 -0.41 -0.034 -0.32 -0.79 -1.8 -1.3 -0.0002 -0.013 8.4e+03 1.8 60 -4.7e+02 -
37 -0.41 -0.034 -0.32 -0.79 -1.8 -1.3 -0.0002 -0.013 8.4e+03 1.8 30 -4.3e+02 -
38 -0.41 -0.034 -0.32 -0.79 -1.8 -1.3 -0.0002 -0.013 8.4e+03 1.8 15 -3.6e+02 -
39 -0.41 -0.034 -0.32 -0.79 -1.8 -1.3 -0.0002 -0.013 8.4e+03 1.8 7.5 -2.8e+02 -
40 -0.41 -0.034 -0.32 -0.79 -1.8 -1.3 -0.0002 -0.013 8.4e+03 1.8 3.7 -1.8e+02 -
41 -0.41 -0.034 -0.32 -0.79 -1.8 -1.3 -0.0002 -0.013 8.4e+03 1.8 1.9 -96 -
42 -0.41 -0.034 -0.32 -0.79 -1.8 -1.3 -0.0002 -0.013 8.4e+03 1.8 0.93 -35 -
43 -0.41 -0.034 -0.32 -0.79 -1.8 -1.3 -0.0002 -0.013 8.4e+03 1.8 0.47 -10 -
44 -0.41 -0.034 -0.32 -0.79 -1.8 -1.3 -0.0002 -0.013 8.4e+03 1.8 0.23 -3.5 -
45 -0.41 -0.034 -0.32 -0.79 -1.8 -1.3 -0.0002 -0.013 8.4e+03 1.8 0.12 -0.29 -
46 -0.43 -0.073 -0.36 -0.72 -1.9 -1.5 7.6e-05 -0.09 8.4e+03 16 0.12 0.47 +
47 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 0.00014 -0.084 8.4e+03 15 0.12 0.67 +
48 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 0.00014 -0.084 8.4e+03 15 0.058 -1 -
49 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 0.00014 -0.084 8.4e+03 15 0.029 -1.1 -
50 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 0.00014 -0.084 8.4e+03 15 0.015 -1.2 -
51 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 0.00014 -0.084 8.4e+03 15 0.0073 -1.3 -
52 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 0.00014 -0.084 8.4e+03 15 0.0036 -1.5 -
53 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 0.00014 -0.084 8.4e+03 15 0.0018 -1.6 -
54 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 0.00014 -0.084 8.4e+03 15 0.00091 -1.6 -
55 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 0.00014 -0.084 8.4e+03 15 0.00045 -1.7 -
56 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 0.00014 -0.084 8.4e+03 15 0.00023 -1.7 -
57 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 0.00014 -0.084 8.4e+03 15 0.00011 -1.6 -
58 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 0.00014 -0.084 8.4e+03 15 5.7e-05 -0.28 -
59 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 7.8e-05 -0.084 8.4e+03 6.8 5.7e-05 0.55 +
60 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 9.3e-05 -0.084 8.4e+03 1.7 5.7e-05 0.82 +
61 -0.39 -0.079 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 9e-05 -0.084 8.4e+03 0.02 0.00057 1 ++
62 -0.39 -0.078 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 8.8e-05 -0.083 8.4e+03 0.4 0.0057 1 ++
63 -0.39 -0.075 -0.35 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 6.5e-05 -0.078 8.4e+03 0.094 0.057 1 ++
64 -0.4 -0.042 -0.38 -0.77 -1.9 -1.6 0.00011 -0.089 8.4e+03 0.52 0.57 0.97 ++
65 -0.28 0.19 -0.38 -0.83 -1.9 -2.2 0.00024 -0.12 8.3e+03 6.4 0.57 0.88 +
66 -0.29 0.22 -0.37 -0.84 -2 -2.2 0.00021 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.68 5.7 0.98 ++
67 -0.29 0.21 -0.37 -0.84 -2 -2.2 0.00021 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.018 57 1 ++
68 -0.29 0.21 -0.37 -0.84 -2 -2.2 0.00021 -0.11 8.3e+03 6.5e-06 57 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 10 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -2 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.14 -
2 0.25 -0.25 -0.024 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 2.1 2.5 1 ++
3 0.25 -0.25 -0.024 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 2.1 1.2 1 -
4 0.25 -0.25 -0.024 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 2.1 0.62 1 -
5 0.25 -0.25 -0.024 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 2.1 0.31 -2.2 -
6 0.25 -0.25 -0.024 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 2.1 0.16 -0.91 -
7 0.23 -0.32 -0.04 0.21 -0.33 -0.41 -0.31 -0.0034 1.3 0.15 9.1e+03 13 0.16 0.13 +
8 0.23 -0.32 -0.04 0.21 -0.33 -0.41 -0.31 -0.0034 1.3 0.15 9.1e+03 13 0.078 -0.11 -
9 0.23 -0.32 -0.04 0.21 -0.33 -0.41 -0.31 -0.0034 1.3 0.15 9.1e+03 13 0.039 0.048 -
10 0.23 -0.31 -0.037 0.17 -0.33 -0.44 -0.32 0.0022 1.4 0.12 9.1e+03 6.4 0.039 0.14 +
11 0.23 -0.31 -0.037 0.17 -0.33 -0.44 -0.32 0.0022 1.4 0.12 9.1e+03 6.4 0.02 0.14 -
12 0.23 -0.31 -0.037 0.17 -0.33 -0.44 -0.32 0.0022 1.4 0.12 9.1e+03 6.4 0.0098 -2 -
13 0.23 -0.31 -0.037 0.17 -0.33 -0.44 -0.32 0.0022 1.4 0.12 9.1e+03 6.4 0.0049 -1.2 -
14 0.23 -0.31 -0.037 0.17 -0.33 -0.44 -0.32 0.0022 1.4 0.12 9.1e+03 6.4 0.0024 0.097 -
15 0.23 -0.31 -0.035 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00023 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 6.2 0.024 1 ++
16 0.23 -0.31 -0.035 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00023 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 6.2 0.012 1 -
17 0.23 -0.31 -0.035 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00023 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 6.2 0.0061 -2.3 -
18 0.23 -0.31 -0.035 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00023 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 6.2 0.0031 -1.8 -
19 0.23 -0.31 -0.035 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00023 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 6.2 0.0015 -1.1 -
20 0.23 -0.31 -0.035 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00023 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 6.2 0.00076 -0.25 -
21 0.23 -0.31 -0.034 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.001 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 3.6 0.00076 0.42 +
22 0.23 -0.31 -0.034 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.001 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 3.6 0.00038 -0.81 -
23 0.22 -0.31 -0.034 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00061 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 5.7 0.00038 0.37 +
24 0.22 -0.31 -0.034 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00061 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 5.7 0.00019 -0.21 -
25 0.22 -0.31 -0.034 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00081 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 2.9 0.00019 0.31 +
26 0.22 -0.31 -0.034 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00081 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 2.9 9.5e-05 -0.58 -
27 0.22 -0.31 -0.033 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00071 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 0.9 9.5e-05 0.68 +
28 0.22 -0.31 -0.033 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00072 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 0.076 0.00095 1 ++
29 0.22 -0.31 -0.033 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00073 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 0.23 0.0095 1 ++
30 0.22 -0.31 -0.033 0.16 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00072 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 0.073 0.095 1 ++
31 0.21 -0.3 -0.033 0.061 -0.36 -0.46 -0.32 -0.0007 1.4 0.11 8.8e+03 0.13 0.95 1 ++
32 -0.48 0.046 -0.25 -0.75 -1.3 -0.8 -0.56 0.00039 2 -0.15 8.6e+03 18 0.95 0.3 +
33 -0.48 0.046 -0.25 -0.75 -1.3 -0.8 -0.56 0.00039 2 -0.15 8.6e+03 18 0.48 -0.53 -
34 -0.4 -0.067 -0.28 -0.7 -1.2 -1.3 -0.78 -6.8e-05 2.1 -0.048 8.4e+03 11 0.48 0.45 +
35 -0.4 -0.067 -0.28 -0.7 -1.2 -1.3 -0.78 -6.8e-05 2.1 -0.048 8.4e+03 11 0.24 -1.7 -
36 -0.4 -0.067 -0.28 -0.7 -1.2 -1.3 -0.78 -6.8e-05 2.1 -0.048 8.4e+03 11 0.12 -0.54 -
37 -0.4 -0.067 -0.28 -0.7 -1.2 -1.3 -0.78 -6.8e-05 2.1 -0.048 8.4e+03 11 0.06 -0.033 -
38 -0.4 -0.061 -0.27 -0.71 -1.2 -1.3 -0.78 0.00021 2.1 -0.11 8.3e+03 7.7 0.06 0.86 +
39 -0.35 -0.011 -0.25 -0.75 -1.2 -1.3 -0.75 0.00015 2 -0.097 8.3e+03 11 0.6 0.94 ++
40 -0.23 0.11 -0.27 -0.71 -1.2 -1.6 -0.55 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.2e+03 5.2 6 0.99 ++
41 -0.23 0.12 -0.26 -0.72 -1.3 -1.7 -0.56 0.00019 1.7 -0.11 8.2e+03 1.6 60 0.95 ++
42 -0.23 0.12 -0.27 -0.72 -1.3 -1.7 -0.56 0.00019 1.7 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.037 6e+02 1 ++
43 -0.23 0.12 -0.27 -0.72 -1.3 -1.7 -0.56 0.00019 1.7 -0.11 8.2e+03 2.4e-05 6e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:no_seg;B_COST_gen_altspec:altspec;B_TIME:FIRST;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:power [8236.97623104118, 10]
Attempt 5/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 9 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.22 -
1 0.0075 -0.27 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0073 1.2 0.00075 9.4e+03 0.78 0.5 0.88 +
2 0.0075 -0.27 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0073 1.2 0.00075 9.4e+03 0.78 0.25 0.88 -
3 0.0075 -0.27 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0073 1.2 0.00075 9.4e+03 0.78 0.12 0.88 -
4 0.0075 -0.27 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0073 1.2 0.00075 9.4e+03 0.78 0.062 0.88 -
5 0.0075 -0.27 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0073 1.2 0.00075 9.4e+03 0.78 0.031 -15 -
6 0.0075 -0.27 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0073 1.2 0.00075 9.4e+03 0.78 0.016 -7 -
7 0.0075 -0.27 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0073 1.2 0.00075 9.4e+03 0.78 0.0078 -3 -
8 -0.0003 -0.27 -0.046 -0.028 0.19 -0.51 -0.0005 1.2 -0.0071 9.3e+03 0.12 0.0078 0.87 +
9 -0.0041 -0.27 -0.053 -0.036 0.19 -0.51 -0.00023 1.2 -0.0047 9.3e+03 0.073 0.078 1 ++
10 -0.041 -0.28 -0.12 -0.11 0.19 -0.54 -0.00049 1.2 0.019 9.2e+03 0.58 0.78 0.99 ++
11 -0.15 -0.3 -0.9 -0.51 -0.32 -0.75 0.00066 1.7 0.15 8.8e+03 8.1 0.78 0.58 +
12 -0.15 -0.3 -0.9 -0.51 -0.32 -0.75 0.00066 1.7 0.15 8.8e+03 8.1 0.39 0.58 -
13 -0.15 -0.3 -0.9 -0.51 -0.32 -0.75 0.00066 1.7 0.15 8.8e+03 8.1 0.2 0.58 -
14 -0.15 -0.3 -0.9 -0.51 -0.32 -0.75 0.00066 1.7 0.15 8.8e+03 8.1 0.098 0.58 -
15 -0.15 -0.3 -0.9 -0.51 -0.32 -0.75 0.00066 1.7 0.15 8.8e+03 8.1 0.049 0.58 -
16 -0.15 -0.3 -0.9 -0.51 -0.32 -0.75 0.00066 1.7 0.15 8.8e+03 8.1 0.024 0.58 -
17 -0.15 -0.3 -0.9 -0.51 -0.32 -0.75 0.00066 1.7 0.15 8.8e+03 8.1 0.012 0.58 -
18 -0.15 -0.3 -0.9 -0.51 -0.32 -0.75 0.00066 1.7 0.15 8.8e+03 8.1 0.0061 -2.1 -
19 -0.15 -0.3 -0.9 -0.51 -0.32 -0.75 0.00066 1.7 0.15 8.8e+03 8.1 0.0031 -1.2 -
20 -0.15 -0.3 -0.9 -0.51 -0.32 -0.75 0.00066 1.7 0.15 8.8e+03 8.1 0.0015 -0.069 -
21 -0.14 -0.3 -0.9 -0.51 -0.32 -0.75 -0.00087 1.7 0.15 8.6e+03 2.3 0.015 0.95 ++
22 -0.14 -0.3 -0.89 -0.5 -0.33 -0.75 -0.0008 1.7 0.14 8.6e+03 0.41 0.15 1 ++
23 -0.15 -0.26 -0.81 -0.47 -0.49 -0.72 -0.00087 1.7 0.15 8.5e+03 0.016 1.5 0.97 ++
24 -0.15 -0.26 -0.81 -0.47 -0.49 -0.72 -0.00087 1.7 0.15 8.5e+03 0.016 0.28 -1.1 -
25 -0.35 -0.22 -0.57 -0.54 -0.77 -0.82 -0.00078 1.9 0.13 8.5e+03 0.1 2.8 0.94 ++
26 -0.35 -0.22 -0.57 -0.54 -0.77 -0.82 -0.00078 1.9 0.13 8.5e+03 0.1 1.4 0.94 -
27 -0.35 -0.22 -0.57 -0.54 -0.77 -0.82 -0.00078 1.9 0.13 8.5e+03 0.1 0.7 -1.2e+02 -
28 -0.35 -0.22 -0.57 -0.54 -0.77 -0.82 -0.00078 1.9 0.13 8.5e+03 0.1 0.35 -7.9 -
29 -0.39 -0.29 -0.75 -0.73 -1 -1.1 -1.9e-05 2.2 -0.052 8.4e+03 1.6 0.35 0.74 +
30 -0.51 -0.095 -0.54 -0.85 -1.4 -1.4 2.1e-05 2.5 -0.064 8.3e+03 3.5 3.5 1 ++
31 -0.51 -0.095 -0.54 -0.85 -1.4 -1.4 2.1e-05 2.5 -0.064 8.3e+03 3.5 0.49 -14 -
32 -0.51 -0.095 -0.54 -0.85 -1.4 -1.4 2.1e-05 2.5 -0.064 8.3e+03 3.5 0.24 -2.2 -
33 -0.47 -0.089 -0.64 -1.1 -1.6 -1.7 0.00023 2.6 -0.11 8.3e+03 34 0.24 0.31 +
34 -0.52 0.06 -0.58 -1.2 -1.8 -1.9 0.0002 2.7 -0.1 8.3e+03 11 0.24 0.87 +
35 -0.49 0.045 -0.6 -1.2 -1.8 -1.9 0.00019 2.4 -0.1 8.3e+03 6.3 0.24 0.9 +
36 -0.49 0.096 -0.61 -1.3 -1.9 -2 0.00021 2.4 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.11 2.4 1 ++
37 -0.48 0.099 -0.62 -1.3 -1.9 -2 0.0002 2.3 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.0026 24 0.97 ++
38 -0.48 0.11 -0.62 -1.3 -1.9 -2 0.00021 2.3 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.014 2.4e+02 1 ++
39 -0.47 0.11 -0.62 -1.3 -1.9 -2.1 0.00021 2.3 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.0048 2.4e+03 1 ++
40 -0.47 0.11 -0.62 -1.3 -1.9 -2.1 0.00021 2.3 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.00016 2.4e+04 1 ++
41 -0.47 0.11 -0.62 -1.3 -1.9 -2.1 0.00021 2.3 -0.11 8.3e+03 4.5e-06 2.4e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_commuter cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -1.1 -
1 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 5 1 ++
2 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 2.5 1 -
3 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 1.2 1 -
4 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 0.62 1 -
5 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 0.31 1 -
6 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 0.16 1 -
7 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 0.078 1 -
8 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 0.039 1 -
9 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 0.02 1 -
10 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 0.0098 1 -
11 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 0.0049 -2.6 -
12 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 0.0024 -2.1 -
13 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 0.0012 -1.6 -
14 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 0.00061 -0.94 -
15 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 0 1.5 0 9e+03 8.8 0.00031 -0.18 -
16 0.022 -0.018 -0.0056 -0.5 -0.42 -0.016 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 -0.00031 1.5 0.00031 9e+03 6 0.00031 0.61 +
17 0.022 -0.018 -0.0056 -0.5 -0.42 -0.016 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 -0.00031 1.5 0.00031 9e+03 6 0.00015 -0.34 -
18 0.022 -0.018 -0.0056 -0.5 -0.42 -0.016 -0.11 -0.5 -0.14 -0.00031 1.5 0.00031 9e+03 6 7.6e-05 -0.41 -
19 0.022 -0.018 -0.0057 -0.5 -0.42 -0.016 -0.12 -0.5 -0.14 -0.00023 1.5 0.00038 9e+03 1.9 7.6e-05 0.67 +
20 0.022 -0.018 -0.0057 -0.5 -0.42 -0.016 -0.12 -0.5 -0.14 -0.00024 1.5 0.00046 9e+03 0.067 0.00076 1 ++
21 0.022 -0.019 -0.0057 -0.5 -0.42 -0.016 -0.12 -0.5 -0.14 -0.00025 1.5 0.0012 9e+03 0.58 0.0076 1 ++
22 0.018 -0.024 -0.006 -0.5 -0.42 -0.016 -0.12 -0.51 -0.14 -0.00028 1.5 0.0089 9e+03 0.062 0.076 1 ++
23 -0.015 -0.073 -0.0087 -0.49 -0.36 -0.016 -0.2 -0.57 -0.15 -0.0006 1.5 0.085 8.8e+03 0.86 0.76 0.99 ++
24 0.19 -0.25 -0.065 -0.54 0.4 0.013 -0.78 -0.96 -0.092 -7e-05 2.1 -0.038 8.5e+03 14 0.76 0.7 +
25 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 0.76 0.66 +
26 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 0.38 -1.8 -
27 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 0.19 -1 -
28 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 0.095 -0.68 -
29 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 0.048 -0.62 -
30 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 0.024 -0.63 -
31 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 0.012 -0.66 -
32 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 0.006 -0.68 -
33 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 0.003 -0.57 -
34 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 0.0015 -0.53 -
35 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 0.00075 -0.51 -
36 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 0.00037 -0.5 -
37 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 0.00019 -0.5 -
38 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00017 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 67 9.3e-05 -0.18 -
39 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00026 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 25 9.3e-05 0.28 +
40 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00026 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 25 4.7e-05 -0.073 -
41 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00022 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 1.2 0.00047 0.91 ++
42 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00021 2.5 -0.11 8.4e+03 0.19 0.0047 1 ++
43 0.046 0.022 -0.51 -0.5 0.38 0.42 -0.48 -1.2 -0.4 0.00019 2.5 -0.1 8.4e+03 1.3 0.047 1 ++
44 0.04 -0.0092 -0.5 -0.51 0.41 0.4 -0.53 -1.3 -0.41 0.00014 2.5 -0.093 8.4e+03 2.3 0.47 1 ++
45 0.12 -0.0087 -0.41 -0.49 0.45 0.26 -0.62 -1.6 -0.49 0.00018 2 -0.1 8.3e+03 1.7 4.7 1 ++
46 0.15 -0.027 -0.48 -0.55 0.52 0.33 -0.63 -1.7 -0.58 0.00017 1.9 -0.1 8.3e+03 0.027 47 1.1 ++
47 0.16 -0.029 -0.49 -0.56 0.53 0.34 -0.63 -1.7 -0.61 0.00017 1.9 -0.1 8.3e+03 0.0025 4.7e+02 1 ++
48 0.16 -0.029 -0.49 -0.56 0.53 0.34 -0.63 -1.7 -0.61 0.00017 1.9 -0.1 8.3e+03 0.009 4.7e+03 1 ++
49 0.16 -0.029 -0.49 -0.56 0.53 0.34 -0.63 -1.7 -0.61 0.00017 1.9 -0.1 8.3e+03 1.6e-05 4.7e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Attempt 6/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_1st_ B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_1st_c B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_1s cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.39 -
1 0.0073 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.0088 0.2 0.1 -0.5 -0.28 0.027 1.2 0.0028 9.7e+03 1.5 0.5 0.46 +
2 0.0073 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.0088 0.2 0.1 -0.5 -0.28 0.027 1.2 0.0028 9.7e+03 1.5 0.25 0.46 -
3 0.0073 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.0088 0.2 0.1 -0.5 -0.28 0.027 1.2 0.0028 9.7e+03 1.5 0.12 0.46 -
4 0.0073 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.0088 0.2 0.1 -0.5 -0.28 0.027 1.2 0.0028 9.7e+03 1.5 0.062 0.46 -
5 0.0073 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.0088 0.2 0.1 -0.5 -0.28 0.027 1.2 0.0028 9.7e+03 1.5 0.031 -6.7 -
6 -0.0017 -0.26 -0.054 0.01 -0.022 0.17 0.08 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0047 1.2 -0.017 9.6e+03 7.8 0.031 0.3 +
7 -0.0017 -0.26 -0.054 0.01 -0.022 0.17 0.08 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0047 1.2 -0.017 9.6e+03 7.8 0.016 -0.0063 -
8 -0.0084 -0.26 -0.063 -0.0053 -0.028 0.17 0.08 -0.48 -0.27 0.011 1.2 -0.0019 9.4e+03 0.99 0.016 0.17 +
9 -0.0084 -0.26 -0.063 -0.0053 -0.028 0.17 0.08 -0.48 -0.27 0.011 1.2 -0.0019 9.4e+03 0.99 0.0078 -0.67 -
10 -0.016 -0.26 -0.071 -0.013 -0.036 0.16 0.072 -0.47 -0.26 0.0031 1.2 -0.0097 9.3e+03 0.78 0.078 0.99 ++
11 -0.016 -0.26 -0.071 -0.013 -0.036 0.16 0.072 -0.47 -0.26 0.0031 1.2 -0.0097 9.3e+03 0.78 0.039 -10 -
12 -0.016 -0.26 -0.071 -0.013 -0.036 0.16 0.072 -0.47 -0.26 0.0031 1.2 -0.0097 9.3e+03 0.78 0.02 -10 -
13 -0.016 -0.26 -0.071 -0.013 -0.036 0.16 0.072 -0.47 -0.26 0.0031 1.2 -0.0097 9.3e+03 0.78 0.0098 -11 -
14 -0.016 -0.26 -0.071 -0.013 -0.036 0.16 0.072 -0.47 -0.26 0.0031 1.2 -0.0097 9.3e+03 0.78 0.0049 -5 -
15 -0.016 -0.26 -0.071 -0.013 -0.036 0.16 0.072 -0.47 -0.26 0.0031 1.2 -0.0097 9.3e+03 0.78 0.0024 -0.014 -
16 -0.019 -0.25 -0.073 -0.016 -0.038 0.16 0.07 -0.47 -0.26 0.00066 1.2 -0.012 9.2e+03 0.51 0.024 0.96 ++
17 -0.019 -0.25 -0.073 -0.016 -0.038 0.16 0.07 -0.47 -0.26 0.00066 1.2 -0.012 9.2e+03 0.51 0.012 -1.5 -
18 -0.019 -0.25 -0.073 -0.016 -0.038 0.16 0.07 -0.47 -0.26 0.00066 1.2 -0.012 9.2e+03 0.51 0.0061 -2.2 -
19 -0.019 -0.25 -0.073 -0.016 -0.038 0.16 0.07 -0.47 -0.26 0.00066 1.2 -0.012 9.2e+03 0.51 0.0031 -3.4 -
20 -0.019 -0.25 -0.073 -0.016 -0.038 0.16 0.07 -0.47 -0.26 0.00066 1.2 -0.012 9.2e+03 0.51 0.0015 -4.7 -
21 -0.02 -0.25 -0.075 -0.017 -0.04 0.16 0.068 -0.47 -0.26 -0.00087 1.2 -0.013 9.2e+03 1.2 0.0015 0.74 +
22 -0.021 -0.25 -0.076 -0.019 -0.041 0.16 0.068 -0.47 -0.26 -0.00069 1.2 -0.013 9.2e+03 0.26 0.015 1 ++
23 -0.029 -0.25 -0.089 -0.034 -0.049 0.16 0.066 -0.48 -0.27 -0.00057 1.2 -0.011 9.2e+03 0.1 0.15 1 ++
24 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.19 -0.13 0.12 0.034 -0.5 -0.28 0.00038 1.3 0.013 9e+03 2.2 0.15 0.88 +
25 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.19 -0.13 0.12 0.034 -0.5 -0.28 0.00038 1.3 0.013 9e+03 2.2 0.076 -8 -
26 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.19 -0.13 0.12 0.034 -0.5 -0.28 0.00038 1.3 0.013 9e+03 2.2 0.038 -8.1 -
27 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.19 -0.13 0.12 0.034 -0.5 -0.28 0.00038 1.3 0.013 9e+03 2.2 0.019 -8.5 -
28 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.19 -0.13 0.12 0.034 -0.5 -0.28 0.00038 1.3 0.013 9e+03 2.2 0.0095 -8.9 -
29 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.19 -0.13 0.12 0.034 -0.5 -0.28 0.00038 1.3 0.013 9e+03 2.2 0.0048 -6.8 -
30 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.19 -0.13 0.12 0.034 -0.5 -0.28 0.00038 1.3 0.013 9e+03 2.2 0.0024 -3.6 -
31 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.19 -0.13 0.12 0.034 -0.5 -0.28 0.00038 1.3 0.013 9e+03 2.2 0.0012 -1.3 -
32 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.19 -0.13 0.12 0.032 -0.5 -0.28 -0.00081 1.3 0.012 9e+03 3 0.0012 0.24 +
33 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.18 -0.13 0.12 0.032 -0.5 -0.28 -7.3e-05 1.3 0.012 9e+03 1.8 0.0012 0.68 +
34 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.18 -0.13 0.12 0.032 -0.5 -0.28 -7.3e-05 1.3 0.012 9e+03 1.8 0.0006 -0.17 -
35 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.18 -0.13 0.12 0.032 -0.5 -0.28 -7.3e-05 1.3 0.012 9e+03 1.8 0.0003 -0.15 -
36 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.18 -0.13 0.12 0.031 -0.5 -0.28 -0.00037 1.3 0.011 9e+03 0.68 0.0003 0.66 +
37 -0.1 -0.25 -0.24 -0.18 -0.13 0.12 0.031 -0.5 -0.28 -0.00031 1.3 0.011 9e+03 0.068 0.003 0.99 ++
38 -0.099 -0.25 -0.25 -0.18 -0.12 0.11 0.029 -0.5 -0.28 -0.00033 1.3 0.011 9e+03 0.26 0.03 1 ++
39 -0.087 -0.25 -0.27 -0.17 -0.11 0.085 0.01 -0.51 -0.28 -0.00028 1.3 0.011 8.9e+03 0.052 0.3 1 ++
40 -0.06 -0.25 -0.54 -0.19 -0.12 -0.21 -0.18 -0.58 -0.31 -0.0006 1.4 0.12 8.7e+03 1.8 0.3 0.7 +
41 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.0025 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 3 0.3 0.23 +
42 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.0025 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 3 0.15 -3.8 -
43 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.0025 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 3 0.075 -4.4 -
44 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.0025 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 3 0.037 -3.4 -
45 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.0025 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 3 0.019 -2.4 -
46 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.0025 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 3 0.0093 -1.9 -
47 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.0025 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 3 0.0047 -1.7 -
48 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.0025 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 3 0.0023 -1.5 -
49 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.0025 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 3 0.0012 -1.1 -
50 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.0025 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 3 0.00058 -0.52 -
51 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.0019 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 5.4 0.00058 0.66 +
52 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.002 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 1.8 0.00058 0.72 +
53 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.0019 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 1.3 0.00058 0.89 +
54 -0.16 -0.21 -0.62 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.002 1.6 0.42 8.6e+03 0.16 0.0058 1 ++
55 -0.16 -0.21 -0.63 -0.38 -0.29 -0.37 -0.25 -0.54 -0.27 -0.002 1.6 0.41 8.6e+03 0.67 0.058 1 ++
56 -0.14 -0.21 -0.63 -0.32 -0.25 -0.4 -0.27 -0.53 -0.27 -0.0018 1.6 0.39 8.5e+03 0.08 0.58 1 ++
57 -0.14 -0.21 -0.63 -0.32 -0.25 -0.4 -0.27 -0.53 -0.27 -0.0018 1.6 0.39 8.5e+03 0.08 0.29 -1.7 -
58 -0.37 -0.29 -0.77 -0.26 -0.37 -0.41 -0.36 -0.6 -0.33 -0.00067 1.8 0.095 8.4e+03 0.81 0.29 0.64 +
59 -0.45 -0.29 -0.64 -0.38 -0.47 -0.7 -0.54 -0.73 -0.48 -0.0005 2.1 0.066 8.4e+03 1.8 2.9 1.1 ++
60 -0.45 -0.29 -0.64 -0.38 -0.47 -0.7 -0.54 -0.73 -0.48 -0.0005 2.1 0.066 8.4e+03 1.8 1.5 1.1 -
61 -0.45 -0.29 -0.64 -0.38 -0.47 -0.7 -0.54 -0.73 -0.48 -0.0005 2.1 0.066 8.4e+03 1.8 0.73 -1.8e+02 -
62 -0.45 -0.29 -0.64 -0.38 -0.47 -0.7 -0.54 -0.73 -0.48 -0.0005 2.1 0.066 8.4e+03 1.8 0.36 -29 -
63 -0.45 -0.29 -0.64 -0.38 -0.47 -0.7 -0.54 -0.73 -0.48 -0.0005 2.1 0.066 8.4e+03 1.8 0.18 -2.2 -
64 -0.47 -0.27 -0.73 -0.46 -0.62 -0.85 -0.59 -0.92 -0.51 4.4e-06 2.2 -0.061 8.3e+03 2.6 0.18 0.25 +
65 -0.53 -0.17 -0.59 -0.53 -0.64 -1 -0.66 -1.1 -0.61 -2e-05 2.3 -0.052 8.3e+03 0.57 1.8 0.98 ++
66 -0.53 -0.17 -0.59 -0.53 -0.64 -1 -0.66 -1.1 -0.61 -2e-05 2.3 -0.052 8.3e+03 0.57 0.68 -48 -
67 -0.53 -0.17 -0.59 -0.53 -0.64 -1 -0.66 -1.1 -0.61 -2e-05 2.3 -0.052 8.3e+03 0.57 0.34 -7.8 -
68 -0.53 -0.17 -0.59 -0.53 -0.64 -1 -0.66 -1.1 -0.61 -2e-05 2.3 -0.052 8.3e+03 0.57 0.17 -0.12 -
69 -0.51 -0.15 -0.71 -0.65 -0.72 -1.2 -0.71 -1.3 -0.63 0.00013 2.4 -0.088 8.3e+03 1.7 0.17 0.89 +
70 -0.54 -0.058 -0.62 -0.74 -0.73 -1.4 -0.74 -1.4 -0.67 0.00017 2.4 -0.097 8.3e+03 0.24 1.7 1 ++
71 -0.53 0.079 -0.68 -0.98 -0.68 -1.7 -0.62 -1.8 -0.63 0.00022 2.2 -0.11 8.3e+03 6.4 17 0.94 ++
72 -0.5 0.089 -0.68 -1 -0.62 -1.7 -0.54 -1.8 -0.58 0.00021 2.3 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.072 1.7e+02 1 ++
73 -0.52 0.076 -0.68 -1 -0.61 -1.7 -0.53 -1.8 -0.57 0.00021 2.2 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.076 1.7e+03 1 ++
74 -0.51 0.081 -0.68 -1 -0.6 -1.7 -0.51 -1.8 -0.56 0.00021 2.2 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.00018 1.7e+04 1 ++
75 -0.51 0.081 -0.68 -1 -0.6 -1.7 -0.51 -1.8 -0.56 0.00021 2.2 -0.11 8.3e+03 1.2e-05 1.7e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 7/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 18 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.33 -
1 9.5e+03 1.1 0.5 0.7 +
2 9.5e+03 1.1 0.25 0.7 -
3 9.5e+03 1.1 0.12 0.7 -
4 9.5e+03 1.1 0.062 0.7 -
5 9.5e+03 1.1 0.031 -36 -
6 9.5e+03 1.1 0.016 -4 -
7 9.3e+03 3.9 0.016 0.77 +
8 9.3e+03 0.073 0.16 0.9 ++
9 9.1e+03 2.7 1.6 0.9 ++
10 9.1e+03 2.7 0.78 0.9 -
11 9.1e+03 2.7 0.39 0.9 -
12 9.1e+03 2.7 0.2 0.9 -
13 9.1e+03 2.7 0.098 0.9 -
14 9.1e+03 2.7 0.049 -5.8 -
15 9.1e+03 2.7 0.024 -6.3 -
16 9.1e+03 2.7 0.012 -6.8 -
17 9.1e+03 2.7 0.0061 -7.2 -
18 9.1e+03 2.7 0.0031 -4.1 -
19 9.1e+03 2.7 0.0015 -2.1 -
20 9.1e+03 2.7 0.00076 -0.59 -
21 9e+03 2.9 0.00076 0.32 +
22 9e+03 2.9 0.00038 -0.13 -
23 9e+03 1.4 0.00038 0.63 +
24 9e+03 0.31 0.0038 0.92 ++
25 9e+03 0.069 0.038 1 ++
26 9e+03 0.24 0.38 1 ++
27 8.7e+03 2.3 0.38 0.65 +
28 8.7e+03 2.3 0.19 -0.28 -
29 8.4e+03 5.9 0.19 0.86 +
30 8.4e+03 5.9 0.095 -0.41 -
31 8.4e+03 5.9 0.048 -0.4 -
32 8.4e+03 5.9 0.024 -0.66 -
33 8.4e+03 5.9 0.012 -0.98 -
34 8.4e+03 5.9 0.006 -1.2 -
35 8.4e+03 5.9 0.003 -1.4 -
36 8.4e+03 5.9 0.0015 -1.5 -
37 8.4e+03 5.9 0.00075 -1.4 -
38 8.4e+03 5.9 0.00037 -0.7 -
39 8.4e+03 5.9 0.00019 -0.13 -
40 8.4e+03 2 0.00019 0.64 +
41 8.4e+03 0.049 0.0019 0.99 ++
42 8.4e+03 0.31 0.019 1 ++
43 8.4e+03 0.041 0.19 1 ++
44 8.3e+03 0.6 0.19 0.9 +
45 8.2e+03 0.6 0.19 0.83 +
46 8.2e+03 0.4 0.19 0.89 +
47 8.1e+03 1.3 1.9 0.93 ++
48 8.1e+03 1.3 0.93 -2.3e+02 -
49 8.1e+03 1.3 0.47 -34 -
50 8.1e+03 0.14 4.7 1.1 ++
51 8.1e+03 2.3 47 1.1 ++
52 8e+03 6 4.7e+02 1.3 ++
53 8e+03 6 0.24 -0.38 -
54 8e+03 6.7 2.4 0.92 ++
55 8e+03 2.8 24 1 ++
56 8e+03 0.48 2.4e+02 0.98 ++
57 8e+03 4.3e-05 2.4e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 8/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 9 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -1.9 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 0.0044 -
2 0.0078 -0.25 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1 0 9.5e+03 1.4 2.5 1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.25 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1 0 9.5e+03 1.4 1.2 -4.6 -
4 0.0078 -0.25 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1 0 9.5e+03 1.4 0.62 -2.9 -
5 0.0078 -0.25 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1 0 9.5e+03 1.4 0.31 -1.3 -
6 0.047 -0.46 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.31 0.16 +
7 0.047 -0.46 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.16 -0.27 -
8 0.047 -0.46 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.078 0.036 -
9 0.047 -0.46 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.039 0.082 -
10 0.047 -0.46 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.02 0.07 -
11 0.047 -0.46 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.0098 0.049 -
12 0.047 -0.46 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.0049 0.034 -
13 0.048 -0.46 0.023 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 0.00035 1.2 0.22 9.2e+03 6.6 0.0049 0.41 +
14 0.048 -0.46 0.023 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 0.00035 1.2 0.22 9.2e+03 6.6 0.0024 -0.39 -
15 0.051 -0.46 0.025 0.22 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0021 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 4.8 0.0024 0.49 +
16 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.024 1.2 ++
17 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.012 -1.4 -
18 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.0061 -2.2 -
19 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.0031 -3 -
20 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.0015 -2.8 -
21 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.00076 -1.4 -
22 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.00038 -0.0051 -
23 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.3 0.0038 1 ++
24 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.3 0.0019 -2.2 -
25 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.3 0.00095 -3.1 -
26 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.3 0.00048 -3.7 -
27 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.3 0.00024 -1.7 -
28 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.3 0.00012 -0.33 -
29 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0012 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 0.22 0.00012 0.78 +
30 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0012 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 0.12 0.0012 1 ++
31 0.051 -0.46 0.026 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0012 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 0.27 0.012 1 ++
32 0.052 -0.45 0.028 0.21 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0012 1.2 0.21 9.1e+03 0.12 0.12 1 ++
33 0.057 -0.42 0.04 0.088 -0.44 -0.51 -0.00094 1.1 0.16 8.9e+03 0.046 1.2 0.99 ++
34 0.057 -0.42 0.04 0.088 -0.44 -0.51 -0.00094 1.1 0.16 8.9e+03 0.046 0.6 -2.7 -
35 -0.22 -0.37 -0.15 -0.51 -0.76 -0.81 -0.00095 1.1 0.17 8.6e+03 0.13 6 1 ++
36 -0.22 -0.37 -0.15 -0.51 -0.76 -0.81 -0.00095 1.1 0.17 8.6e+03 0.13 3 1 -
37 -0.22 -0.37 -0.15 -0.51 -0.76 -0.81 -0.00095 1.1 0.17 8.6e+03 0.13 1.5 -2e+02 -
38 -0.22 -0.37 -0.15 -0.51 -0.76 -0.81 -0.00095 1.1 0.17 8.6e+03 0.13 0.75 -38 -
39 -0.22 -0.37 -0.15 -0.51 -0.76 -0.81 -0.00095 1.1 0.17 8.6e+03 0.13 0.37 -3.2 -
40 -0.38 -0.35 -0.25 -0.48 -1.1 -0.96 0.00014 1.2 -0.098 8.6e+03 6.3 0.37 0.51 +
41 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00027 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 7.2 0.37 0.84 +
42 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00027 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 7.2 0.19 -2 -
43 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00027 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 7.2 0.093 -1.6 -
44 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00027 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 7.2 0.047 -1.3 -
45 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00027 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 7.2 0.023 -1.7 -
46 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00027 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 7.2 0.012 -1.9 -
47 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00027 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 7.2 0.0058 -2.1 -
48 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00027 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 7.2 0.0029 -2.3 -
49 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00027 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 7.2 0.0015 -2.5 -
50 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00027 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 7.2 0.00073 -2.7 -
51 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00027 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 7.2 0.00036 -2.7 -
52 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00027 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 7.2 0.00018 -1.7 -
53 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00027 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 7.2 9.1e-05 -0.19 -
54 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00018 1.2 -0.023 8.4e+03 3.6 0.00091 0.97 ++
55 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00016 1.2 -0.024 8.4e+03 1.9 0.00091 0.85 +
56 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00016 1.2 -0.025 8.4e+03 0.086 0.0091 1 ++
57 -0.42 -0.15 -0.32 -0.72 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00012 1.2 -0.034 8.4e+03 0.039 0.091 1 ++
58 -0.42 -0.16 -0.32 -0.67 -1.3 -1.4 7.9e-05 1.2 -0.082 8.4e+03 2.7 0.091 0.86 +
59 -0.43 -0.072 -0.34 -0.72 -1.4 -1.4 1.6e-05 1.2 -0.067 8.4e+03 0.9 0.91 1 ++
60 -0.43 -0.072 -0.34 -0.72 -1.4 -1.4 1.6e-05 1.2 -0.067 8.4e+03 0.9 0.4 -0.85 -
61 -0.43 0.18 -0.4 -0.79 -1.7 -1.8 0.00027 1.3 -0.13 8.4e+03 15 0.4 0.53 +
62 -0.31 0.27 -0.36 -0.85 -1.8 -2.2 0.00018 1.1 -0.1 8.3e+03 11 0.4 0.78 +
63 -0.3 0.2 -0.35 -0.82 -1.9 -2.2 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.3e+03 2.3 4 1 ++
64 -0.29 0.2 -0.35 -0.82 -1.9 -2.2 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.045 40 1 ++
65 -0.29 0.21 -0.37 -0.84 -2 -2.2 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.0057 4e+02 1 ++
66 -0.29 0.21 -0.37 -0.84 -2 -2.2 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.3e+03 1.4e-05 4e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 15 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_commuter cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -2.3 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.41 -
2 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 0 9.5e+03 2.1 2.5 1.1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 0 9.5e+03 2.1 1.2 -6.2 -
4 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 0 9.5e+03 2.1 0.62 -4.8 -
5 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 0 9.5e+03 2.1 0.31 -1.6 -
6 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 0 9.5e+03 2.1 0.16 -0.23 -
7 0.025 -0.05 -0.011 -0.0038 -0.34 0.021 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0051 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.16 0.17 +
8 0.025 -0.05 -0.011 -0.0038 -0.34 0.021 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0051 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.078 -0.79 -
9 0.025 -0.05 -0.011 -0.0038 -0.34 0.021 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0051 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.039 -0.7 -
10 0.025 -0.05 -0.011 -0.0038 -0.34 0.021 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0051 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.02 -0.64 -
11 0.025 -0.05 -0.011 -0.0038 -0.34 0.021 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0051 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.0098 -0.58 -
12 0.025 -0.05 -0.011 -0.0038 -0.34 0.021 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0051 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.0049 -0.11 -
13 0.03 -0.055 -0.016 -0.0087 -0.35 0.026 -0.17 -0.012 0.01 0.22 -0.35 -0.41 -0.085 0.0012 0.12 9.2e+03 5.2 0.0049 0.32 +
14 0.03 -0.055 -0.016 -0.0087 -0.35 0.026 -0.17 -0.012 0.01 0.22 -0.35 -0.41 -0.085 0.0012 0.12 9.2e+03 5.2 0.0024 -0.49 -
15 0.032 -0.057 -0.018 -0.011 -0.35 0.028 -0.16 -0.015 0.012 0.22 -0.35 -0.41 -0.083 -0.0013 0.12 9.1e+03 4.1 0.0024 0.66 +
16 0.033 -0.058 -0.019 -0.011 -0.35 0.029 -0.16 -0.015 0.013 0.22 -0.36 -0.42 -0.083 -0.0008 0.12 9.1e+03 1.5 0.024 1.4 ++
17 0.037 -0.065 -0.02 -0.012 -0.36 0.037 -0.16 -0.015 0.017 0.19 -0.37 -0.44 -0.086 -0.0008 0.13 9.1e+03 0.89 0.24 1 ++
18 0.071 -0.14 -0.041 -0.018 -0.43 0.12 -0.12 -0.014 0.053 -0.05 -0.49 -0.63 -0.11 -0.0013 0.25 8.8e+03 1.1 2.4 0.94 ++
19 0.071 -0.14 -0.041 -0.018 -0.43 0.12 -0.12 -0.014 0.053 -0.05 -0.49 -0.63 -0.11 -0.0013 0.25 8.8e+03 1.1 1.2 -60 -
20 0.071 -0.14 -0.041 -0.018 -0.43 0.12 -0.12 -0.014 0.053 -0.05 -0.49 -0.63 -0.11 -0.0013 0.25 8.8e+03 1.1 0.61 -8.1 -
21 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0013 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00027 0.025 8.4e+03 12 0.61 0.88 +
22 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0013 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00027 0.025 8.4e+03 12 0.31 -3.8 -
23 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0013 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00027 0.025 8.4e+03 12 0.15 -2.8 -
24 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0013 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00027 0.025 8.4e+03 12 0.076 -2.5 -
25 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0013 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00027 0.025 8.4e+03 12 0.038 -2.3 -
26 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0013 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00027 0.025 8.4e+03 12 0.019 -2.4 -
27 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0013 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00027 0.025 8.4e+03 12 0.0095 -2.8 -
28 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0013 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00027 0.025 8.4e+03 12 0.0048 -3.1 -
29 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0013 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00027 0.025 8.4e+03 12 0.0024 -3.3 -
30 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0013 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00027 0.025 8.4e+03 12 0.0012 -2.4 -
31 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0013 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00027 0.025 8.4e+03 12 0.0006 -1.2 -
32 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0013 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00027 0.025 8.4e+03 12 0.0003 -0.48 -
33 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0013 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00027 0.025 8.4e+03 12 0.00015 -0.049 -
34 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0015 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00042 0.025 8.4e+03 5.8 0.00015 0.41 +
35 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0015 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00042 0.025 8.4e+03 5.8 7.5e-05 -0.94 -
36 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0015 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00034 0.026 8.4e+03 6.7 7.5e-05 0.35 +
37 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0015 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00037 0.026 8.4e+03 1.1 7.5e-05 0.86 +
38 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0015 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00037 0.026 8.4e+03 0.082 0.00075 0.99 ++
39 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.56 0.67 0.23 0.0015 -0.14 -0.66 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.00037 0.026 8.4e+03 0.17 0.0075 1 ++
40 -0.19 -0.53 -0.32 -0.06 -0.57 0.67 0.23 0.0016 -0.14 -0.65 -1 -1 -0.1 -0.0004 0.034 8.4e+03 0.071 0.075 1 ++
41 -0.2 -0.54 -0.29 -0.065 -0.64 0.69 0.2 0.0044 -0.16 -0.6 -1.1 -1.1 -0.12 -0.00042 0.04 8.3e+03 0.023 0.75 1 ++
42 -0.2 -0.54 -0.29 -0.065 -0.64 0.69 0.2 0.0044 -0.16 -0.6 -1.1 -1.1 -0.12 -0.00042 0.04 8.3e+03 0.023 0.37 -4.5 -
43 -0.2 -0.54 -0.29 -0.065 -0.64 0.69 0.2 0.0044 -0.16 -0.6 -1.1 -1.1 -0.12 -0.00042 0.04 8.3e+03 0.023 0.19 -1.2 -
44 -0.23 -0.59 -0.2 -0.084 -0.76 0.78 0.2 0.019 -0.23 -0.56 -1.2 -1.3 -0.17 0.00015 -0.098 8.3e+03 7.7 0.19 0.52 +
45 -0.22 -0.63 -0.15 -0.097 -0.74 0.86 0.28 0.032 -0.27 -0.68 -1.2 -1.5 -0.24 -2.1e-05 -0.059 8.2e+03 4.9 1.9 0.99 ++
46 -0.22 -0.63 -0.15 -0.097 -0.74 0.86 0.28 0.032 -0.27 -0.68 -1.2 -1.5 -0.24 -2.1e-05 -0.059 8.2e+03 4.9 0.64 -7.9 -
47 -0.22 -0.63 -0.15 -0.097 -0.74 0.86 0.28 0.032 -0.27 -0.68 -1.2 -1.5 -0.24 -2.1e-05 -0.059 8.2e+03 4.9 0.32 -1.3 -
48 -0.24 -0.71 -0.092 -0.13 -0.84 0.98 0.33 0.065 -0.35 -0.67 -1.3 -1.8 -0.38 0.00029 -0.13 8.2e+03 15 0.32 0.27 +
49 -0.21 -0.78 -0.088 -0.16 -0.79 1.1 0.46 0.12 -0.35 -0.82 -1.2 -2.1 -0.59 0.00013 -0.089 8.1e+03 21 0.32 0.65 +
50 -0.21 -0.78 -0.088 -0.16 -0.79 1.1 0.46 0.12 -0.35 -0.82 -1.2 -2.1 -0.59 0.00013 -0.089 8.1e+03 21 0.16 -0.74 -
51 -0.21 -0.78 -0.088 -0.16 -0.79 1.1 0.46 0.12 -0.35 -0.82 -1.2 -2.1 -0.59 0.00013 -0.089 8.1e+03 21 0.08 -0.17 -
52 -0.21 -0.78 -0.088 -0.16 -0.79 1.1 0.46 0.12 -0.35 -0.82 -1.2 -2.1 -0.59 0.00013 -0.089 8.1e+03 21 0.04 0.063 -
53 -0.22 -0.78 -0.09 -0.17 -0.81 1.1 0.45 0.12 -0.36 -0.78 -1.2 -2.1 -0.61 0.00023 -0.12 8.1e+03 27 0.04 0.31 +
54 -0.19 -0.8 -0.081 -0.18 -0.81 1.1 0.46 0.14 -0.35 -0.79 -1.2 -2.1 -0.65 0.0002 -0.11 8.1e+03 2.4 0.4 0.95 ++
55 -0.12 -0.98 -0.092 -0.31 -0.88 1.2 0.52 0.34 -0.36 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 -1 0.00022 -0.11 8.1e+03 1.3 4 1 ++
56 -0.13 -1 -0.083 -0.46 -0.93 1.2 0.55 0.53 -0.36 -0.76 -1.1 -2.1 -1.2 0.00021 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.11 40 0.99 ++
57 -0.13 -1 -0.083 -0.51 -0.93 1.2 0.55 0.52 -0.36 -0.76 -1.1 -2.1 -1.2 0.00021 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.0022 4e+02 1 ++
58 -0.13 -1 -0.083 -0.51 -0.93 1.2 0.55 0.52 -0.36 -0.76 -1.1 -2.1 -1.2 0.00021 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.0091 4e+03 1 ++
59 -0.13 -1 -0.083 -0.51 -0.93 1.2 0.55 0.52 -0.36 -0.76 -1.1 -2.1 -1.2 0.00021 -0.11 8.1e+03 8.4e-05 4e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:GA-LUGGAGE;B_COST_gen_altspec:altspec;B_TIME:COMMUTERS;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:power [8103.203945437741, 15]
Attempt 9/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 8 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 -0.47 -0.65 -0.68 -0.63 -0.93 -0.73 -1 -0.79 8.7e+03 0.08 10 1.1 ++
1 -0.56 -0.26 -0.64 -0.76 -1.5 -1 -1.4 -1.3 8.5e+03 0.026 1e+02 1.2 ++
2 -0.59 -0.048 -0.66 -0.78 -1.8 -1.1 -1.5 -1.4 8.4e+03 0.0041 1e+03 1.1 ++
3 -0.59 -0.048 -0.66 -0.78 -1.8 -1.1 -1.5 -1.4 8.4e+03 0.00011 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 7 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.21 -
1 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 5 1.1 ++
2 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 2.5 -9.7 -
3 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 1.2 -7.6 -
4 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 0.62 -5.9 -
5 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 0.31 -4.7 -
6 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 0.16 -3.1 -
7 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 0.078 -2.4 -
8 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 0.039 -2.7 -
9 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 0.02 -3.5 -
10 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 0.0098 -4.4 -
11 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 0.0049 -5.2 -
12 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 0.0024 -4.6 -
13 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 0.0012 -2.7 -
14 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 0.00061 -1.3 -
15 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.9e+03 4.3 0.00031 -0.22 -
16 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00031 0.00031 8.9e+03 2.8 0.00031 0.65 +
17 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00023 0.00061 8.9e+03 1.2 0.00031 0.8 +
18 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00026 0.00092 8.9e+03 0.15 0.0031 0.99 ++
19 0.033 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00026 0.004 8.9e+03 0.3 0.031 1 ++
20 0.031 -0.51 -0.5 -0.52 -0.51 -0.00041 0.034 8.8e+03 0.23 0.31 1 ++
21 -0.0049 -0.67 -0.81 -0.79 -0.55 -0.00054 0.066 8.6e+03 0.77 3.1 1 ++
22 -0.0049 -0.67 -0.81 -0.79 -0.55 -0.00054 0.066 8.6e+03 0.77 1.5 -2.6e+02 -
23 -0.0049 -0.67 -0.81 -0.79 -0.55 -0.00054 0.066 8.6e+03 0.77 0.76 -97 -
24 -0.0049 -0.67 -0.81 -0.79 -0.55 -0.00054 0.066 8.6e+03 0.77 0.38 -25 -
25 -0.0049 -0.67 -0.81 -0.79 -0.55 -0.00054 0.066 8.6e+03 0.77 0.19 -4.2 -
26 -0.0047 -0.82 -0.85 -0.98 -0.65 2.8e-05 -0.068 8.6e+03 1.3 0.19 0.35 +
27 -0.0054 -0.69 -0.85 -1.2 -0.77 -5.1e-06 -0.062 8.5e+03 1.9 1.9 1 ++
28 -0.0054 -0.69 -0.85 -1.2 -0.77 -5.1e-06 -0.062 8.5e+03 1.9 0.33 -2.2 -
29 0.12 -0.59 -0.86 -1.5 -0.88 0.00019 -0.1 8.5e+03 3.3 0.33 0.57 +
30 0.14 -0.5 -0.87 -1.7 -0.82 0.00015 -0.095 8.5e+03 0.28 3.3 0.96 ++
31 0.14 -0.51 -0.86 -1.6 -0.78 0.00015 -0.094 8.5e+03 0.011 33 0.99 ++
32 0.14 -0.51 -0.86 -1.6 -0.78 0.00015 -0.094 8.5e+03 4.9e-05 33 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -2 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.29 -
2 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.5 2.5 1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.5 1.2 -4.4 -
4 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.5 0.62 -2.8 -
5 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.5 0.31 -1.3 -
6 0.041 -0.018 -0.0059 -0.44 -0.2 -0.0093 0.015 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.31 0.2 +
7 0.041 -0.018 -0.0059 -0.44 -0.2 -0.0093 0.015 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.16 -0.36 -
8 0.041 -0.018 -0.0059 -0.44 -0.2 -0.0093 0.015 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.078 -0.067 -
9 0.041 -0.018 -0.0059 -0.44 -0.2 -0.0093 0.015 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.039 0.012 -
10 0.041 -0.018 -0.0059 -0.44 -0.2 -0.0093 0.015 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.02 0.031 -
11 0.041 -0.018 -0.0059 -0.44 -0.2 -0.0093 0.015 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.0098 0.034 -
12 0.041 -0.018 -0.0059 -0.44 -0.2 -0.0093 0.015 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.0049 0.033 -
13 0.043 -0.018 -0.006 -0.44 -0.2 -0.0092 0.017 0.2 -0.45 -0.56 0.00043 0.23 9.2e+03 6.5 0.0049 0.39 +
14 0.043 -0.018 -0.006 -0.44 -0.2 -0.0092 0.017 0.2 -0.45 -0.56 0.00043 0.23 9.2e+03 6.5 0.0024 -0.38 -
15 0.045 -0.016 -0.0085 -0.44 -0.2 -0.0068 0.02 0.2 -0.45 -0.56 -0.002 0.22 9.1e+03 3.9 0.0024 0.53 +
16 0.046 -0.016 -0.0085 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0067 0.02 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.024 1.3 ++
17 0.046 -0.016 -0.0085 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0067 0.02 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.012 -3 -
18 0.046 -0.016 -0.0085 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0067 0.02 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.0061 -3.6 -
19 0.046 -0.016 -0.0085 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0067 0.02 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.0031 -3.2 -
20 0.046 -0.016 -0.0085 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0067 0.02 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.0015 -2.1 -
21 0.046 -0.016 -0.0085 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0067 0.02 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.00076 -1.3 -
22 0.046 -0.016 -0.0085 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0067 0.02 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.00038 -0.2 -
23 0.046 -0.017 -0.0089 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0064 0.021 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9.1e+03 2.1 0.0038 1 ++
24 0.047 -0.017 -0.0089 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0063 0.021 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0011 0.22 9.1e+03 6 0.0038 0.24 +
25 0.047 -0.017 -0.0089 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0063 0.021 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0011 0.22 9.1e+03 6 0.0019 0.069 -
26 0.047 -0.017 -0.0089 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0063 0.021 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0011 0.22 9.1e+03 6 0.00095 -0.071 -
27 0.047 -0.017 -0.0089 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0063 0.021 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0011 0.22 9.1e+03 6 0.00048 -0.16 -
28 0.047 -0.017 -0.0089 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0063 0.021 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0011 0.22 9.1e+03 6 0.00024 -0.15 -
29 0.047 -0.017 -0.0092 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0061 0.022 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9.1e+03 2.4 0.00024 0.27 +
30 0.047 -0.017 -0.0092 -0.44 -0.19 -0.0061 0.022 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9.1e+03 2.4 0.00012 -0.3 -
31 0.047 -0.017 -0.0093 -0.44 -0.19 -0.006 0.022 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9.1e+03 0.12 0.00012 0.78 +
32 0.047 -0.017 -0.0093 -0.44 -0.19 -0.006 0.022 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9.1e+03 0.12 0.0012 1 ++
33 0.047 -0.017 -0.0093 -0.44 -0.19 -0.006 0.022 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9.1e+03 0.13 0.012 1 ++
34 0.049 -0.017 -0.0095 -0.43 -0.19 -0.0058 0.024 0.18 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9e+03 0.098 0.12 1 ++
35 0.064 -0.022 -0.011 -0.42 -0.15 -0.0047 0.045 0.061 -0.46 -0.53 -0.001 0.18 8.9e+03 0.04 1.2 0.98 ++
36 -0.45 -0.037 -0.36 -0.72 0.65 0.46 -0.26 -0.7 -1.5 -0.87 -0.00031 0.0086 8.4e+03 0.59 12 1 ++
37 -0.37 -0.1 -0.47 -0.66 0.73 0.64 -0.35 -0.8 -1.7 -1.3 -0.00021 -0.011 8.3e+03 1.8 1.2e+02 1.2 ++
38 -0.37 -0.1 -0.47 -0.66 0.73 0.64 -0.35 -0.8 -1.7 -1.3 -0.00021 -0.011 8.3e+03 1.8 60 -5.8e+03 -
39 -0.37 -0.1 -0.47 -0.66 0.73 0.64 -0.35 -0.8 -1.7 -1.3 -0.00021 -0.011 8.3e+03 1.8 30 -3.2e+03 -
40 -0.37 -0.1 -0.47 -0.66 0.73 0.64 -0.35 -0.8 -1.7 -1.3 -0.00021 -0.011 8.3e+03 1.8 15 -2e+03 -
41 -0.37 -0.1 -0.47 -0.66 0.73 0.64 -0.35 -0.8 -1.7 -1.3 -0.00021 -0.011 8.3e+03 1.8 7.5 -9.1e+02 -
42 -0.37 -0.1 -0.47 -0.66 0.73 0.64 -0.35 -0.8 -1.7 -1.3 -0.00021 -0.011 8.3e+03 1.8 3.7 -3.9e+02 -
43 -0.37 -0.1 -0.47 -0.66 0.73 0.64 -0.35 -0.8 -1.7 -1.3 -0.00021 -0.011 8.3e+03 1.8 1.9 -1.3e+02 -
44 -0.37 -0.1 -0.47 -0.66 0.73 0.64 -0.35 -0.8 -1.7 -1.3 -0.00021 -0.011 8.3e+03 1.8 0.93 -36 -
45 -0.37 -0.1 -0.47 -0.66 0.73 0.64 -0.35 -0.8 -1.7 -1.3 -0.00021 -0.011 8.3e+03 1.8 0.47 -8.3 -
46 -0.37 -0.1 -0.47 -0.66 0.73 0.64 -0.35 -0.8 -1.7 -1.3 -0.00021 -0.011 8.3e+03 1.8 0.23 -2.5 -
47 -0.37 -0.096 -0.48 -0.72 0.69 0.64 -0.38 -0.74 -1.8 -1.5 0.00021 -0.11 8.3e+03 11 0.23 0.2 +
48 -0.35 -0.1 -0.48 -0.61 0.8 0.64 -0.39 -0.82 -1.7 -1.7 8.7e-05 -0.083 8.3e+03 1 2.3 0.91 ++
49 -0.35 -0.1 -0.48 -0.61 0.8 0.64 -0.39 -0.82 -1.7 -1.7 8.7e-05 -0.083 8.3e+03 1 0.33 -0.42 -
50 -0.27 -0.098 -0.49 -0.58 0.82 0.65 -0.37 -0.8 -1.8 -2.1 0.00024 -0.12 8.3e+03 11 0.33 0.64 +
51 -0.22 -0.14 -0.55 -0.42 0.77 0.65 -0.36 -0.83 -1.8 -2.3 0.00021 -0.11 8.3e+03 2.2 3.3 0.93 ++
52 -0.22 -0.13 -0.58 -0.43 0.77 0.62 -0.36 -0.83 -1.8 -2.2 0.00021 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.013 33 1 ++
53 -0.22 -0.13 -0.59 -0.42 0.76 0.63 -0.36 -0.83 -1.8 -2.2 0.00021 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.0059 3.3e+02 1 ++
54 -0.22 -0.13 -0.59 -0.42 0.76 0.63 -0.36 -0.83 -1.8 -2.2 0.00021 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.0001 3.3e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 14 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -2 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.29 -
2 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.5 2.5 1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.5 1.2 -4.3 -
4 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.5 0.62 -2.8 -
5 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.5 0.31 -1.1 -
6 0.042 -0.079 -0.017 -0.0059 -0.44 0.043 -0.2 -0.0093 0.016 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.31 0.23 +
7 0.042 -0.079 -0.017 -0.0059 -0.44 0.043 -0.2 -0.0093 0.016 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.16 -0.33 -
8 0.042 -0.079 -0.017 -0.0059 -0.44 0.043 -0.2 -0.0093 0.016 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.078 -0.051 -
9 0.042 -0.079 -0.017 -0.0059 -0.44 0.043 -0.2 -0.0093 0.016 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.039 0.022 -
10 0.042 -0.079 -0.017 -0.0059 -0.44 0.043 -0.2 -0.0093 0.016 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.02 0.038 -
11 0.042 -0.079 -0.017 -0.0059 -0.44 0.043 -0.2 -0.0093 0.016 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.0098 0.039 -
12 0.042 -0.079 -0.017 -0.0059 -0.44 0.043 -0.2 -0.0093 0.016 0.21 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.0049 0.036 -
13 0.044 -0.08 -0.017 -0.006 -0.44 0.045 -0.2 -0.0092 0.018 0.2 -0.45 -0.56 0.00043 0.23 9.2e+03 6.5 0.0049 0.39 +
14 0.044 -0.08 -0.017 -0.006 -0.44 0.045 -0.2 -0.0092 0.018 0.2 -0.45 -0.56 0.00043 0.23 9.2e+03 6.5 0.0024 -0.37 -
15 0.046 -0.083 -0.014 -0.0084 -0.44 0.048 -0.2 -0.0068 0.021 0.2 -0.45 -0.56 -0.002 0.22 9.1e+03 3.9 0.0024 0.54 +
16 0.047 -0.083 -0.014 -0.0084 -0.44 0.048 -0.2 -0.0068 0.021 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.024 1.3 ++
17 0.047 -0.083 -0.014 -0.0084 -0.44 0.048 -0.2 -0.0068 0.021 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.012 -2.9 -
18 0.047 -0.083 -0.014 -0.0084 -0.44 0.048 -0.2 -0.0068 0.021 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.0061 -3.6 -
19 0.047 -0.083 -0.014 -0.0084 -0.44 0.048 -0.2 -0.0068 0.021 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.0031 -3.1 -
20 0.047 -0.083 -0.014 -0.0084 -0.44 0.048 -0.2 -0.0068 0.021 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.0015 -2 -
21 0.047 -0.083 -0.014 -0.0084 -0.44 0.048 -0.2 -0.0068 0.021 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.00076 -1.3 -
22 0.047 -0.083 -0.014 -0.0084 -0.44 0.048 -0.2 -0.0068 0.021 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0016 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.00038 -0.19 -
23 0.047 -0.084 -0.015 -0.0088 -0.44 0.049 -0.19 -0.0064 0.021 0.2 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.1 0.0038 1 ++
24 0.048 -0.084 -0.015 -0.0089 -0.44 0.049 -0.19 -0.0064 0.022 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0011 0.22 9e+03 5.9 0.0038 0.32 +
25 0.048 -0.085 -0.015 -0.0089 -0.44 0.05 -0.19 -0.0063 0.023 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0015 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.0038 0.17 +
26 0.048 -0.085 -0.015 -0.0089 -0.44 0.05 -0.19 -0.0063 0.023 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0015 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.0019 -2 -
27 0.048 -0.085 -0.015 -0.0089 -0.44 0.05 -0.19 -0.0063 0.023 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0015 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.00095 -1.7 -
28 0.048 -0.085 -0.015 -0.0089 -0.44 0.05 -0.19 -0.0063 0.023 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0015 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.00048 -1.1 -
29 0.048 -0.085 -0.015 -0.0089 -0.44 0.05 -0.19 -0.0063 0.023 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0015 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.00024 0.039 -
30 0.049 -0.085 -0.015 -0.0092 -0.44 0.051 -0.19 -0.0061 0.023 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9e+03 2.1 0.0024 0.98 ++
31 0.049 -0.086 -0.015 -0.0092 -0.44 0.051 -0.19 -0.0061 0.024 0.19 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0011 0.22 9e+03 5.6 0.0024 0.18 +
32 0.049 -0.086 -0.015 -0.0092 -0.44 0.052 -0.19 -0.006 0.024 0.18 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.0024 0.33 +
33 0.049 -0.086 -0.015 -0.0092 -0.44 0.052 -0.19 -0.006 0.024 0.18 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.0012 -2.7 -
34 0.049 -0.086 -0.015 -0.0092 -0.44 0.052 -0.19 -0.006 0.024 0.18 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.0006 -1.9 -
35 0.049 -0.086 -0.015 -0.0092 -0.44 0.052 -0.19 -0.006 0.024 0.18 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.0003 -1.3 -
36 0.049 -0.086 -0.015 -0.0092 -0.44 0.052 -0.19 -0.006 0.024 0.18 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.00015 -0.18 -
37 0.049 -0.086 -0.015 -0.0094 -0.44 0.052 -0.19 -0.0059 0.024 0.18 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9e+03 0.59 0.00015 0.86 +
38 0.05 -0.086 -0.015 -0.0094 -0.44 0.052 -0.19 -0.0059 0.024 0.18 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9e+03 0.1 0.0015 0.99 ++
39 0.05 -0.087 -0.015 -0.0094 -0.44 0.053 -0.19 -0.0059 0.025 0.18 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9e+03 0.14 0.015 1 ++
40 0.052 -0.089 -0.016 -0.0096 -0.43 0.057 -0.19 -0.0057 0.028 0.17 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0011 0.21 9e+03 0.094 0.15 1 ++
41 0.069 -0.12 -0.023 -0.012 -0.41 0.099 -0.14 -0.0044 0.052 0.019 -0.47 -0.53 -0.00097 0.17 8.9e+03 0.064 1.5 0.97 ++
42 -0.41 -0.35 -0.026 -0.29 -1.2 1.3 0.39 0.43 -0.26 -0.66 -0.93 -0.77 -0.00073 0.11 8.3e+03 0.99 15 1.1 ++
43 -0.41 -0.35 -0.026 -0.29 -1.2 1.3 0.39 0.43 -0.26 -0.66 -0.93 -0.77 -0.00073 0.11 8.3e+03 0.99 0.33 -3.5 -
44 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -2.2e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 11 0.33 0.89 +
45 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -2.2e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 11 0.17 -0.97 -
46 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -2.2e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 11 0.083 -0.49 -
47 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -2.2e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 11 0.041 -0.45 -
48 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -2.2e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 11 0.021 -0.51 -
49 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -2.2e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 11 0.01 -0.73 -
50 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -2.2e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 11 0.0052 -1 -
51 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -2.2e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 11 0.0026 -1.3 -
52 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -2.2e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 11 0.0013 -1.5 -
53 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -2.2e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 11 0.00065 -1.6 -
54 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -2.2e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 11 0.00032 -1.6 -
55 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -2.2e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 11 0.00016 -0.7 -
56 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -2.2e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 11 8.1e-05 0.02 -
57 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -0.0001 -0.041 8.3e+03 2.7 8.1e-05 0.62 +
58 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -9e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 0.57 8.1e-05 0.9 +
59 -0.43 -0.45 -0.095 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.98 -1.1 -9.3e-05 -0.041 8.3e+03 0.056 0.00081 1 ++
60 -0.43 -0.45 -0.096 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.31 -0.78 -0.99 -1.1 -9.3e-05 -0.04 8.3e+03 0.93 0.0081 1 ++
61 -0.43 -0.45 -0.097 -0.3 -1.3 1.2 0.37 0.43 -0.32 -0.77 -0.99 -1.1 -0.00013 -0.032 8.2e+03 0.037 0.081 1 ++
62 -0.44 -0.47 -0.097 -0.3 -1.3 1.3 0.42 0.44 -0.34 -0.76 -0.99 -1.2 -0.00015 -0.028 8.2e+03 0.037 0.81 1 ++
63 -0.44 -0.47 -0.097 -0.3 -1.3 1.3 0.42 0.44 -0.34 -0.76 -0.99 -1.2 -0.00015 -0.028 8.2e+03 0.037 0.41 -2.1 -
64 -0.33 -0.57 -0.028 -0.31 -1.3 1.3 0.52 0.45 -0.33 -0.76 -1.1 -1.6 0.0001 -0.089 8.2e+03 10 4.1 0.9 ++
65 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00023 -0.11 8.1e+03 12 41 1 ++
66 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00023 -0.11 8.1e+03 12 0.038 -0.78 -
67 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00023 -0.11 8.1e+03 12 0.019 -0.91 -
68 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00023 -0.11 8.1e+03 12 0.0096 -1 -
69 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00023 -0.11 8.1e+03 12 0.0048 -1.1 -
70 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00023 -0.11 8.1e+03 12 0.0024 -0.62 -
71 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00023 -0.11 8.1e+03 12 0.0012 -0.34 -
72 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00023 -0.11 8.1e+03 12 0.0006 -0.25 -
73 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00023 -0.11 8.1e+03 12 0.0003 -0.21 -
74 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00023 -0.11 8.1e+03 12 0.00015 -0.2 -
75 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00023 -0.11 8.1e+03 12 7.5e-05 -0.2 -
76 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00023 -0.11 8.1e+03 12 3.8e-05 -0.2 -
77 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00023 -0.11 8.1e+03 12 1.9e-05 -0.045 -
78 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00021 -0.11 8.1e+03 2.2 1.9e-05 0.87 +
79 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00021 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.17 0.00019 0.96 ++
80 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.0002 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.032 0.0019 1 ++
81 -0.18 -0.96 -0.074 -0.41 -0.98 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.0002 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.19 0.019 1 ++
82 -0.18 -0.97 -0.077 -0.41 -0.99 1.2 0.54 0.57 -0.35 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 0.00019 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.076 0.19 1 ++
83 -0.17 -1 -0.079 -0.45 -0.96 1.1 0.55 0.56 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 0.0002 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.095 1.9 1 ++
84 -0.17 -1 -0.079 -0.45 -0.96 1.1 0.55 0.56 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 0.0002 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.00011 1.9 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 4/20 for current solution
Attempt 10/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 10 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -1.9 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.023 -
2 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.4 2.5 1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.4 1.2 -4 -
4 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.4 0.62 -2.6 -
5 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 9.5e+03 1.4 0.31 -0.99 -
6 0.049 -0.073 -0.47 0.03 0.023 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.31 0.29 +
7 0.049 -0.073 -0.47 0.03 0.023 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.16 -0.37 -
8 0.049 -0.073 -0.47 0.03 0.023 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.078 -0.13 -
9 0.049 -0.073 -0.47 0.03 0.023 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.039 -0.047 -
10 0.049 -0.073 -0.47 0.03 0.023 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.02 -0.021 -
11 0.049 -0.073 -0.47 0.03 0.023 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.0098 -0.012 -
12 0.049 -0.073 -0.47 0.03 0.023 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 0.22 9.3e+03 12 0.0049 -0.0089 -
13 0.051 -0.074 -0.47 0.032 0.025 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 0.00036 0.23 9.1e+03 6.5 0.0049 0.4 +
14 0.051 -0.074 -0.47 0.032 0.025 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 0.00036 0.23 9.1e+03 6.5 0.0024 -0.42 -
15 0.053 -0.077 -0.46 0.034 0.027 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0021 0.22 9e+03 4.7 0.0024 0.49 +
16 0.054 -0.077 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.024 1.3 ++
17 0.054 -0.077 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.012 -2.2 -
18 0.054 -0.077 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.0061 -2.9 -
19 0.054 -0.077 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.0031 -3.4 -
20 0.054 -0.077 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.0015 -2.4 -
21 0.054 -0.077 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.00076 -1.3 -
22 0.054 -0.077 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0017 0.22 9e+03 2.6 0.00038 0.025 -
23 0.054 -0.078 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.0038 1 ++
24 0.054 -0.078 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.0019 -2.7 -
25 0.054 -0.078 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.00095 -3.3 -
26 0.054 -0.078 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.00048 -3 -
27 0.054 -0.078 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.00024 -1.6 -
28 0.054 -0.078 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0013 0.22 9e+03 2.5 0.00012 -0.27 -
29 0.054 -0.078 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9e+03 0.11 0.00012 0.79 +
30 0.054 -0.078 -0.46 0.035 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9e+03 0.6 0.0012 1 ++
31 0.055 -0.078 -0.46 0.036 0.028 0.22 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9e+03 0.11 0.012 1 ++
32 0.057 -0.08 -0.46 0.038 0.031 0.21 -0.46 -0.55 -0.0012 0.22 9e+03 1.3 0.12 1 ++
33 0.076 -0.1 -0.45 0.066 0.056 0.088 -0.47 -0.54 -0.001 0.18 8.9e+03 0.71 1.2 0.98 ++
34 -0.34 -0.42 -0.84 1.3 -0.34 -0.68 -1.1 -0.88 -0.00026 -0.0033 8.3e+03 2 12 1 ++
35 -0.33 -0.95 -0.84 1.3 -0.33 -0.75 -1 -1.3 -0.00019 -0.012 8.2e+03 5.5 1.2e+02 1.1 ++
36 -0.33 -0.95 -0.84 1.3 -0.33 -0.75 -1 -1.3 -0.00019 -0.012 8.2e+03 5.5 60 -8.5e+02 -
37 -0.33 -0.95 -0.84 1.3 -0.33 -0.75 -1 -1.3 -0.00019 -0.012 8.2e+03 5.5 30 -7.2e+02 -
38 -0.33 -0.95 -0.84 1.3 -0.33 -0.75 -1 -1.3 -0.00019 -0.012 8.2e+03 5.5 15 -5.5e+02 -
39 -0.33 -0.95 -0.84 1.3 -0.33 -0.75 -1 -1.3 -0.00019 -0.012 8.2e+03 5.5 7.5 -3.7e+02 -
40 -0.33 -0.95 -0.84 1.3 -0.33 -0.75 -1 -1.3 -0.00019 -0.012 8.2e+03 5.5 3.7 -2.2e+02 -
41 -0.33 -0.95 -0.84 1.3 -0.33 -0.75 -1 -1.3 -0.00019 -0.012 8.2e+03 5.5 1.9 -1.1e+02 -
42 -0.33 -0.95 -0.84 1.3 -0.33 -0.75 -1 -1.3 -0.00019 -0.012 8.2e+03 5.5 0.93 -38 -
43 -0.33 -0.95 -0.84 1.3 -0.33 -0.75 -1 -1.3 -0.00019 -0.012 8.2e+03 5.5 0.47 -11 -
44 -0.33 -0.95 -0.84 1.3 -0.33 -0.75 -1 -1.3 -0.00019 -0.012 8.2e+03 5.5 0.23 -3 -
45 -0.33 -0.95 -0.84 1.3 -0.33 -0.75 -1 -1.3 -0.00019 -0.012 8.2e+03 5.5 0.12 0.048 -
46 -0.36 -0.96 -0.87 1.3 -0.37 -0.69 -1 -1.4 9.5e-05 -0.085 8.2e+03 2.5 0.12 0.66 +
47 -0.32 -0.96 -0.86 1.3 -0.35 -0.74 -1 -1.6 4.3e-05 -0.073 8.2e+03 1.6 1.2 1 ++
48 -0.32 -0.96 -0.86 1.3 -0.35 -0.74 -1 -1.6 4.3e-05 -0.073 8.2e+03 1.6 0.41 -1.1 -
49 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00029 -0.12 8.2e+03 6.5 0.41 0.62 +
50 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00029 -0.12 8.2e+03 6.5 0.11 -0.22 -
51 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00029 -0.12 8.2e+03 6.5 0.054 -0.33 -
52 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00029 -0.12 8.2e+03 6.5 0.027 -0.41 -
53 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00029 -0.12 8.2e+03 6.5 0.013 -0.32 -
54 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00015 -0.1 8.2e+03 29 0.013 0.3 +
55 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00015 -0.1 8.2e+03 29 0.0067 -0.32 -
56 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00015 -0.1 8.2e+03 29 0.0034 -0.34 -
57 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00015 -0.1 8.2e+03 29 0.0017 -0.31 -
58 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00015 -0.1 8.2e+03 29 0.00084 -0.27 -
59 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00015 -0.1 8.2e+03 29 0.00042 -0.26 -
60 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00015 -0.1 8.2e+03 29 0.00021 -0.25 -
61 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00015 -0.1 8.2e+03 29 0.00011 -0.25 -
62 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00015 -0.1 8.2e+03 29 5.3e-05 -0.073 -
63 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.0002 -0.1 8.2e+03 8.9 5.3e-05 0.53 +
64 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00018 -0.1 8.2e+03 7.3 5.3e-05 0.47 +
65 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00019 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.4 0.00053 1 ++
66 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.39 -0.77 -1 -2 0.00019 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.019 0.0053 1 ++
67 -0.28 -1 -0.76 1.4 -0.38 -0.78 -1 -2 0.00017 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.25 0.053 1 ++
68 -0.25 -1 -0.74 1.4 -0.36 -0.77 -1.1 -2 0.00017 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.62 0.53 1 ++
69 -0.22 -1.1 -0.59 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.9 5.3 0.99 ++
70 -0.21 -1.1 -0.6 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.0048 53 1 ++
71 -0.21 -1.1 -0.6 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 8.3e-06 53 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:altspec;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:power [8169.626605746835, 10]
Attempt 11/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 14 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_1st_ B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_1st_c B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_1s cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.57 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.25 0.063 -
2 0.0069 -0.25 -0.0054 0.22 -0.25 -0.018 -0.0076 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0051 1.2 0.00059 9.4e+03 1 2.5 1.1 ++
3 0.0069 -0.25 -0.0054 0.22 -0.25 -0.018 -0.0076 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0051 1.2 0.00059 9.4e+03 1 1.2 1.1 -
4 0.0069 -0.25 -0.0054 0.22 -0.25 -0.018 -0.0076 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0051 1.2 0.00059 9.4e+03 1 0.62 1.1 -
5 0.0069 -0.25 -0.0054 0.22 -0.25 -0.018 -0.0076 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0051 1.2 0.00059 9.4e+03 1 0.31 1.1 -
6 0.0069 -0.25 -0.0054 0.22 -0.25 -0.018 -0.0076 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0051 1.2 0.00059 9.4e+03 1 0.16 1.1 -
7 0.0069 -0.25 -0.0054 0.22 -0.25 -0.018 -0.0076 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0051 1.2 0.00059 9.4e+03 1 0.078 1.1 -
8 0.0069 -0.25 -0.0054 0.22 -0.25 -0.018 -0.0076 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0051 1.2 0.00059 9.4e+03 1 0.039 -10 -
9 0.0069 -0.25 -0.0054 0.22 -0.25 -0.018 -0.0076 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0051 1.2 0.00059 9.4e+03 1 0.02 -9.7 -
10 0.0069 -0.25 -0.0054 0.22 -0.25 -0.018 -0.0076 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0051 1.2 0.00059 9.4e+03 1 0.0098 -3.4 -
11 0.0069 -0.25 -0.0054 0.22 -0.25 -0.018 -0.0076 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0051 1.2 0.00059 9.4e+03 1 0.0049 -0.59 -
12 0.012 -0.25 -0.0025 0.21 -0.25 -0.013 -0.0027 0.18 0.089 -0.25 -0.25 0.00017 1.2 -0.0043 9.4e+03 0.65 0.049 0.96 ++
13 0.014 -0.25 -0.0048 0.17 -0.27 -0.026 -0.0016 0.16 0.072 -0.27 -0.25 -0.0028 1.2 -0.0096 9.4e+03 4.7 0.049 0.14 +
14 0.0066 -0.25 -0.017 0.13 -0.28 -0.074 -0.011 0.14 0.054 -0.3 -0.27 0.0024 1.2 -0.024 9.3e+03 1.2 0.049 0.48 +
15 0.0066 -0.25 -0.017 0.13 -0.28 -0.074 -0.011 0.14 0.054 -0.3 -0.27 0.0024 1.2 -0.024 9.3e+03 1.2 0.024 -9.2 -
16 0.0066 -0.25 -0.017 0.13 -0.28 -0.074 -0.011 0.14 0.054 -0.3 -0.27 0.0024 1.2 -0.024 9.3e+03 1.2 0.012 -9.9 -
17 0.0066 -0.25 -0.017 0.13 -0.28 -0.074 -0.011 0.14 0.054 -0.3 -0.27 0.0024 1.2 -0.024 9.3e+03 1.2 0.0061 -5.2 -
18 0.0066 -0.25 -0.017 0.13 -0.28 -0.074 -0.011 0.14 0.054 -0.3 -0.27 0.0024 1.2 -0.024 9.3e+03 1.2 0.0031 -1.9 -
19 0.0055 -0.25 -0.02 0.12 -0.28 -0.073 -0.014 0.14 0.051 -0.31 -0.27 -0.00067 1.2 -0.027 9.2e+03 1.1 0.0031 0.71 +
20 0.0052 -0.25 -0.02 0.12 -0.28 -0.074 -0.015 0.14 0.049 -0.31 -0.27 -0.0003 1.2 -0.027 9.2e+03 0.25 0.031 1.1 ++
21 0.0024 -0.25 -0.026 0.09 -0.29 -0.086 -0.02 0.12 0.034 -0.32 -0.27 -7e-05 1.2 -0.024 9.2e+03 0.15 0.31 1 ++
22 -0.064 -0.26 -0.13 -0.22 -0.42 -0.28 -0.12 -0.089 -0.13 -0.42 -0.28 -0.00036 1.4 0.06 8.7e+03 2.6 3.1 0.94 ++
23 -0.064 -0.26 -0.13 -0.22 -0.42 -0.28 -0.12 -0.089 -0.13 -0.42 -0.28 -0.00036 1.4 0.06 8.7e+03 2.6 0.49 -5 -
24 -0.064 -0.26 -0.13 -0.22 -0.42 -0.28 -0.12 -0.089 -0.13 -0.42 -0.28 -0.00036 1.4 0.06 8.7e+03 2.6 0.25 -0.0083 -
25 -0.12 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0022 1.5 0.31 8.6e+03 3.8 0.25 0.56 +
26 -0.12 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0022 1.5 0.31 8.6e+03 3.8 0.12 -3.4 -
27 -0.12 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0022 1.5 0.31 8.6e+03 3.8 0.061 -2.3 -
28 -0.12 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0022 1.5 0.31 8.6e+03 3.8 0.031 -1.9 -
29 -0.12 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0022 1.5 0.31 8.6e+03 3.8 0.015 -2.1 -
30 -0.12 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0022 1.5 0.31 8.6e+03 3.8 0.0077 -2.4 -
31 -0.12 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0022 1.5 0.31 8.6e+03 3.8 0.0038 -1.9 -
32 -0.12 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0022 1.5 0.31 8.6e+03 3.8 0.0019 -1.2 -
33 -0.12 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0022 1.5 0.31 8.6e+03 3.8 0.00096 -0.58 -
34 -0.11 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0012 1.5 0.3 8.6e+03 6.6 0.00096 0.39 +
35 -0.11 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0012 1.5 0.3 8.6e+03 6.6 0.00048 -0.1 -
36 -0.11 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0017 1.6 0.3 8.6e+03 3.8 0.00048 0.28 +
37 -0.11 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0017 1.6 0.3 8.6e+03 3.8 0.00024 -0.24 -
38 -0.11 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0015 1.6 0.3 8.6e+03 1.2 0.00024 0.76 +
39 -0.11 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.49 -0.27 -0.0015 1.6 0.3 8.6e+03 0.081 0.0024 1 ++
40 -0.11 -0.24 -0.19 -0.34 -0.54 -0.42 -0.23 -0.3 -0.25 -0.48 -0.27 -0.0015 1.6 0.3 8.6e+03 0.48 0.024 1 ++
41 -0.11 -0.23 -0.18 -0.36 -0.55 -0.39 -0.21 -0.32 -0.27 -0.48 -0.27 -0.0014 1.6 0.29 8.5e+03 0.024 0.24 1 ++
42 -0.29 -0.19 -0.3 -0.47 -0.79 -0.38 -0.3 -0.44 -0.38 -0.48 -0.25 -0.0012 1.7 0.22 8.4e+03 0.063 2.4 0.96 ++
43 -0.29 -0.19 -0.3 -0.47 -0.79 -0.38 -0.3 -0.44 -0.38 -0.48 -0.25 -0.0012 1.7 0.22 8.4e+03 0.063 1.2 0.96 -
44 -0.29 -0.19 -0.3 -0.47 -0.79 -0.38 -0.3 -0.44 -0.38 -0.48 -0.25 -0.0012 1.7 0.22 8.4e+03 0.063 0.6 -84 -
45 -0.29 -0.19 -0.3 -0.47 -0.79 -0.38 -0.3 -0.44 -0.38 -0.48 -0.25 -0.0012 1.7 0.22 8.4e+03 0.063 0.3 -13 -
46 -0.47 -0.2 -0.43 -0.64 -1.1 -0.39 -0.41 -0.52 -0.44 -0.55 -0.34 -0.00047 2 0.053 8.3e+03 0.24 3 0.95 ++
47 -0.49 -0.17 -0.46 -0.65 -1.1 -0.61 -0.57 -0.91 -0.6 -0.85 -0.45 -0.00012 2 -0.029 8.3e+03 1 30 1.4 ++
48 -0.49 -0.17 -0.46 -0.65 -1.1 -0.61 -0.57 -0.91 -0.6 -0.85 -0.45 -0.00012 2 -0.029 8.3e+03 1 0.46 -7.9 -
49 -0.52 -0.058 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -0.84 -0.82 -1.3 -0.76 -1.3 -0.59 0.00026 2.1 -0.12 8.3e+03 27 0.46 0.13 +
50 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 0.46 0.65 +
51 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 0.14 -0.63 -
52 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 0.069 -0.87 -
53 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 0.035 -0.83 -
54 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 0.017 -0.83 -
55 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 0.0087 -0.88 -
56 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 0.0043 -1 -
57 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 0.0022 -1.4 -
58 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 0.0011 -1.6 -
59 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 0.00054 -1.7 -
60 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 0.00027 -1.8 -
61 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 0.00014 -1.8 -
62 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 6.8e-05 -1.8 -
63 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00021 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 20 3.4e-05 -0.086 -
64 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00017 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 1.6 3.4e-05 0.82 +
65 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00017 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.074 0.00034 1 ++
66 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00018 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.21 0.0034 1 ++
67 -0.48 0.21 -0.5 -0.66 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.83 -1.8 -0.68 0.00019 2.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.32 0.034 0.99 ++
68 -0.47 0.2 -0.5 -0.64 -1 -1.2 -0.81 -1.7 -0.82 -1.8 -0.67 0.00022 2.1 -0.11 8.2e+03 1.8 0.34 0.97 ++
69 -0.5 0.2 -0.53 -0.7 -1.2 -1.3 -0.7 -1.8 -0.65 -1.9 -0.56 0.00022 1.8 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.82 0.34 0.89 +
70 -0.47 0.21 -0.53 -0.69 -1.2 -1.3 -0.65 -1.8 -0.59 -1.9 -0.52 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.027 3.4 1 ++
71 -0.48 0.2 -0.53 -0.69 -1.2 -1.3 -0.64 -1.8 -0.57 -1.9 -0.51 0.00021 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.00044 34 1 ++
72 -0.48 0.2 -0.53 -0.69 -1.2 -1.3 -0.64 -1.8 -0.56 -1.9 -0.5 0.00021 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.00022 3.4e+02 1 ++
73 -0.48 0.2 -0.53 -0.69 -1.2 -1.3 -0.63 -1.8 -0.56 -1.9 -0.5 0.00021 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.00029 3.4e+03 1 ++
74 -0.48 0.2 -0.53 -0.69 -1.2 -1.3 -0.63 -1.8 -0.56 -1.9 -0.5 0.00021 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 3.6e-05 3.4e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 12/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_commuter cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -2.3 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.42 -
2 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 0 9.5e+03 2.1 2.5 1.1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 0 9.5e+03 2.1 1.2 -6.2 -
4 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 0 9.5e+03 2.1 0.62 -4.7 -
5 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 0 9.5e+03 2.1 0.31 -1.8 -
6 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 0 9.5e+03 2.1 0.16 -0.27 -
7 0.024 -0.012 -0.0038 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0048 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.16 0.15 +
8 0.024 -0.012 -0.0038 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0048 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.078 -0.79 -
9 0.024 -0.012 -0.0038 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0048 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.039 -0.7 -
10 0.024 -0.012 -0.0038 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0048 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.02 -0.64 -
11 0.024 -0.012 -0.0038 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0048 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.0098 -0.58 -
12 0.024 -0.012 -0.0038 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0048 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.0049 -0.11 -
13 0.026 -0.012 -0.004 -0.35 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0067 0.22 -0.35 -0.41 -0.085 0.0012 0.12 9.2e+03 5.2 0.0049 0.32 +
14 0.026 -0.012 -0.004 -0.35 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0067 0.22 -0.35 -0.41 -0.085 0.0012 0.12 9.2e+03 5.2 0.0024 -0.5 -
15 0.029 -0.015 -0.0065 -0.35 -0.17 -0.0099 0.0092 0.22 -0.35 -0.41 -0.083 -0.0013 0.12 9.1e+03 4.1 0.0024 0.66 +
16 0.029 -0.015 -0.0065 -0.35 -0.17 -0.0099 0.0096 0.22 -0.36 -0.41 -0.083 -0.00079 0.12 9.1e+03 1.4 0.024 1.4 ++
17 0.033 -0.016 -0.0071 -0.36 -0.16 -0.0099 0.014 0.19 -0.37 -0.43 -0.086 -0.0008 0.13 9.1e+03 0.65 0.24 1 ++
18 0.065 -0.041 -0.013 -0.42 -0.12 -0.0095 0.049 -0.05 -0.49 -0.62 -0.11 -0.0013 0.25 8.9e+03 0.87 2.4 0.93 ++
19 0.065 -0.041 -0.013 -0.42 -0.12 -0.0095 0.049 -0.05 -0.49 -0.62 -0.11 -0.0013 0.25 8.9e+03 0.87 1.2 -35 -
20 0.065 -0.041 -0.013 -0.42 -0.12 -0.0095 0.049 -0.05 -0.49 -0.62 -0.11 -0.0013 0.25 8.9e+03 0.87 0.61 -3.4 -
21 -0.22 -0.36 -0.058 -0.48 0.3 0.0091 -0.15 -0.66 -1 -0.98 -0.096 -0.00037 0.027 8.5e+03 0.079 0.61 0.86 +
22 -0.34 -0.096 -0.45 -0.67 0.69 0.57 -0.37 -0.77 -1.6 -1.3 -0.36 -7.8e-05 -0.045 8.3e+03 1.8 6.1 1.2 ++
23 -0.34 -0.096 -0.45 -0.67 0.69 0.57 -0.37 -0.77 -1.6 -1.3 -0.36 -7.8e-05 -0.045 8.3e+03 1.8 0.57 -9.3 -
24 -0.34 -0.096 -0.45 -0.67 0.69 0.57 -0.37 -0.77 -1.6 -1.3 -0.36 -7.8e-05 -0.045 8.3e+03 1.8 0.29 -0.1 -
25 -0.31 -0.092 -0.45 -0.7 0.71 0.58 -0.37 -0.73 -1.7 -1.6 -0.44 0.00019 -0.11 8.3e+03 13 0.29 0.8 +
26 -0.3 -0.11 -0.46 -0.57 0.84 0.59 -0.4 -0.8 -1.7 -1.8 -0.56 0.00014 -0.095 8.3e+03 6.4 2.9 0.93 ++
27 -0.18 -0.14 -0.56 -0.36 0.77 0.63 -0.38 -0.82 -1.9 -2.2 -1.1 0.00027 -0.12 8.2e+03 17 2.9 0.49 +
28 -0.19 -0.14 -0.61 -0.37 0.77 0.59 -0.36 -0.82 -1.8 -2.2 -1.1 0.00021 -0.11 8.2e+03 7.6 2.9 0.86 +
29 -0.19 -0.14 -0.63 -0.38 0.76 0.59 -0.37 -0.82 -1.9 -2.1 -1.1 0.00021 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.54 29 1 ++
30 -0.19 -0.14 -0.65 -0.38 0.76 0.59 -0.37 -0.82 -1.9 -2.1 -1.1 0.00021 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.013 2.9e+02 1 ++
31 -0.19 -0.14 -0.65 -0.38 0.76 0.59 -0.37 -0.82 -1.9 -2.1 -1.1 0.00021 -0.11 8.2e+03 5.4e-06 2.9e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 13/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 14/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 15/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 8 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 0.044 -
1 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 5 1 ++
2 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 2.5 -10 -
3 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 1.2 -8.5 -
4 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 0.62 -6.7 -
5 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 0.31 -2.5 -
6 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 0.16 -1.3 -
7 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 0.078 -1.2 -
8 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 0.039 -1.6 -
9 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 0.02 -2.3 -
10 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 0.0098 -3.2 -
11 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 0.0049 -4 -
12 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 0.0024 -4.6 -
13 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 0.0012 -2.5 -
14 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 0.00061 -1.3 -
15 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 0 0 9.1e+03 4 0.00031 -0.27 -
16 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 -0.00031 0.00031 9.1e+03 2.9 0.00031 0.65 +
17 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 -0.00024 0.00061 9.1e+03 1.1 0.00031 0.83 +
18 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.056 -0.33 -0.5 -0.00026 0.00092 9.1e+03 0.15 0.0031 0.99 ++
19 -0.054 -0.5 -0.5 -0.055 -0.33 -0.5 -0.00026 0.004 9.1e+03 0.33 0.031 1 ++
20 -0.055 -0.5 -0.52 -0.051 -0.34 -0.53 -0.0004 0.034 9e+03 0.29 0.31 1 ++
21 -0.0092 -0.54 -0.67 0.063 -0.45 -0.83 -0.0014 0.26 8.7e+03 2.4 0.31 0.64 +
22 0.079 -0.64 -0.77 0.37 -0.66 -0.93 -0.00036 0.036 8.5e+03 7.5 0.31 0.8 +
23 -0.038 -0.73 -0.82 0.67 -0.68 -1.1 -0.00033 0.0066 8.4e+03 5.5 3.1 1 ++
24 -0.038 -0.73 -0.82 0.67 -0.68 -1.1 -0.00033 0.0066 8.4e+03 5.5 1.5 -67 -
25 -0.038 -0.73 -0.82 0.67 -0.68 -1.1 -0.00033 0.0066 8.4e+03 5.5 0.76 -16 -
26 -0.038 -0.73 -0.82 0.67 -0.68 -1.1 -0.00033 0.0066 8.4e+03 5.5 0.38 -0.35 -
27 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00048 -0.091 8.4e+03 15 0.38 0.23 +
28 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00048 -0.091 8.4e+03 15 0.19 -4.3 -
29 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00048 -0.091 8.4e+03 15 0.095 -4.1 -
30 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00048 -0.091 8.4e+03 15 0.048 -3.7 -
31 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00048 -0.091 8.4e+03 15 0.024 -3.9 -
32 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00048 -0.091 8.4e+03 15 0.012 -4.2 -
33 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00048 -0.091 8.4e+03 15 0.006 -4.4 -
34 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00048 -0.091 8.4e+03 15 0.003 -3.7 -
35 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00048 -0.091 8.4e+03 15 0.0015 -2.4 -
36 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00048 -0.091 8.4e+03 15 0.00075 -1.6 -
37 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00048 -0.091 8.4e+03 15 0.00037 -0.51 -
38 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00011 -0.091 8.3e+03 11 0.00037 0.84 +
39 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00014 -0.09 8.3e+03 3.1 0.00037 0.81 +
40 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00013 -0.09 8.3e+03 0.31 0.0037 0.99 ++
41 0.13 -0.82 -1 1.1 -0.73 -1.4 0.00011 -0.086 8.3e+03 0.088 0.037 1 ++
42 0.092 -0.83 -1 1.1 -0.72 -1.5 1.2e-05 -0.065 8.3e+03 1.8 0.37 1 ++
43 0.042 -0.93 -0.97 1.5 -0.71 -1.7 0.00017 -0.1 8.2e+03 5.8 3.7 0.92 ++
44 0.16 -1.1 -0.92 1.6 -0.7 -2 0.00019 -0.1 8.2e+03 1.5 37 1 ++
45 0.16 -1.2 -0.92 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.14 3.7e+02 1 ++
46 0.16 -1.2 -0.92 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.018 3.7e+03 1 ++
47 0.16 -1.3 -0.92 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.0013 3.7e+04 1 ++
48 0.16 -1.3 -0.92 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.00024 3.7e+05 1 ++
49 0.16 -1.3 -0.92 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.1 8.2e+03 2.7e-05 3.7e+05 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:power [8212.023016729405, 8]
Attempt 16/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 6 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.3 -0.68 -0.85 -0.91 -0.55 2 9.3e+03 0.12 1 0.53 +
1 -0.21 -1.3 -0.64 0.092 -0.58 2.1 9e+03 0.18 1 0.42 +
2 -0.21 -1.3 -0.64 0.092 -0.58 2.1 9e+03 0.18 0.5 -1.8 -
3 -0.21 -1.3 -0.64 0.092 -0.58 2.1 9e+03 0.18 0.25 -0.032 -
4 -0.4 -1.4 -0.83 -0.16 -0.79 1.8 8.8e+03 0.025 2.5 1.2 ++
5 -0.4 -1.4 -0.83 -0.16 -0.79 1.8 8.8e+03 0.025 1.2 -1.2 -
6 0.043 -0.33 -0.9 -1.1 -0.67 0.57 8.6e+03 0.041 1.2 0.49 +
7 0.11 -0.51 -0.86 -1.2 -0.69 0.59 8.6e+03 0.0039 12 1.1 ++
8 0.11 -0.51 -0.86 -1.2 -0.69 0.59 8.6e+03 4.6e-05 12 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:no_seg;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:FIRST;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:boxcox [8564.505652668631, 6]
Attempt 17/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 18/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.012 -
1 -0.0092 -0.032 -0.0043 -0.39 -0.18 -0.008 -0.035 0.28 -0.38 -0.5 1 1.3 9.2e+03 0.12 0.5 0.73 +
2 -0.072 -0.14 -0.018 -0.34 0.049 -0.0016 -0.086 -0.22 -0.49 -0.77 1 1.3 8.7e+03 0.045 5 0.93 ++
3 -0.43 -0.074 -0.38 -0.064 0.65 0.59 -0.43 -0.75 -1.4 -1.3 0.17 1.9 8.4e+03 0.039 5 0.79 +
4 -0.25 -0.14 -0.6 -0.039 0.56 0.46 -0.52 -0.84 -1.5 -1.5 0.44 1.5 8.3e+03 0.014 50 1.1 ++
5 -0.18 -0.14 -0.6 -0.17 0.64 0.53 -0.49 -0.84 -1.7 -1.6 0.43 1.2 8.3e+03 0.015 5e+02 1 ++
6 -0.15 -0.13 -0.6 -0.26 0.68 0.55 -0.48 -0.82 -1.8 -1.6 0.41 1.1 8.3e+03 0.0028 5e+03 1.2 ++
7 -0.11 -0.13 -0.6 -0.32 0.7 0.55 -0.45 -0.79 -1.9 -1.7 0.41 1 8.3e+03 0.0026 5e+04 1.1 ++
8 -0.11 -0.13 -0.6 -0.33 0.71 0.55 -0.46 -0.8 -1.9 -1.7 0.4 1 8.3e+03 0.0015 5e+05 1 ++
9 -0.11 -0.13 -0.6 -0.33 0.71 0.55 -0.46 -0.8 -1.9 -1.7 0.4 1 8.3e+03 2.1e-05 5e+05 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 19/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.23 -
1 0.0072 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 0.002 9.6e+03 0.82 0.5 0.67 +
2 0.0072 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 0.002 9.6e+03 0.82 0.25 -10 -
3 0.0072 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 0.002 9.6e+03 0.82 0.12 -12 -
4 0.0072 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 0.002 9.6e+03 0.82 0.062 -14 -
5 0.0072 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 0.002 9.6e+03 0.82 0.031 -23 -
6 0.0072 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 0.002 9.6e+03 0.82 0.016 -2.6 -
7 -0.0084 -0.022 -0.017 -0.29 -0.13 0.01 -0.054 -0.0054 0.19 -0.52 0.0036 -0.014 9.4e+03 0.41 0.16 0.96 ++
8 -0.0084 -0.022 -0.017 -0.29 -0.13 0.01 -0.054 -0.0054 0.19 -0.52 0.0036 -0.014 9.4e+03 0.41 0.078 -13 -
9 -0.0084 -0.022 -0.017 -0.29 -0.13 0.01 -0.054 -0.0054 0.19 -0.52 0.0036 -0.014 9.4e+03 0.41 0.039 -12 -
10 -0.0084 -0.022 -0.017 -0.29 -0.13 0.01 -0.054 -0.0054 0.19 -0.52 0.0036 -0.014 9.4e+03 0.41 0.02 -9.4 -
11 -0.0084 -0.022 -0.017 -0.29 -0.13 0.01 -0.054 -0.0054 0.19 -0.52 0.0036 -0.014 9.4e+03 0.41 0.0098 -9.8 -
12 -0.0084 -0.022 -0.017 -0.29 -0.13 0.01 -0.054 -0.0054 0.19 -0.52 0.0036 -0.014 9.4e+03 0.41 0.0049 -4.7 -
13 -0.013 -0.027 -0.02 -0.29 -0.12 0.011 -0.059 -0.01 0.18 -0.52 -0.0013 -0.0088 9.4e+03 2.4 0.0049 0.59 +
14 -0.016 -0.029 -0.02 -0.29 -0.12 0.011 -0.062 -0.015 0.18 -0.52 -0.00063 -0.007 9.4e+03 0.22 0.049 0.97 ++
15 -0.04 -0.047 -0.021 -0.3 -0.11 0.011 -0.094 -0.064 0.19 -0.54 -0.00046 0.011 9.3e+03 0.085 0.49 1 ++
16 -0.14 -0.16 -0.036 -0.36 0.044 0.018 -0.58 -0.41 -0.11 -0.76 0.00012 0.21 9e+03 3.8 0.49 0.63 +
17 -0.14 -0.16 -0.036 -0.36 0.044 0.018 -0.58 -0.41 -0.11 -0.76 0.00012 0.21 9e+03 3.8 0.24 -6.9 -
18 -0.14 -0.16 -0.036 -0.36 0.044 0.018 -0.58 -0.41 -0.11 -0.76 0.00012 0.21 9e+03 3.8 0.12 -7.3 -
19 -0.14 -0.16 -0.036 -0.36 0.044 0.018 -0.58 -0.41 -0.11 -0.76 0.00012 0.21 9e+03 3.8 0.061 -7.6 -
20 -0.14 -0.16 -0.036 -0.36 0.044 0.018 -0.58 -0.41 -0.11 -0.76 0.00012 0.21 9e+03 3.8 0.031 -8.1 -
21 -0.14 -0.16 -0.036 -0.36 0.044 0.018 -0.58 -0.41 -0.11 -0.76 0.00012 0.21 9e+03 3.8 0.015 -4.6 -
22 -0.14 -0.16 -0.036 -0.36 0.044 0.018 -0.58 -0.41 -0.11 -0.76 0.00012 0.21 9e+03 3.8 0.0076 -3.1 -
23 -0.14 -0.16 -0.036 -0.36 0.044 0.018 -0.58 -0.41 -0.11 -0.76 0.00012 0.21 9e+03 3.8 0.0038 -1.9 -
24 -0.14 -0.16 -0.036 -0.36 0.044 0.018 -0.58 -0.41 -0.11 -0.76 0.00012 0.21 9e+03 3.8 0.0019 -0.59 -
25 -0.14 -0.16 -0.038 -0.36 0.046 0.02 -0.58 -0.41 -0.11 -0.76 -0.0018 0.21 8.9e+03 3.2 0.0019 0.45 +
26 -0.14 -0.16 -0.038 -0.36 0.046 0.02 -0.58 -0.41 -0.11 -0.76 -0.00066 0.2 8.9e+03 3.8 0.0019 0.33 +
27 -0.14 -0.16 -0.038 -0.36 0.046 0.02 -0.58 -0.41 -0.11 -0.76 -0.00066 0.2 8.9e+03 3.8 0.00095 -0.44 -
28 -0.14 -0.16 -0.039 -0.36 0.047 0.021 -0.59 -0.4 -0.11 -0.76 -0.0016 0.2 8.9e+03 2.9 0.00095 0.17 +
29 -0.14 -0.16 -0.039 -0.36 0.047 0.021 -0.59 -0.4 -0.11 -0.76 -0.0016 0.2 8.9e+03 2.9 0.00048 0.06 -
30 -0.14 -0.16 -0.04 -0.36 0.048 0.021 -0.59 -0.4 -0.11 -0.76 -0.0011 0.2 8.9e+03 0.6 0.0048 0.96 ++
31 -0.13 -0.16 -0.04 -0.36 0.048 0.021 -0.59 -0.4 -0.12 -0.76 -0.0011 0.2 8.9e+03 0.12 0.048 1 ++
32 -0.12 -0.15 -0.04 -0.35 0.057 0.022 -0.6 -0.36 -0.16 -0.75 -0.001 0.18 8.8e+03 0.11 0.48 1 ++
33 -0.13 -0.16 -0.057 -0.37 0.24 0.036 -0.72 -0.44 -0.64 -0.81 -0.0022 0.45 8.7e+03 0.45 0.48 0.63 +
34 -0.13 -0.16 -0.057 -0.37 0.24 0.036 -0.72 -0.44 -0.64 -0.81 -0.0022 0.45 8.7e+03 0.45 0.24 -0.04 -
35 -0.25 -0.2 -0.078 -0.49 0.32 0.054 -0.74 -0.45 -0.59 -0.89 -0.001 0.21 8.6e+03 4.7 2.4 0.9 ++
36 -0.25 -0.2 -0.078 -0.49 0.32 0.054 -0.74 -0.45 -0.59 -0.89 -0.001 0.21 8.6e+03 4.7 0.36 -4.1 -
37 -0.32 -0.11 -0.13 -0.71 0.54 0.11 -0.76 -0.7 -0.95 -1.1 -0.0012 0.14 8.6e+03 2.6 0.36 0.84 +
38 -0.32 -0.11 -0.13 -0.71 0.54 0.11 -0.76 -0.7 -0.95 -1.1 -0.0012 0.14 8.6e+03 2.6 0.18 -4.1 -
39 -0.32 -0.11 -0.13 -0.71 0.54 0.11 -0.76 -0.7 -0.95 -1.1 -0.0012 0.14 8.6e+03 2.6 0.091 -3.2 -
40 -0.32 -0.11 -0.13 -0.71 0.54 0.11 -0.76 -0.7 -0.95 -1.1 -0.0012 0.14 8.6e+03 2.6 0.046 -3.7 -
41 -0.32 -0.11 -0.13 -0.71 0.54 0.11 -0.76 -0.7 -0.95 -1.1 -0.0012 0.14 8.6e+03 2.6 0.023 -3.6 -
42 -0.32 -0.11 -0.13 -0.71 0.54 0.11 -0.76 -0.7 -0.95 -1.1 -0.0012 0.14 8.6e+03 2.6 0.011 -3.9 -
43 -0.32 -0.11 -0.13 -0.71 0.54 0.11 -0.76 -0.7 -0.95 -1.1 -0.0012 0.14 8.6e+03 2.6 0.0057 -4.2 -
44 -0.32 -0.11 -0.13 -0.71 0.54 0.11 -0.76 -0.7 -0.95 -1.1 -0.0012 0.14 8.6e+03 2.6 0.0028 -4.4 -
45 -0.32 -0.11 -0.13 -0.71 0.54 0.11 -0.76 -0.7 -0.95 -1.1 -0.0012 0.14 8.6e+03 2.6 0.0014 -4.6 -
46 -0.32 -0.11 -0.13 -0.71 0.54 0.11 -0.76 -0.7 -0.95 -1.1 -0.0012 0.14 8.6e+03 2.6 0.00071 -3.4 -
47 -0.32 -0.11 -0.13 -0.71 0.54 0.11 -0.76 -0.7 -0.95 -1.1 -0.0012 0.14 8.6e+03 2.6 0.00036 -1.2 -
48 -0.32 -0.11 -0.13 -0.71 0.54 0.11 -0.76 -0.7 -0.95 -1.1 -0.00084 0.14 8.5e+03 0.23 0.0036 1 ++
49 -0.32 -0.11 -0.13 -0.71 0.54 0.11 -0.76 -0.7 -0.95 -1.1 -0.00083 0.13 8.5e+03 0.017 0.036 1 ++
50 -0.32 -0.12 -0.13 -0.73 0.54 0.12 -0.76 -0.7 -0.94 -1.1 -0.00075 0.11 8.5e+03 0.022 0.36 1 ++
51 -0.42 -0.12 -0.19 -0.86 0.71 0.21 -0.75 -0.81 -1.1 -1.5 -4.8e-05 -0.055 8.5e+03 1.5 0.36 0.56 +
52 -0.41 -0.023 -0.24 -0.83 0.82 0.31 -0.78 -1.1 -1.5 -1.7 -0.00016 -0.024 8.4e+03 0.61 3.6 0.93 ++
53 -0.41 -0.023 -0.24 -0.83 0.82 0.31 -0.78 -1.1 -1.5 -1.7 -0.00016 -0.024 8.4e+03 0.61 1.8 -1.2e+02 -
54 -0.41 -0.023 -0.24 -0.83 0.82 0.31 -0.78 -1.1 -1.5 -1.7 -0.00016 -0.024 8.4e+03 0.61 0.89 -18 -
55 -0.41 -0.023 -0.24 -0.83 0.82 0.31 -0.78 -1.1 -1.5 -1.7 -0.00016 -0.024 8.4e+03 0.61 0.44 -2.5 -
56 -0.48 -0.2 -0.3 -0.83 0.9 0.46 -0.74 -1.2 -1.8 -2.2 0.00015 -0.099 8.4e+03 9.2 0.44 0.68 +
57 -0.43 -0.061 -0.4 -0.62 0.94 0.7 -0.75 -1.7 -2.2 -2.6 0.00017 -0.097 8.4e+03 9.4 4.4 0.97 ++
58 -0.44 -0.1 -0.48 -0.43 0.91 0.86 -0.8 -1.8 -2.4 -2.9 0.00022 -0.11 8.4e+03 7.2 4.4 0.7 +
59 -0.46 -0.098 -0.5 -0.44 0.91 0.83 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -2.9 0.0002 -0.11 8.4e+03 0.22 44 1.1 ++
60 -0.45 -0.1 -0.51 -0.45 0.91 0.82 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -2.9 0.0002 -0.11 8.4e+03 0.0062 4.4e+02 1 ++
61 -0.45 -0.1 -0.51 -0.45 0.91 0.82 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -2.9 0.0002 -0.11 8.4e+03 8.6e-05 4.4e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 14 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.45 -
1 0.0066 -0.0068 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.0073 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.06 0.0062 1e+04 1.2 0.5 0.23 +
2 0.0066 -0.0068 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.0073 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.06 0.0062 1e+04 1.2 0.25 -6.7 -
3 0.0066 -0.0068 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.0073 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.06 0.0062 1e+04 1.2 0.12 -7.3 -
4 0.0066 -0.0068 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.0073 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.06 0.0062 1e+04 1.2 0.062 -14 -
5 0.0066 -0.0081 -0.0021 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0053 -0.0076 0.23 -0.27 0.04 0.16 -0.49 -0.0021 -0.007 9.5e+03 3.4 0.62 0.96 ++
6 -0.12 -0.18 -0.025 -0.24 0.14 0.0054 -0.21 -0.4 -0.51 -0.23 -0.17 -0.71 -0.00054 0.02 9e+03 2.4 6.2 0.98 ++
7 -0.12 -0.18 -0.025 -0.24 0.14 0.0054 -0.21 -0.4 -0.51 -0.23 -0.17 -0.71 -0.00054 0.02 9e+03 2.4 3.1 -24 -
8 -0.12 -0.18 -0.025 -0.24 0.14 0.0054 -0.21 -0.4 -0.51 -0.23 -0.17 -0.71 -0.00054 0.02 9e+03 2.4 1.6 -9.4 -
9 -0.12 -0.18 -0.025 -0.24 0.14 0.0054 -0.21 -0.4 -0.51 -0.23 -0.17 -0.71 -0.00054 0.02 9e+03 2.4 0.78 -3 -
10 -0.12 -0.18 -0.025 -0.24 0.14 0.0054 -0.21 -0.4 -0.51 -0.23 -0.17 -0.71 -0.00054 0.02 9e+03 2.4 0.39 -0.5 -
11 -0.11 -0.15 -0.041 -0.27 0.25 0.018 -0.24 -0.46 -0.75 -0.55 -0.5 -0.84 -0.0019 0.41 8.7e+03 4.6 0.39 0.62 +
12 -0.27 -0.23 -0.072 -0.39 0.35 0.042 -0.34 -0.44 -1.1 -0.55 -0.58 -0.85 -0.00055 0.052 8.5e+03 2.3 0.39 0.84 +
13 -0.36 -0.16 -0.12 -0.48 0.48 0.089 -0.46 -0.66 -1.4 -0.79 -0.97 -0.98 -0.00066 0.11 8.4e+03 8.5 3.9 0.92 ++
14 -0.36 -0.16 -0.12 -0.48 0.48 0.089 -0.46 -0.66 -1.4 -0.79 -0.97 -0.98 -0.00066 0.11 8.4e+03 8.5 2 -1.4e+02 -
15 -0.36 -0.16 -0.12 -0.48 0.48 0.089 -0.46 -0.66 -1.4 -0.79 -0.97 -0.98 -0.00066 0.11 8.4e+03 8.5 0.98 -39 -
16 -0.36 -0.16 -0.12 -0.48 0.48 0.089 -0.46 -0.66 -1.4 -0.79 -0.97 -0.98 -0.00066 0.11 8.4e+03 8.5 0.49 -8.4 -
17 -0.36 -0.16 -0.12 -0.48 0.48 0.089 -0.46 -0.66 -1.4 -0.79 -0.97 -0.98 -0.00066 0.11 8.4e+03 8.5 0.24 -1.4 -
18 -0.4 -0.12 -0.16 -0.6 0.54 0.14 -0.5 -0.69 -1.6 -0.94 -1.1 -1.2 -0.00037 -0.039 8.4e+03 11 0.24 0.39 +
19 -0.4 -0.092 -0.18 -0.56 0.63 0.17 -0.53 -0.76 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 0.00015 -0.025 8.4e+03 13 0.24 0.15 +
20 -0.4 -0.092 -0.18 -0.56 0.63 0.17 -0.53 -0.76 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 0.00015 -0.025 8.4e+03 13 0.12 -4.5 -
21 -0.4 -0.092 -0.18 -0.56 0.63 0.17 -0.53 -0.76 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 0.00015 -0.025 8.4e+03 13 0.061 -4.8 -
22 -0.4 -0.092 -0.18 -0.56 0.63 0.17 -0.53 -0.76 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 0.00015 -0.025 8.4e+03 13 0.031 -5.6 -
23 -0.4 -0.092 -0.18 -0.56 0.63 0.17 -0.53 -0.76 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 0.00015 -0.025 8.4e+03 13 0.015 -3.6 -
24 -0.4 -0.092 -0.18 -0.56 0.63 0.17 -0.53 -0.76 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 0.00015 -0.025 8.4e+03 13 0.0076 -2.6 -
25 -0.4 -0.092 -0.18 -0.56 0.63 0.17 -0.53 -0.76 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 0.00015 -0.025 8.4e+03 13 0.0038 -2.2 -
26 -0.4 -0.092 -0.18 -0.56 0.63 0.17 -0.53 -0.76 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 0.00015 -0.025 8.4e+03 13 0.0019 -1.7 -
27 -0.4 -0.092 -0.18 -0.56 0.63 0.17 -0.53 -0.76 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 0.00015 -0.025 8.4e+03 13 0.00095 -1.2 -
28 -0.4 -0.092 -0.18 -0.56 0.63 0.17 -0.53 -0.76 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 0.00015 -0.025 8.4e+03 13 0.00048 -0.36 -
29 -0.4 -0.092 -0.19 -0.56 0.63 0.18 -0.53 -0.76 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 -0.00032 -0.026 8.4e+03 8.1 0.00048 0.46 +
30 -0.4 -0.092 -0.19 -0.56 0.63 0.18 -0.53 -0.76 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 -0.00014 -0.026 8.3e+03 5.2 0.0048 1.2 ++
31 -0.4 -0.092 -0.19 -0.56 0.63 0.18 -0.53 -0.76 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 -0.00017 -0.024 8.3e+03 0.13 0.048 1 ++
32 -0.4 -0.092 -0.19 -0.59 0.62 0.18 -0.53 -0.74 -1.7 -1.2 -1.4 -1.4 -0.00012 -0.035 8.3e+03 0.029 0.48 1 ++
33 -0.52 -0.18 -0.28 -0.6 0.76 0.32 -0.62 -0.69 -1.8 -1.4 -1.8 -1.8 0.00026 -0.13 8.3e+03 18 0.48 0.19 +
34 -0.46 -0.016 -0.36 -0.46 0.76 0.47 -0.66 -0.77 -1.7 -1.8 -2.3 -2.2 0.00016 -0.092 8.3e+03 17 0.48 0.68 +
35 -0.46 -0.016 -0.36 -0.46 0.76 0.47 -0.66 -0.77 -1.7 -1.8 -2.3 -2.2 0.00016 -0.092 8.3e+03 17 0.24 -0.28 -
36 -0.45 -0.14 -0.42 -0.31 0.82 0.56 -0.59 -0.76 -1.8 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00023 -0.12 8.3e+03 30 0.24 0.3 +
37 -0.44 -0.14 -0.52 -0.21 0.76 0.63 -0.62 -0.8 -1.7 -2 -2.5 -2.6 0.00024 -0.11 8.3e+03 6.4 0.24 0.8 +
38 -0.46 -0.13 -0.55 -0.25 0.76 0.61 -0.63 -0.8 -1.7 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 -0.11 8.3e+03 6.2 0.24 0.53 +
39 -0.46 -0.13 -0.56 -0.24 0.76 0.61 -0.63 -0.8 -1.7 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00022 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.7 2.4 1.1 ++
40 -0.46 -0.13 -0.56 -0.24 0.76 0.61 -0.63 -0.8 -1.7 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00022 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.02 24 1 ++
41 -0.46 -0.13 -0.56 -0.24 0.76 0.61 -0.63 -0.8 -1.7 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00022 -0.11 8.3e+03 1.9e-05 24 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Attempt 20/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 21/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_commuter lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.074 -0.1 -0.0096 -0.78 -0.33 -0.016 -0.24 -1 -0.11 1.1 1.5 9.5e+03 0.12 1 0.43 +
1 -0.22 -0.33 -0.05 -0.41 0.67 0.014 -1.1 -1.2 -0.12 0.96 1.6 8.9e+03 0.1 1 0.51 +
2 0.022 -0.15 -0.62 -0.36 0.41 0.65 -0.53 -1.2 -0.42 0.41 2 8.6e+03 0.024 1 0.72 +
3 0.061 -0.13 -0.62 -0.74 0.55 0.39 -0.67 -1.3 -0.27 0.63 1 8.6e+03 0.034 1 0.2 +
4 0.16 -0.1 -0.59 -0.99 0.83 0.8 -0.76 -1.6 -0.4 0.46 1.1 8.5e+03 0.0019 10 1 ++
5 0.21 -0.12 -0.59 -1.1 0.89 0.81 -0.78 -1.6 -0.39 0.5 1 8.5e+03 0.0013 1e+02 1 ++
6 0.22 -0.12 -0.6 -1.1 0.89 0.81 -0.77 -1.6 -0.39 0.5 1 8.5e+03 0.0007 1e+03 1 ++
7 0.22 -0.12 -0.6 -1.1 0.89 0.81 -0.77 -1.6 -0.39 0.5 1 8.5e+03 4.7e-05 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_commuter cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -2.9 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.22 -
2 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 2.5 1 ++
3 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 1.2 1 -
4 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 0.62 1 -
5 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 0.31 1 -
6 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 0.16 1 -
7 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 0.078 1 -
8 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 0.039 -3 -
9 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 0.02 -3.4 -
10 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 0.0098 -3.7 -
11 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 0.0049 -4.2 -
12 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 0.0024 -2.3 -
13 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 0.0012 -1.6 -
14 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 0.00061 -0.94 -
15 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 5.6 0.00031 -0.17 -
16 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0079 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.00031 1.3 0.00031 9.2e+03 3.7 0.00031 0.63 +
17 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0079 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.00021 1.3 0.00051 9.2e+03 2.9 0.00031 0.56 +
18 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0078 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.00026 1.3 0.00072 9.2e+03 0.6 0.0031 0.92 ++
19 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0073 -0.026 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.00026 1.3 0.0028 9.2e+03 0.1 0.031 1 ++
20 0.24 -0.26 -0.27 -0.0022 -0.03 0.25 -0.27 -0.28 -0.25 -0.00035 1.3 0.024 9.1e+03 0.5 0.31 1 ++
21 0.2 -0.33 -0.4 0.058 -0.07 0.19 -0.43 -0.59 -0.29 -0.0012 1.4 0.23 8.9e+03 1.9 0.31 0.55 +
22 0.13 -0.42 -0.29 0.17 -0.097 -0.11 -0.42 -0.59 -0.26 -0.00065 1.5 0.1 8.5e+03 0.3 3.1 0.9 ++
23 -0.26 -0.43 -0.54 1 -0.27 -0.56 -0.68 -0.98 -0.48 0.00028 1.8 -0.13 8.3e+03 26 3.1 0.74 +
24 -0.26 -0.43 -0.54 1 -0.27 -0.56 -0.68 -0.98 -0.48 0.00028 1.8 -0.13 8.3e+03 26 0.88 -2.2 -
25 -0.26 -0.43 -0.54 1 -0.27 -0.56 -0.68 -0.98 -0.48 0.00028 1.8 -0.13 8.3e+03 26 0.44 -0.096 -
26 -0.26 -0.41 -0.6 0.94 -0.3 -0.58 -0.64 -1.4 -0.57 2.6e-05 1.9 -0.062 8.2e+03 27 0.44 0.55 +
27 -0.26 -0.41 -0.6 0.94 -0.3 -0.58 -0.64 -1.4 -0.57 2.6e-05 1.9 -0.062 8.2e+03 27 0.22 -3.7 -
28 -0.26 -0.41 -0.6 0.94 -0.3 -0.58 -0.64 -1.4 -0.57 2.6e-05 1.9 -0.062 8.2e+03 27 0.11 -1.6 -
29 -0.26 -0.41 -0.6 0.94 -0.3 -0.58 -0.64 -1.4 -0.57 2.6e-05 1.9 -0.062 8.2e+03 27 0.055 -0.51 -
30 -0.26 -0.41 -0.59 0.94 -0.29 -0.59 -0.64 -1.4 -0.57 0.00023 1.9 -0.12 8.1e+03 43 0.055 0.39 +
31 -0.26 -0.41 -0.53 0.96 -0.28 -0.63 -0.62 -1.4 -0.58 0.00014 1.9 -0.092 8.1e+03 15 0.055 0.87 +
32 -0.25 -0.41 -0.53 0.97 -0.27 -0.6 -0.65 -1.5 -0.59 0.00017 1.9 -0.1 8.1e+03 3.6 0.55 0.96 ++
33 -0.16 -0.53 -0.37 1 -0.31 -0.69 -0.86 -1.9 -0.91 0.0002 1.5 -0.11 8.1e+03 3.6 5.5 0.91 ++
34 -0.17 -0.56 -0.36 1 -0.27 -0.67 -0.82 -1.9 -0.93 0.0002 1.5 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.35 55 1 ++
35 -0.17 -0.56 -0.35 1 -0.27 -0.66 -0.82 -1.9 -0.93 0.0002 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.0023 5.5e+02 1 ++
36 -0.17 -0.55 -0.35 1 -0.27 -0.66 -0.82 -1.9 -0.93 0.0002 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.0003 5.5e+03 1 ++
37 -0.17 -0.55 -0.35 1 -0.27 -0.66 -0.82 -1.9 -0.93 0.0002 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 1.6e-07 5.5e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:altspec;B_TIME:COMMUTERS;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:power [8091.6149164144235, 12]
Attempt 22/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_comm B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_commu B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_co cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.45 -
1 0.0069 -0.27 -0.0069 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 -0.022 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.05 0.005 1e+04 1.3 0.5 0.28 +
2 0.0069 -0.27 -0.0069 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 -0.022 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.05 0.005 1e+04 1.3 0.25 -5.9 -
3 0.0069 -0.27 -0.0069 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 -0.022 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.05 0.005 1e+04 1.3 0.12 -7 -
4 0.0069 -0.27 -0.0069 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 -0.022 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.05 0.005 1e+04 1.3 0.062 -5.2 -
5 0.0069 -0.27 -0.0069 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 -0.022 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.05 0.005 1e+04 1.3 0.031 -0.15 -
6 0.016 -0.24 -0.014 0.21 -0.24 0.0094 0.0094 0.17 0.062 -0.47 -0.073 0.019 -0.026 9.6e+03 0.98 0.031 0.84 +
7 0.016 -0.24 -0.014 0.21 -0.24 0.0094 0.0094 0.17 0.062 -0.47 -0.073 0.019 -0.026 9.6e+03 0.98 0.016 -3.7 -
8 0.00028 -0.23 -0.03 0.2 -0.26 -0.0063 -0.0062 0.16 0.078 -0.45 -0.081 0.0034 -0.042 9.4e+03 0.43 0.16 0.92 ++
9 0.00028 -0.23 -0.03 0.2 -0.26 -0.0063 -0.0062 0.16 0.078 -0.45 -0.081 0.0034 -0.042 9.4e+03 0.43 0.078 -13 -
10 0.00028 -0.23 -0.03 0.2 -0.26 -0.0063 -0.0062 0.16 0.078 -0.45 -0.081 0.0034 -0.042 9.4e+03 0.43 0.039 -13 -
11 0.00028 -0.23 -0.03 0.2 -0.26 -0.0063 -0.0062 0.16 0.078 -0.45 -0.081 0.0034 -0.042 9.4e+03 0.43 0.02 -13 -
12 0.00028 -0.23 -0.03 0.2 -0.26 -0.0063 -0.0062 0.16 0.078 -0.45 -0.081 0.0034 -0.042 9.4e+03 0.43 0.0098 -13 -
13 0.00028 -0.23 -0.03 0.2 -0.26 -0.0063 -0.0062 0.16 0.078 -0.45 -0.081 0.0034 -0.042 9.4e+03 0.43 0.0049 -6 -
14 0.00028 -0.23 -0.03 0.2 -0.26 -0.0063 -0.0062 0.16 0.078 -0.45 -0.081 0.0034 -0.042 9.4e+03 0.43 0.0024 0.039 -
15 -0.0022 -0.23 -0.032 0.19 -0.26 -0.0087 -0.0047 0.15 0.08 -0.46 -0.083 0.00094 -0.039 9.4e+03 0.26 0.024 0.96 ++
16 -0.0022 -0.23 -0.032 0.19 -0.26 -0.0087 -0.0047 0.15 0.08 -0.46 -0.083 0.00094 -0.039 9.4e+03 0.26 0.012 -0.93 -
17 -0.0022 -0.23 -0.032 0.19 -0.26 -0.0087 -0.0047 0.15 0.08 -0.46 -0.083 0.00094 -0.039 9.4e+03 0.26 0.0061 -0.8 -
18 -0.0022 -0.23 -0.032 0.19 -0.26 -0.0087 -0.0047 0.15 0.08 -0.46 -0.083 0.00094 -0.039 9.4e+03 0.26 0.0031 -0.99 -
19 -0.0022 -0.23 -0.032 0.19 -0.26 -0.0087 -0.0047 0.15 0.08 -0.46 -0.083 0.00094 -0.039 9.4e+03 0.26 0.0015 -1.4 -
20 -0.0037 -0.23 -0.034 0.19 -0.26 -0.01 -0.0063 0.15 0.082 -0.46 -0.085 -0.00058 -0.038 9.4e+03 0.43 0.0015 0.77 +
21 -0.004 -0.23 -0.034 0.19 -0.26 -0.011 -0.0069 0.15 0.082 -0.46 -0.085 -0.00038 -0.037 9.4e+03 0.13 0.015 1 ++
22 -0.0074 -0.23 -0.039 0.18 -0.27 -0.022 -0.013 0.14 0.086 -0.47 -0.087 -0.00019 -0.031 9.3e+03 0.042 0.15 1 ++
23 -0.041 -0.26 -0.094 0.023 -0.36 -0.13 -0.077 0.053 0.12 -0.54 -0.11 0.00094 0.028 9.1e+03 1.6 0.15 0.89 +
24 -0.041 -0.26 -0.094 0.023 -0.36 -0.13 -0.077 0.053 0.12 -0.54 -0.11 0.00094 0.028 9.1e+03 1.6 0.076 -8.7 -
25 -0.041 -0.26 -0.094 0.023 -0.36 -0.13 -0.077 0.053 0.12 -0.54 -0.11 0.00094 0.028 9.1e+03 1.6 0.038 -9.7 -
26 -0.041 -0.26 -0.094 0.023 -0.36 -0.13 -0.077 0.053 0.12 -0.54 -0.11 0.00094 0.028 9.1e+03 1.6 0.019 -12 -
27 -0.041 -0.26 -0.094 0.023 -0.36 -0.13 -0.077 0.053 0.12 -0.54 -0.11 0.00094 0.028 9.1e+03 1.6 0.0095 -5.9 -
28 -0.041 -0.26 -0.094 0.023 -0.36 -0.13 -0.077 0.053 0.12 -0.54 -0.11 0.00094 0.028 9.1e+03 1.6 0.0048 -4.3 -
29 -0.041 -0.26 -0.094 0.023 -0.36 -0.13 -0.077 0.053 0.12 -0.54 -0.11 0.00094 0.028 9.1e+03 1.6 0.0024 -2.3 -
30 -0.041 -0.26 -0.094 0.023 -0.36 -0.13 -0.077 0.053 0.12 -0.54 -0.11 0.00094 0.028 9.1e+03 1.6 0.0012 -0.1 -
31 -0.042 -0.26 -0.095 0.021 -0.36 -0.13 -0.078 0.052 0.12 -0.54 -0.11 -0.00025 0.03 9.1e+03 1.1 0.012 0.97 ++
32 -0.045 -0.26 -0.098 0.01 -0.37 -0.14 -0.083 0.04 0.13 -0.55 -0.12 -0.00055 0.035 9.1e+03 1.5 0.012 0.9 +
33 -0.047 -0.26 -0.1 -0.00047 -0.37 -0.15 -0.087 0.028 0.13 -0.55 -0.12 -0.00039 0.041 9.1e+03 0.65 0.12 0.97 ++
34 -0.069 -0.25 -0.14 -0.1 -0.43 -0.23 -0.13 -0.091 0.15 -0.57 -0.13 -0.00077 0.11 8.9e+03 1.8 1.2 0.98 ++
35 -0.069 -0.25 -0.14 -0.1 -0.43 -0.23 -0.13 -0.091 0.15 -0.57 -0.13 -0.00077 0.11 8.9e+03 1.8 0.6 -2.5 -
36 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0025 0.6 8.9e+03 9.6 0.6 0.12 +
37 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0025 0.6 8.9e+03 9.6 0.3 -5.2 -
38 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0025 0.6 8.9e+03 9.6 0.15 -5.6 -
39 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0025 0.6 8.9e+03 9.6 0.075 -4.5 -
40 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0025 0.6 8.9e+03 9.6 0.037 -2.9 -
41 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0025 0.6 8.9e+03 9.6 0.019 -2.2 -
42 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0025 0.6 8.9e+03 9.6 0.0093 -1.8 -
43 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0025 0.6 8.9e+03 9.6 0.0047 -1.3 -
44 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0025 0.6 8.9e+03 9.6 0.0023 -0.8 -
45 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0025 0.6 8.9e+03 9.6 0.0012 -0.35 -
46 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0025 0.6 8.9e+03 9.6 0.00058 -0.18 -
47 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0025 0.6 8.9e+03 9.6 0.00029 0.05 -
48 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0028 0.6 8.8e+03 4.8 0.00029 0.51 +
49 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0028 0.6 8.8e+03 4.8 0.00015 -0.8 -
50 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0027 0.6 8.8e+03 8.4 0.00015 0.17 +
51 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0027 0.6 8.8e+03 8.4 7.3e-05 0.056 -
52 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0027 0.6 8.8e+03 2.3 7.3e-05 0.61 +
53 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0027 0.6 8.8e+03 0.79 7.3e-05 0.89 +
54 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0027 0.6 8.8e+03 0.17 0.00073 1 ++
55 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.63 -0.27 -0.69 0.22 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0027 0.6 8.8e+03 1.3 0.0073 1 ++
56 -0.18 -0.25 -0.29 -0.46 -0.75 -0.62 -0.27 -0.69 0.23 -0.71 -0.21 -0.0027 0.59 8.8e+03 0.15 0.073 1 ++
57 -0.17 -0.24 -0.27 -0.49 -0.76 -0.55 -0.26 -0.72 0.23 -0.68 -0.2 -0.0025 0.53 8.6e+03 0.26 0.73 1 ++
58 -0.49 -0.24 -0.48 -0.56 -1.5 -0.65 -0.0046 -0.88 0.74 -0.76 -0.17 -0.00079 0.12 8.4e+03 0.79 7.3 0.91 ++
59 -0.49 -0.24 -0.48 -0.56 -1.5 -0.65 -0.0046 -0.88 0.74 -0.76 -0.17 -0.00079 0.12 8.4e+03 0.79 0.35 -2.9 -
60 -0.63 -0.14 -0.65 -0.79 -1.8 -0.7 0.23 -1.1 0.93 -0.92 0.068 -0.001 0.18 8.3e+03 0.13 3.5 0.95 ++
61 -0.63 -0.14 -0.65 -0.79 -1.8 -0.7 0.23 -1.1 0.93 -0.92 0.068 -0.001 0.18 8.3e+03 0.13 1.8 -1.8e+02 -
62 -0.63 -0.14 -0.65 -0.79 -1.8 -0.7 0.23 -1.1 0.93 -0.92 0.068 -0.001 0.18 8.3e+03 0.13 0.88 -89 -
63 -0.63 -0.14 -0.65 -0.79 -1.8 -0.7 0.23 -1.1 0.93 -0.92 0.068 -0.001 0.18 8.3e+03 0.13 0.44 -20 -
64 -0.63 -0.14 -0.65 -0.79 -1.8 -0.7 0.23 -1.1 0.93 -0.92 0.068 -0.001 0.18 8.3e+03 0.13 0.22 -1.5 -
65 -0.51 -0.19 -0.6 -0.77 -1.9 -0.92 0.29 -1.3 1.1 -1 0.073 -0.00051 0.059 8.3e+03 0.24 0.22 0.82 +
66 -0.59 -0.082 -0.62 -0.82 -1.9 -1 0.27 -1.5 1.2 -1.2 0.15 -0.00042 0.035 8.3e+03 0.2 2.2 1.1 ++
67 -0.59 -0.082 -0.62 -0.82 -1.9 -1 0.27 -1.5 1.2 -1.2 0.15 -0.00042 0.035 8.3e+03 0.2 1.1 -1.9e+02 -
68 -0.59 -0.082 -0.62 -0.82 -1.9 -1 0.27 -1.5 1.2 -1.2 0.15 -0.00042 0.035 8.3e+03 0.2 0.55 -27 -
69 -0.59 -0.082 -0.62 -0.82 -1.9 -1 0.27 -1.5 1.2 -1.2 0.15 -0.00042 0.035 8.3e+03 0.2 0.27 -1.7 -
70 -0.46 -0.02 -0.64 -0.75 -1.9 -1.3 0.33 -1.7 1.3 -1.5 0.11 -0.00013 -0.034 8.3e+03 0.048 2.7 0.95 ++
71 -0.46 -0.02 -0.64 -0.75 -1.9 -1.3 0.33 -1.7 1.3 -1.5 0.11 -0.00013 -0.034 8.3e+03 0.048 0.41 -1.8 -
72 -0.56 0.17 -0.62 -0.79 -1.9 -1.5 0.23 -2 1.2 -1.9 0.24 2.5e-05 -0.07 8.3e+03 0.68 4.1 1.2 ++
73 -0.56 0.17 -0.62 -0.79 -1.9 -1.5 0.23 -2 1.2 -1.9 0.24 2.5e-05 -0.07 8.3e+03 0.68 0.4 -1.7 -
74 -0.39 0.31 -0.67 -0.77 -1.9 -1.8 0.14 -2.4 1.1 -2.3 0.062 0.00019 -0.11 8.3e+03 4.1 0.4 0.83 +
75 -0.43 0.47 -0.66 -0.8 -1.9 -1.9 0.0057 -2.5 0.9 -2.5 -0.06 0.00018 -0.1 8.3e+03 1.1 4 0.97 ++
76 -0.44 0.43 -0.65 -0.79 -1.9 -1.9 -0.22 -2.4 0.6 -2.4 -0.23 0.00018 -0.1 8.3e+03 0.26 40 1 ++
77 -0.43 0.45 -0.65 -0.8 -1.9 -1.9 -0.24 -2.4 0.59 -2.5 -0.24 0.00019 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.028 4e+02 0.99 ++
78 -0.43 0.45 -0.65 -0.8 -1.9 -1.9 -0.26 -2.4 0.56 -2.5 -0.26 0.00019 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.0061 4e+03 1 ++
79 -0.43 0.45 -0.65 -0.8 -1.9 -1.9 -0.26 -2.4 0.55 -2.5 -0.26 0.00019 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.0055 4e+04 1 ++
80 -0.43 0.45 -0.65 -0.8 -1.9 -1.9 -0.26 -2.4 0.55 -2.5 -0.26 0.00019 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.00011 4e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 23/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -2.7 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.4 -
2 0.013 -0.011 -0.0031 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0098 -0.011 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.3e+03 2.1 2.5 1 ++
3 0.013 -0.011 -0.0031 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0098 -0.011 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.3e+03 2.1 1.2 1 -
4 0.013 -0.011 -0.0031 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0098 -0.011 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.3e+03 2.1 0.62 1 -
5 0.013 -0.011 -0.0031 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0098 -0.011 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.3e+03 2.1 0.31 -2 -
6 0.013 -0.011 -0.0031 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0098 -0.011 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.3e+03 2.1 0.16 -0.2 -
7 0.046 -0.019 -0.0056 -0.32 -0.25 -0.011 0.016 0.18 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0031 1.3 0.11 9.2e+03 11 0.16 0.26 +
8 0.046 -0.019 -0.0056 -0.32 -0.25 -0.011 0.016 0.18 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0031 1.3 0.11 9.2e+03 11 0.078 -0.53 -
9 0.046 -0.019 -0.0056 -0.32 -0.25 -0.011 0.016 0.18 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0031 1.3 0.11 9.2e+03 11 0.039 -0.42 -
10 0.046 -0.019 -0.0056 -0.32 -0.25 -0.011 0.016 0.18 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0031 1.3 0.11 9.2e+03 11 0.02 -0.37 -
11 0.046 -0.019 -0.0056 -0.32 -0.25 -0.011 0.016 0.18 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0031 1.3 0.11 9.2e+03 11 0.0098 -0.34 -
12 0.046 -0.019 -0.0056 -0.32 -0.25 -0.011 0.016 0.18 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0031 1.3 0.11 9.2e+03 11 0.0049 -0.32 -
13 0.044 -0.024 -0.0069 -0.32 -0.24 -0.011 0.017 0.17 -0.35 -0.4 0.0018 1.3 0.11 9.1e+03 5.4 0.0049 0.16 +
14 0.044 -0.024 -0.0069 -0.32 -0.24 -0.011 0.017 0.17 -0.35 -0.4 0.0018 1.3 0.11 9.1e+03 5.4 0.0024 -0.19 -
15 0.042 -0.027 -0.0093 -0.32 -0.24 -0.0083 0.019 0.17 -0.35 -0.41 -0.00066 1.3 0.11 9e+03 2.8 0.024 0.99 ++
16 0.041 -0.033 -0.01 -0.32 -0.23 -0.0082 0.019 0.14 -0.36 -0.42 -0.00076 1.3 0.12 9e+03 0.57 0.24 0.99 ++
17 0.03 -0.1 -0.017 -0.3 -0.11 -0.0061 0.013 -0.1 -0.44 -0.57 -0.0011 1.4 0.21 8.7e+03 0.5 2.4 0.97 ++
18 0.03 -0.1 -0.017 -0.3 -0.11 -0.0061 0.013 -0.1 -0.44 -0.57 -0.0011 1.4 0.21 8.7e+03 0.5 1.2 0.97 -
19 0.03 -0.1 -0.017 -0.3 -0.11 -0.0061 0.013 -0.1 -0.44 -0.57 -0.0011 1.4 0.21 8.7e+03 0.5 0.61 -30 -
20 -0.18 -0.4 -0.073 -0.29 0.4 0.017 -0.15 -0.71 -1 -0.89 -0.00031 1.9 0.025 8.5e+03 15 0.61 0.62 +
21 -0.18 -0.4 -0.073 -0.29 0.4 0.017 -0.15 -0.71 -1 -0.89 -0.00031 1.9 0.025 8.5e+03 15 0.31 -1.1 -
22 -0.21 -0.098 -0.12 -0.31 0.31 0.059 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -0.00036 2 -0.076 8.4e+03 44 0.31 0.18 +
23 -0.21 -0.098 -0.12 -0.31 0.31 0.059 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -0.00036 2 -0.076 8.4e+03 44 0.15 -1.7 -
24 -0.21 -0.098 -0.12 -0.31 0.31 0.059 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -0.00036 2 -0.076 8.4e+03 44 0.076 -1.2 -
25 -0.21 -0.098 -0.12 -0.31 0.31 0.059 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -0.00036 2 -0.076 8.4e+03 44 0.038 -0.71 -
26 -0.21 -0.098 -0.12 -0.31 0.31 0.059 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -0.00036 2 -0.076 8.4e+03 44 0.019 -0.57 -
27 -0.21 -0.098 -0.12 -0.31 0.31 0.059 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -0.00036 2 -0.076 8.4e+03 44 0.0095 -0.51 -
28 -0.21 -0.098 -0.12 -0.31 0.31 0.059 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -0.00036 2 -0.076 8.4e+03 44 0.0048 -0.49 -
29 -0.21 -0.098 -0.12 -0.31 0.31 0.059 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -0.00036 2 -0.076 8.4e+03 44 0.0024 -0.48 -
30 -0.21 -0.098 -0.12 -0.31 0.31 0.059 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -0.00036 2 -0.076 8.4e+03 44 0.0012 -0.47 -
31 -0.21 -0.098 -0.12 -0.31 0.31 0.059 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -0.00036 2 -0.076 8.4e+03 44 0.0006 -0.065 -
32 -0.21 -0.097 -0.12 -0.31 0.31 0.059 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 0.00024 2 -0.076 8.3e+03 22 0.0006 0.48 +
33 -0.21 -0.097 -0.12 -0.31 0.31 0.059 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 0.00024 2 -0.076 8.3e+03 22 0.0003 -0.84 -
34 -0.21 -0.097 -0.13 -0.31 0.31 0.06 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -6.3e-05 2 -0.076 8.3e+03 30 0.0003 0.12 +
35 -0.21 -0.097 -0.13 -0.31 0.31 0.06 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -6.3e-05 2 -0.076 8.3e+03 30 0.00015 -0.13 -
36 -0.21 -0.097 -0.13 -0.31 0.31 0.06 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 8.6e-05 2 -0.076 8.3e+03 19 0.00015 0.68 +
37 -0.21 -0.097 -0.13 -0.31 0.31 0.06 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 8.6e-05 2 -0.076 8.3e+03 19 7.5e-05 -0.24 -
38 -0.21 -0.097 -0.13 -0.31 0.31 0.06 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 8.6e-05 2 -0.076 8.3e+03 19 3.7e-05 -0.25 -
39 -0.21 -0.097 -0.13 -0.31 0.31 0.06 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 4.9e-05 2 -0.076 8.3e+03 12 3.7e-05 0.31 +
40 -0.21 -0.097 -0.13 -0.31 0.31 0.06 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 7.2e-05 2 -0.076 8.3e+03 8.7 3.7e-05 0.49 +
41 -0.21 -0.097 -0.13 -0.31 0.31 0.06 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 6.4e-05 2 -0.076 8.3e+03 0.38 0.00037 0.96 ++
42 -0.21 -0.097 -0.13 -0.31 0.31 0.06 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 6.2e-05 2 -0.075 8.3e+03 0.031 0.0037 1 ++
43 -0.21 -0.096 -0.13 -0.31 0.31 0.06 -0.27 -0.58 -1 -1.2 4.6e-05 2 -0.072 8.3e+03 0.31 0.037 1 ++
44 -0.21 -0.089 -0.13 -0.31 0.32 0.064 -0.27 -0.57 -1 -1.2 3.8e-05 2 -0.069 8.3e+03 0.017 0.37 1 ++
45 -0.21 -0.089 -0.13 -0.31 0.32 0.064 -0.27 -0.57 -1 -1.2 3.8e-05 2 -0.069 8.3e+03 0.017 0.19 -0.048 -
46 -0.23 -0.076 -0.16 -0.28 0.38 0.089 -0.28 -0.57 -1 -1.4 0.00017 2 -0.1 8.2e+03 8.6 0.19 0.76 +
47 -0.21 -0.035 -0.2 -0.24 0.43 0.12 -0.25 -0.63 -1 -1.6 0.00014 2 -0.094 8.2e+03 2.1 1.9 0.99 ++
48 -0.15 -0.06 -0.39 -0.18 0.47 0.26 -0.25 -0.65 -1.2 -1.9 0.00022 1.8 -0.11 8.2e+03 5.7 19 0.95 ++
49 -0.16 -0.063 -0.44 -0.19 0.49 0.27 -0.25 -0.66 -1.2 -2 0.0002 1.7 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.13 1.9e+02 1 ++
50 -0.16 -0.062 -0.46 -0.2 0.49 0.27 -0.25 -0.66 -1.2 -2 0.0002 1.7 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.0052 1.9e+03 1 ++
51 -0.16 -0.063 -0.47 -0.19 0.49 0.26 -0.25 -0.66 -1.2 -2 0.0002 1.7 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.00015 1.9e+04 1 ++
52 -0.16 -0.063 -0.47 -0.19 0.49 0.26 -0.25 -0.66 -1.2 -2 0.0002 1.7 -0.11 8.2e+03 3.7e-05 1.9e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.27 -
1 -0.099 -0.089 -0.0065 -0.27 -0.096 -0.0052 -0.14 0.22 -0.28 -0.25 0.19 -0.46 1.5 9.9e+03 0.22 0.5 0.36 +
2 -0.16 -0.17 -0.021 -0.16 0.17 0.0067 -0.19 -0.28 -0.36 -0.36 -0.23 -0.38 1.6 9.2e+03 0.24 0.5 0.53 +
3 -0.2 -0.19 -0.043 -0.3 0.28 0.031 -0.26 -0.38 -0.76 -0.51 -0.57 -0.6 2.1 8.6e+03 0.073 5 0.94 ++
4 -0.2 -0.19 -0.043 -0.3 0.28 0.031 -0.26 -0.38 -0.76 -0.51 -0.57 -0.6 2.1 8.6e+03 0.073 2.5 -72 -
5 -0.2 -0.19 -0.043 -0.3 0.28 0.031 -0.26 -0.38 -0.76 -0.51 -0.57 -0.6 2.1 8.6e+03 0.073 1.2 -14 -
6 -0.2 -0.19 -0.043 -0.3 0.28 0.031 -0.26 -0.38 -0.76 -0.51 -0.57 -0.6 2.1 8.6e+03 0.073 0.62 -0.94 -
7 -0.75 -0.11 -0.41 -0.36 0.35 0.61 -0.51 -0.8 -1.3 -0.74 -0.94 -0.65 2.8 8.5e+03 0.09 0.62 0.67 +
8 -0.52 -0.15 -0.67 -0.16 0.18 0.079 -0.47 -0.87 -1.3 -0.78 -0.61 -0.52 3.3 8.4e+03 0.014 0.62 0.69 +
9 -0.56 -0.13 -0.64 -0.28 0.28 0.31 -0.51 -0.89 -1.4 -0.82 -0.73 -0.59 2.6 8.4e+03 0.017 6.2 1.1 ++
10 -0.56 -0.13 -0.64 -0.28 0.28 0.31 -0.51 -0.89 -1.4 -0.82 -0.73 -0.59 2.6 8.4e+03 0.017 0.82 -6.1 -
11 -0.57 -0.14 -0.6 -0.3 0.34 0.2 -0.56 -0.87 -1.5 -0.92 -1 -0.85 1.8 8.4e+03 0.04 0.82 0.83 +
12 -0.59 -0.13 -0.56 -0.38 0.43 0.35 -0.59 -0.85 -1.5 -0.96 -1.2 -1 1.7 8.4e+03 0.01 8.2 1.2 ++
13 -0.59 -0.13 -0.56 -0.38 0.43 0.35 -0.59 -0.85 -1.5 -0.96 -1.2 -1 1.7 8.4e+03 0.01 0.32 -1.1 -
14 -0.59 -0.14 -0.56 -0.43 0.52 0.38 -0.59 -0.82 -1.5 -0.96 -1.2 -1.1 1.3 8.4e+03 0.015 3.2 1 ++
15 -0.57 -0.11 -0.53 -0.56 0.65 0.53 -0.63 -0.8 -1.6 -1 -1.4 -1.3 1.1 8.4e+03 0.0098 32 1.2 ++
16 -0.55 -0.11 -0.53 -0.61 0.71 0.55 -0.63 -0.78 -1.7 -1 -1.4 -1.4 1 8.4e+03 0.0059 3.2e+02 1.3 ++
17 -0.54 -0.1 -0.53 -0.62 0.72 0.55 -0.63 -0.78 -1.7 -1 -1.4 -1.4 1 8.4e+03 0.00084 3.2e+03 1 ++
18 -0.54 -0.1 -0.53 -0.62 0.72 0.55 -0.63 -0.78 -1.7 -1 -1.4 -1.4 1 8.4e+03 4.9e-05 3.2e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 14 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_commuter cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 0 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.39 -
2 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 1 0 9.5e+03 2.1 2.5 1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 1 0 9.5e+03 2.1 1.2 1 -
4 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 1 0 9.5e+03 2.1 0.62 -4.2 -
5 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 1 0 9.5e+03 2.1 0.31 -2.6 -
6 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 1 0 9.5e+03 2.1 0.16 -0.39 -
7 0.024 -0.012 -0.0038 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0041 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 1.1 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.16 0.18 +
8 0.024 -0.012 -0.0038 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0041 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 1.1 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.078 -0.8 -
9 0.024 -0.012 -0.0038 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0041 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 1.1 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.039 -0.7 -
10 0.024 -0.012 -0.0038 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0041 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 1.1 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.02 -0.64 -
11 0.024 -0.012 -0.0038 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0041 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 1.1 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.0098 -0.59 -
12 0.024 -0.012 -0.0038 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0041 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.09 -0.0037 1.1 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.0049 -0.12 -
13 0.024 -0.013 -0.004 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0052 0.22 -0.35 -0.41 -0.085 0.0012 1.1 0.12 9.2e+03 5.2 0.0049 0.32 +
14 0.024 -0.013 -0.004 -0.34 -0.17 -0.0074 0.0052 0.22 -0.35 -0.41 -0.085 0.0012 1.1 0.12 9.2e+03 5.2 0.0024 -0.52 -
15 0.027 -0.016 -0.0065 -0.35 -0.17 -0.005 0.0076 0.22 -0.35 -0.41 -0.083 -0.0013 1.1 0.12 9.1e+03 4.1 0.0024 0.65 +
16 0.027 -0.016 -0.0065 -0.35 -0.17 -0.0049 0.0078 0.22 -0.35 -0.41 -0.083 -0.00081 1.1 0.12 9.1e+03 2.1 0.024 1.4 ++
17 0.028 -0.019 -0.0071 -0.35 -0.16 -0.0048 0.0097 0.19 -0.36 -0.43 -0.085 -0.00075 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 2.8 0.24 0.96 ++
18 0.033 -0.054 -0.013 -0.37 -0.085 -0.0034 0.021 -0.05 -0.44 -0.58 -0.11 -0.0012 1.1 0.22 8.8e+03 2.5 2.4 0.96 ++
19 0.033 -0.054 -0.013 -0.37 -0.085 -0.0034 0.021 -0.05 -0.44 -0.58 -0.11 -0.0012 1.1 0.22 8.8e+03 2.5 1.2 0.96 -
20 0.033 -0.054 -0.013 -0.37 -0.085 -0.0034 0.021 -0.05 -0.44 -0.58 -0.11 -0.0012 1.1 0.22 8.8e+03 2.5 0.61 -6.1 -
21 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 6.1 0.96 ++
22 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 3.1 0.96 -
23 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 1.5 0.96 -
24 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 0.76 -36 -
25 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 0.38 -8.2 -
26 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 0.19 -3.1 -
27 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 0.095 -1.8 -
28 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 0.048 -0.85 -
29 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 0.024 -0.83 -
30 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 0.012 -0.91 -
31 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 0.006 -1.1 -
32 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 0.003 -1.3 -
33 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 0.0015 -1.4 -
34 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 0.00075 -1.5 -
35 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 0.00037 -0.73 -
36 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.016 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00047 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 11 0.00019 -0.2 -
37 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.017 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00066 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 5.4 0.00019 0.15 +
38 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.017 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00066 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 5.4 9.3e-05 -0.21 -
39 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.017 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00056 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 1.4 9.3e-05 0.87 +
40 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.39 0.35 0.017 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00056 1.2 0.071 8.5e+03 0.15 0.00093 0.98 ++
41 -0.24 -0.35 -0.055 -0.4 0.35 0.017 -0.16 -0.66 -0.96 -0.93 -0.12 -0.00056 1.3 0.072 8.5e+03 0.043 0.0093 1 ++
42 -0.24 -0.35 -0.056 -0.4 0.35 0.017 -0.17 -0.65 -0.96 -0.94 -0.12 -0.00058 1.3 0.077 8.5e+03 0.11 0.093 1 ++
43 -0.26 -0.33 -0.063 -0.44 0.35 0.024 -0.19 -0.57 -1.1 -0.98 -0.13 -0.00036 1.3 0.022 8.4e+03 0.05 0.93 1 ++
44 -0.26 -0.33 -0.063 -0.44 0.35 0.024 -0.19 -0.57 -1.1 -0.98 -0.13 -0.00036 1.3 0.022 8.4e+03 0.05 0.47 -16 -
45 -0.26 -0.33 -0.063 -0.44 0.35 0.024 -0.19 -0.57 -1.1 -0.98 -0.13 -0.00036 1.3 0.022 8.4e+03 0.05 0.23 -4.4 -
46 -0.33 -0.22 -0.095 -0.4 0.48 0.067 -0.29 -0.58 -1.3 -1.2 -0.21 0.00026 1.4 -0.13 8.4e+03 18 0.23 0.19 +
47 -0.34 -0.18 -0.11 -0.33 0.53 0.099 -0.33 -0.75 -1.3 -1.4 -0.32 -8e-06 1.4 -0.059 8.3e+03 5.1 0.23 0.75 +
48 -0.34 -0.18 -0.11 -0.33 0.53 0.099 -0.33 -0.75 -1.3 -1.4 -0.32 -8e-06 1.4 -0.059 8.3e+03 5.1 0.12 -0.16 -
49 -0.35 -0.16 -0.13 -0.33 0.52 0.13 -0.36 -0.71 -1.4 -1.6 -0.38 0.00023 1.4 -0.12 8.3e+03 20 0.12 0.31 +
50 -0.35 -0.14 -0.15 -0.25 0.56 0.17 -0.39 -0.77 -1.4 -1.7 -0.47 0.00015 1.4 -0.096 8.3e+03 6.4 1.2 0.91 ++
51 -0.22 -0.14 -0.47 -0.32 0.72 0.44 -0.37 -0.83 -1.7 -2.2 -0.93 0.00024 1 -0.12 8.3e+03 15 1.2 0.73 +
52 -0.19 -0.13 -0.49 -0.34 0.72 0.46 -0.35 -0.8 -1.8 -2.2 -0.96 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 2.1 12 1 ++
53 -0.19 -0.14 -0.6 -0.37 0.75 0.59 -0.37 -0.82 -1.9 -2.1 -1.1 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.15 1.2e+02 1 ++
54 -0.19 -0.13 -0.63 -0.38 0.76 0.59 -0.37 -0.82 -1.9 -2.1 -1.1 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.001 1.2e+03 1 ++
55 -0.19 -0.14 -0.64 -0.38 0.76 0.59 -0.37 -0.82 -1.9 -2.1 -1.1 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.00029 1.2e+04 1 ++
56 -0.19 -0.14 -0.64 -0.38 0.76 0.59 -0.37 -0.82 -1.9 -2.1 -1.1 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 3.5e-05 1.2e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 15 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.45 -
1 0.0066 -0.0068 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.0073 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.059 1 0.0061 1e+04 1.2 0.5 0.23 +
2 0.0066 -0.0068 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.0073 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.059 1 0.0061 1e+04 1.2 0.25 -6.8 -
3 0.0066 -0.0068 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.0073 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.059 1 0.0061 1e+04 1.2 0.12 -7.4 -
4 0.0066 -0.0068 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.0073 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.059 1 0.0061 1e+04 1.2 0.062 -4.1 -
5 0.0065 -0.0079 -0.002 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0054 -0.0076 0.23 -0.27 0.026 0.17 -0.49 -0.0032 1 -0.0045 9.5e+03 5.1 0.062 0.86 +
6 -0.019 -0.033 -0.0042 -0.25 -0.1 -0.004 -0.039 0.17 -0.28 -0.006 0.15 -0.52 0.0035 1 -0.055 9.4e+03 0.4 0.062 0.59 +
7 -0.019 -0.033 -0.0042 -0.25 -0.1 -0.004 -0.039 0.17 -0.28 -0.006 0.15 -0.52 0.0035 1 -0.055 9.4e+03 0.4 0.031 -14 -
8 -0.019 -0.033 -0.0042 -0.25 -0.1 -0.004 -0.039 0.17 -0.28 -0.006 0.15 -0.52 0.0035 1 -0.055 9.4e+03 0.4 0.016 -11 -
9 -0.019 -0.033 -0.0042 -0.25 -0.1 -0.004 -0.039 0.17 -0.28 -0.006 0.15 -0.52 0.0035 1 -0.055 9.4e+03 0.4 0.0078 -11 -
10 -0.019 -0.033 -0.0042 -0.25 -0.1 -0.004 -0.039 0.17 -0.28 -0.006 0.15 -0.52 0.0035 1 -0.055 9.4e+03 0.4 0.0039 -5.2 -
11 -0.023 -0.037 -0.0081 -0.24 -0.097 -9.3e-05 -0.043 0.16 -0.28 -0.0099 0.14 -0.52 -0.00044 1 -0.059 9.4e+03 0.6 0.0039 0.82 +
12 -0.023 -0.037 -0.0081 -0.24 -0.097 -9.2e-05 -0.043 0.16 -0.28 -0.0099 0.14 -0.52 -0.00024 1 -0.059 9.4e+03 0.18 0.039 1.2 ++
13 -0.034 -0.05 -0.0097 -0.24 -0.078 0.00068 -0.059 0.13 -0.3 -0.038 0.12 -0.53 -2.5e-06 1 -0.053 9.3e+03 0.075 0.39 1 ++
14 -0.12 -0.17 -0.027 -0.25 0.099 0.0085 -0.21 -0.26 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00014 1.1 0.099 8.9e+03 2.5 0.39 0.89 +
15 -0.12 -0.17 -0.027 -0.25 0.099 0.0085 -0.21 -0.26 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00014 1.1 0.099 8.9e+03 2.5 0.2 -7.1 -
16 -0.12 -0.17 -0.027 -0.25 0.099 0.0085 -0.21 -0.26 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00014 1.1 0.099 8.9e+03 2.5 0.098 -7.2 -
17 -0.12 -0.17 -0.027 -0.25 0.099 0.0085 -0.21 -0.26 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00014 1.1 0.099 8.9e+03 2.5 0.049 -7.6 -
18 -0.12 -0.17 -0.027 -0.25 0.099 0.0085 -0.21 -0.26 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00014 1.1 0.099 8.9e+03 2.5 0.024 -8.1 -
19 -0.12 -0.17 -0.027 -0.25 0.099 0.0085 -0.21 -0.26 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00014 1.1 0.099 8.9e+03 2.5 0.012 -9.1 -
20 -0.12 -0.17 -0.027 -0.25 0.099 0.0085 -0.21 -0.26 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00014 1.1 0.099 8.9e+03 2.5 0.0061 -4.9 -
21 -0.12 -0.17 -0.027 -0.25 0.099 0.0085 -0.21 -0.26 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00014 1.1 0.099 8.9e+03 2.5 0.0031 -3.3 -
22 -0.12 -0.17 -0.027 -0.25 0.099 0.0085 -0.21 -0.26 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00014 1.1 0.099 8.9e+03 2.5 0.0015 -1.7 -
23 -0.12 -0.17 -0.027 -0.25 0.099 0.0085 -0.21 -0.26 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00014 1.1 0.099 8.9e+03 2.5 0.00076 -0.44 -
24 -0.12 -0.17 -0.028 -0.25 0.1 0.0093 -0.21 -0.27 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.0009 1.1 0.1 8.9e+03 2.6 0.00076 0.47 +
25 -0.12 -0.17 -0.028 -0.25 0.1 0.0093 -0.21 -0.27 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.0009 1.1 0.1 8.9e+03 2.6 0.00038 -0.59 -
26 -0.12 -0.17 -0.028 -0.25 0.1 0.0096 -0.21 -0.27 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00052 1.1 0.1 8.9e+03 2.3 0.00038 0.21 +
27 -0.12 -0.17 -0.028 -0.25 0.1 0.0096 -0.21 -0.27 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00052 1.1 0.1 8.9e+03 2.3 0.00019 -0.06 -
28 -0.12 -0.17 -0.028 -0.25 0.1 0.0098 -0.21 -0.27 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00071 1.1 0.1 8.9e+03 0.42 0.00019 0.7 +
29 -0.12 -0.17 -0.028 -0.25 0.1 0.0098 -0.21 -0.27 -0.51 -0.31 -0.12 -0.66 -0.00069 1.1 0.1 8.9e+03 0.047 0.0019 1 ++
30 -0.12 -0.17 -0.028 -0.25 0.1 0.0099 -0.21 -0.27 -0.51 -0.31 -0.13 -0.66 -0.0007 1.1 0.1 8.8e+03 0.25 0.019 1 ++
31 -0.12 -0.17 -0.029 -0.25 0.11 0.01 -0.2 -0.28 -0.52 -0.31 -0.14 -0.67 -0.00073 1.1 0.11 8.8e+03 0.041 0.19 1 ++
32 -0.12 -0.16 -0.036 -0.26 0.17 0.016 -0.22 -0.34 -0.63 -0.36 -0.33 -0.69 -0.0012 1.1 0.22 8.7e+03 0.22 1.9 0.95 ++
33 -0.12 -0.16 -0.036 -0.26 0.17 0.016 -0.22 -0.34 -0.63 -0.36 -0.33 -0.69 -0.0012 1.1 0.22 8.7e+03 0.22 0.95 -9.7 -
34 -0.41 -0.24 -0.12 -0.57 0.48 0.086 -0.39 -0.73 -1.6 -0.7 -0.81 -0.59 -0.00098 1.3 0.17 8.4e+03 1.9 9.5 0.98 ++
35 -0.41 -0.24 -0.12 -0.57 0.48 0.086 -0.39 -0.73 -1.6 -0.7 -0.81 -0.59 -0.00098 1.3 0.17 8.4e+03 1.9 4.8 0.98 -
36 -0.41 -0.24 -0.12 -0.57 0.48 0.086 -0.39 -0.73 -1.6 -0.7 -0.81 -0.59 -0.00098 1.3 0.17 8.4e+03 1.9 2.4 0.98 -
37 -0.41 -0.24 -0.12 -0.57 0.48 0.086 -0.39 -0.73 -1.6 -0.7 -0.81 -0.59 -0.00098 1.3 0.17 8.4e+03 1.9 1.2 -1.9e+02 -
38 -0.41 -0.24 -0.12 -0.57 0.48 0.086 -0.39 -0.73 -1.6 -0.7 -0.81 -0.59 -0.00098 1.3 0.17 8.4e+03 1.9 0.6 -55 -
39 -0.41 -0.24 -0.12 -0.57 0.48 0.086 -0.39 -0.73 -1.6 -0.7 -0.81 -0.59 -0.00098 1.3 0.17 8.4e+03 1.9 0.3 -4.8 -
40 -0.62 -0.053 -0.2 -0.58 0.49 0.22 -0.59 -0.93 -1.5 -0.92 -1.1 -0.89 -0.00022 1.4 -0.013 8.4e+03 1.6 0.3 0.7 +
41 -0.6 -0.15 -0.24 -0.47 0.53 0.33 -0.59 -0.82 -1.5 -1.1 -1.4 -1.2 -8.2e-05 1.6 -0.044 8.3e+03 0.86 3 1.1 ++
42 -0.6 -0.15 -0.24 -0.47 0.53 0.33 -0.59 -0.82 -1.5 -1.1 -1.4 -1.2 -8.2e-05 1.6 -0.044 8.3e+03 0.86 0.72 -11 -
43 -0.6 -0.15 -0.24 -0.47 0.53 0.33 -0.59 -0.82 -1.5 -1.1 -1.4 -1.2 -8.2e-05 1.6 -0.044 8.3e+03 0.86 0.36 -1.8 -
44 -0.53 -0.013 -0.31 -0.35 0.44 0.44 -0.63 -0.84 -1.5 -1.4 -1.6 -1.5 0.00015 1.4 -0.099 8.3e+03 6.2 0.36 0.74 +
45 -0.51 -0.18 -0.37 -0.32 0.58 0.45 -0.6 -0.82 -1.6 -1.6 -1.9 -1.9 0.00014 1.2 -0.094 8.3e+03 1.2 3.6 1.1 ++
46 -0.47 -0.054 -0.41 -0.33 0.66 0.48 -0.62 -0.77 -1.7 -1.7 -2.1 -2.1 0.00014 1 -0.099 8.3e+03 13 36 0.99 ++
47 -0.47 -0.13 -0.42 -0.35 0.69 0.49 -0.61 -0.77 -1.7 -1.7 -2.1 -2.2 0.00018 1 -0.1 8.3e+03 5.4 3.6e+02 0.92 ++
48 -0.46 -0.13 -0.52 -0.25 0.77 0.63 -0.62 -0.8 -1.7 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00023 1 -0.11 8.3e+03 3.5 3.6e+03 0.95 ++
49 -0.46 -0.13 -0.55 -0.24 0.76 0.61 -0.63 -0.8 -1.7 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00022 1 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.082 3.6e+04 1 ++
50 -0.46 -0.13 -0.56 -0.24 0.76 0.61 -0.63 -0.8 -1.7 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00022 1 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.00012 3.6e+05 1 ++
51 -0.46 -0.13 -0.56 -0.24 0.76 0.61 -0.63 -0.8 -1.7 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00022 1 -0.11 8.3e+03 1.2e-06 3.6e+05 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 10 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.1e+04 0.22 0.5 0.034 -
1 -0.06 -0.5 -0.11 0.36 -0.46 -0.14 -0.19 -0.39 1 1.4 9.4e+03 0.15 0.5 0.58 +
2 -0.19 -0.38 -0.25 -0.14 -0.44 -0.29 -0.37 -0.44 1.1 1.4 8.9e+03 0.053 0.5 0.85 +
3 -0.43 -0.35 -0.53 -0.64 -0.91 -0.62 -0.8 -0.83 1.1 1.6 8.6e+03 0.025 5 1 ++
4 -0.43 -0.35 -0.53 -0.64 -0.91 -0.62 -0.8 -0.83 1.1 1.6 8.6e+03 0.025 2.5 1 -
5 -0.43 -0.35 -0.53 -0.64 -0.91 -0.62 -0.8 -0.83 1.1 1.6 8.6e+03 0.025 1.2 -20 -
6 -0.43 -0.35 -0.53 -0.64 -0.91 -0.62 -0.8 -0.83 1.1 1.6 8.6e+03 0.025 0.62 -0.79 -
7 -0.43 0.2 -0.58 -0.84 -1.5 -0.92 -1.1 -1 0.72 1.7 8.4e+03 0.024 6.2 0.93 ++
8 -0.088 0.38 -0.77 -0.8 -1.7 -1.2 -1.6 -1.7 0.29 1.2 8.4e+03 0.025 62 0.94 ++
9 -0.0095 0.39 -0.77 -0.79 -1.7 -1.4 -1.7 -2 0.27 1.1 8.4e+03 0.0061 6.2e+02 1.2 ++
10 0.022 0.31 -0.73 -0.76 -1.8 -1.4 -1.6 -2.1 0.27 1 8.3e+03 0.0047 6.2e+03 1.2 ++
11 0.095 0.4 -0.8 -0.77 -1.9 -1.5 -1.7 -2.3 0.16 1 8.3e+03 0.00067 6.2e+04 0.98 ++
12 0.095 0.4 -0.8 -0.77 -1.9 -1.5 -1.7 -2.3 0.16 1 8.3e+03 5e-06 6.2e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 4/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_commuter lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.0096 -
1 -0.0094 -0.033 -0.0044 -0.39 -0.18 -0.008 -0.035 0.28 -0.38 -0.5 -0.068 1 1.3 9.2e+03 0.12 0.5 0.72 +
2 -0.075 -0.14 -0.019 -0.33 0.055 -0.0015 -0.089 -0.22 -0.48 -0.76 -0.11 1 1.3 8.7e+03 0.044 5 0.92 ++
3 -0.075 -0.14 -0.019 -0.33 0.055 -0.0015 -0.089 -0.22 -0.48 -0.76 -0.11 1 1.3 8.7e+03 0.044 0.74 -0.42 -
4 -0.32 -0.27 -0.084 -0.28 0.6 0.062 -0.29 -0.71 -1.2 -1.2 -0.21 0.69 1.5 8.4e+03 0.019 7.4 1 ++
5 -0.21 -0.15 -0.56 -0.054 0.53 0.44 -0.52 -0.83 -1.6 -1.5 -0.46 0.35 1.5 8.3e+03 0.006 74 0.96 ++
6 -0.21 -0.15 -0.56 -0.054 0.53 0.44 -0.52 -0.83 -1.6 -1.5 -0.46 0.35 1.5 8.3e+03 0.006 0.24 -0.031 -
7 -0.19 -0.15 -0.57 -0.13 0.55 0.41 -0.51 -0.83 -1.7 -1.5 -0.48 0.41 1.2 8.3e+03 0.0065 2.4 1 ++
8 -0.1 -0.14 -0.64 -0.23 0.68 0.52 -0.5 -0.8 -1.8 -1.6 -0.52 0.37 1.1 8.3e+03 0.0047 24 1.2 ++
9 -0.075 -0.13 -0.64 -0.29 0.72 0.53 -0.49 -0.79 -1.9 -1.6 -0.53 0.36 1 8.3e+03 0.0014 2.4e+02 1.2 ++
10 -0.07 -0.13 -0.64 -0.3 0.72 0.53 -0.49 -0.79 -1.9 -1.6 -0.53 0.36 1 8.3e+03 0.00068 2.4e+03 1 ++
11 -0.07 -0.13 -0.64 -0.3 0.72 0.53 -0.49 -0.79 -1.9 -1.6 -0.53 0.36 1 8.3e+03 9.7e-06 2.4e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 5/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 6/20 for current solution
Attempt 24/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 5 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_commuter Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.25 -0.71 -0.71 -0.89 0.37 8.8e+03 0.036 10 1.1 ++
1 -0.0076 -0.67 -0.78 -1.2 0.089 8.7e+03 0.0064 1e+02 1.1 ++
2 0.017 -0.65 -0.79 -1.3 -0.052 8.7e+03 0.0002 1e+03 1 ++
3 0.017 -0.65 -0.79 -1.3 -0.052 8.7e+03 3.8e-07 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:no_seg;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:COMMUTERS;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:linear [8669.931926749796, 5]
Attempt 25/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 26/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_1st_ B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_1st_c B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_1s cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.33 -
1 0.0071 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.009 0.2 0.1 -0.5 -0.28 0.032 0.0034 9.8e+03 1.4 0.5 0.42 +
2 0.0071 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.009 0.2 0.1 -0.5 -0.28 0.032 0.0034 9.8e+03 1.4 0.25 -9.9 -
3 0.0071 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.009 0.2 0.1 -0.5 -0.28 0.032 0.0034 9.8e+03 1.4 0.12 -13 -
4 -0.024 -0.26 -0.095 0.1 -0.057 0.083 -0.0001 -0.47 -0.26 -0.093 -0.054 2.1e+04 7.3 1.2 17 ++
5 -0.024 -0.26 -0.095 0.1 -0.057 0.083 -0.0001 -0.47 -0.26 -0.093 -0.054 2.1e+04 7.3 0.62 -0.46 -
6 -0.024 -0.26 -0.095 0.1 -0.057 0.083 -0.0001 -0.47 -0.26 -0.093 -0.054 2.1e+04 7.3 0.31 -0.25 -
7 -0.024 -0.26 -0.095 0.1 -0.057 0.083 -0.0001 -0.47 -0.26 -0.093 -0.054 2.1e+04 7.3 0.16 -6.4 -
8 -0.024 -0.28 -0.097 0.027 -0.058 0.064 0.0059 -0.31 -0.18 0.063 0.029 9.9e+03 1.3 0.16 0.79 +
9 -0.024 -0.28 -0.097 0.027 -0.058 0.064 0.0059 -0.31 -0.18 0.063 0.029 9.9e+03 1.3 0.078 -0.1 -
10 -0.027 -0.28 -0.1 -0.051 -0.065 0.054 -0.0048 -0.31 -0.18 0.027 0.03 9.4e+03 0.35 0.078 0.53 +
11 -0.027 -0.28 -0.1 -0.051 -0.065 0.054 -0.0048 -0.31 -0.18 0.027 0.03 9.4e+03 0.35 0.039 -8.9 -
12 -0.027 -0.28 -0.1 -0.051 -0.065 0.054 -0.0048 -0.31 -0.18 0.027 0.03 9.4e+03 0.35 0.02 -4 -
13 -0.047 -0.3 -0.12 -0.031 -0.085 0.034 -0.024 -0.33 -0.2 0.0078 0.049 9.3e+03 0.093 0.2 0.96 ++
14 -0.14 -0.39 -0.24 -0.022 -0.22 0.029 -0.079 -0.53 -0.31 -0.004 0.22 9.1e+03 3.3 0.2 0.8 +
15 -0.19 -0.35 -0.38 -0.22 -0.22 -0.14 -0.22 -0.48 -0.3 0.004 0.15 8.9e+03 1.9 0.2 0.44 +
16 -0.19 -0.35 -0.38 -0.22 -0.22 -0.14 -0.22 -0.48 -0.3 0.004 0.15 8.9e+03 1.9 0.098 -9.1 -
17 -0.19 -0.35 -0.38 -0.22 -0.22 -0.14 -0.22 -0.48 -0.3 0.004 0.15 8.9e+03 1.9 0.049 -10 -
18 -0.19 -0.35 -0.38 -0.22 -0.22 -0.14 -0.22 -0.48 -0.3 0.004 0.15 8.9e+03 1.9 0.024 -8.4 -
19 -0.19 -0.35 -0.38 -0.22 -0.22 -0.14 -0.22 -0.48 -0.3 0.004 0.15 8.9e+03 1.9 0.012 -4.4 -
20 -0.19 -0.35 -0.38 -0.22 -0.22 -0.14 -0.22 -0.48 -0.3 0.004 0.15 8.9e+03 1.9 0.0061 -1.9 -
21 -0.18 -0.35 -0.39 -0.21 -0.21 -0.14 -0.23 -0.48 -0.31 -0.0021 0.15 8.8e+03 4.1 0.0061 0.57 +
22 -0.18 -0.35 -0.39 -0.21 -0.21 -0.14 -0.23 -0.49 -0.31 -0.0014 0.16 8.8e+03 2.1 0.061 1.3 ++
23 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.00055 0.22 8.7e+03 2.3 0.061 0.78 +
24 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.00055 0.22 8.7e+03 2.3 0.031 -8.4 -
25 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.00055 0.22 8.7e+03 2.3 0.015 -9.5 -
26 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.00055 0.22 8.7e+03 2.3 0.0076 -5 -
27 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.00055 0.22 8.7e+03 2.3 0.0038 -3.2 -
28 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.00055 0.22 8.7e+03 2.3 0.0019 -1.5 -
29 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.00055 0.22 8.7e+03 2.3 0.00095 -0.22 -
30 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.0015 0.22 8.7e+03 1.5 0.00095 0.45 +
31 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.0015 0.22 8.7e+03 1.5 0.00048 -0.77 -
32 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.001 0.22 8.7e+03 1.8 0.00048 0.27 +
33 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.0014 0.22 8.7e+03 1.3 0.00048 0.23 +
34 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.0014 0.22 8.7e+03 1.3 0.00024 -0.5 -
35 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.0011 0.22 8.7e+03 0.76 0.00024 0.57 +
36 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.0012 0.22 8.7e+03 0.036 0.0024 0.98 ++
37 -0.18 -0.38 -0.43 -0.23 -0.22 -0.16 -0.24 -0.54 -0.34 -0.0012 0.22 8.7e+03 0.1 0.024 1 ++
38 -0.18 -0.38 -0.45 -0.23 -0.22 -0.19 -0.26 -0.54 -0.35 -0.0013 0.23 8.7e+03 0.026 0.24 1 ++
39 -0.24 -0.37 -0.68 -0.35 -0.29 -0.42 -0.4 -0.55 -0.39 -0.002 0.41 8.6e+03 0.51 0.24 0.86 +
40 -0.47 -0.49 -0.9 -0.31 -0.44 -0.51 -0.48 -0.66 -0.49 -0.0011 0.17 8.6e+03 0.44 0.24 0.82 +
41 -0.57 -0.49 -0.79 -0.41 -0.56 -0.75 -0.65 -0.88 -0.65 -0.00058 0.067 8.5e+03 0.39 2.4 1.3 ++
42 -0.57 -0.49 -0.79 -0.41 -0.56 -0.75 -0.65 -0.88 -0.65 -0.00058 0.067 8.5e+03 0.39 0.39 -4.5 -
43 -0.56 -0.35 -0.96 -0.64 -0.76 -1.1 -0.8 -1.3 -0.87 -9.2e-05 -0.046 8.5e+03 1 3.9 0.93 ++
44 -0.59 -0.076 -0.86 -0.93 -0.85 -1.5 -0.91 -1.8 -0.96 8.2e-05 -0.08 8.4e+03 1.8 39 1.2 ++
45 -0.59 0.24 -0.89 -1.3 -0.86 -2 -0.83 -2.5 -0.99 0.00025 -0.12 8.4e+03 17 39 0.31 +
46 -0.55 0.3 -0.87 -1.4 -0.7 -2.1 -0.66 -2.6 -0.84 0.00022 -0.11 8.4e+03 1.3 3.9e+02 0.96 ++
47 -0.57 0.24 -0.87 -1.3 -0.68 -2.1 -0.62 -2.5 -0.84 0.0002 -0.11 8.4e+03 0.3 3.9e+03 0.98 ++
48 -0.57 0.24 -0.87 -1.3 -0.67 -2 -0.61 -2.5 -0.84 0.0002 -0.11 8.4e+03 0.0019 3.9e+04 1 ++
49 -0.57 0.24 -0.87 -1.3 -0.67 -2 -0.61 -2.5 -0.84 0.0002 -0.11 8.4e+03 1.5e-05 3.9e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 9 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 0.037 -
1 0.002 -0.4 -0.023 0.27 -0.39 -0.5 -0.28 1 1.3 9.1e+03 0.13 0.5 0.71 +
2 -0.072 -0.35 -0.069 -0.23 -0.45 -0.67 -0.36 1 1.3 8.7e+03 0.034 5 0.92 ++
3 -0.46 0.54 -0.41 -0.78 -1.5 -1.2 -0.31 0.16 1.9 8.5e+03 0.048 5 0.73 +
4 -0.44 0.34 -0.53 -0.91 -1.6 -1.2 -0.38 0.46 1.8 8.4e+03 0.007 50 1.1 ++
5 -0.44 0.34 -0.53 -0.91 -1.6 -1.2 -0.38 0.46 1.8 8.4e+03 0.007 0.4 -0.92 -
6 -0.44 0.19 -0.52 -0.94 -1.6 -1.2 -0.47 0.55 1.4 8.4e+03 0.015 4 0.99 ++
7 -0.37 0.21 -0.47 -0.91 -1.8 -1.3 -0.51 0.49 1.2 8.3e+03 0.0066 40 1.3 ++
8 -0.3 0.18 -0.45 -0.9 -1.9 -1.4 -0.55 0.47 1.1 8.3e+03 0.0055 4e+02 1.2 ++
9 -0.28 0.14 -0.44 -0.88 -2 -1.4 -0.56 0.46 1 8.3e+03 0.0015 4e+03 1.2 ++
10 -0.28 0.14 -0.44 -0.88 -2 -1.4 -0.56 0.46 1 8.3e+03 0.00061 4e+04 1 ++
11 -0.28 0.14 -0.44 -0.88 -2 -1.4 -0.56 0.46 1 8.3e+03 6.1e-06 4e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Attempt 27/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 14 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.88 -
1 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 5 1 ++
2 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 2.5 1 -
3 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 1.2 1 -
4 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.62 1 -
5 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.31 1 -
6 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.16 1 -
7 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.078 1 -
8 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.039 1 -
9 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.02 1 -
10 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.0098 -5.5 -
11 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.0049 -4 -
12 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.0024 -2.8 -
13 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.0012 -2 -
14 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.00061 -1.1 -
15 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.00046 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.00031 -0.16 -
16 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0052 -0.5 -0.00016 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00031 1.5 -0.00031 8.9e+03 4.1 0.00031 0.6 +
17 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0053 -0.5 2.8e-05 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00019 1.5 -0.00019 8.9e+03 4.4 0.00031 0.33 +
18 0.021 -0.061 -0.017 -0.0053 -0.5 0.00021 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00025 1.5 -7.2e-05 8.9e+03 0.9 0.00031 0.87 +
19 0.021 -0.062 -0.017 -0.0053 -0.5 0.0004 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00024 1.5 4.7e-05 8.9e+03 0.068 0.0031 1 ++
20 0.02 -0.063 -0.019 -0.0054 -0.5 0.0023 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00025 1.5 0.0012 8.9e+03 0.21 0.031 1 ++
21 0.016 -0.075 -0.032 -0.0063 -0.49 0.021 -0.37 -0.015 -0.14 -0.51 -0.5 -0.0003 1.5 0.013 8.8e+03 0.064 0.31 1 ++
22 -0.0069 -0.19 -0.15 -0.016 -0.43 0.21 -0.16 -0.012 -0.45 -0.58 -0.53 -0.00059 1.5 0.081 8.5e+03 0.98 3.1 0.99 ++
23 -0.0069 -0.19 -0.15 -0.016 -0.43 0.21 -0.16 -0.012 -0.45 -0.58 -0.53 -0.00059 1.5 0.081 8.5e+03 0.98 1.5 0.99 -
24 -0.0069 -0.19 -0.15 -0.016 -0.43 0.21 -0.16 -0.012 -0.45 -0.58 -0.53 -0.00059 1.5 0.081 8.5e+03 0.98 0.76 -38 -
25 -0.0069 -0.19 -0.15 -0.016 -0.43 0.21 -0.16 -0.012 -0.45 -0.58 -0.53 -0.00059 1.5 0.081 8.5e+03 0.98 0.38 -0.96 -
26 0.21 -0.39 -0.15 -0.04 -0.61 0.59 0.052 -0.0064 -0.74 -0.77 -0.56 -0.00011 1.8 -0.04 8.2e+03 7.2 0.38 0.84 +
27 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 0.38 0.86 +
28 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 0.19 -1.1 -
29 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 0.095 -1 -
30 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 0.048 -1.5 -
31 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 0.024 -1 -
32 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 0.012 -0.63 -
33 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 0.006 -0.38 -
34 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 0.003 -0.33 -
35 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 0.0015 -0.35 -
36 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 0.00075 -0.41 -
37 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 0.00037 -0.46 -
38 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 0.00019 -0.49 -
39 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 9.3e-05 -0.51 -
40 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00029 1.9 -0.11 8.2e+03 13 4.7e-05 0.023 -
41 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00025 1.9 -0.11 8.1e+03 4.8 0.00047 0.93 ++
42 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00022 1.9 -0.11 8.1e+03 3.9 0.00047 0.8 +
43 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.00023 1.9 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.4 0.0047 1 ++
44 0.13 -0.5 -0.078 -0.12 -0.66 0.89 0.23 0.033 -0.54 -1.2 -0.62 0.0002 1.9 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.96 0.047 1 ++
45 0.12 -0.5 -0.075 -0.12 -0.67 0.88 0.22 0.038 -0.56 -1.2 -0.63 0.00015 1.9 -0.094 8.1e+03 2.5 0.47 1 ++
46 0.2 -0.67 -0.075 -0.36 -0.77 1 0.3 0.18 -0.66 -1.6 -0.54 0.00019 1.4 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.93 0.47 0.78 +
47 0.2 -0.7 -0.068 -0.45 -0.8 1 0.34 0.24 -0.66 -1.6 -0.55 0.00019 1.5 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.1 4.7 1 ++
48 0.2 -0.68 -0.069 -0.46 -0.79 1 0.34 0.22 -0.65 -1.6 -0.55 0.00019 1.5 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.00077 47 1 ++
49 0.2 -0.68 -0.069 -0.46 -0.79 1 0.34 0.22 -0.65 -1.6 -0.55 0.00019 1.5 -0.1 8.1e+03 1.7e-05 47 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.29 -
1 0.0074 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.014 1.2 0.0014 9.5e+03 0.91 0.5 0.73 +
2 0.0074 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.014 1.2 0.0014 9.5e+03 0.91 0.25 0.73 -
3 0.0074 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.014 1.2 0.0014 9.5e+03 0.91 0.12 0.73 -
4 0.0074 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.014 1.2 0.0014 9.5e+03 0.91 0.062 0.73 -
5 0.0074 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.014 1.2 0.0014 9.5e+03 0.91 0.031 -18 -
6 0.0074 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.014 1.2 0.0014 9.5e+03 0.91 0.016 -4.3 -
7 -0.0082 -0.022 -0.003 -0.26 -0.13 -0.005 -0.054 -0.01 0.19 -0.49 -0.002 1.2 -0.013 9.4e+03 4.6 0.016 0.61 +
8 -0.015 -0.027 -0.0033 -0.26 -0.12 -0.0049 -0.064 -0.026 0.19 -0.5 8.4e-05 1.2 -0.012 9.3e+03 0.18 0.016 0.83 +
9 -0.022 -0.034 -0.0038 -0.27 -0.12 -0.0047 -0.076 -0.042 0.19 -0.5 -0.00068 1.2 -0.0084 9.3e+03 0.56 0.16 0.96 ++
10 -0.094 -0.1 -0.009 -0.27 -0.064 -0.0026 -0.22 -0.2 0.16 -0.55 0.00014 1.3 0.036 9.1e+03 2.3 0.16 0.89 +
11 -0.094 -0.1 -0.009 -0.27 -0.064 -0.0026 -0.22 -0.2 0.16 -0.55 0.00014 1.3 0.036 9.1e+03 2.3 0.078 -6.3 -
12 -0.094 -0.1 -0.009 -0.27 -0.064 -0.0026 -0.22 -0.2 0.16 -0.55 0.00014 1.3 0.036 9.1e+03 2.3 0.039 -6.4 -
13 -0.094 -0.1 -0.009 -0.27 -0.064 -0.0026 -0.22 -0.2 0.16 -0.55 0.00014 1.3 0.036 9.1e+03 2.3 0.02 -6.8 -
14 -0.094 -0.1 -0.009 -0.27 -0.064 -0.0026 -0.22 -0.2 0.16 -0.55 0.00014 1.3 0.036 9.1e+03 2.3 0.0098 -7.3 -
15 -0.094 -0.1 -0.009 -0.27 -0.064 -0.0026 -0.22 -0.2 0.16 -0.55 0.00014 1.3 0.036 9.1e+03 2.3 0.0049 -6.6 -
16 -0.094 -0.1 -0.009 -0.27 -0.064 -0.0026 -0.22 -0.2 0.16 -0.55 0.00014 1.3 0.036 9.1e+03 2.3 0.0024 -3.3 -
17 -0.094 -0.1 -0.009 -0.27 -0.064 -0.0026 -0.22 -0.2 0.16 -0.55 0.00014 1.3 0.036 9.1e+03 2.3 0.0012 -1.3 -
18 -0.094 -0.1 -0.009 -0.27 -0.064 -0.0026 -0.22 -0.2 0.16 -0.55 0.00014 1.3 0.036 9.1e+03 2.3 0.00061 -0.03 -
19 -0.093 -0.099 -0.0096 -0.27 -0.063 -0.002 -0.22 -0.2 0.16 -0.55 -0.00047 1.3 0.036 9.1e+03 0.59 0.00061 0.76 +
20 -0.093 -0.099 -0.0096 -0.27 -0.063 -0.002 -0.22 -0.2 0.16 -0.55 -0.00042 1.3 0.036 9.1e+03 0.075 0.0061 1 ++
21 -0.09 -0.098 -0.0097 -0.27 -0.062 -0.0019 -0.23 -0.19 0.15 -0.55 -0.00044 1.3 0.035 9.1e+03 0.28 0.061 1 ++
22 -0.067 -0.091 -0.011 -0.27 -0.046 -0.00092 -0.27 -0.17 0.092 -0.57 -0.00038 1.3 0.033 9e+03 0.073 0.61 0.99 ++
23 -0.05 -0.17 -0.034 -0.26 0.23 0.015 -0.83 -0.34 -0.52 -0.73 -0.0011 1.7 0.24 8.6e+03 6 0.61 0.63 +
24 -0.05 -0.17 -0.034 -0.26 0.23 0.015 -0.83 -0.34 -0.52 -0.73 -0.0011 1.7 0.24 8.6e+03 6 0.31 -0.03 -
25 -0.05 -0.17 -0.034 -0.26 0.23 0.015 -0.83 -0.34 -0.52 -0.73 -0.0011 1.7 0.24 8.6e+03 6 0.15 0.083 -
26 -0.1 -0.16 -0.051 -0.29 0.25 0.028 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.72 -0.0025 1.8 0.31 8.5e+03 5.5 0.15 0.4 +
27 -0.14 -0.17 -0.062 -0.32 0.26 0.036 -0.68 -0.47 -0.58 -0.74 -0.00082 1.8 0.15 8.4e+03 7 1.5 1 ++
28 -0.41 0.0081 -0.49 -0.62 0.47 0.43 -0.58 -0.75 -1.1 -1.1 -8.1e-05 2.2 -0.087 8.4e+03 31 1.5 0.4 +
29 -0.41 0.0081 -0.49 -0.62 0.47 0.43 -0.58 -0.75 -1.1 -1.1 -8.1e-05 2.2 -0.087 8.4e+03 31 0.76 -6.9 -
30 -0.41 0.0081 -0.49 -0.62 0.47 0.43 -0.58 -0.75 -1.1 -1.1 -8.1e-05 2.2 -0.087 8.4e+03 31 0.38 -2.1 -
31 -0.41 0.0081 -0.49 -0.62 0.47 0.43 -0.58 -0.75 -1.1 -1.1 -8.1e-05 2.2 -0.087 8.4e+03 31 0.19 -1.3 -
32 -0.41 0.0081 -0.49 -0.62 0.47 0.43 -0.58 -0.75 -1.1 -1.1 -8.1e-05 2.2 -0.087 8.4e+03 31 0.095 -0.86 -
33 -0.41 0.0081 -0.49 -0.62 0.47 0.43 -0.58 -0.75 -1.1 -1.1 -8.1e-05 2.2 -0.087 8.4e+03 31 0.048 -0.24 -
34 -0.41 0.013 -0.49 -0.64 0.46 0.43 -0.57 -0.76 -1.1 -1.1 0.00048 2.2 -0.084 8.4e+03 16 0.048 0.13 +
35 -0.41 0.013 -0.49 -0.64 0.46 0.43 -0.57 -0.76 -1.1 -1.1 0.00048 2.2 -0.084 8.4e+03 16 0.024 0.13 -
36 -0.41 0.013 -0.49 -0.64 0.46 0.43 -0.57 -0.76 -1.1 -1.1 0.00048 2.2 -0.084 8.4e+03 16 0.012 0.13 -
37 -0.41 0.013 -0.49 -0.64 0.46 0.43 -0.57 -0.76 -1.1 -1.1 0.00048 2.2 -0.084 8.4e+03 16 0.006 0.13 -
38 -0.41 0.013 -0.49 -0.64 0.46 0.43 -0.57 -0.76 -1.1 -1.1 0.00048 2.2 -0.084 8.4e+03 16 0.003 -3.1 -
39 -0.41 0.013 -0.49 -0.64 0.46 0.43 -0.57 -0.76 -1.1 -1.1 0.00048 2.2 -0.084 8.4e+03 16 0.0015 -2.3 -
40 -0.41 0.013 -0.49 -0.64 0.46 0.43 -0.57 -0.76 -1.1 -1.1 0.00048 2.2 -0.084 8.4e+03 16 0.00075 -1.6 -
41 -0.41 0.013 -0.49 -0.64 0.46 0.43 -0.57 -0.76 -1.1 -1.1 0.00048 2.2 -0.084 8.4e+03 16 0.00037 -0.39 -
42 -0.41 0.013 -0.49 -0.63 0.46 0.43 -0.57 -0.76 -1.1 -1.1 0.00011 2.2 -0.084 8.3e+03 0.087 0.0037 0.94 ++
43 -0.41 0.012 -0.49 -0.63 0.46 0.43 -0.57 -0.76 -1.1 -1.1 9.6e-05 2.2 -0.08 8.3e+03 0.46 0.037 1 ++
44 -0.43 -0.0018 -0.49 -0.61 0.48 0.42 -0.58 -0.78 -1.1 -1.2 -3.5e-05 2.3 -0.049 8.3e+03 3.5 0.37 1.1 ++
45 -0.56 -0.0038 -0.43 -0.44 0.54 0.35 -0.6 -0.89 -1.5 -1.5 0.00014 2.4 -0.094 8.3e+03 8.7 3.7 0.97 ++
46 -0.51 -0.0082 -0.36 -0.26 0.42 0.22 -0.58 -1.2 -1.9 -1.9 0.00021 2.5 -0.11 8.2e+03 8.5 37 1 ++
47 -0.48 -0.02 -0.42 -0.22 0.46 0.25 -0.61 -1.3 -2 -2.1 0.0002 2.3 -0.1 8.2e+03 8.5 37 0.86 +
48 -0.48 -0.019 -0.42 -0.22 0.46 0.25 -0.61 -1.3 -2 -2.1 0.0002 2.3 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.64 3.7e+02 1 ++
49 -0.48 -0.02 -0.42 -0.21 0.46 0.25 -0.61 -1.3 -2 -2.1 0.0002 2.3 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.012 3.7e+03 1 ++
50 -0.48 -0.02 -0.42 -0.21 0.46 0.25 -0.61 -1.3 -2 -2.1 0.0002 2.3 -0.11 8.2e+03 7.2e-05 3.7e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Attempt 28/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 29/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -2 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.14 -
2 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.1e+03 2.1 2.5 1 ++
3 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.1e+03 2.1 1.2 1 -
4 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.1e+03 2.1 0.62 1 -
5 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.1e+03 2.1 0.31 -2.2 -
6 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0082 -0.025 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.1e+03 2.1 0.16 -0.79 -
7 0.24 -0.28 -0.32 0.02 -0.035 0.21 -0.33 -0.41 -0.31 -0.0034 1.3 0.15 9.1e+03 13 0.16 0.17 +
8 0.24 -0.28 -0.32 0.02 -0.035 0.21 -0.33 -0.41 -0.31 -0.0034 1.3 0.15 9.1e+03 13 0.078 -0.091 -
9 0.24 -0.28 -0.32 0.02 -0.035 0.21 -0.33 -0.41 -0.31 -0.0034 1.3 0.15 9.1e+03 13 0.039 0.06 -
10 0.24 -0.29 -0.32 0.031 -0.031 0.17 -0.33 -0.44 -0.32 0.0022 1.4 0.12 9e+03 6.4 0.039 0.14 +
11 0.24 -0.29 -0.32 0.031 -0.031 0.17 -0.33 -0.44 -0.32 0.0022 1.4 0.12 9e+03 6.4 0.02 0.14 -
12 0.24 -0.29 -0.32 0.031 -0.031 0.17 -0.33 -0.44 -0.32 0.0022 1.4 0.12 9e+03 6.4 0.0098 -2 -
13 0.24 -0.29 -0.32 0.031 -0.031 0.17 -0.33 -0.44 -0.32 0.0022 1.4 0.12 9e+03 6.4 0.0049 -1.2 -
14 0.24 -0.3 -0.32 0.034 -0.031 0.17 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.0027 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 13 0.0049 0.1 +
15 0.24 -0.3 -0.32 0.036 -0.031 0.16 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 0.00098 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 6.3 0.0049 0.25 +
16 0.24 -0.3 -0.32 0.036 -0.031 0.16 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 0.00098 1.4 0.11 8.9e+03 6.3 0.0024 -0.79 -
17 0.24 -0.3 -0.31 0.038 -0.03 0.16 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.0015 1.4 0.1 8.8e+03 7.3 0.0024 0.45 +
18 0.24 -0.3 -0.31 0.038 -0.03 0.16 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.0015 1.4 0.1 8.8e+03 7.3 0.0012 -0.014 -
19 0.23 -0.3 -0.31 0.039 -0.029 0.16 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00024 1.4 0.11 8.8e+03 6.3 0.0012 0.23 +
20 0.23 -0.3 -0.31 0.039 -0.029 0.16 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00024 1.4 0.11 8.8e+03 6.3 0.00061 -0.11 -
21 0.23 -0.3 -0.31 0.04 -0.028 0.16 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00085 1.4 0.11 8.8e+03 3.5 0.00061 0.55 +
22 0.23 -0.3 -0.31 0.04 -0.028 0.16 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00085 1.4 0.11 8.8e+03 3.5 0.00031 -1.1 -
23 0.23 -0.3 -0.31 0.04 -0.028 0.16 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00085 1.4 0.11 8.8e+03 3.5 0.00015 -0.1 -
24 0.23 -0.3 -0.31 0.04 -0.028 0.16 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.0007 1.4 0.11 8.8e+03 0.6 0.00015 0.83 +
25 0.23 -0.3 -0.31 0.04 -0.028 0.16 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00069 1.4 0.11 8.8e+03 0.07 0.0015 0.99 ++
26 0.23 -0.3 -0.31 0.041 -0.028 0.16 -0.34 -0.44 -0.32 -0.00069 1.4 0.11 8.8e+03 0.13 0.015 1 ++
27 0.23 -0.31 -0.31 0.046 -0.028 0.14 -0.34 -0.45 -0.32 -0.00069 1.4 0.11 8.7e+03 0.066 0.15 1 ++
28 0.21 -0.36 -0.3 0.1 -0.032 -0.013 -0.37 -0.49 -0.33 -0.00069 1.4 0.11 8.6e+03 0.09 1.5 0.99 ++
29 -0.36 -0.44 -0.55 1.1 -0.23 -0.65 -0.64 -0.83 -0.54 0.00031 2 -0.13 8.3e+03 18 1.5 0.56 +
30 -0.36 -0.44 -0.55 1.1 -0.23 -0.65 -0.64 -0.83 -0.54 0.00031 2 -0.13 8.3e+03 18 0.76 -1.8 -
31 -0.36 -0.44 -0.55 1.1 -0.23 -0.65 -0.64 -0.83 -0.54 0.00031 2 -0.13 8.3e+03 18 0.38 -0.049 -
32 -0.34 -0.4 -0.64 0.99 -0.24 -0.67 -0.58 -1.2 -0.72 2.7e-05 2 -0.062 8.1e+03 14 0.38 0.65 +
33 -0.34 -0.4 -0.64 0.99 -0.24 -0.67 -0.58 -1.2 -0.72 2.7e-05 2 -0.062 8.1e+03 14 0.19 -2 -
34 -0.34 -0.4 -0.64 0.99 -0.24 -0.67 -0.58 -1.2 -0.72 2.7e-05 2 -0.062 8.1e+03 14 0.095 -0.75 -
35 -0.34 -0.4 -0.64 0.99 -0.24 -0.67 -0.58 -1.2 -0.72 2.7e-05 2 -0.062 8.1e+03 14 0.048 -0.078 -
36 -0.34 -0.39 -0.62 0.99 -0.25 -0.68 -0.57 -1.2 -0.72 0.00021 2 -0.11 8.1e+03 22 0.048 0.55 +
37 -0.33 -0.38 -0.58 1 -0.22 -0.7 -0.57 -1.3 -0.73 0.00016 2 -0.096 8.1e+03 1.1 0.48 1 ++
38 -0.25 -0.44 -0.49 1.1 -0.26 -0.73 -0.75 -1.6 -0.64 0.00018 1.5 -0.1 8.1e+03 4.3 0.48 0.87 +
39 -0.27 -0.48 -0.48 1.1 -0.24 -0.74 -0.78 -1.7 -0.66 0.00019 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.29 4.8 1 ++
40 -0.27 -0.48 -0.48 1.1 -0.24 -0.74 -0.77 -1.7 -0.66 0.00019 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.0029 48 1 ++
41 -0.27 -0.48 -0.48 1.1 -0.24 -0.74 -0.77 -1.7 -0.66 0.00019 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.00057 4.8e+02 1 ++
42 -0.27 -0.48 -0.48 1.1 -0.24 -0.74 -0.77 -1.7 -0.66 0.00019 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 7.2e-07 4.8e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:altspec;B_TIME:FIRST;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:power [8085.193148277836, 12]
Attempt 30/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 14 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_1st_ B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_1st_c B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_1s lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.37 -0.35 -0.036 -0.9 -0.02 -0.017 -0.9 -0.56 -0.46 -0.71 -0.43 -0.81 -0.4 2 9.1e+03 0.089 1 0.64 +
1 -0.4 -0.028 -0.69 -1.5 0.91 0.98 -0.88 0.14 -0.45 0.021 -1 -0.59 -0.49 2.1 8.8e+03 0.14 1 0.45 +
2 -0.4 -0.028 -0.69 -1.5 0.91 0.98 -0.88 0.14 -0.45 0.021 -1 -0.59 -0.49 2.1 8.8e+03 0.14 0.5 -1.5 -
3 -0.27 0.036 -0.69 -1.6 0.84 0.97 -0.87 -0.36 -0.41 -0.18 -1 -0.54 -0.49 2.2 8.8e+03 0.058 0.5 0.14 +
4 -0.27 0.036 -0.69 -1.6 0.84 0.97 -0.87 -0.36 -0.41 -0.18 -1 -0.54 -0.49 2.2 8.8e+03 0.058 0.25 -0.02 -
5 -0.34 -0.053 -0.68 -1.6 0.87 0.96 -0.81 -0.11 -0.53 -0.13 -1 -0.54 -0.5 2 8.6e+03 0.0082 2.5 1.1 ++
6 -0.34 -0.053 -0.68 -1.6 0.87 0.96 -0.81 -0.11 -0.53 -0.13 -1 -0.54 -0.5 2 8.6e+03 0.0082 1.2 -0.81 -
7 -0.19 -0.077 -0.63 -1.7 0.9 0.88 -0.99 -0.24 -1.2 -0.64 -1.2 -0.9 -0.9 0.71 8.5e+03 0.039 1.2 0.56 +
8 0.11 -0.12 -0.61 -0.8 0.83 0.69 -0.86 -0.77 -1 -1.6 -0.18 -2 -1.1 0.095 8.4e+03 0.011 12 0.9 ++
9 0.16 -0.12 -0.62 -0.81 0.85 0.72 -0.88 -0.99 -0.88 -1.6 -0.33 -2.1 -1 0.27 8.3e+03 0.00093 1.2e+02 0.95 ++
10 0.16 -0.12 -0.62 -0.81 0.85 0.72 -0.88 -0.99 -0.88 -1.6 -0.33 -2.1 -1 0.27 8.3e+03 3.7e-05 1.2e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 8 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.48 -
1 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 5 0.99 ++
2 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 2.5 0.99 -
3 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 1.2 0.99 -
4 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.62 0.99 -
5 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.31 0.99 -
6 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.16 0.99 -
7 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.078 0.99 -
8 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.039 0.99 -
9 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.02 0.99 -
10 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.0098 0.99 -
11 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.0049 -3.8 -
12 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.0024 -2.8 -
13 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.0012 -2 -
14 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.00061 -1.1 -
15 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.00031 -0.17 -
16 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00031 1.5 0.00031 8.7e+03 4.3 0.00031 0.61 +
17 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00019 1.5 0.00061 8.7e+03 5.1 0.00031 0.19 +
18 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00027 1.5 0.00092 8.7e+03 2.5 0.00031 0.62 +
19 0.13 -0.5 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00024 1.5 0.0012 8.7e+03 0.68 0.0031 0.91 ++
20 0.13 -0.5 -0.19 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00026 1.5 0.0043 8.7e+03 0.062 0.031 1 ++
21 0.12 -0.5 -0.21 -0.52 -0.51 -0.00038 1.5 0.035 8.7e+03 0.77 0.31 1 ++
22 0.027 -0.49 -0.52 -0.63 -0.53 -0.00052 1.6 0.065 8.5e+03 0.73 3.1 1 ++
23 0.027 -0.49 -0.52 -0.63 -0.53 -0.00052 1.6 0.065 8.5e+03 0.73 1.5 1 -
24 0.027 -0.49 -0.52 -0.63 -0.53 -0.00052 1.6 0.065 8.5e+03 0.73 0.76 -1.4e+02 -
25 0.027 -0.49 -0.52 -0.63 -0.53 -0.00052 1.6 0.065 8.5e+03 0.73 0.38 -26 -
26 0.027 -0.49 -0.52 -0.63 -0.53 -0.00052 1.6 0.065 8.5e+03 0.73 0.19 -2.4 -
27 0.01 -0.51 -0.71 -0.74 -0.55 -0.0001 1.7 -0.033 8.5e+03 0.62 0.19 0.83 +
28 -0.029 -0.44 -0.71 -0.93 -0.62 4.8e-05 1.8 -0.068 8.4e+03 4.2 1.9 1.1 ++
29 0.13 -0.21 -0.67 -1.4 -0.62 0.00023 2 -0.12 8.4e+03 38 1.9 0.14 +
30 0.15 -0.18 -0.67 -1.4 -0.57 0.00017 2 -0.097 8.4e+03 9.6 1.9 0.86 +
31 0.13 -0.22 -0.67 -1.4 -0.54 0.00015 2 -0.095 8.4e+03 2.4 19 0.95 ++
32 0.12 -0.22 -0.67 -1.4 -0.56 0.00016 2 -0.095 8.4e+03 0.058 1.9e+02 1 ++
33 0.12 -0.22 -0.67 -1.4 -0.56 0.00016 2 -0.095 8.4e+03 0.00079 1.9e+03 1 ++
34 0.12 -0.22 -0.67 -1.4 -0.56 0.00016 2 -0.095 8.4e+03 1.9e-06 1.9e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 9 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.16 -
1 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.012 1 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.5 0.81 +
2 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.012 1 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.25 0.81 -
3 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.012 1 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.12 0.81 -
4 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.012 1 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.062 -12 -
5 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.012 1 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.031 -16 -
6 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.012 1 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.016 -5.7 -
7 -0.0082 -0.29 -0.054 -0.036 0.19 -0.52 -0.0033 1 0.017 9.5e+03 6.3 0.016 0.13 +
8 -0.011 -0.29 -0.059 -0.052 0.19 -0.52 0.0054 1 0.017 9.4e+03 0.86 0.016 0.25 +
9 -0.011 -0.29 -0.059 -0.052 0.19 -0.52 0.0054 1 0.017 9.4e+03 0.86 0.0078 -3.5 -
10 -0.019 -0.3 -0.066 -0.06 0.18 -0.53 -0.0024 1 0.025 9.4e+03 5.2 0.0078 0.18 +
11 -0.022 -0.3 -0.072 -0.068 0.18 -0.54 -0.00026 1 0.026 9.3e+03 0.25 0.0078 0.86 +
12 -0.026 -0.3 -0.078 -0.075 0.18 -0.54 -0.00055 1 0.029 9.3e+03 0.16 0.078 0.99 ++
13 -0.059 -0.31 -0.15 -0.15 0.16 -0.57 -0.00035 1 0.061 9.2e+03 1.1 0.78 0.96 ++
14 -0.13 -0.35 -0.93 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.0013 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.8 0.78 0.83 +
15 -0.13 -0.35 -0.93 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.0013 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.8 0.16 -0.64 -
16 -0.13 -0.35 -0.93 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.0013 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.8 0.081 -0.69 -
17 -0.13 -0.35 -0.93 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.0013 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.8 0.041 -0.88 -
18 -0.13 -0.35 -0.93 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.0013 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.8 0.02 -1 -
19 -0.13 -0.35 -0.93 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.0013 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.8 0.01 -1.3 -
20 -0.13 -0.35 -0.93 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.0013 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.8 0.0051 -1.7 -
21 -0.13 -0.35 -0.93 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.0013 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.8 0.0025 -2.1 -
22 -0.13 -0.35 -0.93 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.0013 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.8 0.0013 -2.4 -
23 -0.13 -0.35 -0.93 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.0013 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.8 0.00063 -1.3 -
24 -0.13 -0.35 -0.93 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.0013 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.8 0.00032 0.021 -
25 -0.13 -0.35 -0.93 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.001 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.3 0.0032 1 ++
26 -0.13 -0.35 -0.92 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.00082 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 5.1 0.0032 0.26 +
27 -0.13 -0.35 -0.92 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.00082 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 5.1 0.0016 0.085 -
28 -0.13 -0.35 -0.92 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.00082 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 5.1 0.00079 -0.055 -
29 -0.13 -0.35 -0.92 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.00082 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 5.1 0.0004 -0.15 -
30 -0.13 -0.35 -0.92 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.00082 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 5.1 0.0002 -0.2 -
31 -0.13 -0.35 -0.92 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.001 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.4 0.0002 0.35 +
32 -0.13 -0.35 -0.92 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.001 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 2.4 9.9e-05 -0.68 -
33 -0.13 -0.35 -0.92 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.00092 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 1.1 9.9e-05 0.63 +
34 -0.13 -0.35 -0.92 -0.51 -0.54 -0.79 -0.00094 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 0.044 0.00099 1 ++
35 -0.13 -0.35 -0.92 -0.52 -0.54 -0.8 -0.00095 1.1 0.16 8.7e+03 0.12 0.0099 1 ++
36 -0.14 -0.35 -0.92 -0.53 -0.54 -0.8 -0.00098 1.1 0.17 8.7e+03 0.04 0.099 1 ++
37 -0.22 -0.36 -0.82 -0.57 -0.63 -0.83 -0.0012 1 0.22 8.7e+03 0.057 0.99 0.99 ++
38 -0.27 -0.39 -0.78 -0.56 -0.67 -0.9 -0.0011 1 0.2 8.6e+03 0.013 9.9 1 ++
39 -0.27 -0.39 -0.78 -0.56 -0.67 -0.9 -0.0011 1 0.2 8.6e+03 0.013 0.78 -1.3e+02 -
40 -0.27 -0.39 -0.78 -0.56 -0.67 -0.9 -0.0011 1 0.2 8.6e+03 0.013 0.39 -2.8 -
41 -0.64 -0.49 -0.65 -0.69 -1.1 -1.3 -0.00016 1 -0.031 8.6e+03 1.2 0.39 0.32 +
42 -0.61 -0.48 -0.7 -0.69 -1.1 -1.3 -0.00039 1 0.026 8.6e+03 0.57 3.9 1 ++
43 -0.61 -0.48 -0.7 -0.69 -1.1 -1.3 -0.00039 1 0.026 8.6e+03 0.57 0.4 -0.61 -
44 -0.47 -0.35 -0.87 -1 -1.4 -1.7 -1.6e-05 1 -0.054 8.6e+03 5.3 4 1.1 ++
45 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00021 1 -0.12 8.5e+03 33 4 0.69 +
46 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 4 0.83 +
47 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 0.11 0.091 -
48 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 0.056 0.039 -
49 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 0.028 -0.095 -
50 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 0.014 -0.28 -
51 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 0.0069 -0.37 -
52 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 0.0035 -0.41 -
53 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 0.0017 -0.4 -
54 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 0.00087 -0.33 -
55 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 0.00043 -0.31 -
56 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 0.00022 -0.31 -
57 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 0.00011 -0.32 -
58 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 5.4e-05 -0.32 -
59 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00019 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 12 2.7e-05 -0.063 -
60 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00017 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 0.88 2.7e-05 0.81 +
61 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00016 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 0.017 0.00027 0.99 ++
62 -0.59 0.1 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00016 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 0.02 0.0027 1 ++
63 -0.59 0.099 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.6 0.00015 1 -0.096 8.5e+03 0.057 0.027 1 ++
64 -0.58 0.099 -0.79 -1.5 -2.2 -2.7 0.00017 1 -0.099 8.5e+03 0.76 0.27 1 ++
65 -0.46 0.31 -0.78 -1.7 -2.3 -2.9 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.5e+03 1 2.7 0.99 ++
66 -0.51 0.32 -0.8 -1.7 -2.3 -3 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.5e+03 0.0099 27 1 ++
67 -0.5 0.33 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -3 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.5e+03 0.0084 2.7e+02 1 ++
68 -0.5 0.33 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -3 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.5e+03 0.00018 2.7e+03 1 ++
69 -0.5 0.33 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -3 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.5e+03 0.00017 2.7e+04 1 ++
70 -0.5 0.33 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -3 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.5e+03 6.7e-06 2.7e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 15 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_comm B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_commu B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_co cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.26 -
1 0.0073 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 -0.022 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.019 0.0019 9.6e+03 1 0.5 0.64 +
2 0.0073 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 -0.022 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.019 0.0019 9.6e+03 1 0.25 -8.2 -
3 0.0073 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 -0.022 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.019 0.0019 9.6e+03 1 0.12 -10 -
4 0.0073 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 -0.022 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.019 0.0019 9.6e+03 1 0.062 -13 -
5 0.0073 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 -0.022 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.019 0.0019 9.6e+03 1 0.031 -29 -
6 0.0073 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 -0.022 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.019 0.0019 9.6e+03 1 0.016 -2.3 -
7 -0.0084 -0.022 -0.017 -0.27 -0.13 0.00036 -0.054 -0.0053 -0.0059 0.19 0.062 -0.52 -0.087 0.0038 -0.014 9.4e+03 0.47 0.16 0.97 ++
8 -0.0084 -0.022 -0.017 -0.27 -0.13 0.00036 -0.054 -0.0053 -0.0059 0.19 0.062 -0.52 -0.087 0.0038 -0.014 9.4e+03 0.47 0.078 -14 -
9 -0.0084 -0.022 -0.017 -0.27 -0.13 0.00036 -0.054 -0.0053 -0.0059 0.19 0.062 -0.52 -0.087 0.0038 -0.014 9.4e+03 0.47 0.039 -13 -
10 -0.0084 -0.022 -0.017 -0.27 -0.13 0.00036 -0.054 -0.0053 -0.0059 0.19 0.062 -0.52 -0.087 0.0038 -0.014 9.4e+03 0.47 0.02 -12 -
11 -0.0084 -0.022 -0.017 -0.27 -0.13 0.00036 -0.054 -0.0053 -0.0059 0.19 0.062 -0.52 -0.087 0.0038 -0.014 9.4e+03 0.47 0.0098 -13 -
12 -0.0084 -0.022 -0.017 -0.27 -0.13 0.00036 -0.054 -0.0053 -0.0059 0.19 0.062 -0.52 -0.087 0.0038 -0.014 9.4e+03 0.47 0.0049 -4.1 -
13 -0.013 -0.027 -0.022 -0.27 -0.12 0.0052 -0.059 -0.01 -0.011 0.18 0.067 -0.52 -0.092 -0.0011 -0.0088 9.4e+03 1.8 0.0049 0.71 +
14 -0.016 -0.029 -0.022 -0.27 -0.12 0.0053 -0.062 -0.015 -0.012 0.18 0.068 -0.52 -0.092 -0.00074 -0.0068 9.4e+03 0.46 0.049 1 ++
15 -0.04 -0.047 -0.024 -0.28 -0.11 0.0056 -0.095 -0.064 -0.026 0.19 0.076 -0.54 -0.097 -0.00052 0.013 9.3e+03 0.29 0.49 1 ++
16 -0.14 -0.16 -0.038 -0.34 0.046 0.012 -0.58 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.16 -0.75 -0.16 0.00054 0.21 9e+03 5.2 0.49 0.5 +
17 -0.14 -0.16 -0.038 -0.34 0.046 0.012 -0.58 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.16 -0.75 -0.16 0.00054 0.21 9e+03 5.2 0.24 -6.9 -
18 -0.14 -0.16 -0.038 -0.34 0.046 0.012 -0.58 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.16 -0.75 -0.16 0.00054 0.21 9e+03 5.2 0.12 -7.6 -
19 -0.14 -0.16 -0.038 -0.34 0.046 0.012 -0.58 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.16 -0.75 -0.16 0.00054 0.21 9e+03 5.2 0.061 -14 -
20 -0.14 -0.16 -0.038 -0.34 0.046 0.012 -0.58 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.16 -0.75 -0.16 0.00054 0.21 9e+03 5.2 0.031 -5.5 -
21 -0.14 -0.16 -0.038 -0.34 0.046 0.012 -0.58 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.16 -0.75 -0.16 0.00054 0.21 9e+03 5.2 0.015 -3.6 -
22 -0.14 -0.16 -0.038 -0.34 0.046 0.012 -0.58 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.16 -0.75 -0.16 0.00054 0.21 9e+03 5.2 0.0076 -2.6 -
23 -0.14 -0.16 -0.038 -0.34 0.046 0.012 -0.58 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.16 -0.75 -0.16 0.00054 0.21 9e+03 5.2 0.0038 -1.6 -
24 -0.14 -0.16 -0.038 -0.34 0.046 0.012 -0.58 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.16 -0.75 -0.16 0.00054 0.21 9e+03 5.2 0.0019 -0.28 -
25 -0.14 -0.16 -0.04 -0.33 0.048 0.014 -0.59 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.16 -0.75 -0.16 -0.0014 0.21 8.9e+03 4.5 0.0019 0.8 +
26 -0.14 -0.16 -0.04 -0.33 0.048 0.014 -0.59 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.16 -0.75 -0.16 -0.0014 0.21 8.9e+03 4.5 0.00095 -0.7 -
27 -0.14 -0.16 -0.04 -0.33 0.048 0.014 -0.59 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.16 -0.75 -0.16 -0.0014 0.21 8.9e+03 4.5 0.00048 -0.45 -
28 -0.14 -0.16 -0.04 -0.33 0.048 0.014 -0.59 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.16 -0.75 -0.16 -0.0014 0.21 8.9e+03 4.5 0.00024 0.021 -
29 -0.14 -0.16 -0.04 -0.33 0.048 0.014 -0.59 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.15 -0.75 -0.16 -0.0011 0.21 8.9e+03 0.79 0.00024 0.82 +
30 -0.14 -0.16 -0.04 -0.33 0.048 0.014 -0.59 -0.41 -0.19 -0.11 0.15 -0.75 -0.16 -0.0011 0.21 8.9e+03 0.14 0.0024 1 ++
31 -0.13 -0.16 -0.041 -0.33 0.048 0.015 -0.59 -0.41 -0.19 -0.12 0.15 -0.75 -0.16 -0.0011 0.21 8.9e+03 0.7 0.024 1 ++
32 -0.13 -0.15 -0.041 -0.33 0.052 0.015 -0.59 -0.39 -0.19 -0.14 0.15 -0.75 -0.16 -0.0011 0.2 8.8e+03 0.11 0.24 1 ++
33 -0.083 -0.13 -0.045 -0.33 0.12 0.019 -0.64 -0.33 -0.19 -0.38 0.16 -0.76 -0.17 -0.0014 0.28 8.6e+03 0.48 0.24 0.81 +
34 -0.14 -0.17 -0.06 -0.34 0.26 0.032 -0.71 -0.44 -0.2 -0.62 0.31 -0.72 -0.2 -0.0019 0.4 8.5e+03 0.27 0.24 0.83 +
35 -0.21 -0.2 -0.082 -0.48 0.35 0.051 -0.76 -0.44 -0.09 -0.57 0.55 -0.79 -0.18 -0.0015 0.3 8.5e+03 0.44 0.24 0.85 +
36 -0.33 -0.19 -0.12 -0.66 0.51 0.1 -0.77 -0.5 0.096 -0.81 0.64 -0.84 -0.078 -0.0018 0.36 8.4e+03 0.34 0.24 0.85 +
37 -0.34 -0.11 -0.16 -0.8 0.6 0.15 -0.78 -0.53 0.12 -0.85 0.88 -0.88 -0.002 -0.0016 0.33 8.4e+03 0.5 0.24 0.74 +
38 -0.49 -0.15 -0.23 -1 0.77 0.29 -0.79 -0.64 0.14 -1.1 0.88 -1.1 0.083 -0.00098 0.17 8.4e+03 0.35 0.24 0.84 +
39 -0.42 -0.082 -0.31 -1 0.89 0.48 -0.78 -0.79 0.34 -1.2 1.1 -1.2 0.14 -0.00077 0.12 8.4e+03 0.052 2.4 1.1 ++
40 -0.42 -0.082 -0.31 -1 0.89 0.48 -0.78 -0.79 0.34 -1.2 1.1 -1.2 0.14 -0.00077 0.12 8.4e+03 0.052 0.55 -31 -
41 -0.42 -0.082 -0.31 -1 0.89 0.48 -0.78 -0.79 0.34 -1.2 1.1 -1.2 0.14 -0.00077 0.12 8.4e+03 0.052 0.28 -0.99 -
42 -0.49 -0.1 -0.38 -1 0.86 0.67 -0.79 -0.96 0.28 -1.5 1.2 -1.5 0.23 -0.00034 0.017 8.4e+03 0.12 2.8 1 ++
43 -0.42 -0.1 -0.46 -0.81 0.92 0.88 -0.8 -1.3 0.34 -1.9 1.4 -2 0.28 -4.2e-05 -0.054 8.3e+03 0.66 28 1.2 ++
44 -0.38 -0.1 -0.48 -0.58 0.91 0.85 -0.8 -1.6 0.21 -2.2 1.2 -2.5 0.2 0.00011 -0.088 8.3e+03 0.43 2.8e+02 1.3 ++
45 -0.35 -0.11 -0.5 -0.39 0.9 0.82 -0.8 -1.7 -0.011 -2.4 0.91 -2.8 0.028 0.00017 -0.1 8.3e+03 1.4 2.8e+03 1.1 ++
46 -0.36 -0.1 -0.52 -0.44 0.91 0.8 -0.8 -1.7 -0.14 -2.4 0.72 -2.8 -0.078 0.00016 -0.099 8.3e+03 0.047 2.8e+04 0.99 ++
47 -0.35 -0.11 -0.52 -0.41 0.91 0.81 -0.8 -1.7 -0.16 -2.4 0.71 -2.8 -0.09 0.00016 -0.1 8.3e+03 0.06 2.8e+05 1 ++
48 -0.35 -0.11 -0.51 -0.42 0.9 0.8 -0.8 -1.7 -0.18 -2.4 0.69 -2.8 -0.11 0.00016 -0.1 8.3e+03 0.03 2.8e+06 1 ++
49 -0.35 -0.11 -0.52 -0.42 0.9 0.8 -0.8 -1.7 -0.18 -2.4 0.68 -2.8 -0.11 0.00016 -0.1 8.3e+03 0.00021 2.8e+07 1 ++
50 -0.35 -0.11 -0.52 -0.42 0.9 0.8 -0.8 -1.7 -0.18 -2.4 0.68 -2.8 -0.11 0.00016 -0.1 8.3e+03 2.2e-06 2.8e+07 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Attempt 31/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 5 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.028 -0.82 -0.19 -1 1.4 9e+03 0.068 1 0.68 +
1 0.11 0.18 -0.61 -1.4 1.6 8.8e+03 0.058 1 0.47 +
2 -0.23 -0.29 -0.69 -0.94 1.8 8.7e+03 0.0096 1 0.81 +
3 -0.23 -0.29 -0.69 -0.94 1.8 8.7e+03 0.0096 0.41 -0.11 -
4 -0.07 -0.23 -0.71 -1.2 1.4 8.7e+03 0.011 0.41 0.87 +
5 -0.045 -0.41 -0.77 -1.2 1.2 8.7e+03 0.0057 4.1 1.2 ++
6 -0.024 -0.51 -0.78 -1.2 1.1 8.7e+03 0.0017 41 1.2 ++
7 -0.012 -0.56 -0.78 -1.3 1.1 8.7e+03 0.00034 4.1e+02 1.1 ++
8 -0.012 -0.56 -0.78 -1.3 1.1 8.7e+03 1.2e-05 4.1e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:no_seg;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:nested public;train_tt_catalog:linear [8669.496598290922, 5]
Attempt 32/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -1.5 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.051 -
2 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.19 0 0 9.4e+03 1.4 2.5 1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.19 0 0 9.4e+03 1.4 1.2 -5.6 -
4 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.19 0 0 9.4e+03 1.4 0.62 -3 -
5 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.19 0 0 9.4e+03 1.4 0.31 -1.4 -
6 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.19 0 0 9.4e+03 1.4 0.16 0.032 -
7 0.041 -0.052 -0.36 0.019 0.022 0.21 -0.36 -0.41 -0.26 -0.0031 0.15 9.2e+03 9.1 0.16 0.54 +
8 0.041 -0.052 -0.36 0.019 0.022 0.21 -0.36 -0.41 -0.26 -0.0031 0.15 9.2e+03 9.1 0.078 0.085 -
9 0.059 -0.07 -0.38 0.037 0.042 0.13 -0.38 -0.48 -0.27 0.0023 0.12 9.1e+03 5.4 0.078 0.16 +
10 0.059 -0.07 -0.38 0.037 0.042 0.13 -0.38 -0.48 -0.27 0.0023 0.12 9.1e+03 5.4 0.039 -4.2 -
11 0.059 -0.07 -0.38 0.037 0.042 0.13 -0.38 -0.48 -0.27 0.0023 0.12 9.1e+03 5.4 0.02 -2.8 -
12 0.059 -0.07 -0.38 0.037 0.042 0.13 -0.38 -0.48 -0.27 0.0023 0.12 9.1e+03 5.4 0.0098 -2 -
13 0.059 -0.07 -0.38 0.037 0.042 0.13 -0.38 -0.48 -0.27 0.0023 0.12 9.1e+03 5.4 0.0049 -1.1 -
14 0.061 -0.075 -0.39 0.042 0.045 0.13 -0.39 -0.48 -0.28 -0.0026 0.11 9e+03 11 0.0049 0.15 +
15 0.061 -0.076 -0.39 0.043 0.045 0.12 -0.39 -0.48 -0.28 0.0012 0.11 9e+03 5.3 0.0049 0.14 +
16 0.061 -0.076 -0.39 0.043 0.045 0.12 -0.39 -0.48 -0.28 0.0012 0.11 9e+03 5.3 0.0024 -0.6 -
17 0.064 -0.078 -0.39 0.046 0.048 0.12 -0.39 -0.49 -0.28 -0.0013 0.11 8.9e+03 4.2 0.0024 0.65 +
18 0.064 -0.079 -0.39 0.047 0.048 0.12 -0.39 -0.49 -0.28 -0.00081 0.11 8.9e+03 2.4 0.024 1.3 ++
19 0.064 -0.088 -0.4 0.056 0.05 0.093 -0.4 -0.5 -0.28 -0.00053 0.12 8.9e+03 5.5 0.024 0.63 +
20 0.064 -0.088 -0.4 0.056 0.05 0.093 -0.4 -0.5 -0.28 -0.00053 0.12 8.9e+03 5.5 0.012 -3.8 -
21 0.064 -0.088 -0.4 0.056 0.05 0.093 -0.4 -0.5 -0.28 -0.00053 0.12 8.9e+03 5.5 0.0061 -3.9 -
22 0.064 -0.088 -0.4 0.056 0.05 0.093 -0.4 -0.5 -0.28 -0.00053 0.12 8.9e+03 5.5 0.0031 -3.1 -
23 0.064 -0.088 -0.4 0.056 0.05 0.093 -0.4 -0.5 -0.28 -0.00053 0.12 8.9e+03 5.5 0.0015 -1.7 -
24 0.064 -0.088 -0.4 0.056 0.05 0.093 -0.4 -0.5 -0.28 -0.00053 0.12 8.9e+03 5.5 0.00076 -0.72 -
25 0.064 -0.088 -0.4 0.056 0.05 0.093 -0.4 -0.5 -0.28 -0.00053 0.12 8.9e+03 5.5 0.00038 -0.11 -
26 0.064 -0.088 -0.4 0.056 0.05 0.092 -0.4 -0.5 -0.29 -0.00091 0.12 8.9e+03 2.6 0.00038 0.32 +
27 0.064 -0.088 -0.4 0.056 0.05 0.092 -0.4 -0.5 -0.29 -0.00091 0.12 8.9e+03 2.6 0.00019 -0.56 -
28 0.063 -0.088 -0.4 0.056 0.05 0.092 -0.4 -0.5 -0.29 -0.00072 0.12 8.9e+03 1.9 0.00019 0.62 +
29 0.063 -0.088 -0.4 0.056 0.05 0.092 -0.4 -0.5 -0.29 -0.00075 0.12 8.9e+03 0.054 0.0019 1 ++
30 0.063 -0.089 -0.4 0.057 0.05 0.09 -0.4 -0.5 -0.29 -0.00076 0.12 8.9e+03 0.16 0.019 1 ++
31 0.063 -0.096 -0.4 0.064 0.051 0.071 -0.41 -0.51 -0.29 -0.00078 0.12 8.8e+03 0.051 0.19 1 ++
32 0.051 -0.17 -0.44 0.14 0.052 -0.12 -0.49 -0.61 -0.33 -0.001 0.18 8.7e+03 0.12 1.9 0.99 ++
33 0.051 -0.17 -0.44 0.14 0.052 -0.12 -0.49 -0.61 -0.33 -0.001 0.18 8.7e+03 0.12 0.95 -67 -
34 0.051 -0.17 -0.44 0.14 0.052 -0.12 -0.49 -0.61 -0.33 -0.001 0.18 8.7e+03 0.12 0.48 -3.4 -
35 -0.33 -0.5 -0.5 0.57 -0.22 -0.6 -0.82 -0.82 -0.41 -0.00022 -0.011 8.4e+03 0.32 0.48 0.89 +
36 -0.41 -0.72 -0.65 1 -0.29 -0.85 -1.1 -1.2 -0.61 -0.00017 -0.022 8.2e+03 0.2 4.8 1.1 ++
37 -0.41 -0.72 -0.65 1 -0.29 -0.85 -1.1 -1.2 -0.61 -0.00017 -0.022 8.2e+03 0.2 2.4 -3.2e+02 -
38 -0.41 -0.72 -0.65 1 -0.29 -0.85 -1.1 -1.2 -0.61 -0.00017 -0.022 8.2e+03 0.2 1.2 -1e+02 -
39 -0.41 -0.72 -0.65 1 -0.29 -0.85 -1.1 -1.2 -0.61 -0.00017 -0.022 8.2e+03 0.2 0.6 -22 -
40 -0.41 -0.72 -0.65 1 -0.29 -0.85 -1.1 -1.2 -0.61 -0.00017 -0.022 8.2e+03 0.2 0.3 -3.1 -
41 -0.41 -0.72 -0.65 1 -0.29 -0.85 -1.1 -1.2 -0.61 -0.00017 -0.022 8.2e+03 0.2 0.15 0.053 -
42 -0.39 -0.75 -0.77 1.1 -0.3 -0.78 -1.2 -1.3 -0.69 0.00016 -0.096 8.2e+03 3.7 0.15 0.74 +
43 -0.41 -0.79 -0.7 1.2 -0.35 -0.87 -1.1 -1.5 -0.76 8.9e-05 -0.084 8.1e+03 3.3 1.5 0.97 ++
44 -0.3 -1 -0.71 1.4 -0.33 -0.86 -1.1 -1.9 -0.77 0.00024 -0.12 8.1e+03 5 1.5 0.65 +
45 -0.3 -1 -0.71 1.4 -0.32 -0.86 -1.1 -1.9 -0.78 0.00019 -0.11 8.1e+03 1.4 15 1.1 ++
46 -0.3 -1 -0.72 1.4 -0.32 -0.86 -1.1 -1.8 -0.77 0.00019 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.077 1.5e+02 1 ++
47 -0.3 -1 -0.72 1.4 -0.32 -0.86 -1.1 -1.8 -0.77 0.00019 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.00017 1.5e+03 1 ++
48 -0.3 -1 -0.72 1.4 -0.32 -0.86 -1.1 -1.8 -0.77 0.00019 -0.1 8.1e+03 1.9e-07 1.5e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:altspec;B_TIME:FIRST;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:power [8130.92513219946, 11]
Attempt 33/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 8 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.3 -0.0053 -0.13 -1 0.36 0.096 -0.7 -0.76 8.7e+03 0.041 10 1.1 ++
1 0.028 -0.08 -0.51 -1.2 0.76 0.77 -0.77 -1.2 8.6e+03 0.0081 1e+02 1.1 ++
2 0.044 -0.079 -0.53 -1.4 0.94 0.93 -0.78 -1.3 8.6e+03 0.0005 1e+03 1 ++
3 0.044 -0.079 -0.53 -1.4 0.94 0.93 -0.78 -1.3 8.6e+03 3.6e-06 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 -0.33 -0.45 0.052 -0.11 -1 0.99 0.17 0.054 -0.59 -0.67 -0.61 -0.89 0.36 8.5e+03 0.05 10 1.1 ++
1 -0.29 -0.93 -0.039 -0.4 -1.2 1.2 0.39 0.43 -0.39 -0.73 -0.85 -1.2 0.015 8.3e+03 0.011 1e+02 1.1 ++
2 -0.3 -1.1 -0.043 -0.43 -1.2 1.2 0.54 0.58 -0.36 -0.75 -1 -1.3 -0.15 8.2e+03 0.0012 1e+03 1.1 ++
3 -0.3 -1.1 -0.043 -0.43 -1.2 1.2 0.54 0.58 -0.36 -0.75 -1 -1.3 -0.15 8.2e+03 1.9e-05 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 5 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.29 -0.66 -0.57 -1 1.6 8.9e+03 0.045 1 0.83 +
1 -0.0006 -0.57 -0.94 -1.7 0.55 8.7e+03 0.021 1 0.89 +
2 0.14 -0.48 -0.78 -1.6 0.55 8.6e+03 0.00087 10 0.97 ++
3 0.14 -0.48 -0.78 -1.6 0.55 8.6e+03 3.5e-06 10 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:no_seg;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:boxcox [8626.219637166367, 5]
Attempt 34/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 35/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.25 -0.34 -0.1 -0.024 -0.65 0.5 0.11 -0.0038 -1 -0.97 1.7 8.5e+03 0.058 1 0.89 +
1 0.0045 -0.55 -0.044 -0.47 -0.71 0.75 0.3 0.2 -0.36 -0.89 2.1 8.3e+03 0.017 1 0.76 +
2 0.045 -0.7 -0.034 -0.45 -0.92 0.93 0.37 0.31 -0.57 -1.1 1.4 8.3e+03 0.012 1 0.88 +
3 0.032 -0.7 -0.021 -0.38 -1 1 0.38 0.32 -0.61 -1.1 1.5 8.2e+03 0.00035 10 1 ++
4 0.032 -0.7 -0.021 -0.38 -1 1 0.38 0.32 -0.61 -1.1 1.5 8.2e+03 4.5e-07 10 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 6 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.39 -0.71 -1 -0.66 -0.41 1.6 8.9e+03 0.13 1 0.77 +
1 0.39 -0.71 -1 -0.66 -0.41 1.6 8.9e+03 0.13 0.5 -0.96 -
2 -0.067 -0.42 -0.5 -0.75 -0.57 2 8.5e+03 0.026 0.5 0.81 +
3 -0.00045 -0.4 -0.66 -0.69 -0.52 2.1 8.5e+03 0.0014 5 0.98 ++
4 0.0087 -0.41 -0.68 -0.72 -0.54 2 8.5e+03 0.00037 50 0.95 ++
5 0.0087 -0.41 -0.68 -0.72 -0.54 2 8.5e+03 2.8e-06 50 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:no_seg;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:FIRST;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:linear [8471.093656324312, 6]
Attempt 36/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 20 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.53 -
1 1.1e+04 0.4 0.25 0.02 -
2 9.7e+03 1.1 0.25 0.77 +
3 9.7e+03 1.1 0.12 -6.8 -
4 1.8e+04 5.4 1.2 6.9 ++
5 1.8e+04 5.4 0.62 6.9 -
6 1.8e+04 5.4 0.31 6.9 -
7 1.8e+04 5.4 0.16 6.9 -
8 1.8e+04 5.4 0.078 6.9 -
9 1.8e+04 5.4 0.039 6.9 -
10 1.8e+04 5.4 0.02 6.9 -
11 1.8e+04 5.4 0.0098 6.9 -
12 1.8e+04 5.4 0.0049 6.9 -
13 1.8e+04 5.4 0.0024 6.9 -
14 1.8e+04 5.4 0.0012 6.9 -
15 1.8e+04 5.4 0.00061 6.9 -
16 1.8e+04 5.4 0.00031 6.9 -
17 1.8e+04 5.4 0.00015 6.9 -
18 1.8e+04 5.4 7.6e-05 6.9 -
19 1.8e+04 5.4 3.8e-05 6.9 -
20 1.8e+04 5.4 1.9e-05 6.9 -
21 1.8e+04 5.4 9.5e-06 6.9 -
22 1.8e+04 5.4 4.8e-06 6.9 -
23 1.8e+04 5.4 2.4e-06 6.9 -
24 1.8e+04 5.4 1.2e-06 6.9 -
25 1.8e+04 5.4 6e-07 6.9 -
26 1.8e+04 5.4 3e-07 6.9 -
27 1.8e+04 5.4 1.5e-07 6.9 -
28 1.8e+04 5.4 7.5e-08 6.9 -
29 1.8e+04 5.4 3.7e-08 6.9 -
30 1.8e+04 5.4 1.9e-08 6.9 -
31 1.8e+04 5.4 9.3e-09 6.9 -
It seems that the optimization algorithm did not converge. Therefore, the results below may not correspond to the maximum likelihood estimator. Check the specification of the model, or the criteria for convergence of the algorithm.
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 37/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 14 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_1st_ B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_1st_c B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_1s cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.51 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.25 0.069 -
2 0.0068 -0.25 -0.0056 0.22 -0.25 -0.019 -0.0077 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0084 1 0.00098 9.5e+03 0.97 2.5 1 ++
3 0.0068 -0.25 -0.0056 0.22 -0.25 -0.019 -0.0077 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0084 1 0.00098 9.5e+03 0.97 1.2 1 -
4 0.0068 -0.25 -0.0056 0.22 -0.25 -0.019 -0.0077 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0084 1 0.00098 9.5e+03 0.97 0.62 1 -
5 0.0068 -0.25 -0.0056 0.22 -0.25 -0.019 -0.0077 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0084 1 0.00098 9.5e+03 0.97 0.31 1 -
6 0.0068 -0.25 -0.0056 0.22 -0.25 -0.019 -0.0077 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0084 1 0.00098 9.5e+03 0.97 0.16 1 -
7 0.0068 -0.25 -0.0056 0.22 -0.25 -0.019 -0.0077 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.0084 1 0.00098 9.5e+03 0.97 0.078 -8.5 -
8 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 0.78 20 ++
9 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 0.39 20 -
10 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 0.2 20 -
11 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 0.098 20 -
12 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 0.049 20 -
13 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 0.024 20 -
14 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 0.012 20 -
15 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 0.0061 20 -
16 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 0.0031 20 -
17 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 0.0015 20 -
18 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 0.00076 20 -
19 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 0.00038 20 -
20 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 0.00019 20 -
21 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 9.5e-05 20 -
22 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 4.8e-05 20 -
23 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 2.4e-05 20 -
24 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 1.2e-05 20 -
25 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 6e-06 20 -
26 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 3e-06 20 -
27 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 1.5e-06 20 -
28 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 7.5e-07 20 -
29 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 3.7e-07 20 -
30 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 1.9e-07 20 -
31 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 9.3e-08 20 -
32 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 4.7e-08 20 -
33 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 2.3e-08 20 -
34 0.014 -0.26 -0.0035 0.15 -0.27 0.041 -0.0021 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.07 1 -0.022 1.4e+04 6.1 1.2e-08 20 -
It seems that the optimization algorithm did not converge. Therefore, the results below may not correspond to the maximum likelihood estimator. Check the specification of the model, or the criteria for convergence of the algorithm.
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 38/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 10 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_1st_ B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_1st_c B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_1s mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.1 -0.5 -1 -0.23 -0.17 -0.42 -0.38 -0.68 -0.17 2 9.5e+03 0.3 1 0.6 +
1 0.1 -0.5 -1 -0.23 -0.17 -0.42 -0.38 -0.68 -0.17 2 9.5e+03 0.3 0.5 0.065 -
2 -0.24 -0.3 -0.5 -0.42 -0.46 -0.49 -0.24 -0.67 -0.34 2.2 8.5e+03 0.076 0.5 0.8 +
3 -0.54 -0.2 -0.61 -0.32 -0.6 -0.75 -0.65 -0.81 -0.53 2.7 8.4e+03 0.008 5 0.97 ++
4 -0.54 -0.2 -0.69 -0.4 -0.69 -0.85 -0.77 -0.93 -0.63 2.1 8.3e+03 0.0078 5 0.86 +
5 -0.53 -0.22 -0.68 -0.4 -0.7 -0.84 -0.77 -0.92 -0.63 2.2 8.3e+03 0.00021 50 1 ++
6 -0.53 -0.22 -0.68 -0.4 -0.7 -0.84 -0.77 -0.92 -0.63 2.2 8.3e+03 5.2e-06 50 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 6 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME lambda_travel_t mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.35 -0.82 -1 -0.95 1.8 1.6 9.3e+03 0.11 1 0.52 +
1 0.35 -0.82 -1 -0.95 1.8 1.6 9.3e+03 0.11 0.5 -0.11 -
2 -0.15 -0.52 -0.8 -0.83 1.4 1.5 8.7e+03 0.024 5 0.94 ++
3 0.38 0.12 -0.68 -1.9 -0.011 1.9 8.6e+03 0.035 5 0.32 +
4 0.13 -0.19 -0.6 -1.3 0.23 2.1 8.5e+03 0.0019 50 1.1 ++
5 0.13 -0.19 -0.63 -1.3 0.49 2 8.5e+03 0.0033 5e+02 0.93 ++
6 0.13 -0.19 -0.63 -1.3 0.49 2 8.5e+03 5.4e-05 5e+02 0.99 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Attempt 39/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 40/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 5 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.34 -0.7 -1 -0.85 1.6 8.9e+03 0.12 1 0.79 +
1 0.34 -0.7 -1 -0.85 1.6 8.9e+03 0.12 0.5 -0.8 -
2 -0.088 -0.39 -0.5 -0.99 1.9 8.6e+03 0.031 0.5 0.78 +
3 -0.0038 -0.37 -0.62 -0.93 2.1 8.5e+03 0.0021 5 0.96 ++
4 -0.00094 -0.37 -0.63 -0.96 2 8.5e+03 0.00013 50 0.97 ++
5 -0.00094 -0.37 -0.63 -0.96 2 8.5e+03 6.7e-07 50 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:no_seg;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:linear [8526.88989706996, 5]
Attempt 41/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 18 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.53 -
1 1.1e+04 0.4 0.25 0.018 -
2 9.7e+03 1.1 0.25 0.76 +
3 9.7e+03 1.1 0.12 -6.8 -
4 1.8e+04 5.4 1.2 6.9 ++
5 1.8e+04 5.4 0.62 6.9 -
6 1.8e+04 5.4 0.31 6.9 -
7 1.8e+04 5.4 0.16 6.9 -
8 1.8e+04 5.4 0.078 6.9 -
9 1.8e+04 5.4 0.039 6.9 -
10 1.8e+04 5.4 0.02 6.9 -
11 1.8e+04 5.4 0.0098 6.9 -
12 1.8e+04 5.4 0.0049 6.9 -
13 1.8e+04 5.4 0.0024 6.9 -
14 1.8e+04 5.4 0.0012 6.9 -
15 1.8e+04 5.4 0.00061 6.9 -
16 1.8e+04 5.4 0.00031 6.9 -
17 1.8e+04 5.4 0.00015 6.9 -
18 1.8e+04 5.4 7.6e-05 6.9 -
19 1.8e+04 5.4 3.8e-05 6.9 -
20 1.8e+04 5.4 1.9e-05 6.9 -
21 1.8e+04 5.4 9.5e-06 6.9 -
22 1.8e+04 5.4 4.8e-06 6.9 -
23 1.8e+04 5.4 2.4e-06 6.9 -
24 1.8e+04 5.4 1.2e-06 6.9 -
25 1.8e+04 5.4 6e-07 6.9 -
26 1.8e+04 5.4 3e-07 6.9 -
27 1.8e+04 5.4 1.5e-07 6.9 -
28 1.8e+04 5.4 7.5e-08 6.9 -
29 1.8e+04 5.4 3.7e-08 6.9 -
30 1.8e+04 5.4 1.9e-08 6.9 -
31 1.8e+04 5.4 9.3e-09 6.9 -
It seems that the optimization algorithm did not converge. Therefore, the results below may not correspond to the maximum likelihood estimator. Check the specification of the model, or the criteria for convergence of the algorithm.
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 42/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 43/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 44/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -1.9 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 0.011 -
2 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1 0 9.5e+03 1.4 2.5 1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1 0 9.5e+03 1.4 1.2 -4.5 -
4 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1 0 9.5e+03 1.4 0.62 -2.8 -
5 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1 0 9.5e+03 1.4 0.31 -1.3 -
6 0.048 -0.073 -0.46 0.03 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.31 0.18 +
7 0.048 -0.073 -0.46 0.03 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.16 -0.25 -
8 0.048 -0.073 -0.46 0.03 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.078 0.05 -
9 0.048 -0.073 -0.46 0.03 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.039 0.092 -
10 0.048 -0.073 -0.46 0.03 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.02 0.076 -
11 0.048 -0.073 -0.46 0.03 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.0098 0.054 -
12 0.048 -0.073 -0.46 0.03 0.021 0.23 -0.46 -0.56 -0.0045 1.2 0.22 9.4e+03 12 0.0049 0.037 -
13 0.053 -0.078 -0.46 0.035 0.026 0.23 -0.45 -0.56 0.00035 1.2 0.23 9.2e+03 6.6 0.0049 0.42 +
14 0.053 -0.078 -0.46 0.035 0.026 0.23 -0.45 -0.56 0.00035 1.2 0.23 9.2e+03 6.6 0.0024 -0.38 -
15 0.055 -0.08 -0.46 0.038 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.56 -0.0021 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 4.8 0.0024 0.5 +
16 0.055 -0.081 -0.46 0.038 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.024 1.2 ++
17 0.055 -0.081 -0.46 0.038 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.012 -1.4 -
18 0.055 -0.081 -0.46 0.038 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.0061 -2.2 -
19 0.055 -0.081 -0.46 0.038 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.0031 -2.9 -
20 0.055 -0.081 -0.46 0.038 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.0015 -2.7 -
21 0.055 -0.081 -0.46 0.038 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.00076 -1.3 -
22 0.055 -0.081 -0.46 0.038 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0017 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.5 0.00038 0.014 -
23 0.056 -0.081 -0.46 0.039 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.3 0.0038 1 ++
24 0.056 -0.081 -0.46 0.039 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.3 0.0019 -2.2 -
25 0.056 -0.081 -0.46 0.039 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.3 0.00095 -3 -
26 0.056 -0.081 -0.46 0.039 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.3 0.00048 -3.6 -
27 0.056 -0.081 -0.46 0.039 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.3 0.00024 -1.6 -
28 0.056 -0.081 -0.46 0.039 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0013 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 2.3 0.00012 -0.3 -
29 0.056 -0.081 -0.46 0.039 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0012 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 0.23 0.00012 0.78 +
30 0.056 -0.081 -0.46 0.039 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0012 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 0.12 0.0012 1 ++
31 0.056 -0.082 -0.46 0.039 0.029 0.22 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0012 1.2 0.22 9.1e+03 0.28 0.012 1 ++
32 0.057 -0.084 -0.45 0.042 0.031 0.21 -0.45 -0.55 -0.0012 1.2 0.21 9e+03 0.11 0.12 1 ++
33 0.062 -0.11 -0.42 0.075 0.043 0.088 -0.44 -0.51 -0.00094 1.1 0.16 8.9e+03 0.045 1.2 0.99 ++
34 -0.61 -0.67 -0.36 1.3 -0.46 -0.82 -1 -0.84 0.00017 1.8 -0.11 8.7e+03 8.7 1.2 0.25 +
35 -0.61 -0.67 -0.36 1.3 -0.46 -0.82 -1 -0.84 0.00017 1.8 -0.11 8.7e+03 8.7 0.6 -1.1 -
36 -0.61 -0.69 -0.38 0.82 -0.5 -0.93 -0.83 -1.4 -0.00028 1.9 0.0021 8.5e+03 2.2 0.6 0.35 +
37 -0.61 -0.69 -0.38 0.82 -0.5 -0.93 -0.83 -1.4 -0.00028 1.9 0.0021 8.5e+03 2.2 0.3 -6.6 -
38 -0.61 -0.69 -0.38 0.82 -0.5 -0.93 -0.83 -1.4 -0.00028 1.9 0.0021 8.5e+03 2.2 0.15 -1.7 -
39 -0.59 -0.7 -0.39 0.84 -0.49 -0.85 -0.91 -1.5 0.00035 1.9 -0.15 8.3e+03 24 0.15 0.5 +
40 -0.49 -0.72 -0.24 0.86 -0.41 -0.81 -0.99 -1.5 0.00016 1.8 -0.092 8.2e+03 10 1.5 0.94 ++
41 -0.49 -0.72 -0.24 0.86 -0.41 -0.81 -0.99 -1.5 0.00016 1.8 -0.092 8.2e+03 10 0.42 -0.32 -
42 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 0.42 0.76 +
43 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 0.21 -0.69 -
44 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 0.11 -0.4 -
45 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 0.053 -0.28 -
46 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 0.026 -0.31 -
47 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 0.013 -0.29 -
48 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 0.0066 -0.4 -
49 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 0.0033 -0.4 -
50 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 0.0016 -0.3 -
51 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 0.00082 -0.26 -
52 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 0.00041 -0.24 -
53 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 0.00021 -0.23 -
54 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 0.0001 -0.23 -
55 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 8.3e-05 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 21 5.1e-05 -0.11 -
56 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 0.00013 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 5.6 5.1e-05 0.67 +
57 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 0.00013 1.4 -0.091 8.2e+03 0.84 0.00051 0.9 ++
58 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.78 -1.1 -1.7 0.00012 1.4 -0.09 8.2e+03 0.014 0.0051 1 ++
59 -0.34 -0.87 -0.19 0.79 -0.4 -0.77 -1.1 -1.7 0.00011 1.4 -0.087 8.2e+03 0.1 0.051 1 ++
60 -0.34 -0.89 -0.24 0.8 -0.41 -0.77 -1.1 -1.8 0.00018 1.4 -0.1 8.2e+03 2.4 0.51 0.95 ++
61 -0.22 -1.1 -0.42 1.2 -0.37 -0.8 -1.2 -2.2 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 6.1 0.51 0.59 +
62 -0.21 -1.1 -0.58 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.39 5.1 1 ++
63 -0.2 -1.1 -0.58 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.0023 51 1 ++
64 -0.2 -1.1 -0.59 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.022 5.1e+02 1 ++
65 -0.21 -1.1 -0.59 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.00012 5.1e+03 1 ++
66 -0.21 -1.1 -0.59 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 3.5e-06 5.1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 45/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 10 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.3 -0.22 -0.067 -0.82 0.19 0.025 -0.67 -0.78 -1 -0.91 8.7e+03 0.078 10 1.1 ++
1 -0.5 -0.066 -0.41 -0.92 0.71 0.68 -0.77 -0.98 -1.4 -1.5 8.5e+03 0.028 1e+02 1.1 ++
2 -0.51 -0.072 -0.47 -0.92 0.9 0.85 -0.79 -1 -1.5 -1.7 8.5e+03 0.0035 1e+03 1.1 ++
3 -0.51 -0.072 -0.47 -0.92 0.9 0.85 -0.79 -1 -1.5 -1.7 8.5e+03 5.2e-05 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 16 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.27 -
1 9.9e+03 0.22 0.5 0.36 +
2 9.2e+03 0.25 0.5 0.52 +
3 8.6e+03 0.059 5 0.93 ++
4 8.6e+03 0.059 2.5 -1e+02 -
5 8.6e+03 0.059 1.2 -15 -
6 8.6e+03 0.059 0.62 -0.59 -
7 8.3e+03 0.012 6.2 1.1 ++
8 8.3e+03 0.012 0.64 -1.2 -
9 8.3e+03 0.029 6.4 0.97 ++
10 8.3e+03 0.03 64 1.2 ++
11 8.2e+03 0.012 6.4e+02 1.3 ++
12 8.2e+03 0.0034 6.4e+03 1.1 ++
13 8.2e+03 0.00019 6.4e+04 1 ++
14 8.2e+03 2.2e-07 6.4e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 46/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.31 -
1 -0.1 -0.26 -0.14 0.2 -0.24 -0.25 -0.15 0.18 0.062 -0.42 -0.18 1.5 9.9e+03 0.23 0.5 0.35 +
2 -0.17 -0.19 -0.18 -0.3 -0.34 -0.35 -0.077 -0.22 -0.25 -0.38 -0.18 1.6 9.1e+03 0.14 0.5 0.62 +
3 -0.33 -0.16 -0.33 -0.4 -0.84 -0.58 -0.34 -0.62 -0.36 -0.49 -0.35 2 8.6e+03 0.035 5 0.98 ++
4 -0.76 -0.042 -0.49 -0.9 -1.5 -0.57 -0.65 -0.7 -0.67 -0.63 -0.45 2.1 8.4e+03 0.0053 50 1.1 ++
5 -0.76 -0.042 -0.49 -0.9 -1.5 -0.57 -0.65 -0.7 -0.67 -0.63 -0.45 2.1 8.4e+03 0.0053 0.54 -4.4 -
6 -0.81 -0.015 -0.59 -1 -1.7 -0.59 -0.79 -0.85 -0.74 -0.8 -0.51 1.5 8.4e+03 0.022 0.54 0.72 +
7 -0.77 -0.046 -0.6 -0.95 -1.7 -0.65 -0.76 -0.92 -0.81 -0.88 -0.56 1.4 8.4e+03 0.0049 5.4 1.2 ++
8 -0.77 -0.046 -0.6 -0.95 -1.7 -0.65 -0.76 -0.92 -0.81 -0.88 -0.56 1.4 8.4e+03 0.0049 0.18 0.064 -
9 -0.76 -0.079 -0.59 -0.92 -1.7 -0.64 -0.75 -0.93 -0.82 -0.92 -0.58 1.2 8.4e+03 0.0054 1.8 1.1 ++
10 -0.72 -0.066 -0.63 -0.91 -1.8 -0.68 -0.78 -1 -0.86 -1.1 -0.63 1.1 8.4e+03 0.0053 18 1.2 ++
11 -0.69 -0.071 -0.62 -0.89 -1.9 -0.68 -0.79 -1 -0.87 -1.1 -0.64 1 8.4e+03 0.0018 1.8e+02 1.3 ++
12 -0.69 -0.072 -0.62 -0.89 -1.9 -0.68 -0.79 -1 -0.87 -1.1 -0.65 1 8.4e+03 0.00039 1.8e+03 1 ++
13 -0.69 -0.072 -0.62 -0.89 -1.9 -0.68 -0.79 -1 -0.87 -1.1 -0.65 1 8.4e+03 2.8e-06 1.8e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 47/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.12 -0.23 -0.053 -0.49 0.29 0.017 -0.3 -0.78 -1 -0.66 -0.81 -0.84 1.9 9.2e+03 0.28 1 0.67 +
1 0.12 -0.23 -0.053 -0.49 0.29 0.017 -0.3 -0.78 -1 -0.66 -0.81 -0.84 1.9 9.2e+03 0.28 0.5 -0.18 -
2 -0.25 -0.02 -0.13 -0.23 0.37 0.08 -0.44 -0.28 -0.92 -0.71 -1 -0.79 2.3 8.5e+03 0.11 0.5 0.73 +
3 -0.49 -4.7e-05 -0.41 -0.46 0.38 0.18 -0.51 -0.49 -0.76 -0.68 -1.1 -0.99 2.5 8.3e+03 0.0058 5 1 ++
4 -0.49 -4.7e-05 -0.41 -0.46 0.38 0.18 -0.51 -0.49 -0.76 -0.68 -1.1 -0.99 2.5 8.3e+03 0.0058 0.65 -1.8 -
5 -0.49 0.016 -0.42 -0.37 0.44 0.19 -0.57 -0.63 -0.93 -0.86 -1.3 -1.2 1.8 8.3e+03 0.0094 0.65 0.78 +
6 -0.47 -0.031 -0.44 -0.43 0.48 0.3 -0.58 -0.6 -1 -0.85 -1.3 -1.2 1.8 8.3e+03 0.0011 6.5 1.1 ++
7 -0.47 -0.034 -0.44 -0.44 0.5 0.31 -0.59 -0.61 -1.1 -0.87 -1.3 -1.2 1.8 8.3e+03 0.00018 65 1 ++
8 -0.47 -0.034 -0.44 -0.44 0.5 0.31 -0.59 -0.61 -1.1 -0.87 -1.3 -1.2 1.8 8.3e+03 9.6e-08 65 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 19 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.53 -
1 1.1e+04 0.4 0.25 0.019 -
2 9.7e+03 1.1 0.25 0.73 +
3 9.7e+03 1.1 0.12 -8.5 -
4 1.7e+04 5.5 1.2 7.7 ++
5 1.7e+04 5.5 0.62 -0.48 -
6 1.7e+04 5.5 0.31 -0.34 -
7 1.5e+04 3.5 0.31 0.14 +
8 1.3e+04 1.8 0.31 0.11 +
9 1.3e+04 1.8 0.16 -1.3 -
10 9.5e+03 0.36 1.6 1 ++
11 9.5e+03 0.36 0.78 -11 -
12 9.5e+03 0.36 0.39 -12 -
13 9.5e+03 0.36 0.2 -12 -
14 9.5e+03 0.36 0.098 -12 -
15 9.5e+03 0.36 0.049 -9.7 -
16 9.5e+03 0.36 0.024 -3.6 -
17 9.3e+03 0.083 0.24 1.1 ++
18 9.3e+03 0.083 0.12 -13 -
19 9.3e+03 0.083 0.061 -7.9 -
20 9.3e+03 0.083 0.031 -5.6 -
21 9.3e+03 0.083 0.015 -4.4 -
22 9.3e+03 0.083 0.0076 -3.2 -
23 9.3e+03 0.083 0.076 0.97 ++
24 9.1e+03 0.09 0.76 0.97 ++
25 9.1e+03 0.09 0.38 -5.4 -
26 9.1e+03 0.09 0.19 -2.2 -
27 9.1e+03 0.09 0.095 -0.82 -
28 9.1e+03 0.09 0.048 -0.2 -
29 9.1e+03 4.4 0.048 0.13 +
30 9e+03 0.69 0.048 0.79 +
31 9e+03 0.69 0.024 -6.1 -
32 9e+03 0.69 0.012 -7.4 -
33 9e+03 0.69 0.006 -8.8 -
34 9e+03 0.69 0.003 -4.4 -
35 9e+03 0.69 0.0015 -0.99 -
36 9e+03 1.1 0.0015 0.6 +
37 9e+03 0.3 0.0015 0.83 +
38 9e+03 0.17 0.015 0.96 ++
39 8.9e+03 0.055 0.15 1 ++
40 8.7e+03 1.2 1.5 0.96 ++
41 8.3e+03 3.6 1.5 0.81 +
42 8.3e+03 3.6 0.75 -18 -
43 8.3e+03 3.6 0.37 -7.4 -
44 8.3e+03 3.6 0.19 -3.3 -
45 8.3e+03 3.6 0.093 -1.3 -
46 8.3e+03 3.6 0.047 -0.58 -
47 8.3e+03 3.6 0.023 -0.063 -
48 8.3e+03 3.6 0.012 -0.31 -
49 8.3e+03 3.6 0.0058 -0.56 -
50 8.3e+03 3.6 0.0029 -0.75 -
51 8.3e+03 3.6 0.0015 -0.58 -
52 8.3e+03 3.6 0.00073 -0.047 -
53 8.3e+03 1.3 0.00073 0.19 +
54 8.3e+03 1.3 0.00036 0.031 -
55 8.3e+03 0.85 0.0036 0.96 ++
56 8.3e+03 0.92 0.036 0.95 ++
57 8.3e+03 0.18 0.36 1 ++
58 8.2e+03 0.36 0.36 0.68 +
59 8.2e+03 3.5 3.6 1.2 ++
60 8.2e+03 3.5 0.48 -9.2 -
61 8.2e+03 3.5 0.24 0.081 -
62 8.2e+03 2.4 2.4 1 ++
63 8.1e+03 5.2 2.4 0.76 +
64 8.1e+03 5.2 0.24 -0.28 -
65 8.1e+03 5.2 0.12 -0.081 -
66 8.1e+03 5.2 0.059 -0.013 -
67 8.1e+03 5.2 0.029 -0.013 -
68 8.1e+03 20 0.029 0.25 +
69 8.1e+03 20 0.015 -0.62 -
70 8.1e+03 20 0.0074 -0.26 -
71 8.1e+03 20 0.0037 -0.057 -
72 8.1e+03 20 0.0018 0.035 -
73 8.1e+03 20 0.00092 0.08 -
74 8.1e+03 14 0.00092 0.1 +
75 8.1e+03 14 0.00046 -2.7 -
76 8.1e+03 14 0.00023 -1.2 -
77 8.1e+03 14 0.00012 -0.11 -
78 8.1e+03 1.2 0.00012 0.8 +
79 8.1e+03 0.01 0.0012 1 ++
80 8.1e+03 0.01 0.012 1 ++
81 8.1e+03 0.0078 0.12 1 ++
82 8.1e+03 0.1 1.2 1 ++
83 8.1e+03 2.2 12 0.91 ++
84 8.1e+03 0.12 1.2e+02 1 ++
85 8.1e+03 0.0012 1.2e+03 1 ++
86 8.1e+03 2.1e-07 1.2e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Attempt 48/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.16 -0.26 -0.024 -0.47 0.029 -0.011 -0.24 -0.46 -0.33 -1 -0.53 1.5 8.9e+03 0.055 1 0.81 +
1 -0.31 -0.32 -0.1 -0.57 0.56 0.038 -0.12 -0.81 -1.3 -1.1 -0.62 0.95 8.4e+03 0.019 10 1.1 ++
2 -0.16 -0.16 -0.57 -0.38 0.73 0.62 -0.38 -0.87 -1.8 -1.6 -0.56 0.33 8.3e+03 0.0079 10 0.89 +
3 -0.18 -0.15 -0.65 -0.45 0.74 0.58 -0.44 -0.87 -1.9 -1.4 -0.55 0.42 8.3e+03 0.00086 1e+02 1 ++
4 -0.18 -0.15 -0.65 -0.45 0.74 0.58 -0.44 -0.87 -1.9 -1.4 -0.55 0.42 8.3e+03 2.5e-05 1e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 9 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.075 -0.1 -0.0096 -0.77 -0.33 -0.016 -0.23 -1 1.5 9.4e+03 0.12 1 0.46 +
1 -0.18 -0.3 -0.05 -0.44 0.67 0.016 -1.1 -1.2 1.6 8.9e+03 0.087 1 0.54 +
2 -0.15 -0.13 -0.57 -0.61 0.42 0.71 -0.55 -0.84 1.9 8.6e+03 0.018 1 0.75 +
3 0.016 -0.086 -0.56 -0.8 0.56 0.4 -0.74 -1.2 1 8.6e+03 0.033 1 0.13 +
4 0.0048 -0.087 -0.54 -1.2 0.81 0.82 -0.77 -1.2 1.1 8.6e+03 0.002 10 1 ++
5 0.064 -0.1 -0.54 -1.3 0.89 0.83 -0.79 -1.3 1 8.6e+03 0.0013 1e+02 0.99 ++
6 0.036 -0.074 -0.55 -1.4 0.93 0.88 -0.78 -1.3 1 8.6e+03 0.00065 1e+03 1 ++
7 0.036 -0.074 -0.55 -1.4 0.93 0.88 -0.78 -1.3 1 8.6e+03 9.1e-06 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 16 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.38 -
1 9.9e+03 1.5 0.5 0.34 +
2 9.9e+03 1.5 0.25 -9.9 -
3 9.9e+03 1.5 0.12 -12 -
4 9.9e+03 1.5 0.062 -7.3 -
5 9.9e+03 1.5 0.031 -1.9 -
6 9.4e+03 0.79 0.31 0.94 ++
7 9.4e+03 0.79 0.16 0.94 -
8 9.4e+03 0.79 0.078 0.94 -
9 9.4e+03 0.79 0.039 -9 -
10 9.4e+03 0.79 0.02 -12 -
11 9.4e+03 0.79 0.0098 -15 -
12 9.4e+03 0.79 0.0049 -1.7 -
13 9.3e+03 0.44 0.049 0.98 ++
14 9.3e+03 6.4 0.049 0.36 +
15 9.2e+03 1.1 0.049 0.66 +
16 9.2e+03 1.1 0.024 -7.2 -
17 9.2e+03 1.1 0.012 -8 -
18 9.2e+03 1.1 0.0061 -9 -
19 9.2e+03 1.1 0.0031 -5.8 -
20 9.2e+03 1.1 0.0015 -1.4 -
21 9.2e+03 0.52 0.0015 0.73 +
22 9.2e+03 0.052 0.015 1 ++
23 9.2e+03 0.36 0.15 1 ++
24 9e+03 0.85 1.5 0.97 ++
25 9e+03 0.85 0.7 -2.2 -
26 9e+03 0.85 0.35 -1 -
27 9e+03 0.85 0.18 -0.72 -
28 8.9e+03 7.8 0.18 0.4 +
29 8.7e+03 3.9 0.18 0.63 +
30 8.7e+03 3.9 0.088 0.63 -
31 8.7e+03 3.9 0.044 -6.3 -
32 8.7e+03 3.9 0.022 -4.7 -
33 8.7e+03 3.9 0.011 -3.6 -
34 8.7e+03 3.9 0.0055 -2.6 -
35 8.7e+03 3.9 0.0027 -1.4 -
36 8.7e+03 3.9 0.0014 -0.056 -
37 8.6e+03 1.7 0.0014 0.72 +
38 8.6e+03 1.7 0.00068 -1.9 -
39 8.6e+03 1.7 0.00034 -0.92 -
40 8.6e+03 2.8 0.00034 0.32 +
41 8.6e+03 0.9 0.00034 0.68 +
42 8.6e+03 0.44 0.00034 0.85 +
43 8.6e+03 0.022 0.0034 1 ++
44 8.6e+03 0.13 0.034 1 ++
45 8.6e+03 0.033 0.34 0.99 ++
46 8.5e+03 0.11 3.4 0.91 ++
47 8.5e+03 0.11 1.7 -2.8e+02 -
48 8.5e+03 0.11 0.86 -1.4e+02 -
49 8.5e+03 0.11 0.43 -27 -
50 8.5e+03 0.11 0.21 -2 -
51 8.5e+03 1.8 0.21 0.77 +
52 8.5e+03 5.1 0.21 0.22 +
53 8.5e+03 5.1 0.11 -6.8 -
54 8.5e+03 5.1 0.053 -5.7 -
55 8.5e+03 5.1 0.027 -5.6 -
56 8.5e+03 5.1 0.013 -5.6 -
57 8.5e+03 5.1 0.0067 -5.7 -
58 8.5e+03 5.1 0.0033 -3.3 -
59 8.5e+03 5.1 0.0017 -1.7 -
60 8.5e+03 5.1 0.00084 -0.53 -
61 8.5e+03 2.5 0.00084 0.11 +
62 8.5e+03 1.2 0.0084 1.4 ++
63 8.5e+03 1.2 0.0042 -1.3 -
64 8.5e+03 1.2 0.0021 -2 -
65 8.5e+03 1.2 0.001 -2.5 -
66 8.5e+03 1.2 0.00052 -2.8 -
67 8.5e+03 1.2 0.00026 -3 -
68 8.5e+03 1.2 0.00013 -1.5 -
69 8.5e+03 0.74 0.00013 0.6 +
70 8.5e+03 0.079 0.0013 1.1 ++
71 8.5e+03 0.01 0.013 1 ++
72 8.5e+03 0.24 0.13 1 ++
73 8.5e+03 0.016 1.3 0.99 ++
74 8.4e+03 0.045 13 0.93 ++
75 8.4e+03 0.0065 1.3e+02 1 ++
76 8.4e+03 0.0065 65 -8.5e+03 -
77 8.4e+03 0.0065 33 -4.8e+03 -
78 8.4e+03 0.0065 16 -2.5e+03 -
79 8.4e+03 0.0065 8.2 -1.3e+03 -
80 8.4e+03 0.0065 4.1 -6.6e+02 -
81 8.4e+03 0.0065 2 -3.1e+02 -
82 8.4e+03 0.0065 1 -1.1e+02 -
83 8.4e+03 0.0065 0.51 -24 -
84 8.4e+03 7.8 0.51 0.51 +
85 8.4e+03 3.3 5.1 1.1 ++
86 8.4e+03 3.3 0.48 0.038 -
87 8.4e+03 9.1 0.48 0.84 +
88 8.4e+03 9.1 0.24 -0.62 -
89 8.4e+03 9.1 0.12 -0.26 -
90 8.4e+03 9.1 0.06 -0.25 -
91 8.4e+03 9.1 0.03 -0.28 -
92 8.4e+03 9.1 0.015 -0.65 -
93 8.4e+03 9.1 0.0075 -0.72 -
94 8.4e+03 9.1 0.0037 -0.7 -
95 8.4e+03 9.1 0.0019 -0.78 -
96 8.4e+03 9.1 0.00093 -0.9 -
97 8.4e+03 9.1 0.00047 -1 -
98 8.4e+03 9.1 0.00023 -1.1 -
99 8.4e+03 9.1 0.00012 -1.1 -
100 8.4e+03 9.1 5.8e-05 -0.77 -
101 8.3e+03 2.5 5.8e-05 0.7 +
102 8.3e+03 0.11 0.00058 1 ++
103 8.3e+03 0.049 0.0058 1 ++
104 8.3e+03 0.48 0.058 1 ++
105 8.3e+03 0.015 0.58 0.99 ++
106 8.3e+03 2.4 5.8 0.94 ++
107 8.3e+03 0.3 58 1 ++
108 8.3e+03 0.00077 5.8e+02 1 ++
109 8.3e+03 0.00022 5.8e+03 1 ++
110 8.3e+03 3.6e-05 5.8e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Attempt 49/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 50/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 17 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 1.1e+04 0.22 0.5 -0.025 -
1 9.5e+03 0.18 0.5 0.49 +
2 8.9e+03 0.066 0.5 0.81 +
3 8.5e+03 0.022 5 1 ++
4 8.5e+03 0.022 1.4 -11 -
5 8.5e+03 0.022 0.69 -0.66 -
6 8.3e+03 0.013 6.9 1 ++
7 8.3e+03 0.036 6.9 0.24 +
8 8.2e+03 0.0046 69 1.1 ++
9 8.2e+03 0.0016 6.9e+02 1 ++
10 8.2e+03 0.00017 6.9e+03 1 ++
11 8.2e+03 3.4e-07 6.9e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_1st_ B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_1st_c B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_1s lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.25 -1 -0.3 -0.37 -0.25 -0.37 -0.19 -0.74 -0.41 1.2 1.6 9.2e+03 0.11 1 0.49 +
1 -0.087 0 -0.74 -0.49 -0.8 -1 -0.62 -0.78 -0.65 1.2 1.7 8.7e+03 0.058 1 0.69 +
2 -0.0076 0.039 -0.84 -0.81 -0.85 -1.5 -0.34 -1.3 -0.84 0.49 1.4 8.5e+03 0.034 10 1.1 ++
3 0.021 -0.097 -0.87 -0.85 -0.84 -1.5 -0.4 -1.6 -0.96 0.43 1.1 8.5e+03 0.018 1e+02 1.3 ++
4 0.017 -0.25 -0.85 -0.84 -0.84 -1.4 -0.39 -1.8 -1 0.45 1 8.4e+03 0.0067 1e+03 1.2 ++
5 0.041 -0.29 -0.86 -0.83 -0.83 -1.4 -0.4 -1.8 -1 0.43 1 8.4e+03 0.0033 1e+04 1 ++
6 0.084 -0.18 -0.88 -0.96 -0.91 -1.5 -0.4 -2.1 -1.1 0.24 1 8.4e+03 0.0011 1e+05 0.98 ++
7 0.084 -0.18 -0.88 -0.96 -0.91 -1.5 -0.4 -2.1 -1.1 0.24 1 8.4e+03 6.7e-06 1e+05 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_comm B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_commu B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_co lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.1e+04 0.22 0.5 0.034 -
1 -0.06 -0.5 -0.11 0.36 -0.46 -0.14 -0.026 -0.19 -0.039 -0.39 -0.049 1 1.4 9.4e+03 0.15 0.5 0.58 +
2 -0.19 -0.38 -0.25 -0.14 -0.44 -0.29 -0.046 -0.37 -0.065 -0.43 -0.075 1.1 1.4 8.9e+03 0.054 0.5 0.85 +
3 -0.43 -0.34 -0.53 -0.64 -0.91 -0.62 -0.072 -0.79 -0.1 -0.82 -0.18 1.1 1.6 8.6e+03 0.025 5 1 ++
4 -0.43 -0.34 -0.53 -0.64 -0.91 -0.62 -0.072 -0.79 -0.1 -0.82 -0.18 1.1 1.6 8.6e+03 0.025 2.5 1 -
5 -0.43 -0.34 -0.53 -0.64 -0.91 -0.62 -0.072 -0.79 -0.1 -0.82 -0.18 1.1 1.6 8.6e+03 0.025 1.2 -12 -
6 -0.43 -0.34 -0.53 -0.64 -0.91 -0.62 -0.072 -0.79 -0.1 -0.82 -0.18 1.1 1.6 8.6e+03 0.025 0.62 -0.57 -
7 -0.41 0.25 -0.57 -0.87 -1.5 -0.92 -0.067 -1.1 -0.13 -1 -0.31 0.68 1.7 8.4e+03 0.051 0.62 0.86 +
8 -0.17 0.41 -0.79 -0.82 -1.6 -1.1 -0.25 -1.3 -0.59 -1.5 -0.51 0.21 1.6 8.4e+03 0.016 6.2 0.99 ++
9 -0.11 0.38 -0.66 -0.77 -1.7 -1.3 -0.25 -1.5 -0.54 -1.8 -0.6 0.27 1 8.4e+03 0.031 6.2 0.12 +
10 0.1 0.42 -0.8 -0.76 -1.8 -1.4 -0.29 -1.6 -0.72 -2.2 -0.72 0.16 1 8.3e+03 0.0052 62 1.1 ++
11 0.11 0.4 -0.79 -0.75 -1.9 -1.4 -0.29 -1.6 -0.72 -2.2 -0.72 0.16 1 8.3e+03 0.0021 6.2e+02 1 ++
12 0.13 0.44 -0.82 -0.76 -1.9 -1.4 -0.29 -1.6 -0.73 -2.3 -0.75 0.1 1 8.3e+03 0.00013 6.2e+03 1 ++
13 0.13 0.44 -0.82 -0.76 -1.9 -1.4 -0.29 -1.6 -0.73 -2.3 -0.75 0.1 1 8.3e+03 1.7e-07 6.2e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 9 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 -0.69 -0.84 -0.75 -0.38 -0.63 -0.78 -0.64 -0.66 -0.49 8.7e+03 0.076 10 1.1 ++
1 -0.59 -0.43 -0.85 -0.58 -0.73 -1 -0.83 -1.2 -0.72 8.5e+03 0.02 1e+02 1.1 ++
2 -0.61 -0.23 -0.86 -0.58 -0.77 -1.1 -0.87 -1.3 -0.84 8.5e+03 0.0027 1e+03 1.1 ++
3 -0.61 -0.23 -0.86 -0.58 -0.77 -1.1 -0.87 -1.3 -0.84 8.5e+03 4.8e-05 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 6 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.037 -0.84 -0.25 -1 -0.58 1.6 9.4e+03 0.13 1 0.41 +
1 -0.037 -0.84 -0.25 -1 -0.58 1.6 9.4e+03 0.13 0.5 0.043 -
2 -0.21 -0.4 -0.75 -0.76 -0.46 1.4 8.6e+03 0.022 0.5 0.89 +
3 -0.084 -0.44 -0.82 -0.85 -0.59 1.3 8.6e+03 0.0028 5 1.1 ++
4 -0.036 -0.55 -0.85 -0.89 -0.65 1.1 8.6e+03 0.0035 50 0.97 ++
5 -0.036 -0.55 -0.85 -0.89 -0.65 1.1 8.6e+03 7.9e-05 50 1 ++
Considering neighbor 4/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 5/20 for current solution
Attempt 51/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 52/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 7 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_commuter lambda_travel_t mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.35 -0.84 -1 -0.93 0.079 1.8 1.6 9.3e+03 0.11 1 0.53 +
1 0.35 -0.84 -1 -0.93 0.079 1.8 1.6 9.3e+03 0.11 0.5 -0.37 -
2 -0.15 -0.53 -0.82 -0.81 0.19 1.5 1.5 8.7e+03 0.024 5 0.93 ++
3 -0.15 -0.53 -0.82 -0.81 0.19 1.5 1.5 8.7e+03 0.024 2.5 -37 -
4 -0.15 -0.53 -0.82 -0.81 0.19 1.5 1.5 8.7e+03 0.024 1.2 -3.2 -
5 0.28 0.059 -0.58 -1.5 -0.0099 0.23 2.5 8.5e+03 0.0084 1.2 0.61 +
6 0.16 -0.17 -0.64 -1.4 -0.16 0.43 1.9 8.5e+03 0.0067 12 0.95 ++
7 0.12 -0.21 -0.63 -1.3 -0.12 0.47 2 8.5e+03 0.00073 1.2e+02 1 ++
8 0.12 -0.21 -0.63 -1.3 -0.12 0.47 2 8.5e+03 3.3e-05 1.2e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 6 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_commuter mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.032 -0.82 -0.2 -1 -0.12 1.4 9e+03 0.076 1 0.65 +
1 0.14 0.18 -0.65 -1.4 -0.1 1.6 8.8e+03 0.059 1 0.48 +
2 -0.24 -0.27 -0.67 -0.89 -0.2 1.9 8.7e+03 0.013 1 0.77 +
3 -0.24 -0.27 -0.67 -0.89 -0.2 1.9 8.7e+03 0.013 0.45 -0.11 -
4 -0.02 -0.21 -0.72 -1.2 -0.19 1.4 8.7e+03 0.0097 4.5 0.92 ++
5 -0.042 -0.4 -0.77 -1.2 -0.13 1.2 8.7e+03 0.0073 45 1.1 ++
6 -0.03 -0.49 -0.77 -1.2 -0.11 1.2 8.7e+03 0.0011 4.5e+02 1.1 ++
7 -0.016 -0.54 -0.78 -1.2 -0.094 1.1 8.7e+03 0.00043 4.5e+03 1.1 ++
8 -0.016 -0.54 -0.78 -1.2 -0.094 1.1 8.7e+03 6.1e-06 4.5e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 7 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.11 -0.41 -0.12 -0.65 -0.7 -1 1.8 9e+03 0.15 1 0.78 +
1 0.11 -0.41 -0.12 -0.65 -0.7 -1 1.8 9e+03 0.15 0.5 -0.95 -
2 -0.37 0.093 -0.27 -0.54 -0.97 -0.74 2.2 8.6e+03 0.1 0.5 0.51 +
3 -0.19 -0.17 -0.32 -0.53 -0.83 -0.81 2.7 8.4e+03 0.025 0.5 0.78 +
4 -0.32 -0.12 -0.19 -0.58 -0.91 -1 2.2 8.4e+03 0.0043 5 1.1 ++
5 -0.27 -0.031 -0.31 -0.67 -1.3 -1.2 1.4 8.4e+03 0.012 5 0.31 +
6 -0.28 -0.037 -0.33 -0.68 -1.3 -1.1 1.6 8.4e+03 0.0012 50 1.1 ++
7 -0.28 -0.041 -0.32 -0.66 -1.3 -1.1 1.7 8.4e+03 0.00031 5e+02 1.1 ++
8 -0.28 -0.041 -0.32 -0.66 -1.3 -1.1 1.7 8.4e+03 3.2e-06 5e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 7 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.48 -0.65 -0.54 -0.74 -0.88 -0.57 -0.44 8.7e+03 0.054 10 1.1 ++
1 -0.47 -0.29 -0.37 -0.87 -1.5 -0.94 -0.56 8.4e+03 0.022 1e+02 1.2 ++
2 -0.51 -0.17 -0.36 -0.92 -1.8 -0.98 -0.62 8.4e+03 0.0041 1e+03 1.1 ++
3 -0.51 -0.15 -0.36 -0.92 -1.9 -0.98 -0.63 8.4e+03 0.00014 1e+04 1 ++
4 -0.51 -0.15 -0.36 -0.92 -1.9 -0.98 -0.63 8.4e+03 1.4e-07 1e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 8 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_commuter mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.1 -0.41 -0.12 -0.66 -0.71 -1 0.088 1.8 9e+03 0.16 1 0.77 +
1 0.1 -0.41 -0.12 -0.66 -0.71 -1 0.088 1.8 9e+03 0.16 0.5 -0.94 -
2 -0.37 0.085 -0.28 -0.54 -0.95 -0.75 0.13 2.2 8.6e+03 0.11 0.5 0.5 +
3 -0.2 -0.18 -0.31 -0.53 -0.82 -0.84 0.2 2.7 8.4e+03 0.025 0.5 0.79 +
4 -0.33 -0.13 -0.19 -0.58 -0.91 -1 0.24 2.2 8.4e+03 0.0039 5 1.1 ++
5 -0.27 -0.034 -0.31 -0.67 -1.3 -1.2 0.06 1.5 8.4e+03 0.012 5 0.26 +
6 -0.28 -0.041 -0.33 -0.67 -1.3 -1.1 0.051 1.6 8.4e+03 0.0012 50 1.1 ++
7 -0.28 -0.046 -0.32 -0.66 -1.3 -1.1 0.07 1.7 8.4e+03 0.00033 5e+02 1.1 ++
8 -0.28 -0.046 -0.32 -0.66 -1.3 -1.1 0.07 1.7 8.4e+03 3.9e-06 5e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 4/20 for current solution
Attempt 53/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 18 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.56 -
1 1e+04 1.5 0.5 0.2 +
2 1e+04 1.5 0.25 0.2 -
3 1e+04 1.5 0.12 0.2 -
4 1e+04 1.5 0.062 -4.2 -
5 9.9e+03 7.1 0.062 0.49 +
6 9.9e+03 7.1 0.031 -0.0058 -
7 9.7e+03 1.2 0.031 0.11 +
8 9.7e+03 1.2 0.016 -0.28 -
9 9.4e+03 0.58 0.16 0.92 ++
10 9.4e+03 0.58 0.078 0.92 -
11 9.4e+03 0.58 0.039 -15 -
12 9.4e+03 0.58 0.02 -16 -
13 9.4e+03 0.58 0.0098 -6.8 -
14 9.3e+03 3.2 0.0098 0.63 +
15 9.3e+03 0.11 0.0098 0.87 +
16 9.3e+03 0.32 0.098 0.98 ++
17 9.1e+03 0.036 0.98 1 ++
18 9.1e+03 0.036 0.49 -1.3 -
19 9e+03 12 0.49 0.18 +
20 8.6e+03 14 0.49 0.42 +
21 8.6e+03 14 0.24 0.42 -
22 8.6e+03 14 0.12 0.42 -
23 8.6e+03 14 0.061 0.42 -
24 8.6e+03 14 0.031 0.42 -
25 8.6e+03 14 0.015 0.42 -
26 8.6e+03 14 0.0076 0.42 -
27 8.6e+03 14 0.0038 0.42 -
28 8.6e+03 14 0.0019 -1.7 -
29 8.6e+03 14 0.00095 -1.1 -
30 8.6e+03 14 0.00048 -0.64 -
31 8.6e+03 14 0.00024 -0.43 -
32 8.6e+03 14 0.00012 -0.088 -
33 8.6e+03 8.4 0.00012 0.53 +
34 8.6e+03 10 0.00012 0.28 +
35 8.6e+03 5 0.00012 0.63 +
36 8.6e+03 2 0.00012 0.9 +
37 8.6e+03 0.3 0.0012 1 ++
38 8.6e+03 8.4 0.012 0.99 ++
39 8.5e+03 1.3 0.12 1 ++
40 8.3e+03 9.8 1.2 1 ++
41 8.3e+03 9.8 0.6 -55 -
42 8.3e+03 9.8 0.3 -1.1 -
43 8.2e+03 4.6 3 1 ++
44 8.2e+03 4.6 1.2 -5.6e+02 -
45 8.2e+03 4.6 0.61 -1.1e+02 -
46 8.2e+03 4.6 0.3 -0.69 -
47 8.2e+03 6.3 3 1.1 ++
48 8.2e+03 6.3 1.5 -4.2e+02 -
49 8.2e+03 6.3 0.76 -95 -
50 8.2e+03 6.3 0.38 -8.3 -
51 8.2e+03 7 0.38 0.81 +
52 8.1e+03 15 3.8 1 ++
53 8.1e+03 15 1.9 -1.4e+02 -
54 8.1e+03 15 0.95 -55 -
55 8.1e+03 15 0.47 -9.7 -
56 8.1e+03 15 0.24 -2.4 -
57 8.1e+03 15 0.12 -0.1 -
58 8.1e+03 22 0.12 0.41 +
59 8.1e+03 21 0.12 0.21 +
60 8.1e+03 21 0.059 -3.5 -
61 8.1e+03 21 0.03 -3 -
62 8.1e+03 21 0.015 -2.9 -
63 8.1e+03 21 0.0074 -2.6 -
64 8.1e+03 21 0.0037 -2.4 -
65 8.1e+03 21 0.0018 -2.5 -
66 8.1e+03 21 0.00092 -2.5 -
67 8.1e+03 21 0.00046 -2.6 -
68 8.1e+03 21 0.00023 -2.6 -
69 8.1e+03 21 0.00012 -2.6 -
70 8.1e+03 21 5.8e-05 -1.2 -
71 8.1e+03 25 5.8e-05 0.23 +
72 8.1e+03 15 5.8e-05 0.42 +
73 8.1e+03 15 2.9e-05 0.048 -
74 8.1e+03 15 1.4e-05 0.047 -
75 8.1e+03 0.68 1.4e-05 0.77 +
76 8.1e+03 0.014 0.00014 1 ++
77 8.1e+03 0.28 0.0014 1 ++
78 8.1e+03 0.026 0.014 1 ++
79 8.1e+03 2.9 0.14 1 ++
80 8.1e+03 0.26 1.4 1 ++
81 8.1e+03 0.38 14 1 ++
82 8.1e+03 0.0019 1.4e+02 1 ++
83 8.1e+03 7.6e-06 1.4e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 54/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.42 -
1 0.0068 -0.27 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.05 1 0.0052 1e+04 1.2 0.5 0.31 +
2 0.0068 -0.27 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.05 1 0.0052 1e+04 1.2 0.25 0.31 -
3 0.0068 -0.27 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.05 1 0.0052 1e+04 1.2 0.12 0.31 -
4 0.0068 -0.27 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.05 1 0.0052 1e+04 1.2 0.062 -6.2 -
5 0.0068 -0.27 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.05 1 0.0052 1e+04 1.2 0.031 -0.11 -
6 -0.024 -0.24 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0093 0.17 -0.47 0.019 1 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.8 0.31 0.91 ++
7 -0.024 -0.24 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0093 0.17 -0.47 0.019 1 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.8 0.16 -3.9 -
8 -0.024 -0.24 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0093 0.17 -0.47 0.019 1 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.8 0.078 -5.6 -
9 -0.024 -0.24 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0093 0.17 -0.47 0.019 1 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.8 0.039 -7.1 -
10 -0.024 -0.24 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0093 0.17 -0.47 0.019 1 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.8 0.02 -5 -
11 -0.025 -0.24 -0.039 0.21 -0.24 -0.01 0.17 -0.47 -0.00056 1 -0.028 9.4e+03 0.083 0.2 0.99 ++
12 -0.029 -0.26 -0.063 0.013 -0.33 -0.071 0.051 -0.54 -0.0003 1 0.0057 9.2e+03 0.21 2 0.99 ++
13 -0.029 -0.26 -0.063 0.013 -0.33 -0.071 0.051 -0.54 -0.0003 1 0.0057 9.2e+03 0.21 0.98 -2 -
14 -0.029 -0.26 -0.063 0.013 -0.33 -0.071 0.051 -0.54 -0.0003 1 0.0057 9.2e+03 0.21 0.49 -0.57 -
15 -0.2 -0.23 -0.29 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.35 -0.63 -0.00063 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 6.1 0.49 0.35 +
16 -0.2 -0.23 -0.29 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.35 -0.63 -0.00063 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 6.1 0.24 0.35 -
17 -0.2 -0.23 -0.29 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.35 -0.63 -0.00063 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 6.1 0.12 0.35 -
18 -0.2 -0.23 -0.29 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.35 -0.63 -0.00063 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 6.1 0.061 0.35 -
19 -0.2 -0.23 -0.29 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.35 -0.63 -0.00063 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 6.1 0.031 -3.1 -
20 -0.2 -0.23 -0.29 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.35 -0.63 -0.00063 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 6.1 0.015 -2.3 -
21 -0.2 -0.23 -0.29 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.35 -0.63 -0.00063 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 6.1 0.0076 -1.8 -
22 -0.2 -0.23 -0.29 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.35 -0.63 -0.00063 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 6.1 0.0038 -1.2 -
23 -0.2 -0.23 -0.29 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.35 -0.63 -0.00063 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 6.1 0.0019 -0.43 -
24 -0.2 -0.23 -0.28 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.36 -0.63 -0.0025 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 3.5 0.0019 0.29 +
25 -0.2 -0.23 -0.28 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.36 -0.63 -0.0019 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 2.9 0.019 1.5 ++
26 -0.2 -0.23 -0.28 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.36 -0.63 -0.0019 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 2.9 0.0095 -2 -
27 -0.2 -0.23 -0.28 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.36 -0.63 -0.0019 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 2.9 0.0048 -1.7 -
28 -0.2 -0.23 -0.28 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.36 -0.63 -0.0019 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 2.9 0.0024 -1.5 -
29 -0.2 -0.23 -0.28 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.36 -0.63 -0.0019 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 2.9 0.0012 -1.3 -
30 -0.2 -0.23 -0.28 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.36 -0.63 -0.0019 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 2.9 0.0006 -0.88 -
31 -0.2 -0.23 -0.28 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.36 -0.63 -0.0019 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 2.9 0.0003 -0.16 -
32 -0.2 -0.23 -0.28 -0.37 -0.58 -0.56 -0.36 -0.63 -0.0016 1.1 0.31 8.9e+03 0.45 0.003 0.92 ++
33 -0.2 -0.23 -0.28 -0.37 -0.58 -0.55 -0.36 -0.63 -0.0015 1.1 0.31 8.8e+03 0.14 0.03 1 ++
34 -0.19 -0.24 -0.27 -0.39 -0.59 -0.52 -0.38 -0.64 -0.0015 1.1 0.3 8.8e+03 0.18 0.3 1 ++
35 -0.27 -0.26 -0.3 -0.42 -0.89 -0.48 -0.6 -0.65 -0.0017 1.1 0.34 8.6e+03 0.09 3 0.94 ++
36 -0.27 -0.26 -0.3 -0.42 -0.89 -0.48 -0.6 -0.65 -0.0017 1.1 0.34 8.6e+03 0.09 1.5 -84 -
37 -0.27 -0.26 -0.3 -0.42 -0.89 -0.48 -0.6 -0.65 -0.0017 1.1 0.34 8.6e+03 0.09 0.75 -6.1 -
38 -0.65 -0.3 -0.55 -0.78 -1.6 -0.68 -0.85 -0.82 6.2e-05 1.2 -0.083 8.6e+03 3.5 0.75 0.37 +
39 -0.47 -0.02 -0.53 -0.81 -1.7 -1.3 -1.6 -1.2 -0.00039 1.5 0.033 8.5e+03 4.7 0.75 0.32 +
40 -0.47 -0.02 -0.53 -0.81 -1.7 -1.3 -1.6 -1.2 -0.00039 1.5 0.033 8.5e+03 4.7 0.37 -9.7 -
41 -0.47 -0.02 -0.53 -0.81 -1.7 -1.3 -1.6 -1.2 -0.00039 1.5 0.033 8.5e+03 4.7 0.19 -1.4 -
42 -0.47 -0.02 -0.53 -0.81 -1.7 -1.3 -1.6 -1.2 -0.00039 1.5 0.033 8.5e+03 4.7 0.093 0.019 -
43 -0.48 -0.027 -0.54 -0.81 -1.7 -1.3 -1.6 -1.2 -1.4e-05 1.5 -0.06 8.4e+03 1.1 0.093 0.86 +
44 -0.52 -0.044 -0.56 -0.83 -1.7 -1.4 -1.5 -1.3 4.8e-05 1.5 -0.073 8.4e+03 1.8 0.93 1.1 ++
45 -0.52 -0.044 -0.56 -0.83 -1.7 -1.4 -1.5 -1.3 4.8e-05 1.5 -0.073 8.4e+03 1.8 0.45 0.026 -
46 -0.63 0.19 -0.6 -0.84 -1.7 -1.5 -1.8 -1.8 0.00012 1.3 -0.092 8.4e+03 2.9 4.5 1 ++
47 -0.5 0.12 -0.68 -0.79 -1.8 -1.7 -2.2 -2.1 0.00016 1 -0.1 8.3e+03 9.1 45 1.2 ++
48 -0.5 0.12 -0.67 -0.77 -1.8 -1.7 -2.2 -2.1 0.00018 1 -0.1 8.3e+03 0.41 4.5e+02 1 ++
49 -0.52 0.39 -0.67 -0.8 -1.9 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00022 1 -0.11 8.3e+03 2.2 4.5e+03 1 ++
50 -0.53 0.4 -0.65 -0.8 -1.9 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00022 1 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.022 4.5e+04 1 ++
51 -0.53 0.4 -0.65 -0.8 -1.9 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00022 1 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.00022 4.5e+05 1 ++
52 -0.53 0.4 -0.65 -0.8 -1.9 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00022 1 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.0068 4.5e+06 1 ++
53 -0.53 0.4 -0.65 -0.8 -1.9 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00022 1 -0.11 8.3e+03 1.2e-06 4.5e+06 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.23 -
1 0.0073 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 1 0.0019 9.6e+03 0.82 0.5 0.68 +
2 0.0073 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 1 0.0019 9.6e+03 0.82 0.25 0.68 -
3 0.0073 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 1 0.0019 9.6e+03 0.82 0.12 0.68 -
4 0.0073 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 1 0.0019 9.6e+03 0.82 0.062 -14 -
5 0.0073 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 1 0.0019 9.6e+03 0.82 0.031 -12 -
6 0.0073 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 1 0.0019 9.6e+03 0.82 0.016 -2.8 -
7 -0.0084 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.003 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.16 0.96 ++
8 -0.0084 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.003 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.078 -12 -
9 -0.0084 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.003 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.039 -9.3 -
10 -0.0084 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.003 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.02 -7.6 -
11 -0.0084 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.003 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.0098 -8.2 -
12 -0.0084 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.003 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.0049 -5.3 -
13 -0.0084 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.003 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.0024 0.095 -
14 -0.011 -0.022 -0.0051 -0.27 -0.13 -0.0047 -0.057 -0.0078 0.18 -0.5 0.00059 1 -0.00042 9.4e+03 0.21 0.024 0.96 ++
15 -0.022 -0.031 -0.0056 -0.28 -0.13 -0.0046 -0.071 -0.032 0.19 -0.51 -0.0022 1 0.0085 9.4e+03 4.6 0.024 0.18 +
16 -0.032 -0.038 -0.0062 -0.28 -0.12 -0.0044 -0.087 -0.057 0.19 -0.53 -0.00011 1 0.013 9.3e+03 0.29 0.024 0.86 +
17 -0.042 -0.047 -0.0069 -0.28 -0.12 -0.0041 -0.11 -0.081 0.19 -0.54 -0.00076 1 0.024 9.3e+03 0.59 0.24 0.96 ++
18 -0.12 -0.12 -0.015 -0.32 -0.041 -0.00086 -0.35 -0.31 0.081 -0.66 0.00062 1 0.13 9.2e+03 2.9 0.24 0.57 +
19 -0.12 -0.12 -0.015 -0.32 -0.041 -0.00086 -0.35 -0.31 0.081 -0.66 0.00062 1 0.13 9.2e+03 2.9 0.12 0.57 -
20 -0.12 -0.12 -0.015 -0.32 -0.041 -0.00086 -0.35 -0.31 0.081 -0.66 0.00062 1 0.13 9.2e+03 2.9 0.061 0.57 -
21 -0.12 -0.12 -0.015 -0.32 -0.041 -0.00086 -0.35 -0.31 0.081 -0.66 0.00062 1 0.13 9.2e+03 2.9 0.031 -11 -
22 -0.12 -0.12 -0.015 -0.32 -0.041 -0.00086 -0.35 -0.31 0.081 -0.66 0.00062 1 0.13 9.2e+03 2.9 0.015 -5.1 -
23 -0.12 -0.12 -0.015 -0.32 -0.041 -0.00086 -0.35 -0.31 0.081 -0.66 0.00062 1 0.13 9.2e+03 2.9 0.0076 -3.4 -
24 -0.12 -0.12 -0.015 -0.32 -0.041 -0.00086 -0.35 -0.31 0.081 -0.66 0.00062 1 0.13 9.2e+03 2.9 0.0038 -2.1 -
25 -0.12 -0.12 -0.015 -0.32 -0.041 -0.00086 -0.35 -0.31 0.081 -0.66 0.00062 1 0.13 9.2e+03 2.9 0.0019 -0.53 -
26 -0.12 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 -0.039 0.001 -0.35 -0.3 0.079 -0.66 -0.0013 1 0.12 9.1e+03 2.5 0.0019 0.61 +
27 -0.12 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 -0.039 0.001 -0.35 -0.3 0.079 -0.66 -0.0013 1 0.12 9.1e+03 2.5 0.00095 -0.062 -
28 -0.12 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 -0.039 0.001 -0.35 -0.3 0.079 -0.66 -0.0013 1 0.12 9.1e+03 2.5 0.00048 0.09 -
29 -0.12 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 -0.039 0.0015 -0.35 -0.3 0.079 -0.65 -0.00081 1 0.12 9.1e+03 0.12 0.0048 0.97 ++
30 -0.12 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 -0.038 0.0016 -0.36 -0.3 0.074 -0.65 -0.00083 1 0.12 9.1e+03 0.4 0.048 1 ++
31 -0.1 -0.11 -0.018 -0.32 -0.028 0.0022 -0.37 -0.27 0.026 -0.65 -0.00071 1 0.1 9e+03 0.077 0.48 1 ++
32 -0.08 -0.13 -0.03 -0.34 0.13 0.012 -0.64 -0.32 -0.45 -0.76 -0.0016 1.1 0.33 8.8e+03 2.2 0.48 0.55 +
33 -0.14 -0.16 -0.037 -0.34 0.19 0.017 -0.66 -0.41 -0.49 -0.72 -0.0018 1 0.35 8.7e+03 1.1 4.8 0.97 ++
34 -0.17 -0.18 -0.046 -0.4 0.22 0.024 -0.7 -0.42 -0.53 -0.79 -0.0017 1 0.34 8.6e+03 0.79 48 1 ++
35 -0.17 -0.18 -0.046 -0.4 0.22 0.024 -0.7 -0.42 -0.53 -0.79 -0.0017 1 0.34 8.6e+03 0.79 24 -1e+03 -
36 -0.17 -0.18 -0.046 -0.4 0.22 0.024 -0.7 -0.42 -0.53 -0.79 -0.0017 1 0.34 8.6e+03 0.79 12 -8.9e+02 -
37 -0.17 -0.18 -0.046 -0.4 0.22 0.024 -0.7 -0.42 -0.53 -0.79 -0.0017 1 0.34 8.6e+03 0.79 6 -7.1e+02 -
38 -0.17 -0.18 -0.046 -0.4 0.22 0.024 -0.7 -0.42 -0.53 -0.79 -0.0017 1 0.34 8.6e+03 0.79 3 -4.9e+02 -
39 -0.17 -0.18 -0.046 -0.4 0.22 0.024 -0.7 -0.42 -0.53 -0.79 -0.0017 1 0.34 8.6e+03 0.79 1.5 -2.9e+02 -
40 -0.17 -0.18 -0.046 -0.4 0.22 0.024 -0.7 -0.42 -0.53 -0.79 -0.0017 1 0.34 8.6e+03 0.79 0.75 -1.2e+02 -
41 -0.17 -0.18 -0.046 -0.4 0.22 0.024 -0.7 -0.42 -0.53 -0.79 -0.0017 1 0.34 8.6e+03 0.79 0.37 -5.1 -
42 -0.42 -0.22 -0.12 -0.77 0.57 0.089 -0.86 -0.58 -0.84 -1 -0.00048 1 0.042 8.6e+03 1.4 0.37 0.48 +
43 -0.42 -0.046 -0.19 -0.83 0.74 0.21 -0.74 -0.88 -1.2 -1.4 -0.00038 1 0.037 8.5e+03 6.6 3.7 1 ++
44 -0.44 -0.081 -0.21 -0.87 0.74 0.25 -0.76 -0.93 -1.3 -1.5 -0.00017 1 -0.028 8.5e+03 2.4 3.7 0.88 +
45 -0.44 -0.079 -0.21 -0.87 0.74 0.25 -0.76 -0.93 -1.3 -1.5 -0.0002 1 -0.016 8.5e+03 0.84 37 0.99 ++
46 -0.44 -0.079 -0.21 -0.87 0.74 0.25 -0.76 -0.93 -1.3 -1.5 -0.0002 1 -0.016 8.5e+03 0.84 1.4 -85 -
47 -0.44 -0.079 -0.21 -0.87 0.74 0.25 -0.76 -0.93 -1.3 -1.5 -0.0002 1 -0.016 8.5e+03 0.84 0.69 -9.7 -
48 -0.52 -0.11 -0.34 -0.85 1 0.54 -0.76 -1.4 -1.9 -2.2 0.00022 1 -0.12 8.4e+03 23 0.69 0.29 +
49 -0.52 -0.1 -0.34 -0.85 1 0.54 -0.76 -1.4 -1.9 -2.2 0.00012 1 -0.089 8.4e+03 0.031 6.9 1 ++
50 -0.45 -0.099 -0.46 -0.48 0.91 0.87 -0.8 -1.7 -2.3 -2.8 0.00022 1 -0.11 8.4e+03 5.8 69 0.96 ++
51 -0.46 -0.1 -0.49 -0.44 0.91 0.83 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -2.9 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.4e+03 0.014 6.9e+02 1 ++
52 -0.45 -0.1 -0.5 -0.45 0.91 0.82 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -2.9 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.4e+03 0.0086 6.9e+03 1 ++
53 -0.45 -0.1 -0.51 -0.45 0.91 0.82 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -2.9 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.4e+03 0.00067 6.9e+04 1 ++
54 -0.45 -0.1 -0.51 -0.45 0.91 0.82 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -2.9 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.4e+03 6.5e-05 6.9e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Attempt 55/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.27 -0.2 -0.27 -0.017 -0.6 0.23 -0.088 -0.012 -0.47 -1 1.4 8.9e+03 0.069 10 0.9 ++
1 -0.27 -0.2 -0.27 -0.017 -0.6 0.23 -0.088 -0.012 -0.47 -1 1.4 8.9e+03 0.069 0.96 -0.023 -
2 0.14 -0.58 -0.13 -0.065 -1.2 1.2 0.29 0.015 -0.84 -1.4 0.77 8.3e+03 0.012 9.6 1.1 ++
3 0.26 -1 -0.078 -0.45 -1.2 1.5 0.54 0.67 -0.71 -1.8 0.28 8.2e+03 0.0081 96 0.9 ++
4 0.21 -1.1 -0.068 -0.49 -1.3 1.5 0.56 0.6 -0.72 -1.7 0.35 8.2e+03 0.00054 9.6e+02 1 ++
5 0.21 -1.1 -0.068 -0.49 -1.3 1.5 0.56 0.6 -0.72 -1.7 0.35 8.2e+03 8e-06 9.6e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.068 -0.11 -0.098 -0.0092 -0.78 0.071 -0.34 -0.016 -0.23 -1 1.1 1.5 9.3e+03 0.11 1 0.47 +
1 -0.16 -0.47 -0.28 -0.047 -0.48 1.1 0.59 0.012 -1.1 -1.2 0.94 1.8 8.8e+03 0.15 1 0.3 +
2 -0.16 -0.47 -0.28 -0.047 -0.48 1.1 0.59 0.012 -1.1 -1.2 0.94 1.8 8.8e+03 0.15 0.5 -0.21 -
3 -0.077 -0.52 -0.13 -0.071 -0.66 0.74 0.25 0.081 -0.73 -1 0.44 2 8.3e+03 0.046 0.5 0.75 +
4 -0.0028 -0.95 -0.036 -0.19 -0.46 0.9 0.14 0.34 -0.75 -1.4 0.43 1.5 8.2e+03 0.0078 5 0.95 ++
5 0.12 -1.2 -0.084 -0.49 -0.73 1.1 0.32 0.4 -0.71 -1.5 0.4 1.3 8.2e+03 0.0048 50 1.2 ++
6 0.18 -1.2 -0.076 -0.5 -1 1.3 0.45 0.51 -0.72 -1.6 0.38 1.1 8.2e+03 0.0046 5e+02 1.2 ++
7 0.2 -1.2 -0.07 -0.49 -1.2 1.5 0.53 0.57 -0.72 -1.6 0.36 1 8.2e+03 0.0015 5e+03 1.2 ++
8 0.21 -1.2 -0.068 -0.49 -1.2 1.5 0.53 0.57 -0.71 -1.7 0.37 1 8.2e+03 0.00082 5e+04 1.1 ++
9 0.21 -1.2 -0.068 -0.49 -1.3 1.5 0.54 0.57 -0.72 -1.7 0.35 1 8.2e+03 0.00026 5e+05 1 ++
10 0.21 -1.2 -0.068 -0.49 -1.3 1.5 0.54 0.57 -0.72 -1.7 0.35 1 8.2e+03 2.2e-06 5e+05 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 9 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas lambda_travel_t mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.3 -0.67 0.18 -0.83 -0.54 -0.97 -0.49 1.6 2 1.1e+04 0.27 1 0.16 +
1 0.3 -0.67 0.18 -0.83 -0.54 -0.97 -0.49 1.6 2 1.1e+04 0.27 0.5 -0.88 -
2 -0.2 -0.42 -0.25 -0.5 -0.45 -0.99 -0.55 1.5 1.8 8.8e+03 0.075 5 0.9 ++
3 -0.2 -0.42 -0.25 -0.5 -0.45 -0.99 -0.55 1.5 1.8 8.8e+03 0.075 2.5 -28 -
4 -0.2 -0.42 -0.25 -0.5 -0.45 -0.99 -0.55 1.5 1.8 8.8e+03 0.075 1.2 -2.1 -
5 -0.59 0.0096 -0.25 -0.83 -1.2 -0.62 -0.47 0.98 3.1 8.6e+03 0.081 1.2 0.43 +
6 -0.59 0.0096 -0.25 -0.83 -1.2 -0.62 -0.47 0.98 3.1 8.6e+03 0.081 0.62 -0.4 -
7 -0.23 0.032 -0.1 -0.48 -0.69 -0.97 -0.43 0.35 3 8.4e+03 0.012 6.2 0.92 ++
8 -0.23 0.032 -0.1 -0.48 -0.69 -0.97 -0.43 0.35 3 8.4e+03 0.012 0.99 -1.7 -
9 -0.18 0.033 -0.31 -0.66 -1 -1.1 -0.47 0.54 2 8.3e+03 0.014 9.9 0.95 ++
10 -0.16 0.14 -0.32 -0.68 -1.2 -1.2 -0.48 0.42 1.8 8.3e+03 0.0048 99 1.1 ++
11 -0.17 0.15 -0.33 -0.7 -1.3 -1.2 -0.49 0.43 1.7 8.3e+03 0.0006 9.9e+02 1.1 ++
12 -0.17 0.15 -0.33 -0.7 -1.3 -1.2 -0.49 0.43 1.7 8.3e+03 1e-05 9.9e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_comm B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_commu B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_co lambda_travel_t mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.0035 -0.9 -1 -0.55 -0.08 -0.61 -0.11 -0.79 -0.046 1.7 1.8 9e+03 0.087 1 0.67 +
1 -0.0035 -0.9 -1 -0.55 -0.08 -0.61 -0.11 -0.79 -0.046 1.7 1.8 9e+03 0.087 0.5 -0.45 -
2 -0.36 -0.43 -0.5 -0.41 0.12 -0.77 0.041 -0.86 -0.11 1.3 2 8.6e+03 0.052 0.5 0.75 +
3 -0.1 -0.35 -0.64 -0.72 0.25 -0.98 0.14 -1.1 -0.16 0.75 2.4 8.4e+03 0.016 5 0.92 ++
4 -0.1 -0.35 -0.64 -0.72 0.25 -0.98 0.14 -1.1 -0.16 0.75 2.4 8.4e+03 0.016 1.9 -23 -
5 -0.1 -0.35 -0.64 -0.72 0.25 -0.98 0.14 -1.1 -0.16 0.75 2.4 8.4e+03 0.016 0.97 -4.9 -
6 -0.1 -0.35 -0.64 -0.72 0.25 -0.98 0.14 -1.1 -0.16 0.75 2.4 8.4e+03 0.016 0.49 -0.14 -
7 0.074 0.044 -0.54 -0.96 0.22 -1.3 -0.062 -1.6 -0.14 0.28 2.6 8.3e+03 0.011 0.49 0.83 +
8 0.089 0.053 -0.61 -1.1 0.12 -1.3 -0.52 -1.8 -0.15 0.1 2.4 8.3e+03 0.0042 4.9 1 ++
9 0.09 0.046 -0.62 -1.1 0.11 -1.3 -0.48 -1.9 -0.14 0.12 2.3 8.3e+03 0.00018 49 1 ++
10 0.09 0.046 -0.62 -1.1 0.11 -1.3 -0.48 -1.9 -0.14 0.12 2.3 8.3e+03 1e-06 49 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Attempt 56/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 17 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.45 -
1 1e+04 1.2 0.5 0.24 +
2 1e+04 1.2 0.25 -6.8 -
3 1e+04 1.2 0.12 -7.4 -
4 1e+04 1.2 0.062 -4.1 -
5 9.5e+03 5.2 0.062 0.85 +
6 9.4e+03 0.49 0.062 0.5 +
7 9.4e+03 0.49 0.031 -24 -
8 9.4e+03 0.49 0.016 -19 -
9 9.4e+03 0.49 0.0078 -26 -
10 9.4e+03 0.49 0.0039 -2.3 -
11 9.3e+03 0.23 0.039 1 ++
12 9.3e+03 0.56 0.39 1 ++
13 8.8e+03 2.1 3.9 0.97 ++
14 8.8e+03 2.1 2 -30 -
15 8.8e+03 2.1 0.98 -7.8 -
16 8.8e+03 2.1 0.49 -0.98 -
17 8.8e+03 2.1 0.24 0.082 -
18 8.7e+03 8.8 0.24 0.25 +
19 8.7e+03 8.8 0.12 -0.5 -
20 8.7e+03 8.8 0.061 -0.21 -
21 8.7e+03 8.8 0.031 0.0074 -
22 8.7e+03 8.8 0.015 0.033 -
23 8.7e+03 8.8 0.0076 0.014 -
24 8.7e+03 8.8 0.0038 -0.007 -
25 8.7e+03 4.9 0.0038 0.21 +
26 8.7e+03 4.9 0.0019 -0.13 -
27 8.6e+03 2 0.0019 0.68 +
28 8.6e+03 2 0.00095 -1.4 -
29 8.6e+03 2 0.00048 -0.56 -
30 8.6e+03 2.1 0.00048 0.78 +
31 8.6e+03 0.052 0.0048 0.99 ++
32 8.6e+03 1.7 0.048 1.1 ++
33 8.5e+03 4.9 0.048 0.81 +
34 8.5e+03 4.9 0.024 -0.78 -
35 8.5e+03 4.9 0.012 -0.73 -
36 8.5e+03 4.9 0.006 -0.85 -
37 8.5e+03 4.9 0.003 -0.98 -
38 8.5e+03 4.9 0.0015 -1.1 -
39 8.5e+03 4.9 0.00075 -0.87 -
40 8.5e+03 4.9 0.00037 -0.19 -
41 8.5e+03 2.3 0.00037 0.18 +
42 8.5e+03 2.3 0.00019 -0.25 -
43 8.5e+03 0.18 0.00019 0.82 +
44 8.5e+03 0.019 0.0019 1 ++
45 8.5e+03 0.11 0.019 1 ++
46 8.5e+03 0.018 0.19 1 ++
47 8.4e+03 0.047 1.9 0.98 ++
48 8.4e+03 0.047 0.5 -0.011 -
49 8.3e+03 1.8 0.5 0.77 +
50 8.2e+03 2.7 5 0.95 ++
51 8.2e+03 2.7 0.97 -28 -
52 8.2e+03 2.7 0.48 -6 -
53 8.2e+03 2.7 0.24 -2 -
54 8.2e+03 18 0.24 0.12 +
55 8.2e+03 8.7 2.4 0.96 ++
56 8.1e+03 11 2.4 0.73 +
57 8.1e+03 0.38 24 1 ++
58 8.1e+03 0.66 2.4e+02 0.99 ++
59 8.1e+03 0.0053 2.4e+03 1 ++
60 8.1e+03 4.9e-07 2.4e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 57/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 16 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.51 -
1 1.1e+04 0.4 0.25 0.07 -
2 9.5e+03 0.97 2.5 1.1 ++
3 9.5e+03 0.97 1.2 1.1 -
4 9.5e+03 0.97 0.62 1.1 -
5 9.5e+03 0.97 0.31 1.1 -
6 9.5e+03 0.97 0.16 1.1 -
7 9.5e+03 0.97 0.078 -8.4 -
8 1.4e+04 6.1 0.78 21 ++
9 1.4e+04 6.1 0.39 21 -
10 1.4e+04 6.1 0.2 21 -
11 1.4e+04 6.1 0.098 21 -
12 1.4e+04 6.1 0.049 21 -
13 1.4e+04 6.1 0.024 21 -
14 1.4e+04 6.1 0.012 21 -
15 1.4e+04 6.1 0.0061 21 -
16 1.4e+04 6.1 0.0031 21 -
17 1.4e+04 6.1 0.0015 21 -
18 1.4e+04 6.1 0.00076 21 -
19 1.4e+04 6.1 0.00038 21 -
20 1.4e+04 6.1 0.00019 21 -
21 1.4e+04 6.1 9.5e-05 21 -
22 1.4e+04 6.1 4.8e-05 21 -
23 1.4e+04 6.1 2.4e-05 21 -
24 1.4e+04 6.1 1.2e-05 21 -
25 1.4e+04 6.1 6e-06 21 -
26 1.4e+04 6.1 3e-06 21 -
27 1.4e+04 6.1 1.5e-06 21 -
28 1.4e+04 6.1 7.5e-07 21 -
29 1.4e+04 6.1 3.7e-07 21 -
30 1.4e+04 6.1 1.9e-07 21 -
31 1.4e+04 6.1 9.3e-08 21 -
32 1.4e+04 6.1 4.7e-08 21 -
33 1.4e+04 6.1 2.3e-08 21 -
34 1.4e+04 6.1 1.2e-08 21 -
It seems that the optimization algorithm did not converge. Therefore, the results below may not correspond to the maximum likelihood estimator. Check the specification of the model, or the criteria for convergence of the algorithm.
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 58/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 15 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 -0.71 0.021 -0.25 -1 0.36 0.15 -0.67 -0.74 -0.96 -0.41 -0.63 -0.77 -0.64 -0.62 -0.42 8.6e+03 0.08 10 1.1 ++
1 -0.59 -0.12 -0.57 -0.81 0.62 0.51 -0.6 -0.85 -1.5 -0.68 -0.76 -1 -0.83 -0.98 -0.54 8.3e+03 0.022 1e+02 1.2 ++
2 -0.63 -0.12 -0.59 -0.71 0.74 0.61 -0.61 -0.89 -1.7 -0.69 -0.79 -1 -0.87 -1.1 -0.61 8.3e+03 0.0036 1e+03 1.1 ++
3 -0.63 -0.12 -0.59 -0.71 0.74 0.61 -0.61 -0.89 -1.7 -0.69 -0.79 -1 -0.87 -1.1 -0.61 8.3e+03 0.00011 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 17 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 8.4e+03 0.081 10 1.1 ++
1 8.2e+03 0.02 1e+02 1.1 ++
2 8.2e+03 0.0025 1e+03 1.1 ++
3 8.2e+03 5.9e-05 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Attempt 59/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 60/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -1.5 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.028 -
2 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0042 -0.25 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 1.5 0.25 0.82 +
3 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.0042 -0.25 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.2e+03 1.5 0.12 -0.028 -
4 0.26 -0.28 -0.32 0.022 -0.23 0.18 -0.32 -0.38 -0.3 -0.0023 1.3 0.12 9e+03 7.8 0.12 0.55 +
5 0.26 -0.3 -0.32 0.06 -0.21 0.057 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 0.0017 1.3 0.068 9e+03 4.8 0.12 0.26 +
6 0.26 -0.3 -0.32 0.06 -0.21 0.057 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 0.0017 1.3 0.068 9e+03 4.8 0.062 0.26 -
7 0.26 -0.3 -0.32 0.06 -0.21 0.057 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 0.0017 1.3 0.068 9e+03 4.8 0.031 -3.2 -
8 0.26 -0.3 -0.32 0.06 -0.21 0.057 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 0.0017 1.3 0.068 9e+03 4.8 0.016 -2.7 -
9 0.26 -0.3 -0.32 0.06 -0.21 0.057 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 0.0017 1.3 0.068 9e+03 4.8 0.0078 -2 -
10 0.26 -0.3 -0.32 0.06 -0.21 0.057 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 0.0017 1.3 0.068 9e+03 4.8 0.0039 -1.2 -
11 0.26 -0.3 -0.32 0.06 -0.21 0.057 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 0.0017 1.3 0.068 9e+03 4.8 0.002 0.04 -
12 0.26 -0.31 -0.32 0.062 -0.21 0.055 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 -0.00021 1.3 0.07 8.8e+03 4.7 0.02 1 ++
13 0.26 -0.31 -0.32 0.062 -0.21 0.055 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 -0.00021 1.3 0.07 8.8e+03 4.7 0.0098 -5.4 -
14 0.26 -0.31 -0.32 0.062 -0.21 0.055 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 -0.00021 1.3 0.07 8.8e+03 4.7 0.0049 -2.9 -
15 0.26 -0.31 -0.32 0.062 -0.21 0.055 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 -0.00021 1.3 0.07 8.8e+03 4.7 0.0024 -2.1 -
16 0.26 -0.31 -0.32 0.062 -0.21 0.055 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 -0.00021 1.3 0.07 8.8e+03 4.7 0.0012 -1.3 -
17 0.26 -0.31 -0.32 0.062 -0.21 0.055 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 -0.00021 1.3 0.07 8.8e+03 4.7 0.00061 -0.39 -
18 0.26 -0.31 -0.32 0.062 -0.22 0.055 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 -0.00082 1.3 0.07 8.8e+03 3.1 0.00061 0.29 +
19 0.26 -0.31 -0.32 0.062 -0.22 0.055 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 -0.00082 1.3 0.07 8.8e+03 3.1 0.00031 -0.51 -
20 0.25 -0.31 -0.32 0.063 -0.22 0.055 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 -0.00051 1.3 0.071 8.8e+03 2 0.00031 0.78 +
21 0.25 -0.31 -0.32 0.063 -0.22 0.054 -0.33 -0.44 -0.3 -0.00056 1.3 0.071 8.8e+03 0.11 0.0031 0.97 ++
22 0.25 -0.31 -0.32 0.065 -0.22 0.051 -0.33 -0.45 -0.31 -0.00057 1.3 0.073 8.8e+03 0.056 0.031 1 ++
23 0.24 -0.32 -0.32 0.084 -0.22 0.021 -0.35 -0.47 -0.32 -0.00066 1.3 0.096 8.8e+03 0.13 0.31 1 ++
24 0.14 -0.43 -0.33 0.26 -0.24 -0.28 -0.45 -0.63 -0.36 -0.00093 1.3 0.16 8.6e+03 0.11 3.1 0.98 ++
25 0.14 -0.43 -0.33 0.26 -0.24 -0.28 -0.45 -0.63 -0.36 -0.00093 1.3 0.16 8.6e+03 0.11 1.5 0.98 -
26 0.14 -0.43 -0.33 0.26 -0.24 -0.28 -0.45 -0.63 -0.36 -0.00093 1.3 0.16 8.6e+03 0.11 0.76 -41 -
27 0.14 -0.43 -0.33 0.26 -0.24 -0.28 -0.45 -0.63 -0.36 -0.00093 1.3 0.16 8.6e+03 0.11 0.38 -3 -
28 -0.25 -0.64 -0.4 0.63 -0.43 -0.36 -0.78 -0.77 -0.39 0.00022 1.4 -0.12 8.4e+03 11 0.38 0.52 +
29 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.7 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 -0.00029 1.5 -0.027 8.2e+03 7.8 0.38 0.7 +
30 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.7 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 -0.00029 1.5 -0.027 8.2e+03 7.8 0.19 -2.3 -
31 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.7 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 -0.00029 1.5 -0.027 8.2e+03 7.8 0.095 -0.79 -
32 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.7 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 -0.00029 1.5 -0.027 8.2e+03 7.8 0.048 0.017 -
33 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.71 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 0.00026 1.5 -0.075 8.2e+03 12 0.048 0.32 +
34 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.71 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 0.00026 1.5 -0.075 8.2e+03 12 0.024 -4.3 -
35 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.71 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 0.00026 1.5 -0.075 8.2e+03 12 0.012 -4.3 -
36 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.71 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 0.00026 1.5 -0.075 8.2e+03 12 0.006 -4.5 -
37 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.71 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 0.00026 1.5 -0.075 8.2e+03 12 0.003 -4.6 -
38 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.71 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 0.00026 1.5 -0.075 8.2e+03 12 0.0015 -4.3 -
39 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.71 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 0.00026 1.5 -0.075 8.2e+03 12 0.00075 -2.5 -
40 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.71 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 0.00026 1.5 -0.075 8.2e+03 12 0.00037 -1.3 -
41 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.71 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 0.00026 1.5 -0.075 8.2e+03 12 0.00019 -0.096 -
42 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.71 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 6.9e-05 1.5 -0.075 8.2e+03 2.9 0.0019 0.91 ++
43 -0.26 -0.71 -0.44 0.73 -0.38 -0.7 -0.8 -1.1 -0.56 5.1e-05 1.5 -0.073 8.2e+03 0.18 0.019 1 ++
44 -0.28 -0.72 -0.43 0.75 -0.4 -0.69 -0.82 -1.2 -0.57 4e-05 1.5 -0.071 8.2e+03 0.024 0.19 1 ++
45 -0.35 -0.8 -0.39 0.94 -0.4 -0.75 -0.97 -1.3 -0.62 0.00013 1.5 -0.091 8.2e+03 0.79 1.9 0.97 ++
46 -0.36 -1 -0.46 1.1 -0.32 -0.87 -1.2 -1.7 -0.75 0.00018 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 2.9 1.9 0.41 +
47 -0.32 -1.1 -0.66 1.3 -0.33 -0.86 -1.1 -1.8 -0.74 0.00018 1 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.16 19 1 ++
48 -0.3 -1.1 -0.7 1.3 -0.32 -0.85 -1.1 -1.8 -0.77 0.00018 1 -0.1 8.1e+03 2.6 1.9e+02 0.98 ++
49 -0.3 -1.1 -0.71 1.4 -0.33 -0.86 -1.1 -1.8 -0.77 0.00019 1 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.1 1.9e+03 1 ++
50 -0.3 -1 -0.72 1.4 -0.32 -0.86 -1.1 -1.8 -0.77 0.00019 1 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.0013 1.9e+04 1 ++
51 -0.3 -1 -0.72 1.4 -0.32 -0.86 -1.1 -1.8 -0.77 0.00019 1 -0.1 8.1e+03 6.2e-06 1.9e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 61/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas lambda_travel_t mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.19 -0.071 -0.02 -0.54 -0.0056 -0.0089 0.092 -0.7 -0.48 -0.92 -0.49 1.5 2 9.6e+03 0.2 1 0.47 +
1 0.19 -0.071 -0.02 -0.54 -0.0056 -0.0089 0.092 -0.7 -0.48 -0.92 -0.49 1.5 2 9.6e+03 0.2 0.5 -0.36 -
2 -0.25 -0.33 -0.059 -0.25 0.33 0.014 -0.23 -0.44 -0.6 -0.55 -0.39 0.97 2.2 8.8e+03 0.16 0.5 0.46 +
3 -0.2 0.047 -0.12 -0.37 0.13 0.056 -0.26 -0.6 -0.57 -0.76 -0.47 0.77 2.7 8.4e+03 0.047 0.5 0.7 +
4 -0.069 -0.068 -0.39 -0.092 0.25 0.084 -0.24 -0.56 -0.87 -1.2 -0.4 0.3 2.2 8.3e+03 0.0088 5 1.1 ++
5 -0.094 -0.059 -0.49 -0.17 0.42 0.19 -0.32 -0.68 -1.2 -1.3 -0.48 0.43 1.5 8.2e+03 0.011 5 0.77 +
6 -0.13 -0.08 -0.52 -0.23 0.49 0.25 -0.32 -0.7 -1.3 -1.3 -0.49 0.43 1.6 8.2e+03 0.00071 50 1 ++
7 -0.13 -0.08 -0.52 -0.23 0.49 0.25 -0.32 -0.7 -1.3 -1.3 -0.49 0.43 1.6 8.2e+03 1.4e-05 50 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 62/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.89 -
1 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 5 1 ++
2 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 2.5 1 -
3 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 1.2 1 -
4 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.62 1 -
5 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.31 1 -
6 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.16 1 -
7 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.078 1 -
8 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.039 1 -
9 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.02 -4.3 -
10 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.0098 -4.6 -
11 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.0049 -3.6 -
12 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.0024 -2.5 -
13 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.0012 -1.8 -
14 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.00061 -1 -
15 0.023 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.00031 -0.23 -
16 0.022 -0.018 -0.0056 -0.5 -0.42 -0.016 -0.11 -0.5 -0.00031 1.5 0.00031 9e+03 4.7 0.00031 0.57 +
17 0.022 -0.018 -0.0056 -0.5 -0.42 -0.016 -0.12 -0.5 -0.00018 1.5 0.00061 9e+03 4.8 0.00031 0.32 +
18 0.022 -0.019 -0.0057 -0.5 -0.42 -0.016 -0.12 -0.5 -0.00027 1.5 0.00092 9e+03 2.3 0.00031 0.68 +
19 0.022 -0.019 -0.0057 -0.5 -0.42 -0.016 -0.12 -0.5 -0.00024 1.5 0.0012 9e+03 0.38 0.0031 0.96 ++
20 0.021 -0.021 -0.0058 -0.5 -0.42 -0.016 -0.12 -0.5 -0.00025 1.5 0.0043 9e+03 0.072 0.031 1 ++
21 0.0081 -0.038 -0.0067 -0.5 -0.4 -0.016 -0.14 -0.53 -0.00038 1.5 0.035 8.9e+03 0.17 0.31 1 ++
22 -0.029 -0.17 -0.018 -0.45 -0.16 -0.012 -0.45 -0.7 -0.00096 1.6 0.17 8.6e+03 1.9 3.1 0.93 ++
23 -0.029 -0.17 -0.018 -0.45 -0.16 -0.012 -0.45 -0.7 -0.00096 1.6 0.17 8.6e+03 1.9 1.5 0.93 -
24 -0.029 -0.17 -0.018 -0.45 -0.16 -0.012 -0.45 -0.7 -0.00096 1.6 0.17 8.6e+03 1.9 0.76 -32 -
25 -0.029 -0.17 -0.018 -0.45 -0.16 -0.012 -0.45 -0.7 -0.00096 1.6 0.17 8.6e+03 1.9 0.38 -2.2 -
26 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0068 -0.79 -0.93 9.1e-05 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 16 0.38 0.59 +
27 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0068 -0.79 -0.93 9.1e-05 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 16 0.19 0.59 -
28 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0068 -0.79 -0.93 9.1e-05 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 16 0.095 0.59 -
29 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0068 -0.79 -0.93 9.1e-05 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 16 0.048 0.59 -
30 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0068 -0.79 -0.93 9.1e-05 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 16 0.024 0.59 -
31 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0068 -0.79 -0.93 9.1e-05 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 16 0.012 0.59 -
32 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0068 -0.79 -0.93 9.1e-05 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 16 0.006 0.59 -
33 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0068 -0.79 -0.93 9.1e-05 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 16 0.003 -2.4 -
34 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0068 -0.79 -0.93 9.1e-05 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 16 0.0015 -2 -
35 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0068 -0.79 -0.93 9.1e-05 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 16 0.00075 -1.4 -
36 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0068 -0.79 -0.93 9.1e-05 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 16 0.00037 -0.67 -
37 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0072 -0.79 -0.93 -0.00028 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 17 0.00037 0.16 +
38 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0072 -0.79 -0.93 -1.5e-05 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 16 0.00037 0.36 +
39 0.19 -0.2 -0.052 -0.56 0.22 0.0072 -0.79 -0.93 -1.5e-05 1.8 -0.032 8.5e+03 16 0.00019 -0.46 -
40 0.19 -0.2 -0.053 -0.56 0.22 0.0074 -0.79 -0.93 -0.0002 1.8 -0.031 8.5e+03 12 0.00019 0.15 +
41 0.19 -0.2 -0.053 -0.56 0.22 0.0074 -0.79 -0.93 -0.0002 1.8 -0.031 8.5e+03 12 9.3e-05 -0.22 -
42 0.19 -0.2 -0.053 -0.56 0.22 0.0075 -0.79 -0.93 -0.00011 1.8 -0.031 8.5e+03 2.3 9.3e-05 0.8 +
43 0.19 -0.2 -0.053 -0.56 0.22 0.0075 -0.79 -0.93 -0.00011 1.8 -0.031 8.5e+03 0.073 0.00093 1 ++
44 0.19 -0.2 -0.053 -0.56 0.22 0.0075 -0.79 -0.93 -0.00012 1.8 -0.03 8.5e+03 0.11 0.0093 1 ++
45 0.18 -0.2 -0.053 -0.56 0.22 0.0078 -0.78 -0.93 -0.00016 1.8 -0.021 8.5e+03 0.053 0.093 1 ++
46 0.094 -0.22 -0.068 -0.55 0.26 0.02 -0.7 -1 -0.0002 1.9 -0.011 8.4e+03 0.73 0.93 0.99 ++
47 0.094 -0.22 -0.068 -0.55 0.26 0.02 -0.7 -1 -0.0002 1.9 -0.011 8.4e+03 0.73 0.47 -15 -
48 0.094 -0.22 -0.068 -0.55 0.26 0.02 -0.7 -1 -0.0002 1.9 -0.011 8.4e+03 0.73 0.23 -4.5 -
49 0.094 -0.22 -0.068 -0.55 0.26 0.02 -0.7 -1 -0.0002 1.9 -0.011 8.4e+03 0.73 0.12 -0.05 -
50 0.11 -0.15 -0.093 -0.6 0.28 0.041 -0.63 -1.1 3.8e-05 1.9 -0.068 8.4e+03 1.4 0.12 0.89 +
51 0.072 -0.13 -0.12 -0.57 0.34 0.065 -0.62 -1.3 4.5e-05 2 -0.069 8.4e+03 2.4 1.2 1 ++
52 0.072 -0.13 -0.12 -0.57 0.34 0.065 -0.62 -1.3 4.5e-05 2 -0.069 8.4e+03 2.4 0.3 -1.8 -
53 0.097 -0.013 -0.2 -0.56 0.46 0.14 -0.61 -1.6 0.00017 2.1 -0.1 8.4e+03 14 3 0.92 ++
54 0.14 -0.034 -0.41 -0.53 0.48 0.36 -0.62 -1.7 0.00017 2 -0.098 8.3e+03 1.3 30 1 ++
55 0.14 -0.03 -0.44 -0.56 0.51 0.35 -0.63 -1.7 0.00017 2 -0.098 8.3e+03 0.022 3e+02 1 ++
56 0.14 -0.03 -0.44 -0.56 0.51 0.35 -0.63 -1.7 0.00017 2 -0.098 8.3e+03 8.9e-05 3e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 9 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -2.6 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.11 -
2 0.25 -0.25 -0.024 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.3e+03 2 2.5 1 ++
3 0.25 -0.25 -0.024 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.3e+03 2 1.2 1 -
4 0.25 -0.25 -0.024 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.3e+03 2 0.62 1 -
5 0.25 -0.25 -0.024 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.3e+03 2 0.31 -2.2 -
6 0.25 -0.25 -0.024 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1.2 0 9.3e+03 2 0.16 -0.21 -
7 0.22 -0.32 -0.051 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.0029 1.3 0.11 9.2e+03 11 0.16 0.32 +
8 0.22 -0.32 -0.051 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.0029 1.3 0.11 9.2e+03 11 0.078 -0.5 -
9 0.22 -0.32 -0.051 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.0029 1.3 0.11 9.2e+03 11 0.039 -0.4 -
10 0.22 -0.32 -0.051 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.0029 1.3 0.11 9.2e+03 11 0.02 -0.35 -
11 0.22 -0.32 -0.051 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.0029 1.3 0.11 9.2e+03 11 0.0098 -0.32 -
12 0.22 -0.32 -0.051 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.0029 1.3 0.11 9.2e+03 11 0.0049 -0.31 -
13 0.22 -0.32 -0.051 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.0029 1.3 0.11 9.2e+03 11 0.0024 0.093 -
14 0.22 -0.32 -0.048 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.00046 1.3 0.11 9e+03 5.3 0.0024 0.69 +
15 0.22 -0.32 -0.048 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.00046 1.3 0.11 9e+03 5.3 0.0012 -1.2 -
16 0.22 -0.32 -0.048 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.00046 1.3 0.11 9e+03 5.3 0.00061 -0.57 -
17 0.22 -0.32 -0.048 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.00046 1.3 0.11 9e+03 5.3 0.00031 -0.014 -
18 0.22 -0.32 -0.049 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.00076 1.3 0.11 9e+03 2.5 0.00031 0.58 +
19 0.22 -0.32 -0.049 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.00066 1.3 0.11 9e+03 2.5 0.00031 0.43 +
20 0.22 -0.32 -0.049 0.25 -0.33 -0.41 -0.00071 1.3 0.11 9e+03 0.18 0.0031 0.96 ++
21 0.22 -0.32 -0.049 0.24 -0.33 -0.41 -0.00071 1.3 0.11 9e+03 0.065 0.031 1 ++
22 0.22 -0.32 -0.049 0.21 -0.34 -0.43 -0.00077 1.3 0.12 9e+03 0.18 0.31 1 ++
23 0.17 -0.33 -0.065 -0.092 -0.44 -0.63 -0.0012 1.5 0.24 8.7e+03 0.083 3.1 0.91 ++
24 0.17 -0.33 -0.065 -0.092 -0.44 -0.63 -0.0012 1.5 0.24 8.7e+03 0.083 1.5 0.91 -
25 0.17 -0.33 -0.065 -0.092 -0.44 -0.63 -0.0012 1.5 0.24 8.7e+03 0.083 0.76 -26 -
26 0.17 -0.33 -0.065 -0.092 -0.44 -0.63 -0.0012 1.5 0.24 8.7e+03 0.083 0.38 -0.89 -
27 -0.22 -0.18 -0.3 -0.41 -0.68 -0.76 -0.00036 1.7 0.027 8.5e+03 0.31 0.38 0.69 +
28 -0.28 -0.16 -0.28 -0.58 -1 -1.1 0.00012 2 -0.089 8.3e+03 3.5 3.8 1 ++
29 -0.19 0.1 -0.25 -0.6 -1.1 -1.6 0.00014 2 -0.092 8.3e+03 4.2 38 1.1 ++
30 -0.18 0.2 -0.22 -0.62 -1.2 -2 0.00025 1.9 -0.12 8.3e+03 11 38 0.3 +
31 -0.18 0.18 -0.27 -0.65 -1.2 -1.9 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.39 3.8e+02 1.1 ++
32 -0.18 0.18 -0.28 -0.65 -1.3 -1.9 0.0002 1.8 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.32 3.8e+03 1 ++
33 -0.18 0.19 -0.27 -0.66 -1.3 -1.9 0.0002 1.8 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.3 3.8e+04 1 ++
34 -0.18 0.19 -0.27 -0.66 -1.3 -1.9 0.0002 1.8 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.0055 3.8e+05 1 ++
35 -0.18 0.19 -0.27 -0.66 -1.3 -1.9 0.0002 1.8 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.0077 3.8e+06 1 ++
36 -0.18 0.19 -0.27 -0.66 -1.3 -1.9 0.0002 1.8 -0.11 8.3e+03 2.9e-06 3.8e+06 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.88 -
1 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 5 1 ++
2 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 2.5 1 -
3 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 1.2 1 -
4 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.62 1 -
5 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.31 1 -
6 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.16 1 -
7 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.078 1 -
8 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.039 1 -
9 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.02 -4.2 -
10 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.0098 -4.6 -
11 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.0049 -3.5 -
12 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.0024 -2.5 -
13 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.0012 -1.8 -
14 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.00061 -1 -
15 0.023 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.0005 -0.42 -0.017 -0.11 -0.5 0 1.5 0 9e+03 6.7 0.00031 -0.22 -
16 0.022 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0056 -0.5 -0.00019 -0.42 -0.016 -0.11 -0.5 -0.00031 1.5 0.00031 9e+03 4.7 0.00031 0.58 +
17 0.022 -0.066 -0.018 -0.0056 -0.5 -2.1e-05 -0.42 -0.016 -0.12 -0.5 -0.00018 1.5 0.00061 9e+03 4.8 0.00031 0.34 +
18 0.022 -0.066 -0.019 -0.0057 -0.5 0.00015 -0.42 -0.016 -0.12 -0.5 -0.00027 1.5 0.00092 9e+03 2.3 0.00031 0.69 +
19 0.022 -0.066 -0.019 -0.0057 -0.5 0.00032 -0.42 -0.016 -0.12 -0.5 -0.00024 1.5 0.0012 9e+03 0.38 0.0031 0.97 ++
20 0.021 -0.067 -0.02 -0.0058 -0.5 0.002 -0.42 -0.016 -0.12 -0.5 -0.00025 1.5 0.0043 9e+03 0.072 0.031 1 ++
21 0.0087 -0.079 -0.038 -0.0067 -0.5 0.02 -0.4 -0.016 -0.14 -0.53 -0.00038 1.5 0.035 8.9e+03 0.18 0.31 1 ++
22 -0.028 -0.22 -0.17 -0.017 -0.46 0.25 -0.16 -0.013 -0.45 -0.71 -0.0011 1.6 0.19 8.5e+03 2.2 3.1 0.92 ++
23 -0.028 -0.22 -0.17 -0.017 -0.46 0.25 -0.16 -0.013 -0.45 -0.71 -0.0011 1.6 0.19 8.5e+03 2.2 1.5 0.92 -
24 -0.028 -0.22 -0.17 -0.017 -0.46 0.25 -0.16 -0.013 -0.45 -0.71 -0.0011 1.6 0.19 8.5e+03 2.2 0.76 -21 -
25 -0.028 -0.22 -0.17 -0.017 -0.46 0.25 -0.16 -0.013 -0.45 -0.71 -0.0011 1.6 0.19 8.5e+03 2.2 0.38 -1.3 -
26 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0032 -0.69 -0.9 -1.5e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 15 0.38 0.64 +
27 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0032 -0.69 -0.9 -1.5e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 15 0.19 0.64 -
28 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0032 -0.69 -0.9 -1.5e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 15 0.095 0.64 -
29 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0032 -0.69 -0.9 -1.5e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 15 0.048 0.64 -
30 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0032 -0.69 -0.9 -1.5e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 15 0.024 0.64 -
31 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0032 -0.69 -0.9 -1.5e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 15 0.012 -4.1 -
32 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0032 -0.69 -0.9 -1.5e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 15 0.006 -4.3 -
33 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0032 -0.69 -0.9 -1.5e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 15 0.003 -3.9 -
34 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0032 -0.69 -0.9 -1.5e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 15 0.0015 -2.5 -
35 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0032 -0.69 -0.9 -1.5e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 15 0.00075 -1.8 -
36 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0032 -0.69 -0.9 -1.5e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 15 0.00037 -1.2 -
37 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0032 -0.69 -0.9 -1.5e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 15 0.00019 -0.56 -
38 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0032 -0.69 -0.9 -1.5e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 15 9.3e-05 0.03 -
39 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0031 -0.69 -0.9 -0.00011 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 3.5 9.3e-05 0.71 +
40 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0031 -0.69 -0.9 -9.8e-05 1.9 -0.033 8.3e+03 0.6 0.00093 0.94 ++
41 0.23 -0.4 -0.12 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.065 -0.0031 -0.69 -0.9 -0.0001 1.9 -0.032 8.3e+03 0.064 0.0093 1 ++
42 0.22 -0.4 -0.13 -0.041 -0.63 0.63 0.067 -0.0029 -0.69 -0.91 -0.00014 1.9 -0.023 8.3e+03 1.1 0.093 1 ++
43 0.13 -0.41 -0.18 -0.047 -0.6 0.66 0.1 0.00026 -0.65 -0.96 -0.00028 1.9 0.0097 8.2e+03 0.36 0.93 1 ++
44 0.13 -0.41 -0.18 -0.047 -0.6 0.66 0.1 0.00026 -0.65 -0.96 -0.00028 1.9 0.0097 8.2e+03 0.36 0.47 -22 -
45 0.13 -0.41 -0.18 -0.047 -0.6 0.66 0.1 0.00026 -0.65 -0.96 -0.00028 1.9 0.0097 8.2e+03 0.36 0.23 -4.5 -
46 0.13 -0.41 -0.18 -0.047 -0.6 0.66 0.1 0.00026 -0.65 -0.96 -0.00028 1.9 0.0097 8.2e+03 0.36 0.12 -0.03 -
47 0.084 -0.44 -0.16 -0.063 -0.65 0.72 0.12 0.0097 -0.56 -1.1 7.2e-05 1.9 -0.076 8.2e+03 3 0.12 0.73 +
48 0.088 -0.45 -0.13 -0.075 -0.68 0.76 0.13 0.017 -0.54 -1.2 4.4e-05 1.9 -0.069 8.2e+03 0.021 1.2 1 ++
49 0.088 -0.45 -0.13 -0.075 -0.68 0.76 0.13 0.017 -0.54 -1.2 4.4e-05 1.9 -0.069 8.2e+03 0.021 0.39 -1.6 -
50 0.1 -0.5 -0.012 -0.13 -0.65 0.94 0.3 0.059 -0.54 -1.6 0.00026 2 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.26 0.39 0.59 +
51 0.21 -0.63 -0.067 -0.33 -0.67 0.99 0.3 0.22 -0.62 -1.9 0.00014 1.6 -0.099 8.1e+03 35 0.39 0.68 +
52 0.21 -0.63 -0.067 -0.33 -0.67 0.99 0.3 0.22 -0.62 -1.9 0.00014 1.6 -0.099 8.1e+03 35 0.06 -0.099 -
53 0.21 -0.63 -0.067 -0.33 -0.67 0.99 0.3 0.22 -0.62 -1.9 0.00014 1.6 -0.099 8.1e+03 35 0.03 0.019 -
54 0.21 -0.63 -0.067 -0.33 -0.67 0.99 0.3 0.22 -0.62 -1.9 0.00014 1.6 -0.099 8.1e+03 35 0.015 0.093 -
55 0.21 -0.63 -0.064 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.00025 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 17 0.015 0.14 +
56 0.21 -0.63 -0.064 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.00025 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 17 0.0076 -2.4 -
57 0.21 -0.63 -0.064 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.00025 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 17 0.0038 -1.5 -
58 0.21 -0.63 -0.064 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.00025 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 17 0.0019 -0.98 -
59 0.21 -0.63 -0.064 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.00025 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 17 0.00094 -0.75 -
60 0.21 -0.63 -0.064 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.00025 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 17 0.00047 -0.63 -
61 0.21 -0.63 -0.064 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.00025 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 17 0.00024 -0.58 -
62 0.21 -0.63 -0.064 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.00025 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 17 0.00012 -0.55 -
63 0.21 -0.63 -0.064 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.00025 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 17 5.9e-05 -0.54 -
64 0.21 -0.63 -0.064 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.00025 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 17 3e-05 -0.21 -
65 0.21 -0.63 -0.064 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.00022 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 5.3 0.0003 0.93 ++
66 0.21 -0.63 -0.065 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.00021 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 2.2 0.0003 0.83 +
67 0.21 -0.63 -0.065 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.00021 1.6 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.077 0.003 1 ++
68 0.21 -0.63 -0.065 -0.33 -0.68 0.99 0.29 0.22 -0.61 -1.9 0.0002 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.42 0.03 1 ++
69 0.2 -0.64 -0.066 -0.34 -0.71 1 0.32 0.22 -0.6 -1.9 0.00019 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.0071 0.3 1 ++
70 0.19 -0.65 -0.049 -0.4 -0.75 0.99 0.35 0.25 -0.61 -1.8 0.00019 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.0062 3 1 ++
71 0.19 -0.65 -0.049 -0.4 -0.75 0.99 0.35 0.25 -0.61 -1.8 0.00019 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 6.7e-05 3 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 9 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 0.083 -0.46 -0.35 -0.79 -1 -0.73 -0.83 -0.78 1.9 9.2e+03 0.26 1 0.67 +
1 0.083 -0.46 -0.35 -0.79 -1 -0.73 -0.83 -0.78 1.9 9.2e+03 0.26 0.5 -0.74 -
2 -0.42 -0.045 -0.43 -0.31 -1 -0.65 -1 -0.74 2.3 8.5e+03 0.11 0.5 0.69 +
3 -0.45 -0.18 -0.51 -0.48 -0.8 -0.68 -1.1 -0.96 2.5 8.4e+03 0.0055 5 0.96 ++
4 -0.45 -0.18 -0.51 -0.48 -0.8 -0.68 -1.1 -0.96 2.5 8.4e+03 0.0055 0.77 -3.6 -
5 -0.48 -0.074 -0.55 -0.59 -1.1 -0.85 -1.3 -1.2 1.8 8.4e+03 0.014 0.77 0.79 +
6 -0.46 -0.061 -0.6 -0.61 -1.1 -0.86 -1.3 -1.2 1.8 8.4e+03 0.00033 7.7 1 ++
7 -0.46 -0.061 -0.6 -0.61 -1.1 -0.86 -1.3 -1.2 1.8 8.4e+03 6.9e-06 7.7 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 4/20 for current solution
Attempt 63/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_comm B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_commu B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_co cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.2 -
1 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.021 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.013 1 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.9 0.5 0.78 +
2 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.021 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.013 1 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.9 0.25 0.78 -
3 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.021 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.013 1 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.9 0.12 0.78 -
4 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.021 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.013 1 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.9 0.062 0.78 -
5 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.021 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.013 1 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.9 0.031 -67 -
6 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 -0.021 0.2 0.046 -0.5 -0.071 0.013 1 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.9 0.016 -6 -
7 -0.0082 -0.29 -0.054 -0.013 -0.0059 0.19 0.062 -0.52 -0.084 -0.0029 1 0.01 9.5e+03 6.3 0.016 0.29 +
8 -0.013 -0.29 -0.06 -0.029 -0.014 0.19 0.065 -0.52 -0.087 0.0025 1 0.011 9.4e+03 0.72 0.016 0.43 +
9 -0.013 -0.29 -0.06 -0.029 -0.014 0.19 0.065 -0.52 -0.087 0.0025 1 0.011 9.4e+03 0.72 0.0078 -14 -
10 -0.013 -0.29 -0.06 -0.029 -0.014 0.19 0.065 -0.52 -0.087 0.0025 1 0.011 9.4e+03 0.72 0.0039 -3.3 -
11 -0.017 -0.29 -0.064 -0.033 -0.018 0.19 0.069 -0.53 -0.09 -0.0014 1 0.015 9.4e+03 2.6 0.0039 0.53 +
12 -0.019 -0.29 -0.066 -0.037 -0.019 0.19 0.069 -0.53 -0.091 -0.00087 1 0.016 9.3e+03 0.55 0.039 1 ++
13 -0.037 -0.3 -0.094 -0.076 -0.031 0.18 0.076 -0.54 -0.095 -0.00034 1 0.031 9.3e+03 0.38 0.39 0.99 ++
14 -0.14 -0.34 -0.48 -0.39 -0.16 -0.053 0.14 -0.69 -0.14 -0.0015 1.1 0.17 9e+03 4.4 0.39 0.72 +
15 -0.086 -0.33 -0.61 -0.38 -0.25 -0.44 0.15 -0.74 -0.17 0.00027 1.1 0.25 8.8e+03 6 0.39 0.47 +
16 -0.086 -0.33 -0.61 -0.38 -0.25 -0.44 0.15 -0.74 -0.17 0.00027 1.1 0.25 8.8e+03 6 0.2 0.47 -
17 -0.086 -0.33 -0.61 -0.38 -0.25 -0.44 0.15 -0.74 -0.17 0.00027 1.1 0.25 8.8e+03 6 0.098 -7.8 -
18 -0.086 -0.33 -0.61 -0.38 -0.25 -0.44 0.15 -0.74 -0.17 0.00027 1.1 0.25 8.8e+03 6 0.049 -7.8 -
19 -0.086 -0.33 -0.61 -0.38 -0.25 -0.44 0.15 -0.74 -0.17 0.00027 1.1 0.25 8.8e+03 6 0.024 -3.6 -
20 -0.086 -0.33 -0.61 -0.38 -0.25 -0.44 0.15 -0.74 -0.17 0.00027 1.1 0.25 8.8e+03 6 0.012 -2.9 -
21 -0.086 -0.33 -0.61 -0.38 -0.25 -0.44 0.15 -0.74 -0.17 0.00027 1.1 0.25 8.8e+03 6 0.0061 -2.2 -
22 -0.086 -0.33 -0.61 -0.38 -0.25 -0.44 0.15 -0.74 -0.17 0.00027 1.1 0.25 8.8e+03 6 0.0031 -1.1 -
23 -0.086 -0.33 -0.61 -0.38 -0.25 -0.44 0.15 -0.74 -0.17 0.00027 1.1 0.25 8.8e+03 6 0.0015 0.062 -
24 -0.087 -0.33 -0.61 -0.38 -0.25 -0.44 0.15 -0.74 -0.17 -0.0013 1.1 0.25 8.7e+03 3.5 0.015 0.99 ++
25 -0.095 -0.33 -0.61 -0.39 -0.25 -0.44 0.16 -0.73 -0.17 -0.0013 1.1 0.25 8.7e+03 1.2 0.15 0.98 ++
26 -0.17 -0.31 -0.68 -0.46 -0.25 -0.59 0.25 -0.7 -0.19 -0.0016 1 0.32 8.6e+03 0.45 1.5 0.93 ++
27 -0.19 -0.33 -0.7 -0.46 -0.23 -0.58 0.3 -0.75 -0.19 -0.0016 1 0.33 8.6e+03 0.033 15 1 ++
28 -0.19 -0.33 -0.7 -0.46 -0.23 -0.58 0.3 -0.75 -0.19 -0.0016 1 0.33 8.6e+03 0.033 7.6 -56 -
29 -0.19 -0.33 -0.7 -0.46 -0.23 -0.58 0.3 -0.75 -0.19 -0.0016 1 0.33 8.6e+03 0.033 3.8 -43 -
30 -0.19 -0.33 -0.7 -0.46 -0.23 -0.58 0.3 -0.75 -0.19 -0.0016 1 0.33 8.6e+03 0.033 1.9 -17 -
31 -0.19 -0.33 -0.7 -0.46 -0.23 -0.58 0.3 -0.75 -0.19 -0.0016 1 0.33 8.6e+03 0.033 0.95 -3.9 -
32 -0.58 -0.44 -0.73 -0.53 0.54 -0.94 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.0018 1 0.36 8.5e+03 0.34 0.95 0.42 +
33 -0.58 -0.44 -0.73 -0.53 0.54 -0.94 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.0018 1 0.36 8.5e+03 0.34 0.48 -75 -
34 -0.58 -0.44 -0.73 -0.53 0.54 -0.94 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.0018 1 0.36 8.5e+03 0.34 0.24 -16 -
35 -0.58 -0.44 -0.73 -0.53 0.54 -0.94 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.0018 1 0.36 8.5e+03 0.34 0.12 -8.1 -
36 -0.58 -0.44 -0.73 -0.53 0.54 -0.94 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.0018 1 0.36 8.5e+03 0.34 0.06 -4 -
37 -0.58 -0.44 -0.73 -0.53 0.54 -0.94 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.0018 1 0.36 8.5e+03 0.34 0.03 -1.4 -
38 -0.58 -0.44 -0.73 -0.53 0.54 -0.94 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.0018 1 0.36 8.5e+03 0.34 0.015 -2.5 -
39 -0.58 -0.44 -0.73 -0.53 0.54 -0.94 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.0018 1 0.36 8.5e+03 0.34 0.0075 -2.5 -
40 -0.58 -0.44 -0.73 -0.53 0.54 -0.94 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.0018 1 0.36 8.5e+03 0.34 0.0037 -3 -
41 -0.58 -0.44 -0.73 -0.53 0.54 -0.94 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.0018 1 0.36 8.5e+03 0.34 0.0019 -3.6 -
42 -0.58 -0.43 -0.73 -0.53 0.54 -0.94 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.0036 1 0.35 8.5e+03 0.17 0.019 1.1 ++
43 -0.58 -0.43 -0.73 -0.53 0.54 -0.94 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.0036 1 0.35 8.5e+03 0.17 0.0093 -0.044 -
44 -0.58 -0.44 -0.73 -0.54 0.53 -0.94 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.004 1 0.35 8.5e+03 1.1 0.0093 0.54 +
45 -0.58 -0.44 -0.74 -0.54 0.52 -0.95 1.3 -0.88 0.27 -0.0036 1 0.34 8.5e+03 0.028 0.093 0.98 ++
46 -0.6 -0.48 -0.81 -0.57 0.54 -1 1.2 -0.96 0.26 -0.0027 1 0.25 8.5e+03 0.14 0.93 0.94 ++
47 -0.6 -0.48 -0.81 -0.57 0.54 -1 1.2 -0.96 0.26 -0.0027 1 0.25 8.5e+03 0.14 0.26 -2.7 -
48 -0.71 -0.45 -0.82 -0.69 0.61 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.00058 1 0.12 8.5e+03 0.45 2.6 1.3 ++
49 -0.71 -0.45 -0.82 -0.69 0.61 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.00058 1 0.12 8.5e+03 0.45 1.3 -55 -
50 -0.71 -0.45 -0.82 -0.69 0.61 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.00058 1 0.12 8.5e+03 0.45 0.66 -31 -
51 -0.71 -0.45 -0.82 -0.69 0.61 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.00058 1 0.12 8.5e+03 0.45 0.33 -24 -
52 -0.71 -0.45 -0.82 -0.69 0.61 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.00058 1 0.12 8.5e+03 0.45 0.16 -10 -
53 -0.71 -0.45 -0.82 -0.69 0.61 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.00058 1 0.12 8.5e+03 0.45 0.082 -3.7 -
54 -0.71 -0.45 -0.82 -0.69 0.61 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.00058 1 0.12 8.5e+03 0.45 0.041 -1 -
55 -0.71 -0.45 -0.82 -0.69 0.61 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.00058 1 0.12 8.5e+03 0.45 0.021 -0.12 -
56 -0.71 -0.46 -0.82 -0.71 0.59 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.0014 1 0.14 8.5e+03 0.83 0.021 0.5 +
57 -0.71 -0.46 -0.82 -0.71 0.59 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.0014 1 0.14 8.5e+03 0.83 0.01 -0.26 -
58 -0.71 -0.46 -0.82 -0.71 0.59 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.0014 1 0.14 8.5e+03 0.83 0.0052 -0.09 -
59 -0.71 -0.46 -0.82 -0.71 0.59 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.0014 1 0.14 8.5e+03 0.83 0.0026 -0.012 -
60 -0.71 -0.46 -0.82 -0.71 0.59 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.0014 1 0.14 8.5e+03 0.83 0.0013 0.02 -
61 -0.71 -0.46 -0.82 -0.71 0.59 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.0014 1 0.14 8.5e+03 0.83 0.00064 0.032 -
62 -0.71 -0.46 -0.82 -0.71 0.59 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.00072 1 0.14 8.5e+03 0.73 0.00064 0.29 +
63 -0.71 -0.46 -0.82 -0.71 0.59 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.0011 1 0.14 8.5e+03 0.39 0.00064 0.58 +
64 -0.71 -0.46 -0.82 -0.71 0.59 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.27 -0.00096 1 0.14 8.5e+03 0.069 0.0064 0.9 ++
65 -0.71 -0.45 -0.82 -0.71 0.59 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.28 -0.00096 1 0.14 8.5e+03 0.0082 0.064 1 ++
66 -0.67 -0.45 -0.81 -0.73 0.52 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.28 -0.00084 1 0.14 8.5e+03 0.52 0.64 0.99 ++
67 -0.67 -0.45 -0.81 -0.73 0.52 -1.3 1.3 -1.2 0.28 -0.00084 1 0.14 8.5e+03 0.52 0.32 -1.6 -
68 -0.49 -0.23 -0.8 -0.94 0.42 -1.5 1.3 -1.5 0.22 -0.00048 1 0.031 8.5e+03 3.5 3.2 0.92 ++
69 -0.49 -0.23 -0.8 -0.94 0.42 -1.5 1.3 -1.5 0.22 -0.00048 1 0.031 8.5e+03 3.5 8.3e-05 -0.18 -
70 -0.49 -0.23 -0.8 -0.94 0.42 -1.5 1.3 -1.5 0.22 -0.00039 1 0.031 8.5e+03 0.46 8.3e-05 0.72 +
71 -0.49 -0.23 -0.8 -0.94 0.42 -1.5 1.3 -1.5 0.22 -0.0004 1 0.031 8.5e+03 0.031 0.00083 1 ++
72 -0.49 -0.23 -0.8 -0.94 0.42 -1.5 1.3 -1.5 0.22 -0.0004 1 0.032 8.5e+03 0.22 0.0083 1 ++
73 -0.49 -0.23 -0.8 -0.94 0.42 -1.5 1.3 -1.5 0.22 -0.00041 1 0.033 8.5e+03 0.027 0.083 1 ++
74 -0.49 -0.25 -0.8 -0.99 0.37 -1.5 1.3 -1.6 0.24 -0.00037 1 0.022 8.5e+03 0.031 0.83 1.1 ++
75 -0.49 -0.25 -0.8 -0.99 0.37 -1.5 1.3 -1.6 0.24 -0.00037 1 0.022 8.5e+03 0.031 0.41 -6.3 -
76 -0.46 -0.14 -0.79 -1.3 0.31 -1.9 1.3 -2 0.29 -1.8e-05 1 -0.059 8.4e+03 0.29 0.41 0.86 +
77 -0.43 0.17 -0.8 -1.5 0.27 -2.1 1.3 -2.4 0.17 3.3e-05 1 -0.071 8.4e+03 0.28 4.1 1.1 ++
78 -0.43 0.17 -0.8 -1.5 0.27 -2.1 1.3 -2.4 0.17 3.3e-05 1 -0.071 8.4e+03 0.28 0.43 -6 -
79 -0.43 0.17 -0.8 -1.5 0.27 -2.1 1.3 -2.4 0.17 3.3e-05 1 -0.071 8.4e+03 0.28 0.22 -0.14 -
80 -0.42 0.17 -0.82 -1.7 0.21 -2.3 1.1 -2.7 0.26 0.00013 1 -0.093 8.4e+03 2 0.22 0.87 +
81 -0.41 0.35 -0.8 -1.7 0.13 -2.4 1.1 -2.9 0.094 0.00015 1 -0.097 8.4e+03 0.38 2.2 1 ++
82 -0.41 0.36 -0.8 -1.8 -0.11 -2.4 0.77 -2.9 -0.083 0.00017 1 -0.1 8.4e+03 0.35 22 1 ++
83 -0.41 0.36 -0.8 -1.7 -0.13 -2.4 0.73 -2.9 -0.087 0.00016 1 -0.099 8.4e+03 0.045 2.2e+02 1 ++
84 -0.4 0.37 -0.8 -1.7 -0.16 -2.4 0.7 -2.9 -0.11 0.00017 1 -0.1 8.4e+03 0.0041 2.2e+03 1 ++
85 -0.41 0.36 -0.8 -1.7 -0.17 -2.4 0.69 -2.9 -0.11 0.00017 1 -0.1 8.4e+03 0.00088 2.2e+04 1 ++
86 -0.41 0.36 -0.8 -1.7 -0.17 -2.4 0.69 -2.9 -0.12 0.00017 1 -0.1 8.4e+03 0.0002 2.2e+05 1 ++
87 -0.41 0.36 -0.8 -1.7 -0.17 -2.4 0.69 -2.9 -0.12 0.00017 1 -0.1 8.4e+03 3.4e-05 2.2e+05 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 64/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 10 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.078 -0.28 -0.57 0.2 -0.17 -0.54 -0.35 -1 -0.51 1.5 8.8e+03 0.042 1 0.84 +
1 -0.43 -0.75 -0.63 1.2 -0.24 -0.88 -1.2 -1.2 -0.63 0.94 8.2e+03 0.01 10 1.1 ++
2 -0.15 -1 -0.54 1.4 -0.38 -0.85 -1.1 -1.7 -0.63 0.3 8.2e+03 0.014 10 0.68 +
3 -0.19 -1 -0.7 1.4 -0.43 -0.84 -1.1 -1.4 -0.64 0.41 8.2e+03 0.00086 1e+02 1 ++
4 -0.19 -1 -0.7 1.4 -0.43 -0.84 -1.1 -1.4 -0.64 0.41 8.2e+03 7.5e-05 1e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:altspec;B_TIME:FIRST;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:boxcox [8162.348815818289, 10]
Attempt 65/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.41 -
1 0.0068 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.051 0.0053 1e+04 1.1 0.5 0.3 +
2 0.0068 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.051 0.0053 1e+04 1.1 0.25 -7.2 -
3 0.0068 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.051 0.0053 1e+04 1.1 0.12 -8.3 -
4 0.0068 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.051 0.0053 1e+04 1.1 0.062 -63 -
5 0.0068 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.051 0.0053 1e+04 1.1 0.031 -0.027 -
6 0.012 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.02 0.21 -0.24 0.0092 0.17 -0.47 0.02 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.81 0.31 0.91 ++
7 0.012 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.02 0.21 -0.24 0.0092 0.17 -0.47 0.02 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.81 0.16 -3.8 -
8 0.012 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.02 0.21 -0.24 0.0092 0.17 -0.47 0.02 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.81 0.078 -5.4 -
9 0.012 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.02 0.21 -0.24 0.0092 0.17 -0.47 0.02 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.81 0.039 -6.8 -
10 0.012 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.02 0.21 -0.24 0.0092 0.17 -0.47 0.02 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.81 0.02 -4.5 -
11 0.011 -0.055 -0.24 0.033 -0.021 0.21 -0.24 -0.01 0.17 -0.47 0.00036 -0.027 9.4e+03 0.25 0.2 0.99 ++
12 -0.031 -0.14 -0.27 0.13 -0.089 0.014 -0.35 -0.15 0.074 -0.56 -0.00082 0.022 9.1e+03 1.9 2 0.99 ++
13 -0.031 -0.14 -0.27 0.13 -0.089 0.014 -0.35 -0.15 0.074 -0.56 -0.00082 0.022 9.1e+03 1.9 0.98 -1.5 -
14 -0.031 -0.14 -0.27 0.13 -0.089 0.014 -0.35 -0.15 0.074 -0.56 -0.00082 0.022 9.1e+03 1.9 0.49 -0.23 -
15 -0.09 -0.35 -0.3 0.41 -0.2 -0.44 -0.59 -0.55 -0.41 -0.72 0.0025 0.2 8.8e+03 5.7 0.49 0.39 +
16 -0.09 -0.35 -0.3 0.41 -0.2 -0.44 -0.59 -0.55 -0.41 -0.72 0.0025 0.2 8.8e+03 5.7 0.24 -6.2 -
17 -0.09 -0.35 -0.3 0.41 -0.2 -0.44 -0.59 -0.55 -0.41 -0.72 0.0025 0.2 8.8e+03 5.7 0.12 -6.8 -
18 -0.09 -0.35 -0.3 0.41 -0.2 -0.44 -0.59 -0.55 -0.41 -0.72 0.0025 0.2 8.8e+03 5.7 0.061 -5.9 -
19 -0.09 -0.35 -0.3 0.41 -0.2 -0.44 -0.59 -0.55 -0.41 -0.72 0.0025 0.2 8.8e+03 5.7 0.031 -3.7 -
20 -0.09 -0.35 -0.3 0.41 -0.2 -0.44 -0.59 -0.55 -0.41 -0.72 0.0025 0.2 8.8e+03 5.7 0.015 -2.5 -
21 -0.09 -0.35 -0.3 0.41 -0.2 -0.44 -0.59 -0.55 -0.41 -0.72 0.0025 0.2 8.8e+03 5.7 0.0076 -1.7 -
22 -0.09 -0.35 -0.3 0.41 -0.2 -0.44 -0.59 -0.55 -0.41 -0.72 0.0025 0.2 8.8e+03 5.7 0.0038 -0.45 -
23 -0.094 -0.35 -0.3 0.41 -0.21 -0.43 -0.6 -0.54 -0.41 -0.72 -0.0013 0.19 8.6e+03 3.2 0.0038 0.89 +
24 -0.094 -0.35 -0.3 0.41 -0.21 -0.43 -0.6 -0.54 -0.41 -0.72 -0.0013 0.19 8.6e+03 3.2 0.0019 -1.7 -
25 -0.094 -0.35 -0.3 0.41 -0.21 -0.43 -0.6 -0.54 -0.41 -0.72 -0.0013 0.19 8.6e+03 3.2 0.00095 -1.3 -
26 -0.094 -0.35 -0.3 0.41 -0.21 -0.43 -0.6 -0.54 -0.41 -0.72 -0.0013 0.19 8.6e+03 3.2 0.00048 -0.89 -
27 -0.094 -0.35 -0.3 0.41 -0.21 -0.43 -0.6 -0.54 -0.41 -0.72 -0.0013 0.19 8.6e+03 3.2 0.00024 -0.12 -
28 -0.095 -0.35 -0.3 0.42 -0.21 -0.43 -0.6 -0.54 -0.41 -0.72 -0.0011 0.19 8.6e+03 0.93 0.0024 0.9 ++
29 -0.095 -0.35 -0.3 0.42 -0.21 -0.43 -0.6 -0.54 -0.41 -0.72 -0.0011 0.19 8.6e+03 0.12 0.024 1 ++
30 -0.1 -0.36 -0.32 0.43 -0.21 -0.42 -0.62 -0.55 -0.42 -0.75 -0.0012 0.22 8.5e+03 0.023 0.24 1 ++
31 -0.2 -0.49 -0.39 0.65 -0.28 -0.44 -0.86 -0.57 -0.65 -0.82 -0.0013 0.25 8.4e+03 0.026 2.4 1 ++
32 -0.2 -0.49 -0.39 0.65 -0.28 -0.44 -0.86 -0.57 -0.65 -0.82 -0.0013 0.25 8.4e+03 0.026 1.2 -62 -
33 -0.2 -0.49 -0.39 0.65 -0.28 -0.44 -0.86 -0.57 -0.65 -0.82 -0.0013 0.25 8.4e+03 0.026 0.6 -17 -
34 -0.2 -0.49 -0.39 0.65 -0.28 -0.44 -0.86 -0.57 -0.65 -0.82 -0.0013 0.25 8.4e+03 0.026 0.3 -1.1 -
35 -0.42 -0.7 -0.6 0.91 -0.45 -0.67 -1.1 -0.7 -0.72 -1 -7.2e-05 -0.048 8.4e+03 1.4 0.3 0.52 +
36 -0.41 -0.74 -0.59 1 -0.48 -0.7 -1.1 -0.91 -1 -1 -0.00053 0.059 8.3e+03 2.9 0.3 0.88 +
37 -0.45 -0.85 -0.8 1.1 -0.55 -0.71 -1.2 -1.1 -1.3 -1.3 6.8e-05 -0.071 8.2e+03 8.3 0.3 0.79 +
38 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.00014 -0.04 8.2e+03 6.1 0.3 0.82 +
39 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.00014 -0.04 8.2e+03 6.1 0.15 -0.59 -
40 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.00014 -0.04 8.2e+03 6.1 0.075 -0.59 -
41 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.00014 -0.04 8.2e+03 6.1 0.037 -0.78 -
42 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.00014 -0.04 8.2e+03 6.1 0.019 -1 -
43 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.00014 -0.04 8.2e+03 6.1 0.0093 -1.8 -
44 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.00014 -0.04 8.2e+03 6.1 0.0047 -2 -
45 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.00014 -0.04 8.2e+03 6.1 0.0023 -2.3 -
46 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.00014 -0.04 8.2e+03 6.1 0.0012 -2.5 -
47 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.00014 -0.04 8.2e+03 6.1 0.00058 -2.7 -
48 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.00014 -0.04 8.2e+03 6.1 0.00029 -2.8 -
49 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.00014 -0.04 8.2e+03 6.1 0.00015 -2.9 -
50 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.00014 -0.04 8.2e+03 6.1 7.3e-05 -1.8 -
51 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -6.6e-05 -0.04 8.2e+03 10 7.3e-05 0.11 +
52 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -0.0001 -0.04 8.2e+03 2.5 7.3e-05 0.73 +
53 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -9.2e-05 -0.04 8.2e+03 0.65 7.3e-05 0.85 +
54 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -9.3e-05 -0.04 8.2e+03 0.022 0.00073 1 ++
55 -0.45 -0.91 -0.77 1.2 -0.59 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -9e-05 -0.041 8.2e+03 0.036 0.0073 1 ++
56 -0.45 -0.91 -0.78 1.2 -0.58 -0.76 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.5 -6e-05 -0.048 8.2e+03 0.022 0.073 1 ++
57 -0.45 -0.91 -0.81 1.2 -0.59 -0.73 -1.1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.6 4.9e-05 -0.074 8.2e+03 0.52 0.73 0.99 ++
58 -0.46 -1 -0.72 1.4 -0.65 -0.72 -0.99 -1.8 -2.3 -2.3 0.00027 -0.12 8.2e+03 15 0.73 0.55 +
59 -0.4 -1 -0.39 1.3 -0.57 -0.76 -1 -2 -2.4 -2.5 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 5.8 0.73 0.81 +
60 -0.42 -1 -0.44 1.3 -0.59 -0.75 -1.1 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.24 7.3 1 ++
61 -0.42 -1 -0.45 1.3 -0.59 -0.75 -1.1 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.0021 73 1 ++
62 -0.42 -1 -0.45 1.3 -0.59 -0.75 -1.1 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 -0.11 8.2e+03 1.3e-05 73 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 7 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.29 -0.4 -0.93 1 -0.66 -0.56 -0.4 8.5e+03 0.041 10 1.1 ++
1 -0.01 -1.1 -1.1 1.4 -0.75 -0.84 -0.56 8.3e+03 0.0076 1e+02 1.1 ++
2 0.0051 -1.2 -1.2 1.5 -0.78 -0.87 -0.62 8.3e+03 0.00034 1e+03 1 ++
3 0.0051 -1.2 -1.2 1.5 -0.78 -0.87 -0.62 8.3e+03 6.4e-07 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 8 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 -0.35 -0.45 -0.9 0.86 -0.64 -0.83 -1 -0.86 8.5e+03 0.081 10 1.1 ++
1 -0.47 -0.89 -1.1 1.4 -0.72 -1 -1.4 -1.3 8.3e+03 0.022 1e+02 1.1 ++
2 -0.49 -1.1 -1 1.5 -0.73 -1 -1.5 -1.4 8.3e+03 0.002 1e+03 1.1 ++
3 -0.49 -1.1 -1 1.5 -0.73 -1 -1.5 -1.4 8.3e+03 1.9e-05 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.21 -
1 0.0075 -0.022 -0.27 -0.00012 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0072 1.2 0.00074 9.4e+03 0.78 0.5 0.88 +
2 0.0075 -0.022 -0.27 -0.00012 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0072 1.2 0.00074 9.4e+03 0.78 0.25 0.88 -
3 0.0075 -0.022 -0.27 -0.00012 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0072 1.2 0.00074 9.4e+03 0.78 0.12 0.88 -
4 0.0075 -0.022 -0.27 -0.00012 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0072 1.2 0.00074 9.4e+03 0.78 0.062 0.88 -
5 0.0075 -0.022 -0.27 -0.00012 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0072 1.2 0.00074 9.4e+03 0.78 0.031 -14 -
6 0.0075 -0.022 -0.27 -0.00012 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0072 1.2 0.00074 9.4e+03 0.78 0.016 -6.7 -
7 0.0075 -0.022 -0.27 -0.00012 -0.039 -0.02 0.2 -0.5 0.0072 1.2 0.00074 9.4e+03 0.78 0.0078 -2.8 -
8 -0.0003 -0.03 -0.27 0.0077 -0.046 -0.028 0.19 -0.51 -0.00063 1.2 -0.0071 9.3e+03 0.28 0.0078 0.86 +
9 -0.0041 -0.032 -0.27 0.011 -0.053 -0.036 0.19 -0.51 -0.0004 1.2 -0.0047 9.3e+03 0.071 0.078 1 ++
10 -0.04 -0.056 -0.28 0.043 -0.12 -0.11 0.19 -0.54 0.00021 1.2 0.019 9.1e+03 1.3 0.78 0.95 ++
11 -0.04 -0.056 -0.28 0.043 -0.12 -0.11 0.19 -0.54 0.00021 1.2 0.019 9.1e+03 1.3 0.39 0.95 -
12 -0.04 -0.056 -0.28 0.043 -0.12 -0.11 0.19 -0.54 0.00021 1.2 0.019 9.1e+03 1.3 0.2 -1.8 -
13 -0.04 -0.056 -0.28 0.043 -0.12 -0.11 0.19 -0.54 0.00021 1.2 0.019 9.1e+03 1.3 0.098 -0.87 -
14 -0.04 -0.056 -0.28 0.043 -0.12 -0.11 0.19 -0.54 0.00021 1.2 0.019 9.1e+03 1.3 0.049 -0.57 -
15 -0.04 -0.056 -0.28 0.043 -0.12 -0.11 0.19 -0.54 0.00021 1.2 0.019 9.1e+03 1.3 0.024 -0.59 -
16 -0.04 -0.056 -0.28 0.043 -0.12 -0.11 0.19 -0.54 0.00021 1.2 0.019 9.1e+03 1.3 0.012 -0.86 -
17 -0.04 -0.056 -0.28 0.043 -0.12 -0.11 0.19 -0.54 0.00021 1.2 0.019 9.1e+03 1.3 0.0061 -1.3 -
18 -0.04 -0.056 -0.28 0.043 -0.12 -0.11 0.19 -0.54 0.00021 1.2 0.019 9.1e+03 1.3 0.0031 -1.9 -
19 -0.04 -0.056 -0.28 0.043 -0.12 -0.11 0.19 -0.54 0.00021 1.2 0.019 9.1e+03 1.3 0.0015 -2.5 -
20 -0.04 -0.056 -0.28 0.043 -0.12 -0.11 0.19 -0.54 0.00021 1.2 0.019 9.1e+03 1.3 0.00076 -0.41 -
21 -0.041 -0.057 -0.28 0.044 -0.12 -0.11 0.19 -0.54 -0.00056 1.2 0.02 9.1e+03 0.81 0.00076 0.57 +
22 -0.041 -0.057 -0.28 0.045 -0.12 -0.12 0.19 -0.54 -0.00032 1.2 0.02 9.1e+03 0.17 0.0076 0.93 ++
23 -0.042 -0.06 -0.28 0.049 -0.13 -0.12 0.18 -0.54 -0.00037 1.2 0.021 9.1e+03 0.067 0.076 1 ++
24 -0.051 -0.086 -0.29 0.089 -0.2 -0.16 0.13 -0.56 -0.00033 1.3 0.035 9e+03 0.41 0.76 1 ++
25 -0.13 -0.37 -0.29 0.56 -0.97 -0.53 -0.55 -0.75 -0.0012 1.8 0.22 8.4e+03 4.6 0.76 0.71 +
26 -0.13 -0.37 -0.29 0.56 -0.97 -0.53 -0.55 -0.75 -0.0012 1.8 0.22 8.4e+03 4.6 0.38 -9 -
27 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00048 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 8.9 0.38 0.87 +
28 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00048 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 8.9 0.19 -0.12 -
29 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00048 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 8.9 0.095 0.0043 -
30 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00048 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 8.9 0.048 -0.045 -
31 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00048 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 8.9 0.024 -0.031 -
32 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00048 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 8.9 0.012 -0.13 -
33 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00048 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 8.9 0.006 -0.21 -
34 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00048 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 8.9 0.003 -0.34 -
35 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00048 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 8.9 0.0015 -0.45 -
36 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00048 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 8.9 0.00075 -0.52 -
37 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00048 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 8.9 0.00037 -0.56 -
38 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00048 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 8.9 0.00019 -0.55 -
39 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00048 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 8.9 9.3e-05 0.082 -
40 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00057 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 0.99 9.3e-05 0.63 +
41 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00056 1.8 0.079 8.3e+03 0.08 0.00093 0.98 ++
42 -0.21 -0.4 -0.37 0.66 -0.58 -0.53 -0.65 -0.81 -0.00057 1.8 0.08 8.3e+03 0.022 0.0093 1 ++
43 -0.21 -0.4 -0.38 0.66 -0.58 -0.54 -0.64 -0.82 -0.0006 1.8 0.089 8.3e+03 0.049 0.093 1 ++
44 -0.25 -0.43 -0.42 0.73 -0.58 -0.61 -0.74 -0.86 -0.00061 1.8 0.091 8.3e+03 0.025 0.93 1 ++
45 -0.25 -0.43 -0.42 0.73 -0.58 -0.61 -0.74 -0.86 -0.00061 1.8 0.091 8.3e+03 0.025 0.47 -15 -
46 -0.25 -0.43 -0.42 0.73 -0.58 -0.61 -0.74 -0.86 -0.00061 1.8 0.091 8.3e+03 0.025 0.23 -7.5 -
47 -0.25 -0.43 -0.42 0.73 -0.58 -0.61 -0.74 -0.86 -0.00061 1.8 0.091 8.3e+03 0.025 0.12 0.0037 -
48 -0.29 -0.46 -0.48 0.8 -0.56 -0.67 -0.85 -0.93 -0.00015 1.9 -0.021 8.2e+03 0.31 0.12 0.65 +
49 -0.32 -0.46 -0.5 0.83 -0.55 -0.75 -0.97 -1 -0.0003 1.9 0.0093 8.2e+03 5.3 1.2 0.97 ++
50 -0.32 -0.46 -0.5 0.83 -0.55 -0.75 -0.97 -1 -0.0003 1.9 0.0093 8.2e+03 5.3 0.58 -26 -
51 -0.32 -0.46 -0.5 0.83 -0.55 -0.75 -0.97 -1 -0.0003 1.9 0.0093 8.2e+03 5.3 0.29 -10 -
52 -0.32 -0.46 -0.5 0.83 -0.55 -0.75 -0.97 -1 -0.0003 1.9 0.0093 8.2e+03 5.3 0.15 -3.4 -
53 -0.36 -0.45 -0.55 0.85 -0.54 -0.84 -1.1 -1.1 9.7e-05 2 -0.075 8.2e+03 10 0.15 0.56 +
54 -0.37 -0.44 -0.51 0.87 -0.55 -0.89 -1.3 -1.2 -6.6e-05 2 -0.042 8.2e+03 0.67 1.5 1 ++
55 -0.37 -0.44 -0.51 0.87 -0.55 -0.89 -1.3 -1.2 -6.6e-05 2 -0.042 8.2e+03 0.67 0.68 -22 -
56 -0.37 -0.44 -0.51 0.87 -0.55 -0.89 -1.3 -1.2 -6.6e-05 2 -0.042 8.2e+03 0.67 0.34 -2.1 -
57 -0.46 -0.38 -0.52 0.89 -0.54 -1.1 -1.6 -1.5 0.00025 2 -0.12 8.2e+03 25 0.34 0.27 +
58 -0.47 -0.32 -0.37 0.92 -0.57 -1.3 -1.9 -1.8 0.00016 2.1 -0.094 8.1e+03 13 0.34 0.81 +
59 -0.5 -0.28 -0.28 1 -0.62 -1.5 -2.2 -2.2 0.00023 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 6.6 0.34 0.7 +
60 -0.47 -0.36 -0.31 1 -0.62 -1.5 -2.2 -2.2 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.49 3.4 1 ++
61 -0.47 -0.37 -0.31 1 -0.62 -1.5 -2.2 -2.1 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.02 34 1 ++
62 -0.47 -0.37 -0.31 1 -0.62 -1.5 -2.2 -2.1 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 3.8e-06 34 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:altspec;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:power [8096.278752286092, 11]
Attempt 66/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 67/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 68/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 8 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.072 -0.24 -0.29 -0.95 -1 -0.91 -0.62 1.8 8.8e+03 0.14 1 0.78 +
1 0.072 -0.24 -0.29 -0.95 -1 -0.91 -0.62 1.8 8.8e+03 0.14 0.5 -0.1 -
2 -0.43 -8e-05 -0.28 -0.58 -1.1 -0.59 -0.42 2.3 8.4e+03 0.058 0.5 0.64 +
3 -0.33 -0.16 -0.25 -0.62 -0.93 -0.69 -0.5 2.4 8.4e+03 0.0025 5 0.99 ++
4 -0.33 -0.16 -0.25 -0.62 -0.93 -0.69 -0.5 2.4 8.4e+03 0.0025 0.68 -2.6 -
5 -0.4 -0.16 -0.2 -0.74 -1.1 -0.89 -0.57 1.7 8.3e+03 0.0089 0.68 0.75 +
6 -0.36 -0.13 -0.3 -0.74 -1.3 -0.84 -0.55 1.7 8.3e+03 0.00077 6.8 1 ++
7 -0.36 -0.13 -0.3 -0.74 -1.3 -0.84 -0.55 1.7 8.3e+03 5.9e-05 6.8 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 69/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 9 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.2 -
1 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 5 1.1 ++
2 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 2.5 -9.7 -
3 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 1.2 -7.4 -
4 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 0.62 -5.6 -
5 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 0.31 -4.4 -
6 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 0.16 -2.8 -
7 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 0.078 -2.2 -
8 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 0.039 -2.5 -
9 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 0.02 -3.3 -
10 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 0.0098 -4.3 -
11 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 0.0049 -5.1 -
12 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 0.0024 -4.6 -
13 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 0.0012 -2.7 -
14 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 0.00061 -1.3 -
15 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0038 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 8.8e+03 4.2 0.00031 -0.24 -
16 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0035 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00031 0.00031 8.8e+03 3 0.00031 0.63 +
17 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0035 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00022 0.00061 8.8e+03 1.6 0.00031 0.74 +
18 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.0034 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00025 0.00092 8.8e+03 0.22 0.0031 0.98 ++
19 0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.003 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00026 0.004 8.8e+03 0.17 0.031 1 ++
20 0.17 -0.5 -0.51 0.001 -0.5 -0.52 -0.51 -0.0004 0.034 8.7e+03 0.32 0.31 1 ++
21 0.096 -0.6 -0.69 0.23 -0.67 -0.82 -0.59 -0.00051 0.059 8.5e+03 0.94 3.1 1 ++
22 0.096 -0.6 -0.69 0.23 -0.67 -0.82 -0.59 -0.00051 0.059 8.5e+03 0.94 1.5 -43 -
23 0.096 -0.6 -0.69 0.23 -0.67 -0.82 -0.59 -0.00051 0.059 8.5e+03 0.94 0.76 -4 -
24 -0.04 -0.82 -0.93 1 -0.87 -1.2 -0.72 0.00038 -0.15 8.4e+03 21 0.76 0.21 +
25 -0.04 -0.82 -0.93 1 -0.87 -1.2 -0.72 0.00038 -0.15 8.4e+03 21 0.38 0.0086 -
26 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.7e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 18 0.38 0.5 +
27 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.7e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 18 0.19 -2.8 -
28 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.7e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 18 0.095 -2.1 -
29 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.7e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 18 0.048 -1.7 -
30 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.7e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 18 0.024 -1.7 -
31 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.7e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 18 0.012 -1.7 -
32 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.7e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 18 0.006 -2 -
33 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.7e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 18 0.003 -2.3 -
34 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.7e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 18 0.0015 -2.5 -
35 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.7e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 18 0.00075 -2.6 -
36 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.7e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 18 0.00037 -2.6 -
37 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.7e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 18 0.00019 -0.98 -
38 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.7e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 18 9.3e-05 -0.18 -
39 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 -2.6e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 8.2 9.3e-05 0.38 +
40 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 -2.6e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 8.2 4.7e-05 -1.1 -
41 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 2e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 7.7 4.7e-05 0.47 +
42 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 6.9e-06 -0.063 8.3e+03 0.2 0.00047 0.98 ++
43 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 1.1e-05 -0.063 8.3e+03 1.3 0.0047 1 ++
44 0.21 -0.86 -0.93 1.2 -0.82 -1.6 -0.9 2.9e-05 -0.068 8.2e+03 0.18 0.047 1 ++
45 0.18 -0.87 -0.92 1.2 -0.81 -1.6 -0.9 0.00023 -0.11 8.2e+03 14 0.047 0.67 +
46 0.14 -0.88 -0.89 1.3 -0.8 -1.6 -0.89 0.00019 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.015 0.47 1 ++
47 0.14 -1.1 -0.97 1.5 -0.77 -1.7 -0.66 0.00018 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.21 4.7 1 ++
48 0.15 -1.2 -0.95 1.5 -0.78 -1.7 -0.69 0.00019 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.054 47 1 ++
49 0.15 -1.2 -0.95 1.5 -0.78 -1.7 -0.69 0.00019 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.00012 47 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:FIRST;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:power [8178.647070046509, 9]
Attempt 70/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 17 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 9.6e+03 0.22 1 0.51 +
1 9.6e+03 0.22 0.5 -1.7 -
2 9.6e+03 0.22 0.25 -0.011 -
3 8.5e+03 0.057 0.25 0.89 +
4 8.3e+03 0.018 2.5 1.1 ++
5 8.3e+03 0.018 1.2 -7.3 -
6 8.3e+03 0.048 1.2 0.16 +
7 8.2e+03 0.005 12 0.98 ++
8 8.2e+03 0.0016 1.2e+02 1 ++
9 8.2e+03 1.2e-05 1.2e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.28 -0.4 -0.043 -0.95 -0.025 -0.021 -0.54 -0.68 -0.61 -0.75 -1 -0.78 1.6 8.9e+03 0.043 1 0.89 +
1 -0.29 0.0089 -0.18 -0.68 0.79 0.15 -0.51 -0.82 -1.6 -1.2 -1.5 -1.1 0.87 8.4e+03 0.023 10 1.1 ++
2 0.016 -0.12 -0.53 -0.38 0.76 0.7 -0.67 -0.77 -1.7 -1.4 -1.7 -1.7 0.46 8.3e+03 0.014 1e+02 1.2 ++
3 0.12 -0.13 -0.57 -0.25 0.75 0.59 -0.75 -0.77 -1.7 -1.5 -1.7 -2.2 0.24 8.3e+03 0.0038 1e+03 1.1 ++
4 0.15 -0.13 -0.58 -0.23 0.75 0.57 -0.78 -0.77 -1.7 -1.5 -1.7 -2.3 0.17 8.3e+03 0.00023 1e+04 1 ++
5 0.15 -0.13 -0.58 -0.23 0.75 0.57 -0.78 -0.77 -1.7 -1.5 -1.7 -2.3 0.17 8.3e+03 7.4e-07 1e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 9 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 0.1 -0.3 -0.47 0.41 -1 -0.26 -0.43 -0.7 1.9 9.1e+03 0.26 1 0.69 +
1 -0.32 -0.37 -0.3 0.72 0 -0.61 -0.78 -0.8 2.2 8.6e+03 0.12 1 0.53 +
2 -0.52 0.041 -0.6 0.69 -0.49 -0.55 -0.98 -0.77 3.2 8.3e+03 0.037 1 0.78 +
3 -0.6 -0.21 -0.56 0.72 -0.57 -0.82 -1.4 -1.2 2.2 8.2e+03 0.012 10 1 ++
4 -0.5 -0.34 -0.6 0.99 -0.63 -0.89 -1.4 -1.3 1.6 8.2e+03 0.016 10 0.81 +
5 -0.5 -0.44 -0.66 1 -0.62 -0.88 -1.3 -1.2 1.7 8.2e+03 0.00047 1e+02 1 ++
6 -0.5 -0.44 -0.66 1 -0.62 -0.88 -1.3 -1.2 1.7 8.2e+03 3.9e-06 1e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.19 -0.27 -0.059 -0.39 0.41 0.02 -0.14 -0.9 -1 -0.94 -0.6 1.8 8.8e+03 0.14 1 0.77 +
1 0.19 -0.27 -0.059 -0.39 0.41 0.02 -0.14 -0.9 -1 -0.94 -0.6 1.8 8.8e+03 0.14 0.5 -0.15 -
2 -0.31 -0.028 -0.18 -0.31 0.28 0.11 -0.31 -0.57 -1 -0.66 -0.42 2 8.3e+03 0.025 0.5 0.84 +
3 -0.34 -0.046 -0.43 -0.44 0.4 0.18 -0.27 -0.7 -1.1 -0.81 -0.52 1.8 8.3e+03 0.0058 5 1.1 ++
4 -0.35 -0.058 -0.48 -0.5 0.48 0.27 -0.28 -0.74 -1.2 -0.87 -0.55 1.6 8.3e+03 0.0016 50 1.1 ++
5 -0.35 -0.058 -0.48 -0.5 0.48 0.27 -0.28 -0.74 -1.2 -0.87 -0.55 1.6 8.3e+03 3.9e-05 50 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.29 -
1 -0.07 -0.063 -0.0046 -0.28 -0.12 -0.0054 -0.11 -0.18 0.22 -0.5 1.2 9.3e+03 0.065 0.5 0.79 +
2 -0.11 -0.14 -0.021 -0.31 0.12 0.0061 -0.61 -0.33 -0.19 -0.68 1.3 8.9e+03 0.041 5 0.97 ++
3 -0.58 -0.06 -0.38 -0.74 0.71 0.83 -0.67 -0.75 -1.1 -1 1.7 8.6e+03 0.03 50 0.92 ++
4 -0.51 -0.15 -0.39 -0.7 0.74 0.66 -0.79 -0.88 -1.3 -1.5 1 8.6e+03 0.077 50 0.6 +
5 -0.48 -0.059 -0.41 -0.85 0.84 0.68 -0.79 -1 -1.5 -1.7 1 8.5e+03 0.01 5e+02 1.1 ++
6 -0.51 -0.073 -0.47 -0.91 0.92 0.87 -0.79 -1 -1.5 -1.7 1 8.5e+03 0.00039 5e+03 1 ++
7 -0.51 -0.073 -0.47 -0.91 0.92 0.87 -0.79 -1 -1.5 -1.7 1 8.5e+03 7.4e-07 5e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 4/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 9 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.27 -0.093 -0.025 -0.63 0.13 -0.0019 -1 -0.93 1.7 8.7e+03 0.073 1 0.87 +
1 0.27 -0.093 -0.025 -0.63 0.13 -0.0019 -1 -0.93 1.7 8.7e+03 0.073 0.5 -0.32 -
2 0.1 -0.12 -0.081 -0.56 0.39 0.047 -0.5 -1 1.9 8.5e+03 0.015 0.5 0.82 +
3 0.00048 -0.0041 -0.46 -0.73 0.5 0.44 -0.61 -0.96 2 8.5e+03 0.0011 5 0.93 ++
4 0.0062 -0.0077 -0.44 -0.75 0.52 0.38 -0.63 -0.99 1.9 8.5e+03 0.00016 50 1 ++
5 0.0062 -0.0077 -0.44 -0.75 0.52 0.38 -0.63 -0.99 1.9 8.5e+03 1.2e-07 50 1 ++
Considering neighbor 5/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 0.088 -0.45 -0.35 -0.75 -1 -0.67 -0.35 -0.85 0.21 -0.75 -0.052 1.9 9.1e+03 0.26 1 0.69 +
1 0.088 -0.45 -0.35 -0.75 -1 -0.67 -0.35 -0.85 0.21 -0.75 -0.052 1.9 9.1e+03 0.26 0.5 -0.98 -
2 -0.41 -0.028 -0.45 -0.25 -1 -0.64 -0.051 -1.1 0.37 -0.78 -0.34 2.3 8.4e+03 0.074 0.5 0.73 +
3 -0.38 -0.063 -0.59 -0.5 -0.88 -0.79 0.12 -1.3 0.87 -1.1 0.11 2.2 8.3e+03 0.013 5 1 ++
4 -0.45 -0.065 -0.62 -0.58 -1.1 -0.95 0.76 -1.6 1.8 -1.3 0.57 1.9 8.2e+03 0.0052 50 0.91 ++
5 -0.47 -0.053 -0.64 -0.61 -1.1 -0.98 0.7 -1.6 1.6 -1.3 0.49 1.8 8.2e+03 0.00078 5e+02 1.1 ++
6 -0.47 -0.053 -0.64 -0.61 -1.1 -0.98 0.7 -1.6 1.6 -1.3 0.49 1.8 8.2e+03 2.6e-05 5e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 6/20 for current solution
Attempt 71/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 -0.51 -0.57 -1 0.89 -0.67 -0.7 -0.67 -0.49 -0.61 -0.82 -0.54 -0.66 -0.43 8.4e+03 0.081 10 1.1 ++
1 -0.59 -0.89 -1.1 1.4 -0.58 -0.82 -0.86 -0.72 -0.71 -1 -0.78 -0.93 -0.64 8.2e+03 0.018 1e+02 1.1 ++
2 -0.61 -0.97 -0.98 1.4 -0.6 -0.83 -0.96 -0.73 -0.75 -1.1 -0.83 -1 -0.73 8.2e+03 0.002 1e+03 1.1 ++
3 -0.61 -0.97 -0.98 1.4 -0.6 -0.83 -0.96 -0.73 -0.75 -1.1 -0.83 -1 -0.73 8.2e+03 4.1e-05 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 10 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.47 -
1 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 5 0.99 ++
2 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 2.5 0.99 -
3 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 1.2 0.99 -
4 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.62 0.99 -
5 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.31 0.99 -
6 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.16 0.99 -
7 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.078 0.99 -
8 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.039 0.99 -
9 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.02 0.99 -
10 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.0098 0.99 -
11 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.0049 -3.7 -
12 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.0024 -2.8 -
13 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.0012 -2 -
14 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.00061 -1.1 -
15 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0056 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.7e+03 7 0.00031 -0.16 -
16 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.006 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00031 1.5 0.00031 8.7e+03 4.3 0.00031 0.62 +
17 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0061 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00019 1.5 0.00061 8.7e+03 5 0.00031 0.22 +
18 0.11 -0.089 -0.5 0.0063 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00027 1.5 0.00092 8.7e+03 2.3 0.00031 0.66 +
19 0.11 -0.09 -0.5 0.0064 -0.17 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00024 1.5 0.0012 8.7e+03 0.51 0.0031 0.94 ++
20 0.11 -0.091 -0.5 0.008 -0.18 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00026 1.5 0.0043 8.7e+03 0.06 0.031 1 ++
21 0.1 -0.1 -0.51 0.025 -0.2 -0.52 -0.51 -0.00039 1.5 0.035 8.6e+03 0.31 0.31 1 ++
22 0.04 -0.24 -0.52 0.23 -0.51 -0.64 -0.53 -0.00065 1.6 0.097 8.4e+03 0.75 3.1 1 ++
23 0.04 -0.24 -0.52 0.23 -0.51 -0.64 -0.53 -0.00065 1.6 0.097 8.4e+03 0.75 1.5 1 -
24 0.04 -0.24 -0.52 0.23 -0.51 -0.64 -0.53 -0.00065 1.6 0.097 8.4e+03 0.75 0.76 -24 -
25 0.04 -0.24 -0.52 0.23 -0.51 -0.64 -0.53 -0.00065 1.6 0.097 8.4e+03 0.75 0.38 -2.3 -
26 0.043 -0.46 -0.59 0.61 -0.74 -0.85 -0.57 0.00024 1.8 -0.11 8.3e+03 12 0.38 0.45 +
27 0.1 -0.53 -0.5 0.87 -0.58 -1.2 -0.7 9.7e-05 1.9 -0.08 8.2e+03 5.4 0.38 0.82 +
28 0.1 -0.53 -0.5 0.87 -0.58 -1.2 -0.7 9.7e-05 1.9 -0.08 8.2e+03 5.4 0.19 -0.49 -
29 0.086 -0.56 -0.48 0.94 -0.63 -1.4 -0.67 0.00024 1.8 -0.11 8.2e+03 16 0.19 0.31 +
30 0.15 -0.62 -0.5 1 -0.63 -1.6 -0.54 0.00019 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.34 1.9 1 ++
31 0.15 -0.69 -0.56 1.1 -0.65 -1.5 -0.55 0.00019 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.047 19 1.1 ++
32 0.16 -0.72 -0.56 1.1 -0.65 -1.6 -0.56 0.00019 1.5 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.007 1.9e+02 1 ++
33 0.16 -0.72 -0.56 1.1 -0.65 -1.6 -0.56 0.00019 1.5 -0.1 8.1e+03 1.8e-05 1.9e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:FIRST;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:power [8134.855023084643, 10]
Attempt 72/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 73/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 74/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 7 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_commuter lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.029 -0.83 -0.2 -1 -0.12 1.1 1.4 9e+03 0.073 1 0.65 +
1 0.046 -0.068 -0.68 -1.7 -0.24 0.092 1.4 8.7e+03 0.02 1 0.71 +
2 0.23 -0.2 -0.79 -1.8 -0.49 0.43 1 8.6e+03 0.011 10 0.96 ++
3 0.22 -0.37 -0.78 -1.7 -0.44 0.5 1 8.6e+03 0.0044 1e+02 1 ++
4 0.18 -0.4 -0.78 -1.7 -0.43 0.5 1 8.6e+03 0.0022 1e+03 1 ++
5 0.18 -0.42 -0.78 -1.6 -0.42 0.5 1 8.6e+03 0.0017 1e+04 1 ++
6 0.18 -0.42 -0.78 -1.6 -0.42 0.5 1 8.6e+03 3.9e-05 1e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 15 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_commuter lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 0.0047 -
1 -0.0088 -0.053 -0.032 -0.0044 -0.39 0.021 -0.18 -0.008 -0.035 0.28 -0.38 -0.5 -0.068 1 1.3 9.2e+03 0.12 0.5 0.72 +
2 -0.062 -0.21 -0.13 -0.018 -0.34 0.25 0.038 -0.0023 -0.079 -0.22 -0.47 -0.76 -0.11 1 1.3 8.6e+03 0.049 5 0.93 ++
3 -0.062 -0.21 -0.13 -0.018 -0.34 0.25 0.038 -0.0023 -0.079 -0.22 -0.47 -0.76 -0.11 1 1.3 8.6e+03 0.049 0.85 -0.91 -
4 -0.46 -0.63 -0.075 -0.12 -0.5 1.1 0.36 0.12 -0.47 -0.78 -1 -1.1 -0.35 0.18 1.9 8.3e+03 0.033 0.85 0.72 +
5 0.013 -1.5 -0.065 -0.55 -0.61 1.1 0.47 0.34 -0.61 -0.73 -1 -1.5 -0.45 0.4 1.2 8.2e+03 0.025 0.85 0.81 +
6 -0.066 -0.99 -0.089 -0.51 -0.61 0.99 0.43 0.4 -0.51 -0.75 -1.1 -1.5 -0.54 0.36 1.2 8.2e+03 0.00093 8.5 0.95 ++
7 -0.016 -1 -0.084 -0.51 -0.8 1.1 0.51 0.48 -0.49 -0.74 -1.1 -1.6 -0.57 0.35 1 8.2e+03 0.0032 8.5 0.5 +
8 -0.016 -1 -0.084 -0.51 -0.8 1.1 0.51 0.48 -0.49 -0.74 -1.1 -1.6 -0.57 0.35 1 8.2e+03 0.00012 8.5 1 +
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.2 -
1 -0.092 -0.28 -0.13 0.22 -0.28 -0.24 -0.08 0.19 0.076 -0.47 -0.077 1.5 9.8e+03 0.21 0.5 0.39 +
2 -0.19 -0.13 -0.22 -0.28 -0.34 -0.41 -0.18 -0.24 0.14 -0.33 -0.12 1.6 9.3e+03 0.26 0.5 0.49 +
3 -0.26 -0.2 -0.3 -0.35 -0.75 -0.56 -0.25 -0.58 0.19 -0.52 -0.16 2.1 8.6e+03 0.026 5 0.91 ++
4 -0.26 -0.2 -0.3 -0.35 -0.75 -0.56 -0.25 -0.58 0.19 -0.52 -0.16 2.1 8.6e+03 0.026 2.5 -84 -
5 -0.26 -0.2 -0.3 -0.35 -0.75 -0.56 -0.25 -0.58 0.19 -0.52 -0.16 2.1 8.6e+03 0.026 1.2 -16 -
6 -0.26 -0.2 -0.3 -0.35 -0.75 -0.56 -0.25 -0.58 0.19 -0.52 -0.16 2.1 8.6e+03 0.026 0.62 -0.73 -
7 -0.53 0.078 -0.49 -0.79 -1.4 -0.89 -0.31 -0.96 0.3 -0.82 -0.056 2.2 8.4e+03 0.012 6.2 1 ++
8 -0.53 0.078 -0.49 -0.79 -1.4 -0.89 -0.31 -0.96 0.3 -0.82 -0.056 2.2 8.4e+03 0.012 0.75 -0.82 -
9 -0.69 0.072 -0.67 -0.97 -1.7 -0.99 0.26 -1.2 1 -1 0.27 1.8 8.4e+03 0.017 7.5 1 ++
10 -0.69 0.072 -0.67 -0.97 -1.7 -0.99 0.26 -1.2 1 -1 0.27 1.8 8.4e+03 0.017 0.38 -0.23 -
11 -0.59 0.029 -0.61 -0.79 -1.6 -1 0.3 -1.4 1.2 -1.2 0.29 1.4 8.3e+03 0.02 3.8 1.1 ++
12 -0.6 0.033 -0.68 -0.82 -1.8 -1.2 0.59 -1.7 1.6 -1.4 0.4 1.1 8.3e+03 0.022 38 1.2 ++
13 -0.58 0.0026 -0.67 -0.78 -1.8 -1.2 0.59 -1.7 1.6 -1.5 0.36 1 8.3e+03 0.0046 3.8e+02 1.2 ++
14 -0.58 -0.00079 -0.67 -0.78 -1.8 -1.2 0.59 -1.7 1.6 -1.5 0.36 1 8.3e+03 0.0021 3.8e+03 1 ++
15 -0.58 -0.00079 -0.67 -0.78 -1.8 -1.2 0.59 -1.7 1.6 -1.5 0.36 1 8.3e+03 6.2e-05 3.8e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Attempt 75/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 76/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 9 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 0.098 -
1 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 5 1 ++
2 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 2.5 1 -
3 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 1.2 1 -
4 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 0.62 -6.6 -
5 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 0.31 -2.3 -
6 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 0.16 -1.2 -
7 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 0.078 -1 -
8 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 0.039 -1.4 -
9 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 0.02 -2.2 -
10 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 0.0098 -3.1 -
11 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 0.0049 -4 -
12 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 0.0024 -4.6 -
13 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 0.0012 -2.5 -
14 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 0.00061 -1.3 -
15 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0011 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9.1e+03 4 0.00031 -0.27 -
16 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0014 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00031 1 0.00031 9.1e+03 3.1 0.00031 0.63 +
17 0.034 -0.5 -0.5 0.0014 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00023 1 0.00061 9.1e+03 1.3 0.00031 0.8 +
18 0.033 -0.5 -0.5 0.0014 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00025 1 0.00092 9.1e+03 0.2 0.0031 0.99 ++
19 0.033 -0.5 -0.5 0.0018 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00026 1 0.004 9.1e+03 0.25 0.031 1 ++
20 0.029 -0.5 -0.52 0.0053 -0.5 -0.53 -0.0004 1 0.034 9e+03 0.36 0.31 1 ++
21 -0.015 -0.54 -0.64 0.1 -0.52 -0.83 -0.0015 1.2 0.3 8.8e+03 2.2 0.31 0.36 +
22 -0.032 -0.62 -0.61 0.41 -0.65 -0.88 -0.00025 1.2 0.0091 8.5e+03 6.6 0.31 0.75 +
23 -0.12 -0.69 -0.62 0.71 -0.67 -1.1 -0.00028 1.3 -0.0043 8.3e+03 5.1 3.1 0.97 ++
24 -0.12 -0.69 -0.62 0.71 -0.67 -1.1 -0.00028 1.3 -0.0043 8.3e+03 5.1 1.5 -1.3e+02 -
25 -0.12 -0.69 -0.62 0.71 -0.67 -1.1 -0.00028 1.3 -0.0043 8.3e+03 5.1 0.76 -38 -
26 -0.12 -0.69 -0.62 0.71 -0.67 -1.1 -0.00028 1.3 -0.0043 8.3e+03 5.1 0.38 -3.1 -
27 -0.12 -0.69 -0.62 0.71 -0.67 -1.1 -0.00028 1.3 -0.0043 8.3e+03 5.1 0.19 0.069 -
28 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 0.00026 1.5 -0.081 8.3e+03 12 0.19 0.47 +
29 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 0.00026 1.5 -0.081 8.3e+03 12 0.095 -3.5 -
30 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 0.00026 1.5 -0.081 8.3e+03 12 0.048 -3.4 -
31 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 0.00026 1.5 -0.081 8.3e+03 12 0.024 -3.3 -
32 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 0.00026 1.5 -0.081 8.3e+03 12 0.012 -3.5 -
33 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 0.00026 1.5 -0.081 8.3e+03 12 0.006 -3.8 -
34 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 0.00026 1.5 -0.081 8.3e+03 12 0.003 -4 -
35 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 0.00026 1.5 -0.081 8.3e+03 12 0.0015 -4.1 -
36 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 0.00026 1.5 -0.081 8.3e+03 12 0.00075 -3.1 -
37 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 0.00026 1.5 -0.081 8.3e+03 12 0.00037 -1.6 -
38 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 0.00026 1.5 -0.081 8.3e+03 12 0.00019 -0.42 -
39 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 7.1e-05 1.5 -0.081 8.3e+03 6.8 0.00019 0.76 +
40 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 9.1e-05 1.5 -0.081 8.3e+03 1.1 0.00019 0.89 +
41 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 8.7e-05 1.5 -0.08 8.3e+03 0.066 0.0019 1 ++
42 -0.097 -0.74 -0.66 0.9 -0.69 -1.2 7.9e-05 1.5 -0.079 8.3e+03 0.17 0.019 1 ++
43 -0.11 -0.75 -0.65 0.92 -0.69 -1.2 -2.8e-06 1.5 -0.061 8.3e+03 0.78 0.19 1 ++
44 -0.14 -0.83 -0.59 1.1 -0.72 -1.4 9.7e-05 1.5 -0.082 8.3e+03 3.1 1.9 0.98 ++
45 0.11 -1.2 -0.72 1.4 -0.74 -2 0.00024 1.1 -0.12 8.2e+03 15 1.9 0.45 +
46 0.15 -1.3 -0.8 1.5 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 1.1 -0.1 8.2e+03 2.2 19 0.98 ++
47 0.15 -1.3 -0.92 1.5 -0.72 -2 0.00019 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.21 1.9e+02 1 ++
48 0.15 -1.3 -0.92 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.00019 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.01 1.9e+03 1 ++
49 0.16 -1.3 -0.92 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.012 1.9e+04 1 ++
50 0.16 -1.3 -0.92 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.0001 1.9e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 15 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 0 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.26 -
2 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1 0 9.5e+03 1.5 2.5 1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1 0 9.5e+03 1.5 1.2 -4.5 -
4 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1 0 9.5e+03 1.5 0.62 -2.8 -
5 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1 0 9.5e+03 1.5 0.31 -1.3 -
6 0.0078 -0.023 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 1 0 9.5e+03 1.5 0.16 0.093 -
7 0.024 -0.051 -0.012 -0.0039 -0.35 0.022 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0043 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0026 1.1 0.11 9.2e+03 8.6 0.16 0.56 +
8 0.024 -0.051 -0.012 -0.0039 -0.35 0.022 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0043 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0026 1.1 0.11 9.2e+03 8.6 0.078 -0.2 -
9 0.024 -0.051 -0.012 -0.0039 -0.35 0.022 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0043 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0026 1.1 0.11 9.2e+03 8.6 0.039 -0.15 -
10 0.024 -0.051 -0.012 -0.0039 -0.35 0.022 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0043 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0026 1.1 0.11 9.2e+03 8.6 0.02 -0.15 -
11 0.024 -0.051 -0.012 -0.0039 -0.35 0.022 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0043 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0026 1.1 0.11 9.2e+03 8.6 0.0098 -0.15 -
12 0.024 -0.051 -0.012 -0.0039 -0.35 0.022 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0043 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0026 1.1 0.11 9.2e+03 8.6 0.0049 -0.16 -
13 0.024 -0.051 -0.012 -0.0039 -0.35 0.022 -0.17 -0.0075 0.0043 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0026 1.1 0.11 9.2e+03 8.6 0.0024 -0.025 -
14 0.027 -0.053 -0.014 -0.0063 -0.35 0.024 -0.17 -0.0051 0.0067 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0002 1.1 0.11 9.1e+03 4.2 0.0024 0.55 +
15 0.027 -0.053 -0.014 -0.0063 -0.35 0.024 -0.17 -0.0051 0.0067 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0002 1.1 0.11 9.1e+03 4.2 0.0012 -0.74 -
16 0.027 -0.053 -0.014 -0.0063 -0.35 0.024 -0.17 -0.0051 0.0067 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.0002 1.1 0.11 9.1e+03 4.2 0.00061 0.06 -
17 0.027 -0.054 -0.015 -0.0069 -0.35 0.025 -0.17 -0.0045 0.0073 0.23 -0.35 -0.41 -0.00081 1.1 0.11 9.1e+03 1.8 0.00061 0.77 +
18 0.027 -0.054 -0.015 -0.0069 -0.35 0.025 -0.17 -0.0045 0.0074 0.22 -0.35 -0.41 -0.00069 1.1 0.11 9.1e+03 2 0.00061 0.53 +
19 0.027 -0.054 -0.015 -0.0069 -0.35 0.025 -0.17 -0.0045 0.0074 0.22 -0.35 -0.41 -0.00075 1.1 0.11 9.1e+03 0.22 0.0061 0.96 ++
20 0.028 -0.056 -0.016 -0.0071 -0.35 0.027 -0.17 -0.0044 0.0079 0.22 -0.36 -0.41 -0.00075 1.1 0.12 9.1e+03 0.069 0.061 1 ++
21 0.031 -0.074 -0.023 -0.0085 -0.36 0.05 -0.15 -0.0042 0.012 0.16 -0.37 -0.45 -0.00087 1.1 0.14 9e+03 0.22 0.61 1 ++
22 -0.04 -0.3 -0.16 -0.027 -0.37 0.35 0.088 0.0023 -0.029 -0.45 -0.58 -0.82 -0.0016 1.2 0.33 8.6e+03 0.3 0.61 0.83 +
23 -0.04 -0.3 -0.16 -0.027 -0.37 0.35 0.088 0.0023 -0.029 -0.45 -0.58 -0.82 -0.0016 1.2 0.33 8.6e+03 0.3 0.31 -0.77 -
24 -0.2 -0.39 -0.25 -0.042 -0.47 0.5 0.13 0.01 -0.16 -0.32 -0.79 -0.81 -0.00036 1.2 0.022 8.4e+03 0.48 0.31 0.85 +
25 -0.25 -0.49 -0.21 -0.064 -0.51 0.66 0.23 0.03 -0.22 -0.63 -0.87 -1 -0.00035 1.3 0.027 8.3e+03 6.6 3.1 0.99 ++
26 -0.25 -0.49 -0.21 -0.064 -0.51 0.66 0.23 0.03 -0.22 -0.63 -0.87 -1 -0.00035 1.3 0.027 8.3e+03 6.6 1.1 -1.2e+02 -
27 -0.25 -0.49 -0.21 -0.064 -0.51 0.66 0.23 0.03 -0.22 -0.63 -0.87 -1 -0.00035 1.3 0.027 8.3e+03 6.6 0.53 -19 -
28 -0.25 -0.49 -0.21 -0.064 -0.51 0.66 0.23 0.03 -0.22 -0.63 -0.87 -1 -0.00035 1.3 0.027 8.3e+03 6.6 0.27 -2.8 -
29 -0.33 -0.59 -0.16 -0.09 -0.62 0.76 0.25 0.064 -0.33 -0.66 -0.99 -1.3 0.00022 1.5 -0.12 8.3e+03 25 0.27 0.25 +
30 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 0.00018 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 17 0.27 0.55 +
31 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 0.00018 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 17 0.13 -4.8 -
32 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 0.00018 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 17 0.067 -4.3 -
33 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 0.00018 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 17 0.033 -4.2 -
34 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 0.00018 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 17 0.017 -4.2 -
35 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 0.00018 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 17 0.0083 -4.1 -
36 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 0.00018 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 17 0.0042 -4.1 -
37 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 0.00018 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 17 0.0021 -4.1 -
38 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 0.00018 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 17 0.001 -3.2 -
39 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 0.00018 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 17 0.00052 -2 -
40 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 0.00018 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 17 0.00026 -1.1 -
41 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 0.00018 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 17 0.00013 -0.12 -
42 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 5.4e-05 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 5.2 0.00013 0.79 +
43 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 6.6e-05 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 1 0.00013 0.89 +
44 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 6.5e-05 1.5 -0.077 8.2e+03 0.041 0.0013 1 ++
45 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.8 0.31 0.095 -0.38 -0.77 -0.96 -1.6 7e-05 1.5 -0.079 8.2e+03 0.52 0.013 1 ++
46 -0.34 -0.64 -0.13 -0.11 -0.56 0.81 0.31 0.097 -0.38 -0.75 -0.98 -1.6 0.00013 1.5 -0.092 8.2e+03 0.87 0.13 0.95 ++
47 -0.3 -0.71 -0.078 -0.14 -0.55 0.86 0.33 0.15 -0.38 -0.75 -1.1 -1.7 0.00016 1.4 -0.098 8.2e+03 0.47 1.3 1.1 ++
48 -0.2 -1 -0.081 -0.26 -0.64 0.99 0.42 0.35 -0.38 -0.82 -1.2 -2.3 0.00023 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 5.2 1.3 0.61 +
49 -0.16 -1 -0.073 -0.37 -0.93 1.1 0.52 0.45 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.13 13 1 ++
50 -0.17 -1 -0.079 -0.45 -0.97 1.1 0.55 0.56 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.024 1.3e+02 1 ++
51 -0.17 -1 -0.079 -0.45 -0.97 1.1 0.55 0.56 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.2 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.1e+03 4.7e-05 1.3e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.52 -
1 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 5 1.1 ++
2 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 2 -9.8 -
3 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 1 -9.8 -
4 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 0.51 -6.9 -
5 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 0.26 -2.8 -
6 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 0.13 -1.7 -
7 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 0.064 -1.6 -
8 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 0.032 -2.1 -
9 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 0.016 -2.8 -
10 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 0.008 -3.5 -
11 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 0.004 -4.1 -
12 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 0.002 -3.4 -
13 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 0.001 -2 -
14 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 0.0005 -0.91 -
15 0.027 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 1 0 9.3e+03 4.3 0.00025 0.025 -
16 0.027 -0.021 -0.0065 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 -0.00025 1 0.00025 9.2e+03 0.12 0.00025 0.83 +
17 0.026 -0.022 -0.0066 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 -0.00023 1 0.0005 9.2e+03 1 0.0025 1 ++
18 0.026 -0.022 -0.0066 -0.5 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 -0.00026 1 0.003 9.2e+03 0.11 0.025 1 ++
19 0.019 -0.029 -0.007 -0.51 -0.5 -0.02 -0.15 -0.52 -0.00037 1 0.028 9.2e+03 0.18 0.25 1 ++
20 -0.025 -0.11 -0.014 -0.54 -0.35 -0.019 -0.37 -0.77 -0.0013 1 0.23 8.9e+03 2.4 0.25 0.72 +
21 0.051 -0.13 -0.024 -0.56 -0.15 -0.015 -0.62 -0.81 -0.00057 1.1 0.087 8.7e+03 6.6 0.25 0.89 +
22 -0.0048 -0.21 -0.041 -0.59 0.1 -0.0049 -0.72 -0.98 -0.00058 1.1 0.065 8.6e+03 4.5 2.5 0.98 ++
23 -0.0048 -0.21 -0.041 -0.59 0.1 -0.0049 -0.72 -0.98 -0.00058 1.1 0.065 8.6e+03 4.5 1.3 -1.2e+02 -
24 -0.0048 -0.21 -0.041 -0.59 0.1 -0.0049 -0.72 -0.98 -0.00058 1.1 0.065 8.6e+03 4.5 0.63 -40 -
25 -0.0048 -0.21 -0.041 -0.59 0.1 -0.0049 -0.72 -0.98 -0.00058 1.1 0.065 8.6e+03 4.5 0.31 -2.6 -
26 0.035 -0.18 -0.075 -0.75 0.4 0.032 -0.75 -1.3 0.00042 1.3 -0.088 8.6e+03 13 0.31 0.29 +
27 0.035 -0.18 -0.075 -0.75 0.4 0.032 -0.75 -1.3 0.00042 1.3 -0.088 8.6e+03 13 0.16 -3.9 -
28 0.035 -0.18 -0.075 -0.75 0.4 0.032 -0.75 -1.3 0.00042 1.3 -0.088 8.6e+03 13 0.078 -3.7 -
29 0.035 -0.18 -0.075 -0.75 0.4 0.032 -0.75 -1.3 0.00042 1.3 -0.088 8.6e+03 13 0.039 -3.4 -
30 0.035 -0.18 -0.075 -0.75 0.4 0.032 -0.75 -1.3 0.00042 1.3 -0.088 8.6e+03 13 0.02 -3.6 -
31 0.035 -0.18 -0.075 -0.75 0.4 0.032 -0.75 -1.3 0.00042 1.3 -0.088 8.6e+03 13 0.0098 -4 -
32 0.035 -0.18 -0.075 -0.75 0.4 0.032 -0.75 -1.3 0.00042 1.3 -0.088 8.6e+03 13 0.0049 -4.3 -
33 0.035 -0.18 -0.075 -0.75 0.4 0.032 -0.75 -1.3 0.00042 1.3 -0.088 8.6e+03 13 0.0024 -4.5 -
34 0.035 -0.18 -0.075 -0.75 0.4 0.032 -0.75 -1.3 0.00042 1.3 -0.088 8.6e+03 13 0.0012 -2.8 -
35 0.035 -0.18 -0.075 -0.75 0.4 0.032 -0.75 -1.3 0.00042 1.3 -0.088 8.6e+03 13 0.00061 -1.7 -
36 0.035 -0.18 -0.075 -0.75 0.4 0.032 -0.75 -1.3 0.00042 1.3 -0.088 8.6e+03 13 0.00031 -0.46 -
37 0.034 -0.18 -0.075 -0.75 0.4 0.033 -0.75 -1.3 0.00012 1.3 -0.088 8.6e+03 0.21 0.0031 0.9 ++
38 0.034 -0.18 -0.075 -0.75 0.4 0.033 -0.75 -1.3 0.0001 1.3 -0.084 8.6e+03 0.12 0.031 1 ++
39 0.017 -0.18 -0.079 -0.74 0.42 0.039 -0.75 -1.3 -3.2e-05 1.3 -0.056 8.5e+03 2.4 0.31 1 ++
40 0.047 -0.098 -0.13 -0.75 0.65 0.14 -0.73 -1.6 8.8e-05 1.3 -0.082 8.5e+03 0.21 3.1 1 ++
41 0.21 -0.11 -0.3 -0.92 0.78 0.48 -0.78 -2.1 0.00019 1 -0.1 8.5e+03 7.2 31 0.96 ++
42 0.21 -0.13 -0.33 -1 0.8 0.54 -0.81 -2.1 0.00017 1 -0.1 8.5e+03 0.16 3.1e+02 1 ++
43 0.18 -0.09 -0.54 -1.2 0.95 0.91 -0.79 -2.1 0.00016 1 -0.098 8.5e+03 0.079 3.1e+03 1 ++
44 0.2 -0.11 -0.55 -1.2 0.95 0.92 -0.79 -2.1 0.00017 1 -0.099 8.5e+03 0.01 3.1e+04 1 ++
45 0.19 -0.11 -0.57 -1.2 0.95 0.93 -0.79 -2.1 0.00017 1 -0.099 8.5e+03 0.00032 3.1e+05 1 ++
46 0.2 -0.11 -0.58 -1.2 0.95 0.93 -0.79 -2.1 0.00017 1 -0.099 8.5e+03 0.09 3.1e+06 1 ++
47 0.2 -0.11 -0.58 -1.2 0.95 0.93 -0.79 -2.1 0.00017 1 -0.099 8.5e+03 0.00014 3.1e+07 1 ++
48 0.2 -0.11 -0.58 -1.2 0.95 0.93 -0.79 -2.1 0.00017 1 -0.099 8.5e+03 7.8e-05 3.1e+07 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.42 -
1 0.0068 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.05 1 0.0052 1e+04 1.2 0.5 0.31 +
2 0.0068 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.05 1 0.0052 1e+04 1.2 0.25 0.31 -
3 0.0068 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.05 1 0.0052 1e+04 1.2 0.12 0.31 -
4 0.0068 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.05 1 0.0052 1e+04 1.2 0.062 -6.3 -
5 0.0068 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.007 0.24 -0.28 -0.022 0.2 -0.5 0.05 1 0.0052 1e+04 1.2 0.031 -0.13 -
6 0.0084 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0093 0.17 -0.47 0.019 1 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.8 0.31 0.91 ++
7 0.0084 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0093 0.17 -0.47 0.019 1 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.8 0.16 -3.9 -
8 0.0084 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0093 0.17 -0.47 0.019 1 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.8 0.078 -5.6 -
9 0.0084 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0093 0.17 -0.47 0.019 1 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.8 0.039 -7 -
10 0.0084 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0093 0.17 -0.47 0.019 1 -0.026 9.5e+03 0.8 0.02 -5 -
11 0.0077 -0.055 -0.24 0.033 -0.039 0.21 -0.24 -0.01 0.17 -0.47 -0.00069 1 -0.028 9.4e+03 0.28 0.2 0.99 ++
12 -0.016 -0.13 -0.27 0.12 -0.084 0.013 -0.34 -0.11 0.056 -0.55 -0.00049 1.1 0.011 9.1e+03 0.72 2 1 ++
13 -0.016 -0.13 -0.27 0.12 -0.084 0.013 -0.34 -0.11 0.056 -0.55 -0.00049 1.1 0.011 9.1e+03 0.72 0.98 -2.4 -
14 -0.016 -0.13 -0.27 0.12 -0.084 0.013 -0.34 -0.11 0.056 -0.55 -0.00049 1.1 0.011 9.1e+03 0.72 0.49 -0.61 -
15 -0.18 -0.34 -0.25 0.41 -0.29 -0.35 -0.55 -0.59 -0.34 -0.64 0.00047 1.1 0.26 8.9e+03 6.3 0.49 0.3 +
16 -0.18 -0.34 -0.25 0.41 -0.29 -0.35 -0.55 -0.59 -0.34 -0.64 0.00047 1.1 0.26 8.9e+03 6.3 0.24 0.3 -
17 -0.18 -0.34 -0.25 0.41 -0.29 -0.35 -0.55 -0.59 -0.34 -0.64 0.00047 1.1 0.26 8.9e+03 6.3 0.12 0.3 -
18 -0.18 -0.34 -0.25 0.41 -0.29 -0.35 -0.55 -0.59 -0.34 -0.64 0.00047 1.1 0.26 8.9e+03 6.3 0.061 0.3 -
19 -0.18 -0.34 -0.25 0.41 -0.29 -0.35 -0.55 -0.59 -0.34 -0.64 0.00047 1.1 0.26 8.9e+03 6.3 0.031 -3.1 -
20 -0.18 -0.34 -0.25 0.41 -0.29 -0.35 -0.55 -0.59 -0.34 -0.64 0.00047 1.1 0.26 8.9e+03 6.3 0.015 -2.3 -
21 -0.18 -0.34 -0.25 0.41 -0.29 -0.35 -0.55 -0.59 -0.34 -0.64 0.00047 1.1 0.26 8.9e+03 6.3 0.0076 -1.6 -
22 -0.18 -0.34 -0.25 0.41 -0.29 -0.35 -0.55 -0.59 -0.34 -0.64 0.00047 1.1 0.26 8.9e+03 6.3 0.0038 -0.91 -
23 -0.18 -0.34 -0.25 0.41 -0.29 -0.35 -0.55 -0.59 -0.34 -0.64 0.00047 1.1 0.26 8.9e+03 6.3 0.0019 0.074 -
24 -0.18 -0.34 -0.26 0.42 -0.29 -0.35 -0.55 -0.59 -0.34 -0.64 -0.0014 1.1 0.26 8.8e+03 3.1 0.019 0.91 ++
25 -0.17 -0.34 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.36 -0.56 -0.57 -0.36 -0.64 -0.00082 1.1 0.25 8.7e+03 6.1 0.019 0.55 +
26 -0.17 -0.34 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.36 -0.56 -0.57 -0.36 -0.64 -0.00082 1.1 0.25 8.7e+03 6.1 0.0095 -2.3 -
27 -0.17 -0.34 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.36 -0.56 -0.57 -0.36 -0.64 -0.00082 1.1 0.25 8.7e+03 6.1 0.0048 -1.8 -
28 -0.17 -0.34 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.36 -0.56 -0.57 -0.36 -0.64 -0.00082 1.1 0.25 8.7e+03 6.1 0.0024 -1.1 -
29 -0.17 -0.34 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.36 -0.56 -0.57 -0.36 -0.64 -0.00082 1.1 0.25 8.7e+03 6.1 0.0012 -0.43 -
30 -0.17 -0.34 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.36 -0.56 -0.57 -0.36 -0.64 -0.002 1.1 0.25 8.7e+03 3.4 0.0012 0.13 +
31 -0.17 -0.35 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.36 -0.56 -0.57 -0.36 -0.64 -0.00082 1.1 0.25 8.7e+03 6 0.0012 0.1 +
32 -0.16 -0.35 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.36 -0.56 -0.57 -0.36 -0.65 -0.002 1.1 0.25 8.7e+03 3.4 0.0012 0.12 +
33 -0.16 -0.35 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.36 -0.56 -0.57 -0.36 -0.65 -0.00082 1.1 0.24 8.7e+03 6 0.0012 0.14 +
34 -0.16 -0.35 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.36 -0.56 -0.57 -0.36 -0.65 -0.002 1.1 0.24 8.7e+03 3.4 0.0012 0.1 +
35 -0.16 -0.35 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.37 -0.56 -0.57 -0.36 -0.65 -0.00093 1.1 0.24 8.7e+03 6 0.0012 0.38 +
36 -0.16 -0.35 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.37 -0.56 -0.57 -0.36 -0.65 -0.00093 1.1 0.24 8.7e+03 6 0.0006 -0.049 -
37 -0.16 -0.35 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.37 -0.56 -0.56 -0.36 -0.65 -0.0015 1.1 0.24 8.7e+03 3.1 0.0006 0.34 +
38 -0.16 -0.35 -0.26 0.42 -0.28 -0.37 -0.56 -0.56 -0.36 -0.65 -0.0015 1.1 0.24 8.7e+03 3.1 0.0003 -0.33 -
39 -0.16 -0.35 -0.26 0.43 -0.27 -0.37 -0.57 -0.56 -0.36 -0.65 -0.0012 1.1 0.24 8.7e+03 2.6 0.0003 0.75 +
40 -0.16 -0.35 -0.26 0.43 -0.27 -0.37 -0.57 -0.56 -0.36 -0.65 -0.0013 1.1 0.24 8.6e+03 0.11 0.003 0.98 ++
41 -0.16 -0.35 -0.27 0.43 -0.27 -0.37 -0.57 -0.56 -0.37 -0.65 -0.0013 1.1 0.24 8.6e+03 0.29 0.03 1 ++
42 -0.15 -0.35 -0.27 0.43 -0.26 -0.38 -0.57 -0.53 -0.39 -0.66 -0.0012 1.1 0.23 8.6e+03 0.053 0.3 1 ++
43 -0.26 -0.51 -0.36 0.69 -0.33 -0.46 -0.86 -0.57 -0.68 -0.68 -0.0014 1.2 0.27 8.4e+03 0.052 3 0.96 ++
44 -0.26 -0.51 -0.36 0.69 -0.33 -0.46 -0.86 -0.57 -0.68 -0.68 -0.0014 1.2 0.27 8.4e+03 0.052 1.5 0.96 -
45 -0.26 -0.51 -0.36 0.69 -0.33 -0.46 -0.86 -0.57 -0.68 -0.68 -0.0014 1.2 0.27 8.4e+03 0.052 0.75 -55 -
46 -0.26 -0.51 -0.36 0.69 -0.33 -0.46 -0.86 -0.57 -0.68 -0.68 -0.0014 1.2 0.27 8.4e+03 0.052 0.37 -7.2 -
47 -0.55 -0.76 -0.69 0.89 -0.53 -0.82 -1.1 -0.87 -0.88 -0.89 0.00014 1.4 -0.098 8.4e+03 5.1 0.37 0.42 +
48 -0.5 -0.8 -0.61 0.97 -0.53 -0.7 -1.1 -1.1 -1.3 -0.99 -0.00015 1.5 -0.031 8.3e+03 2.5 0.37 0.85 +
49 -0.55 -0.96 -0.53 0.89 -0.58 -0.8 -1 -1.3 -1.6 -1.4 0.00012 1.6 -0.087 8.2e+03 2.6 0.37 0.84 +
50 -0.44 -1.1 -0.38 0.93 -0.56 -0.78 -1.1 -1.6 -1.8 -1.7 0.00012 1.3 -0.091 8.2e+03 2.2 3.7 1.2 ++
51 -0.42 -1.1 -0.43 1.2 -0.57 -0.75 -1 -1.9 -2.3 -2.3 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 2.6 37 0.95 ++
52 -0.41 -1.1 -0.46 1.2 -0.57 -0.74 -1.1 -1.9 -2.3 -2.3 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.22 3.7e+02 1.1 ++
53 -0.43 -1 -0.46 1.3 -0.59 -0.75 -1 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.15 3.7e+03 1 ++
54 -0.42 -1 -0.45 1.3 -0.59 -0.75 -1.1 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.0061 3.7e+04 1 ++
55 -0.42 -1 -0.45 1.3 -0.59 -0.75 -1.1 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.00047 3.7e+05 1 ++
56 -0.42 -1 -0.45 1.3 -0.59 -0.75 -1.1 -1.9 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.2e+03 6e-07 3.7e+05 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 4/20 for current solution
Attempt 77/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.071 -0.11 -0.1 -0.0094 -0.77 0.074 -0.33 -0.016 -0.23 -1 1.5 9.3e+03 0.11 1 0.48 +
1 -0.14 -0.46 -0.26 -0.047 -0.45 1.1 0.6 0.013 -1 -1.2 1.8 8.9e+03 0.15 1 0.26 +
2 -0.14 -0.46 -0.26 -0.047 -0.45 1.1 0.6 0.013 -1 -1.2 1.8 8.9e+03 0.15 0.5 -0.39 -
3 -0.11 -0.53 -0.13 -0.079 -0.66 0.57 0.16 0.11 -0.63 -0.74 2.1 8.4e+03 0.043 0.5 0.68 +
4 -0.19 -1 -0.012 -0.21 -0.64 0.8 0.17 0.35 -0.66 -0.9 1.8 8.3e+03 0.0069 5 1.1 ++
5 -0.19 -1 -0.012 -0.21 -0.64 0.8 0.17 0.35 -0.66 -0.9 1.8 8.3e+03 0.0069 0.4 -0.59 -
6 -0.051 -1.2 -0.1 -0.26 -0.87 0.88 0.34 0.32 -0.71 -1 1.4 8.3e+03 0.0081 4 0.94 ++
7 -0.032 -1.3 -0.043 -0.46 -1.1 1.1 0.41 0.47 -0.7 -1.1 1.3 8.3e+03 0.0031 40 1.2 ++
8 0.0021 -1.3 -0.037 -0.46 -1.3 1.2 0.48 0.56 -0.71 -1.2 1.1 8.3e+03 0.0034 4e+02 1.1 ++
9 0.012 -1.2 -0.034 -0.46 -1.4 1.3 0.52 0.6 -0.7 -1.2 1.1 8.3e+03 0.0005 4e+03 1.1 ++
10 0.018 -1.2 -0.032 -0.46 -1.4 1.3 0.54 0.62 -0.7 -1.2 1 8.3e+03 0.00013 4e+04 1.1 ++
11 0.018 -1.2 -0.032 -0.46 -1.4 1.3 0.54 0.62 -0.7 -1.2 1 8.3e+03 1.7e-06 4e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 14 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN lambda_travel_t mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.037 -0.34 -0.21 -0.028 -0.87 0.46 -0.018 -0.011 -1 -0.52 -0.58 -0.86 1.6 1.8 8.7e+03 0.062 1 0.73 +
1 -0.083 -0.44 0.15 -0.18 -0.53 1.1 0.63 0.12 -0.2 -0.88 -1.4 -1.1 0.61 2.7 8.4e+03 0.085 1 0.36 +
2 0.19 0.56 -0.1 -0.24 -0.17 0.45 0.23 0.16 -0.42 -1 -1.4 -1.4 0.28 3.2 8.3e+03 0.049 1 0.3 +
3 -0.27 -0.07 0.16 -0.23 -0.34 0.67 0.2 -0.29 -0.35 -0.52 -0.75 -1 0.031 4.2 8.3e+03 0.054 1 0.16 +
4 0.019 0.23 -0.11 -0.28 -0.14 0.79 0.03 -0.2 -0.45 -0.82 -1.2 -1.4 0.017 3.2 8.2e+03 0.02 10 1.1 ++
5 0.019 0.23 -0.11 -0.28 -0.14 0.79 0.03 -0.2 -0.45 -0.82 -1.2 -1.4 0.017 3.2 8.2e+03 0.02 1.1 -1.6 -
6 0.081 -0.13 -0.00073 -0.43 -0.24 0.62 0.27 -0.036 -0.54 -1.1 -1.4 -1.7 0.27 2.2 8.1e+03 0.017 11 0.96 ++
7 0.14 -0.17 -0.065 -0.36 -0.33 0.87 0.27 0.067 -0.59 -1.2 -1.5 -1.9 0.15 2 8.1e+03 0.0036 1.1e+02 1.1 ++
8 0.15 -0.27 -0.069 -0.36 -0.41 0.94 0.31 0.13 -0.62 -1.3 -1.6 -2 0.16 1.8 8.1e+03 0.0014 1.1e+03 1.1 ++
9 0.15 -0.27 -0.069 -0.36 -0.41 0.94 0.31 0.13 -0.62 -1.3 -1.6 -2 0.16 1.8 8.1e+03 1.5e-05 1.1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 14 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_commuter lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.17 -0.25 -0.24 -0.021 -0.46 0.21 0.0054 -0.01 -0.26 -0.27 -0.35 -1 -0.097 1.3 8.9e+03 0.063 10 0.93 ++
1 -0.17 -0.25 -0.24 -0.021 -0.46 0.21 0.0054 -0.01 -0.26 -0.27 -0.35 -1 -0.097 1.3 8.9e+03 0.063 5 -4.3e+05 -
2 -0.17 -0.25 -0.24 -0.021 -0.46 0.21 0.0054 -0.01 -0.26 -0.27 -0.35 -1 -0.097 1.3 8.9e+03 0.063 2.5 -55 -
3 -0.17 -0.25 -0.24 -0.021 -0.46 0.21 0.0054 -0.01 -0.26 -0.27 -0.35 -1 -0.097 1.3 8.9e+03 0.063 1.2 -1.8 -
4 -0.36 -0.8 0.014 -0.15 -0.79 1.3 0.36 0.1 -0.37 -0.98 -1.1 -1.9 -0.58 0.079 8.3e+03 0.028 1.2 0.8 +
5 0.068 -1 -0.094 -0.5 -0.85 1.2 0.53 0.51 -0.5 -0.71 -1.1 -1.7 -0.61 0.27 8.2e+03 0.0015 12 1 ++
6 0.0008 -1 -0.081 -0.51 -0.9 1.2 0.55 0.51 -0.49 -0.74 -1.1 -1.7 -0.58 0.34 8.2e+03 0.00025 1.2e+02 1 ++
7 0.0008 -1 -0.081 -0.51 -0.9 1.2 0.55 0.51 -0.49 -0.74 -1.1 -1.7 -0.58 0.34 8.2e+03 1.2e-06 1.2e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 16 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 9e+03 0.091 1 0.66 +
1 8.3e+03 0.0081 10 1 ++
2 8.3e+03 0.0081 5 -1e+06 -
3 8.3e+03 0.0081 2.5 -78 -
4 8.3e+03 0.0081 1.2 -2.7 -
5 8.2e+03 0.024 1.2 0.71 +
6 8.1e+03 0.0039 12 0.9 ++
7 8.1e+03 9.2e-05 12 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 4/20 for current solution
Attempt 78/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 79/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 80/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 17 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 9.7e+03 0.14 1 0.33 +
1 9.3e+03 0.24 1 0.17 +
2 9.3e+03 0.24 0.5 -0.28 -
3 8.8e+03 0.12 0.5 0.37 +
4 8.6e+03 0.14 0.5 0.32 +
5 8.4e+03 0.035 0.5 0.66 +
6 8.3e+03 0.0049 5 1.1 ++
7 8.3e+03 0.0049 0.86 -1.8 -
8 8.3e+03 0.025 0.86 0.86 +
9 8.2e+03 0.016 8.6 1.3 ++
10 8.2e+03 0.013 86 1.3 ++
11 8.1e+03 0.0056 8.6e+02 1.3 ++
12 8.1e+03 0.0024 8.6e+03 1 ++
13 8.1e+03 0.00013 8.6e+04 1 ++
14 8.1e+03 1.8e-07 8.6e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 7 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.097 -0.45 -1 -0.25 -0.43 -0.68 1.9 9.3e+03 0.26 1 0.67 +
1 -0.46 -0.1 0 -0.58 -0.84 -0.8 2.4 9.1e+03 0.24 1 0.23 +
2 -0.34 -0.33 -0.6 -0.63 -0.93 -0.88 3.4 8.5e+03 0.055 1 0.65 +
3 -0.58 -0.41 -0.6 -0.68 -1.2 -1 2.4 8.4e+03 0.0051 10 0.91 ++
4 -0.49 -0.2 -0.61 -0.72 -1.2 -1.2 2.3 8.4e+03 0.0014 1e+02 1 ++
5 -0.49 -0.2 -0.61 -0.72 -1.2 -1.2 2.3 8.4e+03 5.6e-05 1e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 15 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 0.082 -0.29 -0.11 -0.023 -0.41 0.31 0.055 -0.00064 -0.097 -0.5 -0.51 -0.27 -0.37 -0.65 2 9.5e+03 0.35 1 0.64 +
1 0.082 -0.29 -0.11 -0.023 -0.41 0.31 0.055 -0.00064 -0.097 -0.5 -0.51 -0.27 -0.37 -0.65 2 9.5e+03 0.35 0.5 -2.9 -
2 0.082 -0.29 -0.11 -0.023 -0.41 0.31 0.055 -0.00064 -0.097 -0.5 -0.51 -0.27 -0.37 -0.65 2 9.5e+03 0.35 0.25 -0.093 -
3 -0.069 -0.31 -0.18 -0.032 -0.34 0.35 0.12 0.0046 -0.26 -0.39 -0.48 -0.52 -0.36 -0.56 2.1 8.5e+03 0.12 0.25 0.82 +
4 -0.12 -0.39 -0.13 -0.063 -0.39 0.5 0.16 0.023 -0.34 -0.4 -0.58 -0.61 -0.61 -0.77 2.2 8.3e+03 0.017 2.5 1 ++
5 -0.47 -0.33 -0.041 -0.26 -0.81 0.83 0.32 0.16 -0.53 -0.58 -0.64 -0.83 -1.2 -1.1 1.7 8.2e+03 0.012 25 1.1 ++
6 -0.49 -0.39 -0.04 -0.34 -0.86 0.9 0.35 0.24 -0.58 -0.62 -0.67 -0.89 -1.3 -1.2 1.7 8.2e+03 0.0011 2.5e+02 1.1 ++
7 -0.49 -0.39 -0.04 -0.34 -0.86 0.9 0.35 0.24 -0.58 -0.62 -0.67 -0.89 -1.3 -1.2 1.7 8.2e+03 0.0001 2.5e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 16 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 9.2e+03 0.28 1 0.65 +
1 8.8e+03 0.24 1 0.31 +
2 8.3e+03 0.088 1 0.6 +
3 8.2e+03 0.0093 10 1 ++
4 8.2e+03 0.0093 0.77 -2.4 -
5 8.1e+03 0.014 0.77 0.87 +
6 8.1e+03 0.0012 7.7 1.1 ++
7 8.1e+03 0.00027 77 1 ++
8 8.1e+03 1.3e-07 77 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 10 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN lambda_travel_t mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.15 -0.78 -0.16 -0.78 -0.71 -0.57 -0.74 -0.77 1.5 2 1e+04 0.26 1 0.34 +
1 0.15 -0.78 -0.16 -0.78 -0.71 -0.57 -0.74 -0.77 1.5 2 1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.83 -
2 -0.35 -0.31 -0.52 -0.61 -0.53 -0.53 -0.74 -0.58 1.3 1.9 8.9e+03 0.15 0.5 0.61 +
3 -0.2 -0.38 -0.43 -0.49 -0.75 -0.54 -0.81 -0.63 1.1 2.4 8.5e+03 0.024 0.5 0.88 +
4 -0.13 -0.00012 -0.47 -0.54 -0.92 -0.82 -0.96 -1.1 0.6 2.5 8.3e+03 0.01 5 1.1 ++
5 0.17 0.36 -0.66 -0.61 -1.2 -1.3 -1.6 -1.9 0.038 1.6 8.3e+03 0.025 5 0.55 +
6 0.23 0.36 -0.71 -0.6 -1.2 -1.2 -1.5 -2 0.14 1.8 8.3e+03 0.0013 50 1 ++
7 0.23 0.36 -0.71 -0.6 -1.2 -1.2 -1.5 -2 0.14 1.8 8.3e+03 0.00012 50 1 ++
Considering neighbor 4/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 5/20 for current solution
Attempt 81/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.48 -
1 0.0072 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.0067 0.24 -0.28 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.047 1.2 0.0048 1e+04 1.2 0.5 0.31 +
2 0.0072 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.0067 0.24 -0.28 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.047 1.2 0.0048 1e+04 1.2 0.25 0.31 -
3 0.0072 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.0067 0.24 -0.28 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.047 1.2 0.0048 1e+04 1.2 0.12 0.31 -
4 0.0072 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.0067 0.24 -0.28 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.047 1.2 0.0048 1e+04 1.2 0.062 -86 -
5 0.0072 -0.022 -0.27 0.00017 -0.0067 0.24 -0.28 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.047 1.2 0.0048 1e+04 1.2 0.031 -0.54 -
6 -0.024 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0098 0.17 -0.47 0.016 1.1 -0.026 9.4e+03 0.87 0.31 0.92 ++
7 -0.024 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0098 0.17 -0.47 0.016 1.1 -0.026 9.4e+03 0.87 0.16 0.92 -
8 -0.024 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0098 0.17 -0.47 0.016 1.1 -0.026 9.4e+03 0.87 0.078 0.92 -
9 -0.024 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0098 0.17 -0.47 0.016 1.1 -0.026 9.4e+03 0.87 0.039 -7.6 -
10 -0.024 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0098 0.17 -0.47 0.016 1.1 -0.026 9.4e+03 0.87 0.02 -24 -
11 -0.024 -0.054 -0.24 0.031 -0.038 0.21 -0.24 0.0098 0.17 -0.47 0.016 1.1 -0.026 9.4e+03 0.87 0.0098 -0.083 -
12 -0.034 -0.063 -0.23 0.041 -0.048 0.2 -0.25 4.3e-05 0.16 -0.46 0.0057 1.1 -0.036 9.3e+03 0.52 0.098 0.97 ++
13 -0.034 -0.063 -0.23 0.041 -0.048 0.2 -0.25 4.3e-05 0.16 -0.46 0.0057 1.1 -0.036 9.3e+03 0.52 0.049 -18 -
14 -0.034 -0.063 -0.23 0.041 -0.048 0.2 -0.25 4.3e-05 0.16 -0.46 0.0057 1.1 -0.036 9.3e+03 0.52 0.024 -19 -
15 -0.034 -0.063 -0.23 0.041 -0.048 0.2 -0.25 4.3e-05 0.16 -0.46 0.0057 1.1 -0.036 9.3e+03 0.52 0.012 -14 -
16 -0.034 -0.063 -0.23 0.041 -0.048 0.2 -0.25 4.3e-05 0.16 -0.46 0.0057 1.1 -0.036 9.3e+03 0.52 0.0061 -4 -
17 -0.028 -0.069 -0.22 0.047 -0.054 0.2 -0.26 -0.0061 0.16 -0.47 -0.00037 1.2 -0.042 9.3e+03 0.061 0.061 0.95 ++
18 -0.027 -0.09 -0.22 0.072 -0.059 0.13 -0.28 -0.021 0.12 -0.48 -1.1e-05 1.2 -0.04 9.2e+03 0.041 0.61 1 ++
19 -0.2 -0.39 -0.23 0.43 -0.33 -0.48 -0.57 -0.53 -0.26 -0.65 -0.0019 1.7 0.097 8.6e+03 16 0.61 0.65 +
20 -0.2 -0.39 -0.23 0.43 -0.33 -0.48 -0.57 -0.53 -0.26 -0.65 -0.0019 1.7 0.097 8.6e+03 16 0.31 -0.99 -
21 -0.2 -0.39 -0.23 0.43 -0.33 -0.48 -0.57 -0.53 -0.26 -0.65 -0.0019 1.7 0.097 8.6e+03 16 0.15 -0.5 -
22 -0.2 -0.39 -0.23 0.43 -0.33 -0.48 -0.57 -0.53 -0.26 -0.65 -0.0019 1.7 0.097 8.6e+03 16 0.076 -0.15 -
23 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.28 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.72 0.0019 1.7 0.026 8.6e+03 8.2 0.076 0.12 +
24 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.28 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.72 0.0019 1.7 0.026 8.6e+03 8.2 0.038 0.12 -
25 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.28 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.72 0.0019 1.7 0.026 8.6e+03 8.2 0.019 0.12 -
26 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.28 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.72 0.0019 1.7 0.026 8.6e+03 8.2 0.0095 0.12 -
27 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.28 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.72 0.0019 1.7 0.026 8.6e+03 8.2 0.0048 -1.9 -
28 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.28 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.72 0.0019 1.7 0.026 8.6e+03 8.2 0.0024 -0.7 -
29 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.29 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.73 -0.00051 1.7 0.023 8.4e+03 7.4 0.0024 0.86 +
30 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.29 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.73 -0.00051 1.7 0.023 8.4e+03 7.4 0.0012 -1.1 -
31 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.29 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.73 -0.00051 1.7 0.023 8.4e+03 7.4 0.0006 -1.1 -
32 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.29 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.73 -0.00051 1.7 0.023 8.4e+03 7.4 0.0003 -0.7 -
33 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.29 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.73 -0.00022 1.7 0.024 8.4e+03 7.8 0.0003 0.18 +
34 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.29 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.73 -0.00022 1.7 0.024 8.4e+03 7.8 0.00015 -0.094 -
35 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.29 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.73 -0.00037 1.7 0.024 8.4e+03 3.1 0.00015 0.58 +
36 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.29 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.73 -0.00033 1.7 0.024 8.4e+03 0.9 0.00015 0.84 +
37 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.29 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.73 -0.00034 1.7 0.024 8.4e+03 0.043 0.0015 1 ++
38 -0.15 -0.4 -0.25 0.45 -0.29 -0.51 -0.6 -0.53 -0.33 -0.73 -0.00035 1.7 0.026 8.4e+03 0.2 0.015 1 ++
39 -0.15 -0.41 -0.26 0.46 -0.29 -0.5 -0.61 -0.53 -0.34 -0.73 -0.00041 1.7 0.04 8.4e+03 0.027 0.15 1 ++
40 -0.16 -0.43 -0.25 0.52 -0.31 -0.5 -0.64 -0.58 -0.49 -0.73 -0.00082 1.8 0.14 8.3e+03 0.42 1.5 1 ++
41 -0.16 -0.43 -0.25 0.52 -0.31 -0.5 -0.64 -0.58 -0.49 -0.73 -0.00082 1.8 0.14 8.3e+03 0.42 0.75 -1.1e+02 -
42 -0.16 -0.43 -0.25 0.52 -0.31 -0.5 -0.64 -0.58 -0.49 -0.73 -0.00082 1.8 0.14 8.3e+03 0.42 0.37 -14 -
43 -0.28 -0.53 -0.4 0.7 -0.44 -0.49 -0.74 -0.7 -0.86 -0.85 -0.00039 2 0.037 8.2e+03 0.58 3.7 1.1 ++
44 -0.28 -0.53 -0.4 0.7 -0.44 -0.49 -0.74 -0.7 -0.86 -0.85 -0.00039 2 0.037 8.2e+03 0.58 1.9 1.1 -
45 -0.28 -0.53 -0.4 0.7 -0.44 -0.49 -0.74 -0.7 -0.86 -0.85 -0.00039 2 0.037 8.2e+03 0.58 0.93 -1.2e+02 -
46 -0.28 -0.53 -0.4 0.7 -0.44 -0.49 -0.74 -0.7 -0.86 -0.85 -0.00039 2 0.037 8.2e+03 0.58 0.47 -6.9 -
47 -0.42 -0.47 -0.57 0.75 -0.54 -0.58 -0.55 -1 -1.3 -1.3 0.0002 2 -0.11 8.2e+03 16 0.47 0.59 +
48 -0.46 -0.4 -0.41 0.91 -0.51 -0.54 -0.56 -1.3 -1.8 -1.7 0.00014 2.1 -0.09 8.1e+03 12 4.7 0.91 ++
49 -0.46 -0.4 -0.41 0.91 -0.51 -0.54 -0.56 -1.3 -1.8 -1.7 0.00014 2.1 -0.09 8.1e+03 12 0.29 0.0088 -
50 -0.51 -0.22 -0.32 0.88 -0.46 -0.58 -0.65 -1.5 -2.1 -2 0.00023 1.9 -0.11 8.1e+03 11 0.29 0.66 +
51 -0.48 -0.34 -0.3 0.98 -0.52 -0.62 -0.66 -1.6 -2.1 -2.1 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.25 2.9 1 ++
52 -0.46 -0.38 -0.3 0.98 -0.53 -0.63 -0.68 -1.6 -2.2 -2.1 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.022 29 1 ++
53 -0.46 -0.38 -0.3 0.98 -0.53 -0.63 -0.68 -1.6 -2.2 -2.1 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.0012 2.9e+02 1 ++
54 -0.46 -0.38 -0.3 0.98 -0.53 -0.63 -0.68 -1.6 -2.2 -2.1 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 1.4e-05 2.9e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 10 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.16 -
1 0.0074 -0.022 -0.27 -8.3e-05 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.5 0.8 +
2 0.0074 -0.022 -0.27 -8.3e-05 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.25 -10 -
3 0.0074 -0.022 -0.27 -8.3e-05 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.12 -12 -
4 0.0074 -0.022 -0.27 -8.3e-05 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.062 -14 -
5 0.0074 -0.022 -0.27 -8.3e-05 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.031 -16 -
6 0.0074 -0.022 -0.27 -8.3e-05 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.016 -4.8 -
7 -0.0082 -0.038 -0.29 0.016 -0.054 -0.015 0.19 -0.52 -0.0029 0.017 9.5e+03 5.4 0.016 0.33 +
8 -0.013 -0.04 -0.29 0.019 -0.061 -0.03 0.19 -0.52 0.0013 0.019 9.4e+03 0.5 0.016 0.58 +
9 -0.013 -0.04 -0.29 0.019 -0.061 -0.03 0.19 -0.52 0.0013 0.019 9.4e+03 0.5 0.0078 -3.9 -
10 -0.013 -0.04 -0.29 0.019 -0.061 -0.03 0.19 -0.52 0.0013 0.019 9.4e+03 0.5 0.0039 -4.6 -
11 -0.013 -0.04 -0.29 0.019 -0.061 -0.03 0.19 -0.52 0.0013 0.019 9.4e+03 0.5 0.002 -1.4 -
12 -0.015 -0.042 -0.29 0.021 -0.062 -0.032 0.19 -0.53 -0.00064 0.021 9.4e+03 0.079 0.002 0.86 +
13 -0.016 -0.043 -0.29 0.021 -0.064 -0.034 0.19 -0.53 -0.00017 0.022 9.4e+03 0.19 0.02 1 ++
14 -0.025 -0.047 -0.29 0.028 -0.077 -0.054 0.19 -0.54 -0.00099 0.03 9.3e+03 0.55 0.2 0.96 ++
15 -0.11 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00011 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.2 0.71 +
16 -0.11 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00011 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.098 -8.6 -
17 -0.11 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00011 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.049 -8.9 -
18 -0.11 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00011 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.024 -11 -
19 -0.11 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00011 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.012 -5.2 -
20 -0.11 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00011 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.0061 -3.4 -
21 -0.11 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00011 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.0031 -2.1 -
22 -0.11 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00011 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.0015 -0.6 -
23 -0.11 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 -0.0014 0.11 9.2e+03 2.3 0.0015 0.37 +
24 -0.1 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 -0.0005 0.11 9.1e+03 2.5 0.0015 0.59 +
25 -0.1 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 -0.0005 0.11 9.1e+03 2.5 0.00076 -0.79 -
26 -0.1 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 -0.0005 0.11 9.1e+03 2.5 0.00038 0.034 -
27 -0.1 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.16 -0.63 -0.00088 0.11 9.1e+03 0.99 0.00038 0.57 +
28 -0.1 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.16 -0.63 -0.00074 0.11 9.1e+03 0.68 0.00038 0.77 +
29 -0.1 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.23 -0.25 0.16 -0.63 -0.00079 0.11 9.1e+03 0.1 0.0038 1 ++
30 -0.1 -0.1 -0.33 0.11 -0.24 -0.24 0.16 -0.63 -0.00071 0.11 9.1e+03 0.91 0.038 1 ++
31 -0.092 -0.11 -0.33 0.12 -0.25 -0.23 0.12 -0.63 -0.00069 0.094 9.1e+03 0.076 0.38 1 ++
32 -0.071 -0.2 -0.36 0.3 -0.52 -0.27 -0.26 -0.73 -0.00093 0.19 8.7e+03 1.9 0.38 0.82 +
33 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0028 0.5 8.6e+03 1.8 0.38 0.51 +
34 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0028 0.5 8.6e+03 1.8 0.19 -5.4 -
35 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0028 0.5 8.6e+03 1.8 0.095 -6 -
36 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0028 0.5 8.6e+03 1.8 0.048 -7.1 -
37 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0028 0.5 8.6e+03 1.8 0.024 -5.2 -
38 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0028 0.5 8.6e+03 1.8 0.012 -4.1 -
39 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0028 0.5 8.6e+03 1.8 0.006 -3.5 -
40 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0028 0.5 8.6e+03 1.8 0.003 -3.1 -
41 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0028 0.5 8.6e+03 1.8 0.0015 -2.7 -
42 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0028 0.5 8.6e+03 1.8 0.00075 -1.9 -
43 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0028 0.5 8.6e+03 1.8 0.00037 -0.5 -
44 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0024 0.5 8.6e+03 1.6 0.0037 0.99 ++
45 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0024 0.5 8.6e+03 1.6 0.0019 -0.021 -
46 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0024 0.5 8.6e+03 1.6 0.00093 -0.62 -
47 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0024 0.5 8.6e+03 1.6 0.00047 -1.3 -
48 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0024 0.5 8.6e+03 1.6 0.00023 -1.9 -
49 -0.18 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0024 0.5 8.6e+03 1.6 0.00012 -2.3 -
50 -0.17 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0023 0.5 8.6e+03 2.8 0.00012 0.2 +
51 -0.17 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0023 0.5 8.6e+03 0.23 0.0012 1 ++
52 -0.17 -0.34 -0.38 0.6 -0.7 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0023 0.5 8.6e+03 0.071 0.012 1 ++
53 -0.17 -0.35 -0.38 0.61 -0.7 -0.53 -0.64 -0.74 -0.0023 0.49 8.6e+03 0.29 0.12 1 ++
54 -0.19 -0.37 -0.42 0.65 -0.71 -0.47 -0.59 -0.76 -0.0018 0.37 8.5e+03 0.043 1.2 1 ++
55 -0.19 -0.37 -0.42 0.65 -0.71 -0.47 -0.59 -0.76 -0.0018 0.37 8.5e+03 0.043 0.58 -3 -
56 -0.46 -0.64 -0.81 1.2 -0.71 -0.59 -0.78 -0.95 -0.00013 -0.036 8.4e+03 1.6 0.58 0.35 +
57 -0.4 -0.76 -0.9 1.5 -0.72 -1.1 -1.4 -1.5 -0.00022 -0.0084 8.2e+03 1.1 5.8 0.98 ++
58 -0.4 -0.76 -0.9 1.5 -0.72 -1.1 -1.4 -1.5 -0.00022 -0.0084 8.2e+03 1.1 2.9 -2.6e+02 -
59 -0.4 -0.76 -0.9 1.5 -0.72 -1.1 -1.4 -1.5 -0.00022 -0.0084 8.2e+03 1.1 1.5 -1.1e+02 -
60 -0.4 -0.76 -0.9 1.5 -0.72 -1.1 -1.4 -1.5 -0.00022 -0.0084 8.2e+03 1.1 0.73 -32 -
61 -0.4 -0.76 -0.9 1.5 -0.72 -1.1 -1.4 -1.5 -0.00022 -0.0084 8.2e+03 1.1 0.36 -6.5 -
62 -0.4 -0.76 -0.9 1.5 -0.72 -1.1 -1.4 -1.5 -0.00022 -0.0084 8.2e+03 1.1 0.18 -0.68 -
63 -0.41 -0.82 -0.97 1.5 -0.71 -1.2 -1.5 -1.7 0.00011 -0.09 8.2e+03 6.1 0.18 0.61 +
64 -0.42 -0.86 -0.93 1.5 -0.73 -1.3 -1.7 -1.7 3.2e-05 -0.07 8.2e+03 1.1 1.8 1 ++
65 -0.42 -0.86 -0.93 1.5 -0.73 -1.3 -1.7 -1.7 3.2e-05 -0.07 8.2e+03 1.1 0.44 -0.99 -
66 -0.48 -0.99 -0.93 1.6 -0.73 -1.6 -2.2 -2.2 0.00023 -0.11 8.2e+03 8.4 0.44 0.69 +
67 -0.42 -1 -0.6 1.5 -0.74 -1.8 -2.4 -2.5 0.0002 -0.1 8.2e+03 2.4 4.4 0.92 ++
68 -0.43 -1 -0.6 1.5 -0.74 -1.8 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.077 44 0.98 ++
69 -0.43 -1 -0.6 1.5 -0.74 -1.8 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.00051 4.4e+02 1 ++
70 -0.43 -1 -0.6 1.5 -0.74 -1.8 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 -0.11 8.2e+03 4.2e-06 4.4e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 15 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_1st_ B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_1st_c B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_1s cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.37 -
1 0.007 -0.0065 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.022 -0.0091 0.2 0.1 -0.5 -0.28 0.038 0.004 9.9e+03 1.5 0.5 0.34 +
2 0.007 -0.0065 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.022 -0.0091 0.2 0.1 -0.5 -0.28 0.038 0.004 9.9e+03 1.5 0.25 -9.8 -
3 0.007 -0.0065 -0.0018 -0.27 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.022 -0.0091 0.2 0.1 -0.5 -0.28 0.038 0.004 9.9e+03 1.5 0.12 -12 -
4 -0.017 -0.026 -0.0032 -0.26 -0.12 -0.0047 -0.083 0.1 -0.047 0.091 0.0093 -0.46 -0.26 -0.087 -0.051 2e+04 7.5 1.2 35 ++
5 -0.017 -0.026 -0.0032 -0.26 -0.12 -0.0047 -0.083 0.1 -0.047 0.091 0.0093 -0.46 -0.26 -0.087 -0.051 2e+04 7.5 0.62 -0.49 -
6 -0.017 -0.026 -0.0032 -0.26 -0.12 -0.0047 -0.083 0.1 -0.047 0.091 0.0093 -0.46 -0.26 -0.087 -0.051 2e+04 7.5 0.31 -0.31 -
7 -0.018 -0.026 -0.0032 -0.26 -0.12 -0.0048 -0.083 0.09 -0.048 0.089 0.011 -0.44 -0.25 0.23 -0.035 1.5e+04 3.6 0.31 0.19 +
8 -0.022 -0.03 -0.0035 -0.26 -0.12 -0.0046 -0.09 -0.22 -0.037 0.023 -0.049 -0.42 -0.24 0.2 -0.038 1.4e+04 2 0.31 0.1 +
9 -0.022 -0.03 -0.0035 -0.26 -0.12 -0.0046 -0.09 -0.22 -0.037 0.023 -0.049 -0.42 -0.24 0.2 -0.038 1.4e+04 2 0.16 -1.5 -
10 0.00015 -0.022 -0.004 -0.25 -0.1 -0.004 -0.13 -0.066 0.081 -0.13 -0.14 -0.32 -0.2 0.047 -0.098 1e+04 0.84 1.6 1 ++
11 0.00015 -0.022 -0.004 -0.25 -0.1 -0.004 -0.13 -0.066 0.081 -0.13 -0.14 -0.32 -0.2 0.047 -0.098 1e+04 0.84 0.78 -12 -
12 0.00015 -0.022 -0.004 -0.25 -0.1 -0.004 -0.13 -0.066 0.081 -0.13 -0.14 -0.32 -0.2 0.047 -0.098 1e+04 0.84 0.39 -12 -
13 0.00015 -0.022 -0.004 -0.25 -0.1 -0.004 -0.13 -0.066 0.081 -0.13 -0.14 -0.32 -0.2 0.047 -0.098 1e+04 0.84 0.2 -12 -
14 0.00015 -0.022 -0.004 -0.25 -0.1 -0.004 -0.13 -0.066 0.081 -0.13 -0.14 -0.32 -0.2 0.047 -0.098 1e+04 0.84 0.098 -11 -
15 0.00015 -0.022 -0.004 -0.25 -0.1 -0.004 -0.13 -0.066 0.081 -0.13 -0.14 -0.32 -0.2 0.047 -0.098 1e+04 0.84 0.049 -6.7 -
16 -0.049 -0.071 -0.053 -0.29 -0.15 -0.053 -0.18 -0.017 0.032 -0.084 -0.088 -0.37 -0.25 -0.0013 -0.049 9.6e+03 4 0.049 0.89 +
17 -0.073 -0.086 -0.054 -0.31 -0.15 -0.053 -0.19 -0.066 0.0025 -0.058 -0.073 -0.4 -0.27 0.0013 -0.028 9.3e+03 0.094 0.049 0.9 +
18 -0.1 -0.1 -0.055 -0.33 -0.15 -0.053 -0.2 -0.11 -0.036 -0.03 -0.056 -0.43 -0.28 0.0029 0.019 9.1e+03 0.52 0.49 0.97 ++
19 -0.1 -0.1 -0.055 -0.33 -0.15 -0.053 -0.2 -0.11 -0.036 -0.03 -0.056 -0.43 -0.28 0.0029 0.019 9.1e+03 0.52 0.24 -11 -
20 -0.1 -0.1 -0.055 -0.33 -0.15 -0.053 -0.2 -0.11 -0.036 -0.03 -0.056 -0.43 -0.28 0.0029 0.019 9.1e+03 0.52 0.12 -10 -
21 -0.1 -0.1 -0.055 -0.33 -0.15 -0.053 -0.2 -0.11 -0.036 -0.03 -0.056 -0.43 -0.28 0.0029 0.019 9.1e+03 0.52 0.061 -10 -
22 -0.1 -0.1 -0.055 -0.33 -0.15 -0.053 -0.2 -0.11 -0.036 -0.03 -0.056 -0.43 -0.28 0.0029 0.019 9.1e+03 0.52 0.031 -11 -
23 -0.1 -0.1 -0.055 -0.33 -0.15 -0.053 -0.2 -0.11 -0.036 -0.03 -0.056 -0.43 -0.28 0.0029 0.019 9.1e+03 0.52 0.015 -13 -
24 -0.1 -0.1 -0.055 -0.33 -0.15 -0.053 -0.2 -0.11 -0.036 -0.03 -0.056 -0.43 -0.28 0.0029 0.019 9.1e+03 0.52 0.0076 -8.6 -
25 -0.1 -0.1 -0.055 -0.33 -0.15 -0.053 -0.2 -0.11 -0.036 -0.03 -0.056 -0.43 -0.28 0.0029 0.019 9.1e+03 0.52 0.0038 -3.8 -
26 -0.11 -0.11 -0.058 -0.33 -0.15 -0.049 -0.21 -0.12 -0.04 -0.026 -0.052 -0.44 -0.29 -0.00092 0.023 9.1e+03 2.3 0.0038 0.58 +
27 -0.11 -0.11 -0.059 -0.33 -0.15 -0.049 -0.21 -0.12 -0.042 -0.025 -0.052 -0.44 -0.29 -0.00015 0.027 9.1e+03 0.1 0.038 1 ++
28 -0.12 -0.12 -0.059 -0.34 -0.14 -0.049 -0.23 -0.15 -0.063 -0.024 -0.05 -0.46 -0.3 -0.00066 0.065 9e+03 1 0.38 0.97 ++
29 -0.14 -0.16 -0.073 -0.38 0.0085 -0.042 -0.61 -0.37 -0.23 -0.35 -0.24 -0.64 -0.4 -0.0019 0.44 8.8e+03 4.4 0.38 0.52 +
30 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 3.8 0.92 ++
31 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 1.9 -59 -
32 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 0.95 -34 -
33 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 0.48 -12 -
34 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 0.24 -8.5 -
35 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 0.12 -6.2 -
36 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 0.06 -4.5 -
37 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 0.03 -4.2 -
38 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 0.015 -4.6 -
39 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 0.0075 -5 -
40 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 0.0037 -5.6 -
41 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 0.0019 -6.2 -
42 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 0.00093 -3.3 -
43 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0083 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0019 0.28 8.5e+03 1 0.00047 -1.6 -
44 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.53 0.39 -0.0078 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0014 0.28 8.5e+03 2 0.00047 0.56 +
45 -0.27 -0.25 -0.12 -0.54 0.39 -0.0078 -0.92 -0.32 -0.36 -0.45 -0.4 -0.7 -0.34 -0.0015 0.28 8.5e+03 0.14 0.0047 1 ++
46 -0.27 -0.24 -0.12 -0.54 0.39 -0.0075 -0.92 -0.31 -0.35 -0.45 -0.4 -0.71 -0.34 -0.0015 0.28 8.5e+03 0.014 0.047 1 ++
47 -0.28 -0.23 -0.13 -0.57 0.4 -0.00063 -0.89 -0.3 -0.37 -0.47 -0.4 -0.73 -0.39 -0.0015 0.27 8.5e+03 0.022 0.47 1 ++
48 -0.28 -0.23 -0.13 -0.57 0.4 -0.00063 -0.89 -0.3 -0.37 -0.47 -0.4 -0.73 -0.39 -0.0015 0.27 8.5e+03 0.022 0.23 -3.8 -
49 -0.42 -0.13 -0.19 -0.79 0.51 0.066 -0.7 -0.39 -0.47 -0.64 -0.52 -0.82 -0.62 -0.00053 0.05 8.5e+03 0.3 0.23 0.69 +
50 -0.45 -0.13 -0.23 -0.85 0.64 0.14 -0.9 -0.5 -0.59 -0.82 -0.69 -1.1 -0.61 -0.0005 0.05 8.4e+03 0.19 2.3 1.1 ++
51 -0.45 -0.13 -0.23 -0.85 0.64 0.14 -0.9 -0.5 -0.59 -0.82 -0.69 -1.1 -0.61 -0.0005 0.05 8.4e+03 0.19 1.2 -1.9e+02 -
52 -0.45 -0.13 -0.23 -0.85 0.64 0.14 -0.9 -0.5 -0.59 -0.82 -0.69 -1.1 -0.61 -0.0005 0.05 8.4e+03 0.19 0.58 -32 -
53 -0.45 -0.13 -0.23 -0.85 0.64 0.14 -0.9 -0.5 -0.59 -0.82 -0.69 -1.1 -0.61 -0.0005 0.05 8.4e+03 0.19 0.29 -2.6 -
54 -0.52 -0.11 -0.31 -0.88 0.79 0.27 -0.74 -0.65 -0.68 -1.1 -0.77 -1.3 -0.86 -5.6e-05 -0.056 8.4e+03 1.3 0.29 0.78 +
55 -0.51 -0.098 -0.37 -0.83 0.83 0.41 -0.87 -0.82 -0.85 -1.4 -0.88 -1.6 -0.84 -2.4e-05 -0.058 8.4e+03 1.1 2.9 1 ++
56 -0.51 -0.098 -0.37 -0.83 0.83 0.41 -0.87 -0.82 -0.85 -1.4 -0.88 -1.6 -0.84 -2.4e-05 -0.058 8.4e+03 1.1 0.71 -11 -
57 -0.51 -0.098 -0.37 -0.83 0.83 0.41 -0.87 -0.82 -0.85 -1.4 -0.88 -1.6 -0.84 -2.4e-05 -0.058 8.4e+03 1.1 0.35 -2.8 -
58 -0.55 -0.11 -0.45 -0.72 0.88 0.58 -0.79 -1 -0.86 -1.7 -0.91 -2 -1 0.00019 -0.11 8.3e+03 10 0.35 0.58 +
59 -0.52 -0.14 -0.52 -0.55 0.88 0.72 -0.85 -1.2 -0.89 -1.9 -0.94 -2.3 -0.95 0.00019 -0.1 8.3e+03 2.1 3.5 0.97 ++
60 -0.5 -0.12 -0.6 -0.47 0.86 0.75 -0.86 -1.3 -0.68 -2 -0.62 -2.5 -0.78 0.0002 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.57 35 1 ++
61 -0.51 -0.13 -0.59 -0.48 0.85 0.73 -0.86 -1.3 -0.67 -2.1 -0.61 -2.5 -0.78 0.0002 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.0054 3.5e+02 1 ++
62 -0.51 -0.13 -0.59 -0.48 0.85 0.73 -0.86 -1.3 -0.67 -2.1 -0.61 -2.5 -0.78 0.0002 -0.11 8.3e+03 3.3e-05 3.5e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -1.6 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.24 -
2 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.19 0 0 9.4e+03 1.4 2.5 1.1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.19 0 0 9.4e+03 1.4 1.2 -5.9 -
4 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.19 0 0 9.4e+03 1.4 0.62 -3.2 -
5 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.19 0 0 9.4e+03 1.4 0.31 -1.5 -
6 0.0078 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.25 -0.15 -0.0057 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.19 0 0 9.4e+03 1.4 0.16 -0.075 -
7 0.038 -0.0079 -0.0042 -0.35 -0.17 -0.0076 0.02 0.19 -0.36 -0.41 -0.26 -0.003 0.15 9.2e+03 9 0.16 0.49 +
8 0.038 -0.0079 -0.0042 -0.35 -0.17 -0.0076 0.02 0.19 -0.36 -0.41 -0.26 -0.003 0.15 9.2e+03 9 0.078 0.058 -
9 0.051 -0.011 -0.0056 -0.36 -0.16 -0.0074 0.036 0.11 -0.37 -0.47 -0.27 0.0022 0.11 9.1e+03 5.3 0.078 0.14 +
10 0.051 -0.011 -0.0056 -0.36 -0.16 -0.0074 0.036 0.11 -0.37 -0.47 -0.27 0.0022 0.11 9.1e+03 5.3 0.039 -4.3 -
11 0.051 -0.011 -0.0056 -0.36 -0.16 -0.0074 0.036 0.11 -0.37 -0.47 -0.27 0.0022 0.11 9.1e+03 5.3 0.02 -2.8 -
12 0.051 -0.011 -0.0056 -0.36 -0.16 -0.0074 0.036 0.11 -0.37 -0.47 -0.27 0.0022 0.11 9.1e+03 5.3 0.0098 -2 -
13 0.051 -0.011 -0.0056 -0.36 -0.16 -0.0074 0.036 0.11 -0.37 -0.47 -0.27 0.0022 0.11 9.1e+03 5.3 0.0049 -1.2 -
14 0.051 -0.011 -0.0056 -0.36 -0.16 -0.0074 0.036 0.11 -0.37 -0.47 -0.27 0.0022 0.11 9.1e+03 5.3 0.0024 0.091 -
15 0.054 -0.014 -0.008 -0.36 -0.15 -0.005 0.038 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.27 -0.00025 0.11 9e+03 5.1 0.024 1 ++
16 0.054 -0.014 -0.008 -0.36 -0.15 -0.005 0.038 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.27 -0.00025 0.11 9e+03 5.1 0.012 -2.9 -
17 0.054 -0.014 -0.008 -0.36 -0.15 -0.005 0.038 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.27 -0.00025 0.11 9e+03 5.1 0.0061 -2.3 -
18 0.054 -0.014 -0.008 -0.36 -0.15 -0.005 0.038 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.27 -0.00025 0.11 9e+03 5.1 0.0031 -1.8 -
19 0.054 -0.014 -0.008 -0.36 -0.15 -0.005 0.038 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.27 -0.00025 0.11 9e+03 5.1 0.0015 -1.1 -
20 0.054 -0.014 -0.008 -0.36 -0.15 -0.005 0.038 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.27 -0.00025 0.11 9e+03 5.1 0.00076 -0.26 -
21 0.055 -0.015 -0.0088 -0.36 -0.15 -0.0042 0.039 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.27 -0.001 0.11 9e+03 2.7 0.00076 0.41 +
22 0.055 -0.015 -0.0088 -0.36 -0.15 -0.0042 0.039 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.27 -0.001 0.11 9e+03 2.7 0.00038 -0.86 -
23 0.054 -0.015 -0.0092 -0.36 -0.15 -0.0039 0.039 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.27 -0.00063 0.11 9e+03 4.3 0.00038 0.45 +
24 0.054 -0.015 -0.0092 -0.36 -0.15 -0.0039 0.039 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.27 -0.00084 0.11 9e+03 2.4 0.00038 0.21 +
25 0.054 -0.015 -0.0092 -0.36 -0.15 -0.0039 0.039 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.27 -0.00084 0.11 9e+03 2.4 0.00019 -1.3 -
26 0.054 -0.015 -0.0094 -0.36 -0.15 -0.0037 0.039 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.28 -0.00065 0.11 9e+03 3.7 0.00019 0.15 +
27 0.054 -0.015 -0.0094 -0.36 -0.15 -0.0037 0.039 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.28 -0.00077 0.11 8.9e+03 1.4 0.00019 0.62 +
28 0.054 -0.015 -0.0094 -0.36 -0.15 -0.0037 0.04 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.28 -0.00072 0.11 8.9e+03 0.72 0.00019 0.77 +
29 0.054 -0.015 -0.0094 -0.36 -0.15 -0.0037 0.04 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.28 -0.00073 0.11 8.9e+03 0.058 0.0019 1 ++
30 0.054 -0.016 -0.0094 -0.36 -0.15 -0.0037 0.04 0.11 -0.38 -0.47 -0.28 -0.00074 0.11 8.9e+03 0.26 0.019 1 ++
31 0.054 -0.019 -0.01 -0.37 -0.15 -0.0036 0.041 0.089 -0.39 -0.48 -0.28 -0.00076 0.12 8.9e+03 0.056 0.19 1 ++
32 0.049 -0.06 -0.016 -0.39 -0.095 -0.0027 0.048 -0.1 -0.46 -0.57 -0.32 -0.001 0.18 8.8e+03 0.18 1.9 0.99 ++
33 0.049 -0.06 -0.016 -0.39 -0.095 -0.0027 0.048 -0.1 -0.46 -0.57 -0.32 -0.001 0.18 8.8e+03 0.18 0.95 -61 -
34 0.049 -0.06 -0.016 -0.39 -0.095 -0.0027 0.048 -0.1 -0.46 -0.57 -0.32 -0.001 0.18 8.8e+03 0.18 0.48 0.043 -
35 -0.2 -0.34 -0.048 -0.44 0.18 0.0063 -0.11 -0.58 -0.81 -0.77 -0.4 -0.00057 0.073 8.5e+03 0.041 4.8 0.98 ++
36 -0.44 -0.095 -0.46 -0.75 0.64 0.5 -0.31 -0.84 -1.5 -1 -0.52 -7.8e-05 -0.046 8.3e+03 0.41 48 1.2 ++
37 -0.34 -0.13 -0.53 -0.61 0.73 0.59 -0.35 -0.88 -1.7 -1.5 -0.61 0.00012 -0.09 8.3e+03 0.11 4.8e+02 1.3 ++
38 -0.28 -0.15 -0.59 -0.51 0.74 0.61 -0.34 -0.89 -1.8 -1.9 -0.65 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 3.7 4.8e+03 1 ++
39 -0.28 -0.15 -0.62 -0.49 0.74 0.6 -0.34 -0.9 -1.8 -1.9 -0.66 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.062 4.8e+04 0.99 ++
40 -0.28 -0.15 -0.64 -0.49 0.74 0.59 -0.34 -0.9 -1.8 -1.9 -0.67 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.00068 4.8e+05 1 ++
41 -0.28 -0.15 -0.64 -0.49 0.74 0.59 -0.34 -0.9 -1.8 -1.9 -0.67 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.0041 4.8e+06 1 ++
42 -0.28 -0.15 -0.64 -0.49 0.74 0.59 -0.34 -0.9 -1.8 -1.9 -0.67 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 3.6e-05 4.8e+06 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 16 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 8.9e+03 0.046 1 0.82 +
1 8.4e+03 0.022 10 1.1 ++
2 8.4e+03 0.022 0.62 0.093 -
3 8.3e+03 0.011 6.2 1.1 ++
4 8.2e+03 0.006 62 1.1 ++
5 8.2e+03 0.00045 6.2e+02 1 ++
6 8.2e+03 4.2e-06 6.2e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 4/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 14 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN lambda_travel_t mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.14 -0.14 -0.029 -0.72 -0.0095 -0.01 -0.1 -0.67 -0.65 -0.45 -0.65 -0.68 1.4 2 9.8e+03 0.24 1 0.49 +
1 0.14 -0.14 -0.029 -0.72 -0.0095 -0.01 -0.1 -0.67 -0.65 -0.45 -0.65 -0.68 1.4 2 9.8e+03 0.24 0.5 -2.9 -
2 0.14 -0.14 -0.029 -0.72 -0.0095 -0.01 -0.1 -0.67 -0.65 -0.45 -0.65 -0.68 1.4 2 9.8e+03 0.24 0.25 -0.031 -
3 -0.11 -0.34 -0.037 -0.56 0.12 -0.005 -0.35 -0.42 -0.58 -0.64 -0.66 -0.61 1.4 1.9 8.6e+03 0.048 0.25 0.86 +
4 -0.17 -0.18 -0.09 -0.45 0.28 0.036 -0.38 -0.44 -0.81 -0.52 -0.79 -0.8 1.1 2.1 8.4e+03 0.017 2.5 1.1 ++
5 0.23 -0.047 -0.49 0.071 0.38 0.21 -0.55 -0.53 -0.84 -1.2 -1.8 -1.8 -0.2 2.3 8.3e+03 0.061 2.5 0.26 +
6 0.3 -0.064 -0.52 0.07 0.45 0.2 -0.7 -0.57 -1 -1.3 -1.5 -2.1 -0.036 1.9 8.2e+03 0.0094 25 1 ++
7 0.24 -0.057 -0.48 -0.0089 0.47 0.22 -0.69 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -1.5 -2 0.12 1.8 8.2e+03 0.00072 2.5e+02 1 ++
8 0.24 -0.057 -0.48 -0.0089 0.47 0.22 -0.69 -0.58 -1 -1.2 -1.5 -2 0.12 1.8 8.2e+03 2.2e-05 2.5e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 5/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 16 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 8.9e+03 0.043 1 0.89 +
1 8.4e+03 0.024 10 1.1 ++
2 8.3e+03 0.02 1e+02 0.92 ++
3 8.3e+03 0.0024 1e+03 0.97 ++
4 8.3e+03 8.9e-05 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 6/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 7/20 for current solution
Attempt 82/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 83/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 17 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.53 -
1 1.1e+04 0.4 0.25 0.018 -
2 9.7e+03 1.1 0.25 0.72 +
3 9.7e+03 1.1 0.12 -8.5 -
4 1.7e+04 5.5 1.2 7.8 ++
5 1.7e+04 5.5 0.62 -0.49 -
6 1.7e+04 5.5 0.31 -0.35 -
7 1.5e+04 3.5 0.31 0.14 +
8 1.3e+04 1.8 0.31 0.11 +
9 1.3e+04 1.8 0.16 -1.3 -
10 9.5e+03 0.36 1.6 1 ++
11 9.5e+03 0.36 0.78 -11 -
12 9.5e+03 0.36 0.39 -12 -
13 9.5e+03 0.36 0.2 -12 -
14 9.5e+03 0.36 0.098 -12 -
15 9.5e+03 0.36 0.049 -9.9 -
16 9.5e+03 0.36 0.024 -3.6 -
17 9.3e+03 0.086 0.24 1.1 ++
18 9.3e+03 0.086 0.12 -15 -
19 9.3e+03 0.086 0.061 -9.3 -
20 9.3e+03 0.086 0.031 -6.5 -
21 9.3e+03 0.086 0.015 -4.7 -
22 9.3e+03 0.086 0.0076 -2.7 -
23 9.3e+03 0.076 0.076 0.97 ++
24 9.2e+03 0.059 0.76 0.96 ++
25 9.2e+03 0.059 0.38 -0.7 -
26 8.9e+03 6 0.38 0.62 +
27 8.9e+03 6 0.19 -0.64 -
28 8.9e+03 6 0.095 -0.16 -
29 8.9e+03 6 0.048 0.096 -
30 8.8e+03 2.8 0.048 0.25 +
31 8.8e+03 2.8 0.024 -3.8 -
32 8.8e+03 2.8 0.012 -2.7 -
33 8.8e+03 2.8 0.006 -1.4 -
34 8.8e+03 5.9 0.006 0.31 +
35 8.7e+03 2.8 0.006 0.82 +
36 8.7e+03 2.8 0.003 -0.38 -
37 8.7e+03 2.8 0.0015 -0.54 -
38 8.7e+03 2.8 0.00075 -0.65 -
39 8.7e+03 2.8 0.00037 -0.059 -
40 8.7e+03 1.3 0.00037 0.45 +
41 8.7e+03 1.3 0.00019 -0.2 -
42 8.7e+03 1.2 0.00019 0.45 +
43 8.7e+03 0.044 0.0019 0.97 ++
44 8.7e+03 0.058 0.019 1 ++
45 8.7e+03 0.034 0.19 1 ++
46 8.6e+03 0.091 1.9 0.96 ++
47 8.6e+03 0.091 0.93 -37 -
48 8.4e+03 2.6 0.93 0.78 +
49 8.4e+03 2.6 0.47 -1.3 -
50 8.4e+03 2.6 0.23 0.035 -
51 8.4e+03 7.2 0.23 0.53 +
52 8.4e+03 7.2 0.12 -6.1 -
53 8.4e+03 7.2 0.058 -6.3 -
54 8.4e+03 7.2 0.029 -5.3 -
55 8.4e+03 7.2 0.015 -3.4 -
56 8.4e+03 7.2 0.0073 -2.6 -
57 8.4e+03 7.2 0.0036 -2 -
58 8.4e+03 7.2 0.0018 -1.3 -
59 8.4e+03 7.2 0.00091 -0.48 -
60 8.4e+03 4.1 0.00091 0.14 +
61 8.3e+03 2.2 0.0091 1.3 ++
62 8.3e+03 2.2 0.0045 -4.7 -
63 8.3e+03 2.2 0.0023 -5 -
64 8.3e+03 2.2 0.0011 -5.2 -
65 8.3e+03 2.2 0.00057 -2.9 -
66 8.3e+03 2.2 0.00028 -1.3 -
67 8.3e+03 3.6 0.00028 0.62 +
68 8.3e+03 0.095 0.0028 0.99 ++
69 8.3e+03 0.021 0.028 1 ++
70 8.3e+03 0.015 0.28 1 ++
71 8.3e+03 1 2.8 0.97 ++
72 8.3e+03 1.7 2.8 0.74 +
73 8.2e+03 19 2.8 0.65 +
74 8.2e+03 19 0.49 -2.9 -
75 8.2e+03 19 0.24 -1.2 -
76 8.2e+03 19 0.12 -0.46 -
77 8.2e+03 19 0.061 -0.22 -
78 8.2e+03 19 0.031 -0.1 -
79 8.2e+03 19 0.015 -0.04 -
80 8.2e+03 19 0.0076 0.013 -
81 8.2e+03 15 0.0076 0.12 +
82 8.2e+03 15 0.0038 -1.7 -
83 8.2e+03 15 0.0019 -1.9 -
84 8.2e+03 15 0.00095 -1.7 -
85 8.2e+03 15 0.00048 -1.7 -
86 8.2e+03 15 0.00024 -1.7 -
87 8.2e+03 15 0.00012 -1.7 -
88 8.2e+03 15 6e-05 -0.6 -
89 8.2e+03 2.7 6e-05 0.76 +
90 8.2e+03 0.13 0.0006 1 ++
91 8.2e+03 0.011 0.006 1 ++
92 8.2e+03 0.029 0.06 1 ++
93 8.2e+03 0.0034 0.6 1 ++
94 8.2e+03 0.00019 6 1 ++
95 8.2e+03 1.8e-06 6 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas lambda_travel_t mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.22 -0.11 -0.023 -0.63 0.076 -0.0069 -1 -0.82 -0.53 1.8 1.9 9.1e+03 0.11 1 0.55 +
1 0.22 -0.11 -0.023 -0.63 0.076 -0.0069 -1 -0.82 -0.53 1.8 1.9 9.1e+03 0.11 0.5 -0.24 -
2 0.031 -0.16 -0.093 -0.66 0.29 0.04 -0.5 -0.42 -0.47 1.5 2 8.5e+03 0.015 5 0.99 ++
3 0.031 -0.16 -0.093 -0.66 0.29 0.04 -0.5 -0.42 -0.47 1.5 2 8.5e+03 0.015 2.5 -91 -
4 0.031 -0.16 -0.093 -0.66 0.29 0.04 -0.5 -0.42 -0.47 1.5 2 8.5e+03 0.015 1.2 -3.2 -
5 -0.0085 0.13 -0.32 -0.65 0.59 0.23 -0.68 -1 -0.69 0.25 2.1 8.4e+03 0.015 1.2 0.6 +
6 0.18 -0.052 -0.49 -0.58 0.5 0.31 -0.68 -1.1 -0.51 0.48 1.8 8.4e+03 0.0022 12 0.99 ++
7 0.18 -0.052 -0.49 -0.58 0.5 0.31 -0.68 -1.1 -0.51 0.48 1.8 8.4e+03 8.7e-05 12 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas lambda_travel_t mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.31 -0.29 -0.69 0.23 0.2 -0.82 -0.55 -0.97 -0.49 1.5 2 1e+04 0.27 1 0.2 +
1 0.31 -0.29 -0.69 0.23 0.2 -0.82 -0.55 -0.97 -0.49 1.5 2 1e+04 0.27 0.5 -1 -
2 -0.19 -0.36 -0.43 0.34 -0.24 -0.5 -0.44 -0.97 -0.54 1.4 1.8 8.5e+03 0.062 0.5 0.9 +
3 -0.34 -0.52 -0.48 0.82 -0.21 -0.71 -0.68 -0.94 -0.55 0.92 2.1 8.2e+03 0.0062 5 1 ++
4 -0.34 -0.52 -0.48 0.82 -0.21 -0.71 -0.68 -0.94 -0.55 0.92 2.1 8.2e+03 0.0062 0.56 -0.77 -
5 -0.19 -0.37 -0.42 1 -0.21 -0.69 -0.6 -1.3 -0.69 0.35 1.7 8.1e+03 0.0081 0.56 0.81 +
6 -0.19 -0.43 -0.46 1.1 -0.3 -0.71 -0.75 -1.3 -0.57 0.4 1.6 8.1e+03 0.0014 5.6 1.1 ++
7 -0.19 -0.49 -0.47 1.1 -0.32 -0.73 -0.79 -1.3 -0.58 0.41 1.6 8.1e+03 0.00019 56 1 ++
8 -0.19 -0.49 -0.47 1.1 -0.32 -0.73 -0.79 -1.3 -0.58 0.41 1.6 8.1e+03 5.1e-07 56 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 10 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_commuter lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.3 -0.3 -0.019 -0.59 -0.057 -0.011 -0.52 -1 -0.036 1.4 9e+03 0.073 1 0.88 +
1 0.23 -0.092 -0.13 -1 0.94 0.11 -0.82 -1.7 -0.2 0.45 8.5e+03 0.0056 10 0.94 ++
2 0.2 -0.1 -0.54 -1.2 0.97 1.2 -0.77 -1.6 -0.38 0.49 8.5e+03 0.0015 10 0.84 +
3 0.2 -0.1 -0.54 -1.2 0.97 1.2 -0.77 -1.6 -0.38 0.49 8.5e+03 6.7e-05 10 1 +
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.17 -0.24 -0.021 -0.45 0.0048 -0.0096 -0.26 -0.26 -0.35 -1 1.3 9e+03 0.062 10 0.92 ++
1 -0.054 -0.18 -0.6 0.16 0.5 0.33 -0.099 -0.83 -1.4 -2.6 -0.39 8.9e+03 0.09 10 0.15 +
2 0.15 -0.082 -0.49 -0.54 0.78 0.7 -0.84 -0.63 -1.9 -1 -0.41 8.5e+03 0.02 10 0.83 +
3 0.15 -0.082 -0.49 -0.54 0.78 0.7 -0.84 -0.63 -1.9 -1 -0.41 8.5e+03 0.02 3.6 -1.4e+05 -
4 0.15 -0.082 -0.49 -0.54 0.78 0.7 -0.84 -0.63 -1.9 -1 -0.41 8.5e+03 0.02 1.8 -46 -
5 0.15 -0.082 -0.49 -0.54 0.78 0.7 -0.84 -0.63 -1.9 -1 -0.41 8.5e+03 0.02 0.9 -1.8 -
6 0.068 -0.16 -0.5 -0.59 0.75 0.69 -0.71 -0.89 -2 -1.7 0.49 8.4e+03 0.024 0.9 0.61 +
7 -0.1 -0.13 -0.59 -0.35 0.75 0.61 -0.46 -0.8 -1.9 -1.7 0.4 8.3e+03 0.0031 9 0.95 ++
8 -0.1 -0.13 -0.59 -0.35 0.75 0.61 -0.46 -0.8 -1.9 -1.7 0.4 8.3e+03 5.1e-05 9 1 ++
Considering neighbor 4/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 5/20 for current solution
Attempt 84/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 15 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.23 -
1 0.0073 -0.022 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -2.8e-05 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 1 0.0019 9.6e+03 0.82 0.5 0.68 +
2 0.0073 -0.022 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -2.8e-05 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 1 0.0019 9.6e+03 0.82 0.25 0.68 -
3 0.0073 -0.022 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -2.8e-05 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 1 0.0019 9.6e+03 0.82 0.12 0.68 -
4 0.0073 -0.022 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -2.8e-05 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 1 0.0019 9.6e+03 0.82 0.062 -14 -
5 0.0073 -0.022 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -2.8e-05 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 1 0.0019 9.6e+03 0.82 0.031 -12 -
6 0.0073 -0.022 -0.0063 -0.0018 -0.27 -2.8e-05 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.019 1 0.0019 9.6e+03 0.82 0.016 -2.8 -
7 -0.0084 -0.031 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 0.012 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.0029 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.16 0.96 ++
8 -0.0084 -0.031 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 0.012 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.0029 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.078 -9.9 -
9 -0.0084 -0.031 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 0.012 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.0029 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.039 -8 -
10 -0.0084 -0.031 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 0.012 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.0029 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.02 -6.7 -
11 -0.0084 -0.031 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 0.012 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.0029 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.0098 -7.4 -
12 -0.0084 -0.031 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 0.012 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.0029 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.0049 -12 -
13 -0.0084 -0.031 -0.019 -0.0026 -0.27 0.012 -0.13 -0.0053 -0.054 -0.0053 0.19 -0.5 0.0029 1 -0.0029 9.4e+03 0.39 0.0024 -0.009 -
14 -0.011 -0.033 -0.022 -0.0051 -0.27 0.015 -0.13 -0.0047 -0.057 -0.0078 0.19 -0.5 0.00046 1 -0.00043 9.4e+03 0.2 0.024 0.96 ++
15 -0.022 -0.039 -0.031 -0.0056 -0.28 0.022 -0.13 -0.0046 -0.071 -0.032 0.19 -0.51 -0.002 1 0.0087 9.4e+03 4.2 0.024 0.38 +
16 -0.032 -0.044 -0.038 -0.0062 -0.28 0.031 -0.12 -0.0044 -0.087 -0.057 0.19 -0.53 -0.00023 1 0.014 9.3e+03 0.2 0.024 0.89 +
17 -0.042 -0.052 -0.047 -0.0069 -0.29 0.043 -0.12 -0.0042 -0.11 -0.081 0.19 -0.54 -0.00065 1 0.025 9.3e+03 0.37 0.24 0.99 ++
18 -0.12 -0.13 -0.12 -0.015 -0.33 0.18 -0.044 -0.00094 -0.35 -0.3 0.079 -0.66 0.0002 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 2.9 0.24 0.71 +
19 -0.12 -0.13 -0.12 -0.015 -0.33 0.18 -0.044 -0.00094 -0.35 -0.3 0.079 -0.66 0.0002 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 2.9 0.12 0.71 -
20 -0.12 -0.13 -0.12 -0.015 -0.33 0.18 -0.044 -0.00094 -0.35 -0.3 0.079 -0.66 0.0002 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 2.9 0.061 0.71 -
21 -0.12 -0.13 -0.12 -0.015 -0.33 0.18 -0.044 -0.00094 -0.35 -0.3 0.079 -0.66 0.0002 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 2.9 0.031 -11 -
22 -0.12 -0.13 -0.12 -0.015 -0.33 0.18 -0.044 -0.00094 -0.35 -0.3 0.079 -0.66 0.0002 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 2.9 0.015 -5.3 -
23 -0.12 -0.13 -0.12 -0.015 -0.33 0.18 -0.044 -0.00094 -0.35 -0.3 0.079 -0.66 0.0002 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 2.9 0.0076 -3.6 -
24 -0.12 -0.13 -0.12 -0.015 -0.33 0.18 -0.044 -0.00094 -0.35 -0.3 0.079 -0.66 0.0002 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 2.9 0.0038 -2.3 -
25 -0.12 -0.13 -0.12 -0.015 -0.33 0.18 -0.044 -0.00094 -0.35 -0.3 0.079 -0.66 0.0002 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 2.9 0.0019 -0.9 -
26 -0.12 -0.14 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 0.18 -0.042 0.00096 -0.36 -0.3 0.077 -0.66 -0.0017 1.1 0.13 9e+03 3.8 0.0019 0.24 +
27 -0.12 -0.14 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 0.18 -0.041 0.00099 -0.36 -0.3 0.075 -0.66 -0.0005 1.1 0.13 9e+03 2.8 0.0019 0.69 +
28 -0.12 -0.14 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 0.18 -0.041 0.00099 -0.36 -0.3 0.075 -0.66 -0.0005 1.1 0.13 9e+03 2.8 0.00095 -0.8 -
29 -0.12 -0.14 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 0.18 -0.041 0.00099 -0.36 -0.3 0.075 -0.66 -0.0005 1.1 0.13 9e+03 2.8 0.00048 -0.068 -
30 -0.12 -0.14 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 0.18 -0.041 0.0015 -0.36 -0.3 0.074 -0.66 -0.00098 1.1 0.13 9e+03 1.8 0.00048 0.49 +
31 -0.12 -0.14 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 0.18 -0.041 0.0015 -0.36 -0.3 0.074 -0.66 -0.00098 1.1 0.13 9e+03 1.8 0.00024 -0.46 -
32 -0.12 -0.14 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 0.18 -0.041 0.0017 -0.36 -0.3 0.074 -0.66 -0.00074 1.1 0.13 9e+03 1.7 0.00024 0.46 +
33 -0.12 -0.14 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 0.18 -0.041 0.0017 -0.36 -0.3 0.074 -0.66 -0.00086 1.1 0.13 9e+03 0.57 0.00024 0.82 +
34 -0.12 -0.14 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 0.18 -0.041 0.0017 -0.36 -0.3 0.074 -0.66 -0.00082 1.1 0.13 9e+03 0.12 0.0024 0.99 ++
35 -0.12 -0.14 -0.12 -0.017 -0.32 0.18 -0.04 0.0017 -0.36 -0.3 0.071 -0.66 -0.00083 1.1 0.13 9e+03 0.24 0.024 1 ++
36 -0.11 -0.14 -0.11 -0.018 -0.32 0.19 -0.035 0.002 -0.37 -0.28 0.047 -0.66 -0.00077 1 0.12 9e+03 0.095 0.24 1 ++
37 -0.071 -0.18 -0.1 -0.022 -0.33 0.29 0.025 0.0061 -0.48 -0.26 -0.19 -0.69 -0.00093 1.1 0.17 8.7e+03 0.75 0.24 0.88 +
38 -0.13 -0.26 -0.14 -0.033 -0.35 0.47 0.12 0.014 -0.6 -0.44 -0.43 -0.71 -0.0017 1.1 0.33 8.5e+03 1.8 0.24 0.87 +
39 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0013 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 6.2 0.24 0.88 +
40 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0013 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 6.2 0.12 -3.5 -
41 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0013 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 6.2 0.06 -3.4 -
42 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0013 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 6.2 0.03 -3 -
43 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0013 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 6.2 0.015 -2.9 -
44 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0013 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 6.2 0.0075 -2.9 -
45 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0013 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 6.2 0.0037 -3 -
46 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0013 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 6.2 0.0019 -1.1 -
47 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0013 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 6.2 0.00093 -0.31 -
48 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0013 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 6.2 0.00047 0.034 -
49 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0018 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 1.6 0.00047 0.3 +
50 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0018 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 1.6 0.00023 -0.76 -
51 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0015 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 0.21 0.00023 0.84 +
52 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0016 1.2 0.31 8.5e+03 0.054 0.0023 1 ++
53 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.052 -0.54 0.71 0.16 0.029 -0.71 -0.49 -0.59 -0.81 -0.0015 1.2 0.3 8.5e+03 0.3 0.023 1 ++
54 -0.2 -0.38 -0.17 -0.053 -0.53 0.71 0.17 0.03 -0.71 -0.49 -0.6 -0.79 -0.0014 1.2 0.28 8.4e+03 0.027 0.23 1 ++
55 -0.32 -0.48 -0.18 -0.077 -0.74 0.91 0.17 0.053 -0.7 -0.61 -0.66 -0.83 -0.00048 1.3 0.049 8.4e+03 0.039 2.3 0.9 ++
56 -0.31 -1.1 -0.053 -0.32 -1 1.1 0.37 0.5 -0.7 -1.1 -1.3 -1.2 8.1e-05 1.4 -0.08 8.2e+03 1.6 23 1.1 ++
57 -0.37 -1.1 -0.071 -0.39 -1.1 1.3 0.46 0.52 -0.73 -1.5 -2 -1.8 8.4e-05 1.1 -0.081 8.2e+03 0.53 2.3e+02 1.2 ++
58 -0.38 -1.1 -0.071 -0.4 -1.1 1.4 0.58 0.52 -0.7 -1.6 -2.1 -2.2 0.00017 1 -0.1 8.1e+03 2.4 2.3e+03 1.2 ++
59 -0.38 -1.1 -0.071 -0.4 -1.1 1.4 0.58 0.52 -0.7 -1.6 -2.1 -2.2 0.00015 1 -0.096 8.1e+03 0.2 2.3e+04 1 ++
60 -0.39 -0.99 -0.077 -0.43 -1 1.4 0.55 0.59 -0.74 -1.8 -2.4 -2.5 0.00022 1 -0.11 8.1e+03 3 2.3e+05 0.92 ++
61 -0.39 -0.98 -0.079 -0.43 -0.99 1.4 0.54 0.58 -0.74 -1.8 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.068 2.3e+06 1 ++
62 -0.39 -0.98 -0.08 -0.44 -1 1.4 0.54 0.58 -0.74 -1.8 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.00098 2.3e+07 1 ++
63 -0.39 -0.98 -0.08 -0.44 -1 1.4 0.54 0.58 -0.74 -1.8 -2.4 -2.5 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.1e+03 3.3e-06 2.3e+07 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.54 -
1 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 5 1.1 ++
2 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 2.5 -11 -
3 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 1.2 -8.9 -
4 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 0.62 -7.4 -
5 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 0.31 -3.2 -
6 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 0.16 -1.7 -
7 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 0.078 -1.5 -
8 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 0.039 -1.9 -
9 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 0.02 -2.5 -
10 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 0.0098 -3.3 -
11 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 0.0049 -4 -
12 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 0.0024 -4.9 -
13 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 0.0012 -2.3 -
14 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 0.00061 -1.2 -
15 0.027 -0.077 -0.021 -0.0063 -0.5 -0.00059 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 0 0 9.2e+03 4.3 0.00031 -0.22 -
16 0.026 -0.078 -0.022 -0.0066 -0.5 -0.00028 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 -0.00031 0.00031 9.2e+03 2.9 0.00031 0.64 +
17 0.026 -0.078 -0.022 -0.0066 -0.5 -0.0002 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 -0.00023 0.00061 9.2e+03 1.4 0.00031 0.77 +
18 0.026 -0.078 -0.022 -0.0066 -0.5 -0.00012 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 -0.00026 0.00092 9.2e+03 0.14 0.0031 0.99 ++
19 0.026 -0.078 -0.022 -0.0067 -0.5 0.0007 -0.5 -0.02 -0.14 -0.5 -0.00026 0.004 9.2e+03 0.19 0.031 1 ++
20 0.018 -0.084 -0.03 -0.0071 -0.51 0.0091 -0.49 -0.02 -0.15 -0.53 -0.0004 0.034 9.1e+03 0.28 0.31 1 ++
21 0.01 -0.19 -0.1 -0.016 -0.56 0.23 -0.32 -0.02 -0.44 -0.83 -0.0013 0.24 8.8e+03 2.3 0.31 0.75 +
22 0.092 -0.32 -0.13 -0.029 -0.64 0.53 -0.096 -0.015 -0.69 -0.94 -0.00038 0.038 8.5e+03 7.2 0.31 0.82 +
23 0.09 -0.45 -0.16 -0.048 -0.86 0.84 0.035 -0.0071 -0.72 -1.2 -0.00026 -0.0096 8.4e+03 5.9 3.1 1 ++
24 0.09 -0.45 -0.16 -0.048 -0.86 0.84 0.035 -0.0071 -0.72 -1.2 -0.00026 -0.0096 8.4e+03 5.9 1.5 -88 -
25 0.09 -0.45 -0.16 -0.048 -0.86 0.84 0.035 -0.0071 -0.72 -1.2 -0.00026 -0.0096 8.4e+03 5.9 0.76 -13 -
26 0.09 -0.45 -0.16 -0.048 -0.86 0.84 0.035 -0.0071 -0.72 -1.2 -0.00026 -0.0096 8.4e+03 5.9 0.38 -1.3 -
27 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00063 -0.14 8.3e+03 11 0.38 0.11 +
28 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00063 -0.14 8.3e+03 11 0.19 -2.5 -
29 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00063 -0.14 8.3e+03 11 0.095 -1.9 -
30 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00063 -0.14 8.3e+03 11 0.048 -1.5 -
31 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00063 -0.14 8.3e+03 11 0.024 -1.1 -
32 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00063 -0.14 8.3e+03 11 0.012 -1.2 -
33 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00063 -0.14 8.3e+03 11 0.006 -1.6 -
34 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00063 -0.14 8.3e+03 11 0.003 -2 -
35 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00063 -0.14 8.3e+03 11 0.0015 -2.3 -
36 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00063 -0.14 8.3e+03 11 0.00075 -2.6 -
37 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00063 -0.14 8.3e+03 11 0.00037 -2.7 -
38 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00063 -0.14 8.3e+03 11 0.00019 -0.28 -
39 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00044 -0.14 8.3e+03 3.2 0.00019 0.89 +
40 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00041 -0.14 8.3e+03 0.43 0.0019 0.96 ++
41 0.093 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.0004 -0.13 8.3e+03 0.26 0.019 1 ++
42 0.092 -0.6 -0.14 -0.082 -1.1 1.2 0.22 0.019 -0.71 -1.6 0.00024 -0.11 8.3e+03 3.6 0.19 0.99 ++
43 0.13 -0.66 -0.098 -0.099 -1.1 1.3 0.27 0.04 -0.72 -1.8 0.00011 -0.089 8.2e+03 7.2 1.9 0.93 ++
44 0.2 -1.2 -0.057 -0.4 -1.2 1.4 0.49 0.54 -0.72 -2.1 0.00025 -0.11 8.2e+03 2.6 1.9 0.9 +
45 0.19 -1.2 -0.062 -0.47 -1.3 1.4 0.55 0.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 2.3 19 1 ++
46 0.19 -1.2 -0.063 -0.48 -1.3 1.4 0.55 0.61 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.1 1.9e+02 1 ++
47 0.19 -1.2 -0.063 -0.49 -1.3 1.4 0.55 0.61 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.0037 1.9e+03 1 ++
48 0.19 -1.2 -0.063 -0.49 -1.3 1.4 0.55 0.61 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.00025 1.9e+04 1 ++
49 0.19 -1.2 -0.063 -0.49 -1.3 1.4 0.55 0.61 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 0.00018 1.9e+05 1 ++
50 0.19 -1.2 -0.063 -0.49 -1.3 1.4 0.55 0.61 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.11 8.2e+03 2.9e-06 1.9e+05 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 10 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.2 -0.14 -1 0.064 -0.26 -0.31 -0.34 -0.79 1.1 1.5 9.1e+03 0.077 1 0.62 +
1 -0.4 -0.47 -0.72 1.1 -0.91 -0.6 -0.96 -0.84 1.2 1.5 8.4e+03 0.013 10 0.94 ++
2 0.061 -0.95 -0.48 1.3 -0.76 -1.3 -1.9 -1.8 0.13 1.1 8.3e+03 0.039 10 0.56 +
3 0.054 -1.1 -0.41 1.3 -0.73 -1.5 -1.6 -2.1 0.26 1.2 8.2e+03 0.0041 10 0.88 +
4 0.1 -1.1 -0.61 1.4 -0.71 -1.5 -1.7 -2.2 0.29 1 8.2e+03 0.0055 1e+02 0.91 ++
5 0.1 -1.1 -0.66 1.5 -0.76 -1.4 -1.7 -2.2 0.25 1 8.2e+03 0.0028 1e+03 1 ++
6 0.1 -1.1 -0.66 1.5 -0.76 -1.4 -1.7 -2.2 0.25 1 8.2e+03 0.00011 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 15 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.29 -
1 0.0074 -0.022 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.27 -5.9e-05 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 1.2 0.0014 9.5e+03 0.91 0.5 0.74 +
2 0.0074 -0.022 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.27 -5.9e-05 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 1.2 0.0014 9.5e+03 0.91 0.25 0.74 -
3 0.0074 -0.022 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.27 -5.9e-05 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 1.2 0.0014 9.5e+03 0.91 0.12 0.74 -
4 0.0074 -0.022 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.27 -5.9e-05 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 1.2 0.0014 9.5e+03 0.91 0.062 0.74 -
5 0.0074 -0.022 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.27 -5.9e-05 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 1.2 0.0014 9.5e+03 0.91 0.031 -17 -
6 0.0074 -0.022 -0.0062 -0.0018 -0.27 -5.9e-05 -0.14 -0.0056 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 1.2 0.0014 9.5e+03 0.91 0.016 -4.2 -
7 -0.0082 -0.034 -0.022 -0.0029 -0.26 0.016 -0.13 -0.005 -0.054 -0.011 0.19 -0.49 -0.0021 1.2 -0.013 9.4e+03 5 0.016 0.58 +
8 -0.015 -0.038 -0.027 -0.0033 -0.27 0.02 -0.12 -0.0049 -0.063 -0.026 0.19 -0.5 0.00037 1.2 -0.012 9.3e+03 0.27 0.016 0.77 +
9 -0.022 -0.042 -0.033 -0.0037 -0.27 0.027 -0.12 -0.0047 -0.076 -0.042 0.19 -0.5 -0.00096 1.2 -0.0086 9.3e+03 1.5 0.016 0.86 +
10 -0.029 -0.048 -0.04 -0.0043 -0.27 0.035 -0.11 -0.0045 -0.091 -0.058 0.18 -0.51 -0.00062 1.2 -0.0038 9.2e+03 0.58 0.16 1 ++
11 -0.089 -0.1 -0.099 -0.0096 -0.27 0.12 -0.056 -0.0022 -0.25 -0.21 0.14 -0.56 0.00045 1.3 0.044 9e+03 2.4 0.16 0.85 +
12 -0.089 -0.1 -0.099 -0.0096 -0.27 0.12 -0.056 -0.0022 -0.25 -0.21 0.14 -0.56 0.00045 1.3 0.044 9e+03 2.4 0.078 0.85 -
13 -0.089 -0.1 -0.099 -0.0096 -0.27 0.12 -0.056 -0.0022 -0.25 -0.21 0.14 -0.56 0.00045 1.3 0.044 9e+03 2.4 0.039 0.85 -
14 -0.089 -0.1 -0.099 -0.0096 -0.27 0.12 -0.056 -0.0022 -0.25 -0.21 0.14 -0.56 0.00045 1.3 0.044 9e+03 2.4 0.02 -9 -
15 -0.089 -0.1 -0.099 -0.0096 -0.27 0.12 -0.056 -0.0022 -0.25 -0.21 0.14 -0.56 0.00045 1.3 0.044 9e+03 2.4 0.0098 -7.1 -
16 -0.089 -0.1 -0.099 -0.0096 -0.27 0.12 -0.056 -0.0022 -0.25 -0.21 0.14 -0.56 0.00045 1.3 0.044 9e+03 2.4 0.0049 -4.1 -
17 -0.089 -0.1 -0.099 -0.0096 -0.27 0.12 -0.056 -0.0022 -0.25 -0.21 0.14 -0.56 0.00045 1.3 0.044 9e+03 2.4 0.0024 -2.4 -
18 -0.089 -0.1 -0.099 -0.0096 -0.27 0.12 -0.056 -0.0022 -0.25 -0.21 0.14 -0.56 0.00045 1.3 0.044 9e+03 2.4 0.0012 -0.64 -
19 -0.088 -0.11 -0.098 -0.011 -0.28 0.12 -0.055 -0.00097 -0.25 -0.2 0.14 -0.56 -0.00077 1.3 0.042 9e+03 2.6 0.0012 0.52 +
20 -0.088 -0.11 -0.098 -0.011 -0.28 0.12 -0.055 -0.00097 -0.25 -0.2 0.14 -0.56 -0.00077 1.3 0.042 9e+03 2.6 0.00061 -0.18 -
21 -0.087 -0.11 -0.098 -0.011 -0.28 0.12 -0.055 -0.00036 -0.25 -0.2 0.14 -0.56 -0.00016 1.3 0.043 9e+03 2.2 0.00061 0.28 +
22 -0.087 -0.11 -0.098 -0.011 -0.28 0.12 -0.055 -0.00036 -0.25 -0.2 0.14 -0.56 -0.00016 1.3 0.043 9e+03 2.2 0.00031 0.039 -
23 -0.087 -0.11 -0.097 -0.012 -0.28 0.12 -0.054 -5e-05 -0.25 -0.2 0.14 -0.56 -0.00047 1.3 0.043 9e+03 0.33 0.00031 0.71 +
24 -0.087 -0.11 -0.097 -0.012 -0.28 0.12 -0.054 -4.6e-05 -0.25 -0.2 0.13 -0.56 -0.00044 1.3 0.043 9e+03 0.073 0.0031 1 ++
25 -0.085 -0.11 -0.097 -0.012 -0.28 0.12 -0.053 -8.4e-07 -0.25 -0.2 0.13 -0.56 -0.00046 1.3 0.043 9e+03 0.3 0.031 1 ++
26 -0.074 -0.11 -0.093 -0.012 -0.28 0.14 -0.046 0.00046 -0.27 -0.19 0.1 -0.57 -0.00042 1.3 0.042 8.9e+03 0.06 0.31 1 ++
27 -0.0093 -0.19 -0.086 -0.021 -0.29 0.29 0.049 0.0063 -0.5 -0.17 -0.2 -0.65 -0.00052 1.5 0.096 8.7e+03 1.1 0.31 0.78 +
28 -0.0093 -0.19 -0.086 -0.021 -0.29 0.29 0.049 0.0063 -0.5 -0.17 -0.2 -0.65 -0.00052 1.5 0.096 8.7e+03 1.1 0.15 0.082 -
29 -0.077 -0.21 -0.13 -0.024 -0.28 0.31 0.072 0.008 -0.5 -0.32 -0.19 -0.64 -0.001 1.5 0.14 8.5e+03 3.5 0.15 0.89 +
30 -0.043 -0.25 -0.11 -0.031 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.013 -0.55 -0.34 -0.34 -0.69 -0.00039 1.6 0.2 8.5e+03 5.5 0.15 0.55 +
31 -0.043 -0.25 -0.11 -0.031 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.013 -0.55 -0.34 -0.34 -0.69 -0.00039 1.6 0.2 8.5e+03 5.5 0.076 0.55 -
32 -0.043 -0.25 -0.11 -0.031 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.013 -0.55 -0.34 -0.34 -0.69 -0.00039 1.6 0.2 8.5e+03 5.5 0.038 0.55 -
33 -0.043 -0.25 -0.11 -0.031 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.013 -0.55 -0.34 -0.34 -0.69 -0.00039 1.6 0.2 8.5e+03 5.5 0.019 0.55 -
34 -0.043 -0.25 -0.11 -0.031 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.013 -0.55 -0.34 -0.34 -0.69 -0.00039 1.6 0.2 8.5e+03 5.5 0.0095 -2.8 -
35 -0.043 -0.25 -0.11 -0.031 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.013 -0.55 -0.34 -0.34 -0.69 -0.00039 1.6 0.2 8.5e+03 5.5 0.0048 -2.2 -
36 -0.043 -0.25 -0.11 -0.031 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.013 -0.55 -0.34 -0.34 -0.69 -0.00039 1.6 0.2 8.5e+03 5.5 0.0024 -1.4 -
37 -0.043 -0.25 -0.11 -0.031 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.013 -0.55 -0.34 -0.34 -0.69 -0.00039 1.6 0.2 8.5e+03 5.5 0.0012 -0.39 -
38 -0.044 -0.25 -0.11 -0.032 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.014 -0.56 -0.34 -0.34 -0.69 -0.0016 1.6 0.2 8.4e+03 3.6 0.0012 0.31 +
39 -0.044 -0.25 -0.11 -0.032 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.014 -0.56 -0.34 -0.34 -0.69 -0.0016 1.6 0.2 8.4e+03 3.6 0.0006 -0.63 -
40 -0.045 -0.25 -0.11 -0.032 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.014 -0.56 -0.34 -0.34 -0.69 -0.00098 1.6 0.2 8.4e+03 3.9 0.0006 0.83 +
41 -0.045 -0.25 -0.11 -0.032 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.014 -0.56 -0.34 -0.34 -0.69 -0.0011 1.6 0.2 8.4e+03 0.83 0.0006 0.82 +
42 -0.045 -0.25 -0.11 -0.032 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.014 -0.56 -0.34 -0.34 -0.69 -0.0011 1.6 0.2 8.4e+03 0.1 0.006 0.99 ++
43 -0.048 -0.25 -0.11 -0.033 -0.31 0.39 0.1 0.014 -0.56 -0.35 -0.34 -0.68 -0.0011 1.6 0.2 8.4e+03 0.058 0.06 1 ++
44 -0.072 -0.27 -0.13 -0.038 -0.31 0.44 0.13 0.018 -0.57 -0.41 -0.4 -0.67 -0.0011 1.6 0.22 8.4e+03 0.052 0.6 0.97 ++
45 -0.072 -0.27 -0.13 -0.038 -0.31 0.44 0.13 0.018 -0.57 -0.41 -0.4 -0.67 -0.0011 1.6 0.22 8.4e+03 0.052 0.29 -7.9 -
46 -0.12 -0.39 -0.14 -0.069 -0.44 0.65 0.18 0.038 -0.62 -0.52 -0.69 -0.73 -0.0013 1.9 0.25 8.3e+03 0.1 2.9 0.96 ++
47 -0.12 -0.39 -0.14 -0.069 -0.44 0.65 0.18 0.038 -0.62 -0.52 -0.69 -0.73 -0.0013 1.9 0.25 8.3e+03 0.1 1.4 0.96 -
48 -0.12 -0.39 -0.14 -0.069 -0.44 0.65 0.18 0.038 -0.62 -0.52 -0.69 -0.73 -0.0013 1.9 0.25 8.3e+03 0.1 0.72 -54 -
49 -0.12 -0.39 -0.14 -0.069 -0.44 0.65 0.18 0.038 -0.62 -0.52 -0.69 -0.73 -0.0013 1.9 0.25 8.3e+03 0.1 0.36 -13 -
50 -0.12 -0.39 -0.14 -0.069 -0.44 0.65 0.18 0.038 -0.62 -0.52 -0.69 -0.73 -0.0013 1.9 0.25 8.3e+03 0.1 0.18 -0.64 -
51 -0.17 -0.4 -0.13 -0.084 -0.52 0.67 0.15 0.046 -0.57 -0.54 -0.66 -0.79 -0.00052 1.9 0.067 8.2e+03 0.24 0.18 0.87 +
52 -0.22 -0.42 -0.1 -0.11 -0.57 0.74 0.19 0.063 -0.54 -0.63 -0.84 -0.86 -0.00061 1.9 0.093 8.2e+03 1.6 1.8 0.97 ++
53 -0.22 -0.42 -0.1 -0.11 -0.57 0.74 0.19 0.063 -0.54 -0.63 -0.84 -0.86 -0.00061 1.9 0.093 8.2e+03 1.6 0.9 -69 -
54 -0.22 -0.42 -0.1 -0.11 -0.57 0.74 0.19 0.063 -0.54 -0.63 -0.84 -0.86 -0.00061 1.9 0.093 8.2e+03 1.6 0.45 -19 -
55 -0.22 -0.42 -0.1 -0.11 -0.57 0.74 0.19 0.063 -0.54 -0.63 -0.84 -0.86 -0.00061 1.9 0.093 8.2e+03 1.6 0.23 -3.7 -
56 -0.31 -0.42 -0.076 -0.15 -0.69 0.77 0.19 0.087 -0.54 -0.79 -1 -1.1 0.00013 2 -0.091 8.2e+03 8.5 0.23 0.31 +
57 -0.32 -0.4 -0.054 -0.17 -0.65 0.8 0.26 0.1 -0.53 -0.87 -1.2 -1.2 -4e-05 2.1 -0.051 8.1e+03 3.4 2.3 0.99 ++
58 -0.32 -0.4 -0.054 -0.17 -0.65 0.8 0.26 0.1 -0.53 -0.87 -1.2 -1.2 -4e-05 2.1 -0.051 8.1e+03 3.4 0.51 -5.4 -
59 -0.5 -0.3 -0.013 -0.25 -0.65 0.76 0.29 0.15 -0.61 -1.2 -1.7 -1.7 0.00027 2.1 -0.12 8.1e+03 16 0.51 0.45 +
60 -0.46 -0.23 -0.075 -0.3 -0.41 0.85 0.28 0.14 -0.6 -1.5 -2.2 -2.1 0.00018 2 -0.098 8.1e+03 11 0.51 0.75 +
61 -0.45 -0.31 -0.065 -0.36 -0.48 0.91 0.31 0.15 -0.61 -1.6 -2.2 -2.2 0.00022 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 3.3 0.51 0.84 +
62 -0.44 -0.31 -0.069 -0.36 -0.51 0.91 0.32 0.16 -0.61 -1.5 -2.2 -2.2 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.36 5.1 1.1 ++
63 -0.44 -0.31 -0.069 -0.36 -0.51 0.91 0.32 0.16 -0.61 -1.5 -2.2 -2.2 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.0062 51 1 ++
64 -0.44 -0.31 -0.069 -0.36 -0.51 0.91 0.32 0.16 -0.61 -1.5 -2.2 -2.2 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 1.5e-07 51 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
*** New pareto solution:
ASC:GA-LUGGAGE;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:altspec;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:power [8068.85646388992, 15]
Attempt 85/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 7 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.21 -
1 -0.051 -0.28 -0.091 -0.14 0.22 -0.5 1.2 9.3e+03 0.057 0.5 0.88 +
2 0.16 0.0054 -0.59 -0.3 -0.28 -0.84 1 9.2e+03 0.14 5 1.4 ++
3 0.16 0.0054 -0.59 -0.3 -0.28 -0.84 1 9.2e+03 0.14 2.5 -16 -
4 0.16 0.0054 -0.59 -0.3 -0.28 -0.84 1 9.2e+03 0.14 1.2 -1.4 -
5 -0.68 -0.21 -0.92 -1.2 -1.5 -1.4 2.2 9e+03 0.13 1.2 0.26 +
6 -0.61 -0.27 -0.78 -0.64 -0.96 -1.2 1 8.7e+03 0.077 1.2 0.61 +
7 -0.55 -0.23 -0.78 -0.97 -1.4 -1.6 1 8.6e+03 0.01 12 1 ++
8 -0.54 -0.25 -0.78 -0.96 -1.4 -1.7 1 8.6e+03 0.002 1.2e+02 1.1 ++
9 -0.54 -0.14 -0.79 -1 -1.5 -1.8 1 8.6e+03 0.00014 1.2e+03 1 ++
10 -0.54 -0.14 -0.79 -1 -1.5 -1.8 1 8.6e+03 3.5e-08 1.2e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 86/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 87/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 88/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_commuter cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -2.1 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.25 -0.095 -
2 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 1 0 9.5e+03 2 2.5 1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 1 0 9.5e+03 2 1.2 1 -
4 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 1 0 9.5e+03 2 0.62 -4.1 -
5 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 1 0 9.5e+03 2 0.31 -2.3 -
6 0.0078 -0.023 -0.25 -0.00017 -0.0062 0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.048 0 1 0 9.5e+03 2 0.16 -0.22 -
7 0.028 -0.047 -0.35 0.015 0.0075 0.24 -0.35 -0.41 -0.089 -0.0038 1.1 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.16 0.27 +
8 0.028 -0.047 -0.35 0.015 0.0075 0.24 -0.35 -0.41 -0.089 -0.0038 1.1 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.078 -0.8 -
9 0.028 -0.047 -0.35 0.015 0.0075 0.24 -0.35 -0.41 -0.089 -0.0038 1.1 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.039 -0.7 -
10 0.028 -0.047 -0.35 0.015 0.0075 0.24 -0.35 -0.41 -0.089 -0.0038 1.1 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.02 -0.64 -
11 0.028 -0.047 -0.35 0.015 0.0075 0.24 -0.35 -0.41 -0.089 -0.0038 1.1 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.0098 -0.55 -
12 0.028 -0.047 -0.35 0.015 0.0075 0.24 -0.35 -0.41 -0.089 -0.0038 1.1 0.11 9.4e+03 11 0.0049 -0.094 -
13 0.032 -0.052 -0.36 0.02 0.012 0.23 -0.36 -0.41 -0.084 0.0011 1.1 0.12 9.2e+03 5.2 0.0049 0.34 +
14 0.032 -0.052 -0.36 0.02 0.012 0.23 -0.36 -0.41 -0.084 0.0011 1.1 0.12 9.2e+03 5.2 0.0024 -0.53 -
15 0.034 -0.054 -0.36 0.022 0.014 0.23 -0.36 -0.41 -0.081 -0.0013 1.1 0.12 9.1e+03 4.7 0.0024 0.61 +
16 0.034 -0.055 -0.36 0.023 0.014 0.23 -0.36 -0.42 -0.082 -0.00087 1.1 0.12 9.1e+03 2.7 0.024 1.3 ++
17 0.036 -0.062 -0.37 0.031 0.017 0.21 -0.37 -0.43 -0.085 -0.00031 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 5.5 0.024 0.33 +
18 0.036 -0.062 -0.37 0.031 0.017 0.21 -0.37 -0.43 -0.085 -0.00031 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 5.5 0.012 -2.4 -
19 0.036 -0.062 -0.37 0.031 0.017 0.21 -0.37 -0.43 -0.085 -0.00031 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 5.5 0.0061 -2 -
20 0.036 -0.062 -0.37 0.031 0.017 0.21 -0.37 -0.43 -0.085 -0.00031 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 5.5 0.0031 -1.6 -
21 0.036 -0.062 -0.37 0.031 0.017 0.21 -0.37 -0.43 -0.085 -0.00031 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 5.5 0.0015 -0.95 -
22 0.036 -0.062 -0.37 0.031 0.017 0.21 -0.37 -0.43 -0.085 -0.00031 1.1 0.13 9.1e+03 5.5 0.00076 -0.22 -
23 0.037 -0.063 -0.37 0.032 0.017 0.2 -0.37 -0.43 -0.086 -0.0011 1.1 0.13 9e+03 3 0.00076 0.43 +
24 0.037 -0.063 -0.37 0.032 0.017 0.2 -0.37 -0.43 -0.086 -0.0011 1.1 0.13 9e+03 3 0.00038 -0.71 -
25 0.037 -0.064 -0.37 0.032 0.018 0.2 -0.37 -0.44 -0.087 -0.00069 1.1 0.13 9e+03 5 0.00038 0.39 +
26 0.037 -0.064 -0.37 0.032 0.018 0.2 -0.37 -0.44 -0.087 -0.00069 1.1 0.13 9e+03 5 0.00019 -0.17 -
27 0.037 -0.064 -0.37 0.032 0.018 0.2 -0.37 -0.44 -0.087 -0.00088 1.1 0.13 9e+03 2.6 0.00019 0.33 +
28 0.037 -0.064 -0.37 0.032 0.018 0.2 -0.37 -0.44 -0.087 -0.00088 1.1 0.13 9e+03 2.6 9.5e-05 -0.45 -
29 0.037 -0.064 -0.37 0.032 0.018 0.2 -0.37 -0.44 -0.087 -0.00079 1.1 0.13 9e+03 0.89 9.5e-05 0.68 +
30 0.037 -0.064 -0.37 0.032 0.018 0.2 -0.37 -0.44 -0.087 -0.0008 1.1 0.13 9e+03 0.064 0.00095 1 ++
31 0.037 -0.064 -0.37 0.033 0.018 0.2 -0.37 -0.44 -0.087 -0.00081 1.1 0.13 9e+03 0.39 0.0095 1 ++
32 0.038 -0.067 -0.37 0.036 0.019 0.19 -0.37 -0.44 -0.088 -0.00082 1.1 0.13 9e+03 0.063 0.095 1 ++
33 0.038 -0.097 -0.39 0.07 0.022 0.098 -0.41 -0.51 -0.097 -0.00098 1.1 0.17 8.9e+03 0.19 0.95 0.99 ++
34 -0.54 -0.7 -0.47 1 -0.38 -0.78 -1.1 -0.95 -0.11 0.00044 1.5 -0.17 8.6e+03 18 0.95 0.42 +
35 -0.54 -0.7 -0.47 1 -0.38 -0.78 -1.1 -0.95 -0.11 0.00044 1.5 -0.17 8.6e+03 18 0.48 -0.62 -
36 -0.55 -0.72 -0.47 0.92 -0.42 -0.89 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00033 1.6 0.031 8.4e+03 20 0.48 0.22 +
37 -0.55 -0.72 -0.47 0.92 -0.42 -0.89 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00033 1.6 0.031 8.4e+03 20 0.24 -6.3 -
38 -0.55 -0.72 -0.47 0.92 -0.42 -0.89 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00033 1.6 0.031 8.4e+03 20 0.12 -1.1 -
39 -0.55 -0.72 -0.47 0.92 -0.42 -0.89 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00033 1.6 0.031 8.4e+03 20 0.06 -0.045 -
40 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00079 1.5 -0.028 8.4e+03 32 0.06 0.13 +
41 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00079 1.5 -0.028 8.4e+03 32 0.03 -0.21 -
42 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00079 1.5 -0.028 8.4e+03 32 0.015 -0.15 -
43 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00079 1.5 -0.028 8.4e+03 32 0.0075 -0.15 -
44 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00079 1.5 -0.028 8.4e+03 32 0.0037 -0.15 -
45 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00079 1.5 -0.028 8.4e+03 32 0.0019 -0.16 -
46 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00079 1.5 -0.028 8.4e+03 32 0.00093 -0.16 -
47 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 0.00014 1.5 -0.027 8.3e+03 19 0.00093 0.39 +
48 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 0.00014 1.5 -0.027 8.3e+03 19 0.00047 -0.44 -
49 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00032 1.5 -0.028 8.3e+03 13 0.00047 0.41 +
50 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00019 1.5 -0.028 8.3e+03 8.1 0.0047 1.4 ++
51 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00019 1.5 -0.028 8.3e+03 8.1 0.0023 -2.5 -
52 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00019 1.5 -0.028 8.3e+03 8.1 0.0012 -3 -
53 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00019 1.5 -0.028 8.3e+03 8.1 0.00058 -3.4 -
54 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00019 1.5 -0.028 8.3e+03 8.1 0.00029 -3.6 -
55 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00019 1.5 -0.028 8.3e+03 8.1 0.00015 -2.3 -
56 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00019 1.5 -0.028 8.3e+03 8.1 7.3e-05 -1.1 -
57 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00012 1.5 -0.028 8.3e+03 14 7.3e-05 0.24 +
58 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00015 1.5 -0.028 8.3e+03 4.7 7.3e-05 0.62 +
59 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00013 1.5 -0.028 8.3e+03 3.1 7.3e-05 0.66 +
60 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00014 1.5 -0.029 8.3e+03 0.16 0.00073 1 ++
61 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00014 1.5 -0.029 8.3e+03 0.15 0.0073 1 ++
62 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.93 -0.42 -0.9 -0.99 -1.4 -0.24 -0.00011 1.5 -0.037 8.2e+03 0.13 0.073 1 ++
63 -0.55 -0.72 -0.46 0.94 -0.43 -0.82 -1 -1.4 -0.26 0.00019 1.5 -0.11 8.2e+03 14 0.073 0.64 +
64 -0.48 -0.74 -0.4 0.96 -0.4 -0.83 -1 -1.5 -0.32 0.0001 1.5 -0.088 8.2e+03 8.5 0.73 1 ++
65 -0.23 -1.1 -0.46 1.2 -0.39 -0.8 -1.1 -2.1 -0.9 0.00028 1 -0.12 8.2e+03 2.8 0.73 0.42 +
66 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 0.73 0.46 +
67 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 0.36 -2.2 -
68 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 0.18 -1.7 -
69 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 0.091 -1.2 -
70 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 0.045 -1 -
71 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 0.023 -0.86 -
72 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 0.011 -0.69 -
73 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 0.0057 -0.63 -
74 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 0.0028 -0.67 -
75 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 0.0014 -0.71 -
76 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 0.00071 -0.75 -
77 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 0.00036 -0.76 -
78 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 0.00018 -0.77 -
79 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 8.9e-05 -0.66 -
80 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00013 1 -0.1 8.2e+03 48 4.4e-05 0.012 -
81 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00018 1 -0.1 8.1e+03 14 4.4e-05 0.68 +
82 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00017 1 -0.1 8.1e+03 5.1 4.4e-05 0.75 +
83 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00017 1 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.12 0.00044 1 ++
84 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00017 1 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.056 0.0044 1 ++
85 -0.19 -1.1 -0.51 1.3 -0.34 -0.77 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.83 0.044 0.98 ++
86 -0.17 -1.1 -0.54 1.3 -0.36 -0.76 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.2 0.44 1.1 ++
87 -0.17 -1.1 -0.54 1.3 -0.36 -0.76 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.0002 1 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.0014 4.4 1 ++
88 -0.18 -1.1 -0.56 1.3 -0.36 -0.76 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.00039 44 1 ++
89 -0.18 -1.1 -0.56 1.3 -0.36 -0.76 -1.1 -2.1 -1.1 0.00021 1 -0.11 8.1e+03 3.6e-06 44 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 17 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.48 -
1 1e+04 1.4 0.5 0.2 +
2 1e+04 1.4 0.25 -5.5 -
3 1e+04 1.4 0.12 -6.3 -
4 1e+04 1.4 0.062 -3.9 -
5 9.6e+03 6.2 0.062 0.87 +
6 9.6e+03 6.2 0.031 -0.071 -
7 9.6e+03 6.2 0.016 -0.071 -
8 9.6e+03 6.2 0.0078 -0.077 -
9 9.5e+03 1.7 0.0078 0.19 +
10 9.5e+03 1.7 0.0039 -0.016 -
11 9.4e+03 1 0.039 0.96 ++
12 9.4e+03 0.063 0.39 1 ++
13 9e+03 2 3.9 0.93 ++
14 9e+03 2 2 -13 -
15 9e+03 2 0.98 -4.4 -
16 9e+03 2 0.49 -0.6 -
17 8.6e+03 2.7 0.49 0.51 +
18 8.4e+03 3.2 4.9 0.91 ++
19 8.4e+03 3.2 0.89 -4.2e+02 -
20 8.4e+03 3.2 0.44 -1.2 -
21 8.4e+03 3.3 0.44 0.41 +
22 8.4e+03 3.3 0.22 -2.6 -
23 8.4e+03 3.3 0.11 -2.9 -
24 8.4e+03 3.3 0.056 -3.3 -
25 8.4e+03 3.3 0.028 -2.5 -
26 8.4e+03 3.3 0.014 -2 -
27 8.4e+03 3.3 0.0069 -1.8 -
28 8.4e+03 3.3 0.0035 -1.6 -
29 8.4e+03 3.3 0.0017 -1.3 -
30 8.4e+03 3.3 0.00087 -0.86 -
31 8.4e+03 3.3 0.00043 0.048 -
32 8.3e+03 3.2 0.0043 1 ++
33 8.3e+03 3.2 0.0022 -2.4 -
34 8.3e+03 3.2 0.0011 -2.6 -
35 8.3e+03 3.2 0.00054 -2.7 -
36 8.3e+03 3.2 0.00027 -1.6 -
37 8.3e+03 3.2 0.00014 -0.5 -
38 8.3e+03 1.6 0.00014 0.61 +
39 8.3e+03 0.026 0.0014 1 ++
40 8.3e+03 0.03 0.014 1 ++
41 8.3e+03 0.021 0.14 1 ++
42 8.3e+03 0.16 1.4 0.91 ++
43 8.3e+03 0.23 14 1.1 ++
44 8.2e+03 0.066 1.4e+02 1.3 ++
45 8.2e+03 0.13 1.4e+03 1.2 ++
46 8.2e+03 1.5 1.4e+04 1.3 ++
47 8.2e+03 0.43 1.4e+05 1.1 ++
48 8.2e+03 0.065 1.4e+06 1 ++
49 8.2e+03 8e-05 1.4e+06 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 89/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_1st_ B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_1st_c B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_1s lambda_travel_t mu_public Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.1e+04 0.22 0.5 0.031 -
1 -0.073 -0.5 -0.13 0.35 -0.45 -0.16 -0.11 -0.2 -0.11 -0.38 -0.19 1.1 1.5 9.4e+03 0.17 0.5 0.53 +
2 -0.17 -0.36 -0.22 -0.15 -0.4 -0.26 -0.16 -0.34 -0.19 -0.38 -0.2 1.1 1.4 8.9e+03 0.054 0.5 0.83 +
3 -0.42 -0.35 -0.48 -0.65 -0.83 -0.52 -0.37 -0.7 -0.41 -0.72 -0.39 1.2 1.6 8.5e+03 0.022 5 1 ++
4 -0.42 -0.35 -0.48 -0.65 -0.83 -0.52 -0.37 -0.7 -0.41 -0.72 -0.39 1.2 1.6 8.5e+03 0.022 2.5 1 -
5 -0.42 -0.35 -0.48 -0.65 -0.83 -0.52 -0.37 -0.7 -0.41 -0.72 -0.39 1.2 1.6 8.5e+03 0.022 1.2 -21 -
6 -0.42 -0.35 -0.48 -0.65 -0.83 -0.52 -0.37 -0.7 -0.41 -0.72 -0.39 1.2 1.6 8.5e+03 0.022 0.62 -0.88 -
7 -0.48 0.039 -0.53 -0.83 -1.5 -0.63 -0.62 -0.86 -0.49 -0.86 -0.43 0.84 1.6 8.4e+03 0.0044 6.2 1.1 ++
8 -0.48 0.039 -0.53 -0.83 -1.5 -0.63 -0.62 -0.86 -0.49 -0.86 -0.43 0.84 1.6 8.4e+03 0.0044 0.51 0.039 -
9 -0.48 0.22 -0.63 -1.1 -1.8 -0.85 -0.99 -1.2 -0.28 -1.3 -0.42 0.33 1.5 8.3e+03 0.01 5.1 0.94 ++
10 -0.14 0.22 -0.65 -0.84 -1.6 -0.93 -0.88 -1.5 -0.34 -1.7 -0.51 0.39 1 8.3e+03 0.02 5.1 0.58 +
11 -0.11 0.18 -0.69 -0.87 -1.8 -0.98 -0.86 -1.4 -0.3 -1.8 -0.58 0.3 1 8.3e+03 0.0042 51 1.1 ++
12 -0.0049 0.33 -0.77 -0.88 -1.9 -1.1 -0.89 -1.6 -0.25 -2.1 -0.63 0.14 1 8.3e+03 0.0012 5.1e+02 0.93 ++
13 -0.0049 0.33 -0.77 -0.88 -1.9 -1.1 -0.89 -1.6 -0.25 -2.1 -0.63 0.14 1 8.3e+03 2.5e-05 5.1e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Attempt 90/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.89 -
1 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 5 1 ++
2 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 2.5 1 -
3 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 1.2 1 -
4 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.62 1 -
5 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.31 1 -
6 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.16 1 -
7 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.078 1 -
8 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.039 1 -
9 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.02 1 -
10 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.0098 -5.5 -
11 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.0049 -4 -
12 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.0024 -2.9 -
13 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.0012 -2 -
14 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.00061 -1.1 -
15 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1.5 0 8.9e+03 7 0.00031 -0.17 -
16 0.021 -0.017 -0.0052 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00031 1.5 -0.00031 8.9e+03 4.1 0.00031 0.6 +
17 0.021 -0.017 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00019 1.5 -0.00019 8.9e+03 4.4 0.00031 0.31 +
18 0.021 -0.017 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00025 1.5 -7.4e-05 8.9e+03 0.9 0.00031 0.86 +
19 0.021 -0.017 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00024 1.5 4.5e-05 8.9e+03 0.069 0.0031 1 ++
20 0.02 -0.019 -0.0054 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00025 1.5 0.0012 8.9e+03 0.18 0.031 1 ++
21 0.015 -0.032 -0.0063 -0.49 -0.37 -0.015 -0.14 -0.51 -0.5 -0.0003 1.5 0.013 8.8e+03 0.065 0.31 1 ++
22 -0.014 -0.15 -0.016 -0.42 -0.16 -0.012 -0.45 -0.58 -0.53 -0.00059 1.5 0.079 8.6e+03 0.92 3.1 1 ++
23 -0.014 -0.15 -0.016 -0.42 -0.16 -0.012 -0.45 -0.58 -0.53 -0.00059 1.5 0.079 8.6e+03 0.92 1.5 1 -
24 -0.014 -0.15 -0.016 -0.42 -0.16 -0.012 -0.45 -0.58 -0.53 -0.00059 1.5 0.079 8.6e+03 0.92 0.76 -56 -
25 -0.014 -0.15 -0.016 -0.42 -0.16 -0.012 -0.45 -0.58 -0.53 -0.00059 1.5 0.079 8.6e+03 0.92 0.38 -7.1 -
26 0.17 -0.22 -0.051 -0.54 0.19 0.0022 -0.83 -0.79 -0.57 -3.8e-06 1.8 -0.048 8.4e+03 12 0.38 0.78 +
27 0.17 -0.22 -0.051 -0.54 0.19 0.0022 -0.83 -0.79 -0.57 -3.8e-06 1.8 -0.048 8.4e+03 12 0.19 0.02 -
28 0.1 -0.2 -0.086 -0.57 0.26 0.027 -0.66 -0.98 -0.63 -2.5e-05 1.8 -0.067 8.4e+03 15 0.19 0.82 +
29 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00032 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 13 0.19 0.14 +
30 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00032 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 13 0.095 -1.2 -
31 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00032 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 13 0.048 -1 -
32 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00032 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 13 0.024 -0.63 -
33 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00032 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 13 0.012 -0.59 -
34 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00032 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 13 0.006 -0.26 -
35 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00032 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 13 0.003 -0.11 -
36 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00032 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 13 0.0015 -0.043 -
37 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00032 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 13 0.00075 -0.03 -
38 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00032 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 13 0.00037 -0.039 -
39 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00032 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 13 0.00019 -0.049 -
40 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00032 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 13 9.3e-05 -0.057 -
41 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00023 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 21 9.3e-05 0.36 +
42 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00024 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 4.5 0.00093 1.1 ++
43 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00025 1.9 -0.11 8.4e+03 0.56 0.0093 1 ++
44 0.14 -0.12 -0.13 -0.58 0.33 0.06 -0.66 -1.2 -0.68 0.00018 1.9 -0.1 8.3e+03 11 0.093 0.92 ++
45 0.17 -0.065 -0.17 -0.52 0.42 0.1 -0.67 -1.2 -0.66 0.00013 2 -0.091 8.3e+03 1.1 0.93 1 ++
46 0.16 -0.05 -0.45 -0.56 0.47 0.34 -0.66 -1.4 -0.53 0.00016 2 -0.097 8.3e+03 0.29 9.3 0.99 ++
47 0.16 -0.055 -0.5 -0.57 0.49 0.31 -0.66 -1.4 -0.54 0.00016 1.9 -0.096 8.3e+03 0.016 93 1 ++
48 0.16 -0.055 -0.51 -0.57 0.49 0.29 -0.66 -1.4 -0.54 0.00016 1.9 -0.096 8.3e+03 0.00017 9.3e+02 1 ++
49 0.16 -0.055 -0.51 -0.57 0.49 0.29 -0.66 -1.4 -0.54 0.00016 1.9 -0.096 8.3e+03 1.5e-05 9.3e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 12 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef mu_public square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.1e+04 0.26 0.5 -0.54 -
1 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9e+03 4.7 5 1.1 ++
2 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9e+03 4.7 0.64 -5.8 -
3 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9e+03 4.7 0.32 -5 -
4 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9e+03 4.7 0.16 -4.8 -
5 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9e+03 4.7 0.081 -3.2 -
6 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9e+03 4.7 0.04 -3.2 -
7 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9e+03 4.7 0.02 -3.8 -
8 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9e+03 4.7 0.01 -4.4 -
9 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9e+03 4.7 0.005 -4.9 -
10 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9e+03 4.7 0.0025 -4.1 -
11 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9e+03 4.7 0.0013 -2.4 -
12 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9e+03 4.7 0.00063 -1.2 -
13 0.021 -0.017 -0.0049 -0.5 -0.39 -0.015 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 0 1 0 9e+03 4.7 0.00031 -0.17 -
14 0.021 -0.017 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.39 -0.016 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00031 1 0.00031 9e+03 2.8 0.00031 0.63 +
15 0.021 -0.017 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.39 -0.016 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00023 1 0.00063 9e+03 1.8 0.00031 0.66 +
16 0.021 -0.017 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.39 -0.016 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00026 1 0.00094 9e+03 0.17 0.0031 0.97 ++
17 0.02 -0.018 -0.0053 -0.5 -0.39 -0.016 -0.11 -0.5 -0.5 -0.00027 1 0.0041 9e+03 0.083 0.031 1 ++
18 0.017 -0.025 -0.006 -0.51 -0.38 -0.016 -0.13 -0.52 -0.51 -0.00042 1 0.036 9e+03 0.26 0.31 1 ++
19 0.024 -0.091 -0.015 -0.54 -0.24 -0.015 -0.44 -0.64 -0.54 -0.00075 1 0.11 8.7e+03 0.55 3.1 0.99 ++
20 0.024 -0.091 -0.015 -0.54 -0.24 -0.015 -0.44 -0.64 -0.54 -0.00075 1 0.11 8.7e+03 0.55 1.6 -90 -
21 0.024 -0.091 -0.015 -0.54 -0.24 -0.015 -0.44 -0.64 -0.54 -0.00075 1 0.11 8.7e+03 0.55 0.79 -30 -
22 0.024 -0.091 -0.015 -0.54 -0.24 -0.015 -0.44 -0.64 -0.54 -0.00075 1 0.11 8.7e+03 0.55 0.39 -1.5 -
23 0.077 -0.17 -0.035 -0.62 0.044 -0.0096 -0.84 -0.78 -0.56 -0.00021 1.2 -0.01 8.6e+03 0.54 0.39 0.87 +
24 0.024 -0.22 -0.08 -0.71 0.44 0.029 -0.81 -1.1 -0.7 7.5e-05 1.3 -0.072 8.5e+03 7 3.9 1.1 ++
25 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 39 0.96 ++
26 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 0.28 -1 -
27 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 0.14 -0.5 -
28 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 0.071 -0.45 -
29 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 0.035 -0.35 -
30 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 0.018 -0.23 -
31 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 0.0089 -0.17 -
32 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 0.0044 -0.19 -
33 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 0.0022 -0.18 -
34 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 0.0011 -0.076 -
35 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 0.00055 -0.03 -
36 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 0.00028 -0.0076 -
37 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 0.00014 0.0033 -
38 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 8.3e-05 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 20 6.9e-05 0.0087 -
39 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 0.00015 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 8.7 6.9e-05 0.52 +
40 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 0.00012 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 8.5 6.9e-05 0.29 +
41 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 0.00013 1.1 -0.091 8.4e+03 0.61 0.00069 0.94 ++
42 0.14 -0.15 -0.5 -0.92 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 0.00013 1.1 -0.09 8.4e+03 0.024 0.0069 1 ++
43 0.14 -0.14 -0.5 -0.93 0.7 0.64 -0.84 -1.5 -0.73 0.00011 1.1 -0.087 8.4e+03 0.091 0.069 1 ++
44 0.14 -0.15 -0.51 -0.98 0.72 0.64 -0.83 -1.5 -0.74 0.00014 1.1 -0.095 8.4e+03 2.8 0.69 0.99 ++
45 0.2 -0.14 -0.54 -1.1 0.81 0.67 -0.85 -1.6 -0.74 0.00014 1 -0.094 8.4e+03 0.29 6.9 0.94 ++
46 0.2 -0.14 -0.55 -1.1 0.82 0.68 -0.84 -1.7 -0.74 0.00016 1 -0.097 8.4e+03 0.12 69 1 ++
47 0.2 -0.13 -0.63 -1.2 0.9 0.85 -0.85 -1.7 -0.72 0.00016 1 -0.096 8.4e+03 0.014 6.9e+02 1 ++
48 0.2 -0.13 -0.64 -1.2 0.91 0.85 -0.85 -1.7 -0.73 0.00016 1 -0.096 8.4e+03 0.00059 6.9e+03 1 ++
49 0.2 -0.13 -0.64 -1.2 0.91 0.85 -0.85 -1.7 -0.73 0.00016 1 -0.096 8.4e+03 4e-06 6.9e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 10 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_1st_ B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_1st_c B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_1s lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.54 -0.98 -0.82 -0.63 -0.5 -0.72 -0.41 -0.8 -0.39 2 9.2e+03 0.1 1 0.62 +
1 -0.54 -0.98 -0.82 -0.63 -0.5 -0.72 -0.41 -0.8 -0.39 2 9.2e+03 0.1 0.5 -0.39 -
2 -0.23 -0.69 -0.79 -0.13 -0.41 -0.48 -0.49 -0.77 -0.52 1.8 8.7e+03 0.025 0.5 0.86 +
3 -0.33 -0.92 -0.83 -0.21 -0.55 -0.55 -0.66 -0.78 -0.58 1.3 8.6e+03 0.0088 5 1.1 ++
4 -0.33 -0.92 -0.83 -0.21 -0.55 -0.55 -0.66 -0.78 -0.58 1.3 8.6e+03 0.0088 2.3 -1e+02 -
5 -0.33 -0.92 -0.83 -0.21 -0.55 -0.55 -0.66 -0.78 -0.58 1.3 8.6e+03 0.0088 1.2 -4.4 -
6 0.033 -0.26 -0.88 -0.67 -1 -1.4 -1.1 -1.7 -1.3 0.18 8.5e+03 0.026 1.2 0.54 +
7 0.084 -0.16 -0.87 -0.96 -0.91 -1.5 -0.35 -2.2 -1.1 0.2 8.4e+03 0.002 12 0.96 ++
8 0.084 -0.16 -0.87 -0.96 -0.91 -1.5 -0.35 -2.2 -1.1 0.2 8.4e+03 3e-05 12 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Attempt 91/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 92/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.48 -0.0062 -0.4 -0.88 0.32 0.24 -0.53 -0.74 -0.85 -0.57 -0.43 8.6e+03 0.054 10 1.1 ++
1 -0.41 -0.11 -0.58 -0.77 0.61 0.5 -0.36 -0.86 -1.4 -0.94 -0.55 8.4e+03 0.021 1e+02 1.2 ++
2 -0.45 -0.12 -0.61 -0.77 0.73 0.62 -0.34 -0.91 -1.7 -0.99 -0.61 8.3e+03 0.0037 1e+03 1.1 ++
3 -0.45 -0.12 -0.61 -0.77 0.73 0.62 -0.34 -0.91 -1.7 -0.99 -0.61 8.3e+03 0.00011 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 8 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.084 -0.57 -0.17 -0.55 -0.35 -1 -0.51 1.5 8.9e+03 0.043 1 0.83 +
1 -0.51 -0.37 -0.24 -0.88 -1.3 -1.1 -0.62 1 8.4e+03 0.016 10 1.1 ++
2 -0.26 0.22 -0.38 -0.89 -1.9 -1.6 -0.57 0.34 8.4e+03 0.0092 10 0.86 +
3 -0.26 0.16 -0.45 -0.88 -2 -1.4 -0.56 0.42 8.3e+03 0.00086 1e+02 1 ++
4 -0.26 0.16 -0.45 -0.88 -2 -1.4 -0.56 0.42 8.3e+03 3.4e-05 1e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 13 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_1st_ B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_1st_c B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_1s cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.51 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.25 0.067 -
2 0.0068 -0.25 -0.0056 0.22 -0.25 -0.019 -0.0078 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.01 0.0012 9.5e+03 0.99 2.5 0.99 ++
3 0.0068 -0.25 -0.0056 0.22 -0.25 -0.019 -0.0078 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.01 0.0012 9.5e+03 0.99 1.2 -5.8 -
4 0.0068 -0.25 -0.0056 0.22 -0.25 -0.019 -0.0078 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.01 0.0012 9.5e+03 0.99 0.62 -6.2 -
5 0.0068 -0.25 -0.0056 0.22 -0.25 -0.019 -0.0078 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.01 0.0012 9.5e+03 0.99 0.31 -7 -
6 0.0068 -0.25 -0.0056 0.22 -0.25 -0.019 -0.0078 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.01 0.0012 9.5e+03 0.99 0.16 -8.3 -
7 0.0068 -0.25 -0.0056 0.22 -0.25 -0.019 -0.0078 0.18 0.094 -0.25 -0.25 0.01 0.0012 9.5e+03 0.99 0.078 -9.9 -
8 0.014 -0.26 -0.0032 0.15 -0.27 0.051 -0.0025 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.068 -0.021 1.4e+04 6.1 0.78 19 ++
9 0.014 -0.26 -0.0032 0.15 -0.27 0.051 -0.0025 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.068 -0.021 1.4e+04 6.1 0.39 -0.52 -
10 0.014 -0.26 -0.0032 0.15 -0.27 0.051 -0.0025 0.11 0.026 -0.28 -0.26 -0.068 -0.021 1.4e+04 6.1 0.2 -0.27 -
11 0.014 -0.26 -0.0036 0.15 -0.27 0.038 -0.0025 0.1 0.026 -0.26 -0.24 0.13 -0.012 1.1e+04 2.6 0.2 0.35 +
12 0.014 -0.26 -0.0036 0.15 -0.27 0.038 -0.0025 0.1 0.026 -0.26 -0.24 0.13 -0.012 1.1e+04 2.6 0.098 0.0061 -
13 0.0095 -0.26 -0.0085 0.15 -0.27 -0.06 -0.018 0.071 -0.0027 -0.25 -0.24 0.03 -0.016 9.5e+03 0.62 0.098 0.85 +
14 0.0095 -0.26 -0.0085 0.15 -0.27 -0.06 -0.018 0.071 -0.0027 -0.25 -0.24 0.03 -0.016 9.5e+03 0.62 0.049 -9.7 -
15 0.0095 -0.26 -0.0085 0.15 -0.27 -0.06 -0.018 0.071 -0.0027 -0.25 -0.24 0.03 -0.016 9.5e+03 0.62 0.024 -6.2 -
16 -0.015 -0.28 -0.033 0.13 -0.3 -0.035 -0.043 0.046 -0.027 -0.27 -0.27 0.0054 0.0081 9.3e+03 0.12 0.24 0.98 ++
17 -0.015 -0.28 -0.033 0.13 -0.3 -0.035 -0.043 0.046 -0.027 -0.27 -0.27 0.0054 0.0081 9.3e+03 0.12 0.12 -15 -
18 -0.015 -0.28 -0.033 0.13 -0.3 -0.035 -0.043 0.046 -0.027 -0.27 -0.27 0.0054 0.0081 9.3e+03 0.12 0.061 -14 -
19 -0.015 -0.28 -0.033 0.13 -0.3 -0.035 -0.043 0.046 -0.027 -0.27 -0.27 0.0054 0.0081 9.3e+03 0.12 0.031 -14 -
20 -0.015 -0.28 -0.033 0.13 -0.3 -0.035 -0.043 0.046 -0.027 -0.27 -0.27 0.0054 0.0081 9.3e+03 0.12 0.015 -14 -
21 -0.015 -0.28 -0.033 0.13 -0.3 -0.035 -0.043 0.046 -0.027 -0.27 -0.27 0.0054 0.0081 9.3e+03 0.12 0.0076 -16 -
22 -0.015 -0.28 -0.033 0.13 -0.3 -0.035 -0.043 0.046 -0.027 -0.27 -0.27 0.0054 0.0081 9.3e+03 0.12 0.0038 -0.33 -
23 -0.019 -0.29 -0.037 0.13 -0.3 -0.039 -0.047 0.042 -0.031 -0.28 -0.27 0.0016 0.012 9.3e+03 0.045 0.038 0.98 ++
24 -0.019 -0.29 -0.037 0.13 -0.3 -0.039 -0.047 0.042 -0.031 -0.28 -0.27 0.0016 0.012 9.3e+03 0.045 0.019 -7.6 -
25 -0.019 -0.29 -0.037 0.13 -0.3 -0.039 -0.047 0.042 -0.031 -0.28 -0.27 0.0016 0.012 9.3e+03 0.045 0.0095 -11 -
26 -0.019 -0.29 -0.037 0.13 -0.3 -0.039 -0.047 0.042 -0.031 -0.28 -0.27 0.0016 0.012 9.3e+03 0.045 0.0048 -11 -
27 -0.022 -0.29 -0.041 0.12 -0.3 -0.044 -0.051 0.042 -0.033 -0.28 -0.27 -0.00092 0.017 9.3e+03 0.83 0.0048 0.64 +
28 -0.024 -0.29 -0.044 0.12 -0.31 -0.049 -0.053 0.041 -0.034 -0.29 -0.27 -0.00024 0.02 9.3e+03 0.27 0.048 1.1 ++
29 -0.042 -0.31 -0.068 0.098 -0.34 -0.096 -0.075 0.033 -0.05 -0.33 -0.29 -0.0002 0.063 9.2e+03 0.3 0.48 0.97 ++
30 -0.069 -0.38 -0.13 -0.38 -0.52 -0.3 -0.11 -0.33 -0.35 -0.56 -0.36 -0.0025 0.34 9e+03 1.7 0.48 0.44 +
31 -0.069 -0.38 -0.13 -0.38 -0.52 -0.3 -0.11 -0.33 -0.35 -0.56 -0.36 -0.0025 0.34 9e+03 1.7 0.24 0.048 -
32 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.28 -0.0024 0.57 8.7e+03 4.5 0.24 0.67 +
33 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.28 -0.0024 0.57 8.7e+03 4.5 0.12 -0.21 -
34 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.28 -0.0024 0.57 8.7e+03 4.5 0.06 -0.11 -
35 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.28 -0.0024 0.57 8.7e+03 4.5 0.03 -0.16 -
36 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.28 -0.0024 0.57 8.7e+03 4.5 0.015 -0.29 -
37 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.28 -0.0024 0.57 8.7e+03 4.5 0.0075 -0.55 -
38 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.28 -0.0024 0.57 8.7e+03 4.5 0.0037 -0.76 -
39 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.28 -0.0024 0.57 8.7e+03 4.5 0.0019 -0.9 -
40 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.28 -0.0024 0.57 8.7e+03 4.5 0.00093 -0.19 -
41 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.28 -0.0024 0.57 8.7e+03 4.5 0.00047 0.011 -
42 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.29 -0.0029 0.57 8.7e+03 1.6 0.00047 0.31 +
43 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.29 -0.0029 0.57 8.7e+03 1.6 0.00023 -0.34 -
44 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.29 -0.0026 0.57 8.7e+03 0.35 0.00023 0.8 +
45 -0.24 -0.31 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.39 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.29 -0.0027 0.57 8.7e+03 0.081 0.0023 1 ++
46 -0.24 -0.32 -0.23 -0.48 -0.72 -0.38 -0.24 -0.38 -0.37 -0.38 -0.29 -0.0026 0.57 8.7e+03 0.67 0.023 1 ++
47 -0.24 -0.32 -0.22 -0.48 -0.73 -0.36 -0.23 -0.37 -0.37 -0.4 -0.3 -0.0026 0.57 8.6e+03 0.11 0.23 1 ++
48 -0.38 -0.37 -0.31 -0.51 -0.96 -0.27 -0.26 -0.29 -0.37 -0.4 -0.3 -0.0021 0.4 8.5e+03 1 2.3 1.1 ++
49 -0.38 -0.37 -0.31 -0.51 -0.96 -0.27 -0.26 -0.29 -0.37 -0.4 -0.3 -0.0021 0.4 8.5e+03 1 0.73 -1.3e+02 -
50 -0.7 -0.41 -0.52 -0.87 -1.7 -0.34 -0.45 -0.45 -0.57 -0.5 -0.41 -0.00095 0.17 8.4e+03 1.8 7.3 1.1 ++
51 -0.69 -0.23 -0.61 -0.87 -1.9 -0.53 -0.6 -0.8 -0.68 -0.79 -0.5 -0.00048 0.027 8.4e+03 1.9 73 1.3 ++
52 -0.69 -0.23 -0.61 -0.87 -1.9 -0.53 -0.6 -0.8 -0.68 -0.79 -0.5 -0.00048 0.027 8.4e+03 1.9 0.34 -0.25 -
53 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 0.0002 -0.052 8.4e+03 9.8 0.34 0.45 +
54 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 0.0002 -0.052 8.4e+03 9.8 0.17 -5 -
55 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 0.0002 -0.052 8.4e+03 9.8 0.085 -4.8 -
56 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 0.0002 -0.052 8.4e+03 9.8 0.042 -4.6 -
57 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 0.0002 -0.052 8.4e+03 9.8 0.021 -4.9 -
58 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 0.0002 -0.052 8.4e+03 9.8 0.011 -5.1 -
59 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 0.0002 -0.052 8.4e+03 9.8 0.0053 -4.5 -
60 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 0.0002 -0.052 8.4e+03 9.8 0.0026 -3 -
61 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 0.0002 -0.052 8.4e+03 9.8 0.0013 -2.1 -
62 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 0.0002 -0.052 8.4e+03 9.8 0.00066 -1.3 -
63 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 0.0002 -0.052 8.4e+03 9.8 0.00033 -0.26 -
64 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 -0.00013 -0.053 8.3e+03 5.7 0.00033 0.58 +
65 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 -0.00013 -0.053 8.3e+03 5.7 0.00017 -0.62 -
66 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 -0.00013 -0.053 8.3e+03 5.7 8.3e-05 -0.48 -
67 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 -4.4e-05 -0.053 8.3e+03 1.2 8.3e-05 0.77 +
68 -0.61 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 -5.1e-05 -0.053 8.3e+03 0.036 0.00083 1 ++
69 -0.62 -0.19 -0.56 -0.91 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.82 -1.1 -0.63 -5.5e-05 -0.052 8.3e+03 0.056 0.0083 1 ++
70 -0.62 -0.19 -0.56 -0.9 -1.9 -0.84 -0.82 -1.1 -0.81 -1.1 -0.63 -9.2e-05 -0.044 8.3e+03 0.026 0.083 1 ++
71 -0.64 -0.17 -0.58 -0.87 -1.9 -0.89 -0.8 -1.2 -0.85 -1.2 -0.68 -3.1e-05 -0.058 8.3e+03 0.091 0.83 1 ++
72 -0.64 -0.17 -0.58 -0.87 -1.9 -0.89 -0.8 -1.2 -0.85 -1.2 -0.68 -3.1e-05 -0.058 8.3e+03 0.091 0.41 -2 -
73 -0.64 0.032 -0.61 -0.87 -1.9 -1.1 -0.98 -1.6 -0.91 -1.6 -0.79 0.00018 -0.11 8.3e+03 4.3 0.41 0.8 +
74 -0.58 0.27 -0.61 -0.88 -1.9 -1.4 -0.94 -1.9 -0.98 -2 -0.79 0.00019 -0.1 8.3e+03 2.6 4.1 1 ++
75 -0.6 0.37 -0.65 -0.9 -1.9 -1.5 -0.73 -2.1 -0.65 -2.3 -0.62 0.00022 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.98 41 0.99 ++
76 -0.6 0.35 -0.62 -0.9 -1.9 -1.6 -0.72 -2.1 -0.63 -2.2 -0.6 0.00021 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.027 4.1e+02 1 ++
77 -0.61 0.35 -0.62 -0.9 -1.9 -1.6 -0.7 -2.1 -0.61 -2.3 -0.58 0.00021 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.00069 4.1e+03 1 ++
78 -0.61 0.35 -0.62 -0.9 -1.9 -1.6 -0.7 -2.1 -0.61 -2.3 -0.58 0.00021 -0.11 8.3e+03 0.00014 4.1e+04 1 ++
79 -0.61 0.35 -0.62 -0.9 -1.9 -1.6 -0.7 -2.1 -0.61 -2.3 -0.58 0.00021 -0.11 8.3e+03 8.9e-06 4.1e+04 1 ++
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 14 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
0 -0.26 -0.43 -1 0.27 -0.5 -0.59 -0.53 -0.69 -0.48 -0.95 -0.54 -0.67 -0.19 1.7 8.7e+03 0.049 1 0.86 +
1 -0.3 -0.72 -0.76 1.3 -0.43 -0.77 -1.1 -0.69 -0.58 -0.84 -0.59 -0.78 -0.33 1.3 8.3e+03 0.02 10 0.98 ++
2 -0.3 -0.72 -0.76 1.3 -0.43 -0.77 -1.1 -0.69 -0.58 -0.84 -0.59 -0.78 -0.33 1.3 8.3e+03 0.02 2.1 -34 -
3 -0.3 -0.72 -0.76 1.3 -0.43 -0.77 -1.1 -0.69 -0.58 -0.84 -0.59 -0.78 -0.33 1.3 8.3e+03 0.02 1 -4 -
4 -0.24 -0.94 -0.77 1.6 -0.54 -0.98 -1.1 -1.2 -1.1 -1.7 -0.64 -1.4 -0.86 0.24 8.2e+03 0.028 1 0.64 +
5 0.016 -0.96 -0.52 1.4 -0.71 -0.83 -1 -1.1 -0.87 -1.6 -0.27 -1.9 -0.87 0.2 8.1e+03 0.0025 10 0.97 ++
6 0.016 -0.96 -0.52 1.4 -0.71 -0.83 -1 -1.1 -0.87 -1.6 -0.27 -1.9 -0.87 0.2 8.1e+03 4.8e-05 10 1 ++
Considering neighbor 3/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 14 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_CAR_comm B_TIME_SM B_TIME_SM_commu B_TIME_TRAIN B_TIME_TRAIN_co lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.4 -0.36 -0.041 -0.94 0.053 -0.014 -0.98 -0.64 0.0039 -0.77 -0.12 -0.95 -0.096 2 9.1e+03 0.066 1 0.67 +
1 0.0051 0.072 -0.27 -1.3 1.1 0.39 -1 -1.2 -0.25 -1.4 0.63 -1.3 -0.39 1.2 8.6e+03 0.024 10 0.97 ++
2 0.0051 0.072 -0.27 -1.3 1.1 0.39 -1 -1.2 -0.25 -1.4 0.63 -1.3 -0.39 1.2 8.6e+03 0.024 5 -1.1e+02 -
3 0.0051 0.072 -0.27 -1.3 1.1 0.39 -1 -1.2 -0.25 -1.4 0.63 -1.3 -0.39 1.2 8.6e+03 0.024 2.5 -10 -
4 0.0051 0.072 -0.27 -1.3 1.1 0.39 -1 -1.2 -0.25 -1.4 0.63 -1.3 -0.39 1.2 8.6e+03 0.024 1.2 -0.62 -
5 0.13 -0.19 -0.44 -0.71 0.78 0.99 -0.72 -1.6 0.24 -1.8 -0.62 -2.2 -0.58 0.38 8.5e+03 0.027 1.2 0.78 +
6 0.14 -0.09 -0.56 -0.83 0.9 0.79 -0.78 -1.4 -0.22 -1.6 -0.57 -2.4 -0.72 0.29 8.4e+03 0.0039 12 1 ++
7 0.15 -0.097 -0.56 -0.82 0.91 0.77 -0.79 -1.4 -0.21 -1.6 -0.6 -2.5 -0.73 0.22 8.4e+03 0.00025 1.2e+02 1 ++
8 0.15 -0.097 -0.56 -0.82 0.91 0.77 -0.79 -1.4 -0.21 -1.6 -0.6 -2.5 -0.73 0.22 8.4e+03 2.5e-07 1.2e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 4/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 5/20 for current solution
Attempt 93/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 94/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 95/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 96/100
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 11 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_commuter Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.3 -0.39 0.025 -0.11 -1 0.98 0.16 0.076 -0.65 -0.83 0.32 8.5e+03 0.041 10 1.1 ++
1 0.0048 -1.1 -0.028 -0.43 -1.3 1.3 0.4 0.45 -0.69 -1.1 0.0035 8.3e+03 0.0098 1e+02 1.1 ++
2 0.029 -1.2 -0.03 -0.46 -1.5 1.4 0.54 0.62 -0.7 -1.2 -0.16 8.3e+03 0.00076 1e+03 1 ++
3 0.029 -1.2 -0.03 -0.46 -1.5 1.4 0.54 0.62 -0.7 -1.2 -0.16 8.3e+03 6.1e-06 1e+03 1 ++
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Biogeme parameters read from biogeme.toml.
Model with 8 unknown parameters [max: 50]
*** Estimate b07everything_000000
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1e+04 0.4 0.5 -0.16 -
1 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.5 0.8 +
2 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.25 -10 -
3 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.12 -12 -
4 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.062 -14 -
5 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.031 -16 -
6 0.0074 -0.27 -0.039 -0.021 0.2 -0.5 0.013 0.0013 9.5e+03 0.72 0.016 -5.2 -
7 -0.0082 -0.29 -0.054 -0.014 0.19 -0.52 -0.0028 0.017 9.5e+03 5.2 0.016 0.36 +
8 -0.014 -0.29 -0.061 -0.029 0.19 -0.52 0.00075 0.019 9.4e+03 0.41 0.016 0.66 +
9 -0.014 -0.29 -0.061 -0.029 0.19 -0.52 0.00075 0.019 9.4e+03 0.41 0.0078 -0.85 -
10 -0.014 -0.29 -0.061 -0.029 0.19 -0.52 0.00075 0.019 9.4e+03 0.41 0.0039 -0.93 -
11 -0.014 -0.29 -0.061 -0.029 0.19 -0.52 0.00075 0.019 9.4e+03 0.41 0.002 -1.2 -
12 -0.016 -0.29 -0.063 -0.031 0.19 -0.53 -0.0012 0.021 9.4e+03 1.1 0.002 0.6 +
13 -0.017 -0.29 -0.064 -0.033 0.19 -0.53 -0.00093 0.022 9.4e+03 0.34 0.02 1.1 ++
14 -0.026 -0.29 -0.078 -0.053 0.19 -0.53 -0.00065 0.03 9.3e+03 0.11 0.2 1 ++
15 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00021 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.2 0.64 +
16 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00021 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.098 -8.6 -
17 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00021 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.049 -8.9 -
18 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00021 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.024 -11 -
19 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00021 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.012 -5.2 -
20 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00021 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.0061 -3.5 -
21 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00021 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.0031 -2.1 -
22 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 0.00021 0.11 9.2e+03 2.6 0.0015 -0.54 -
23 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.25 0.17 -0.63 -0.0013 0.11 9.2e+03 2.1 0.0015 0.45 +
24 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.25 0.16 -0.63 -0.0004 0.11 9.2e+03 2.5 0.0015 0.28 +
25 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.25 0.16 -0.63 -0.0004 0.11 9.2e+03 2.5 0.00076 -0.39 -
26 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.24 0.16 -0.63 -0.0012 0.11 9.2e+03 1.8 0.00076 0.21 +
27 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.24 0.16 -0.63 -0.0012 0.11 9.2e+03 1.8 0.00038 0.023 -
28 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.24 0.16 -0.63 -0.00078 0.11 9.2e+03 0.1 0.00038 0.89 +
29 -0.11 -0.33 -0.23 -0.24 0.16 -0.63 -0.00071 0.11 9.2e+03 0.95 0.0038 0.97 ++
30 -0.1 -0.33 -0.24 -0.24 0.16 -0.63 -0.00077 0.11 9.2e+03 0.098 0.038 1 ++
31 -0.093 -0.33 -0.26 -0.22 0.12 -0.63 -0.00067 0.092 9.1e+03 0.22 0.38 1 ++
32 -0.083 -0.34 -0.53 -0.28 -0.26 -0.72 -0.00095 0.19 8.8e+03 1.9 0.38 0.8 +
33 -0.2 -0.32 -0.72 -0.53 -0.64 -0.71 -0.0026 0.48 8.7e+03 1.9 0.38 0.44 +
34 -0.2 -0.32 -0.72 -0.53 -0.64 -0.71 -0.0026 0.48 8.7e+03 1.9 0.19 -5.4 -
35 -0.2 -0.32 -0.72 -0.53 -0.64 -0.71 -0.0026 0.48 8.7e+03 1.9 0.095 -5.9 -
36 -0.2 -0.32 -0.72 -0.53 -0.64 -0.71 -0.0026 0.48 8.7e+03 1.9 0.048 -7.3 -
37 -0.2 -0.32 -0.72 -0.53 -0.64 -0.71 -0.0026 0.48 8.7e+03 1.9 0.024 -5.5 -
38 -0.2 -0.32 -0.72 -0.53 -0.64 -0.71 -0.0026 0.48 8.7e+03 1.9 0.012 -4.1 -
39 -0.2 -0.32 -0.72 -0.53 -0.64 -0.71 -0.0026 0.48 8.7e+03 1.9 0.006 -3.5 -
40 -0.2 -0.32 -0.72 -0.53 -0.64 -0.71 -0.0026 0.48 8.7e+03 1.9 0.003 -3.1 -
41 -0.2 -0.32 -0.72 -0.53 -0.64 -0.71 -0.0026 0.48 8.7e+03 1.9 0.0015 -2.7 -
42 -0.2 -0.32 -0.72 -0.53 -0.64 -0.71 -0.0026 0.48 8.7e+03 1.9 0.00075 -2.1 -
43 -0.2 -0.32 -0.72 -0.53 -0.64 -0.71 -0.0026 0.48 8.7e+03 1.9 0.00037 -0.88 -
44 -0.2 -0.32 -0.72 -0.53 -0.64 -0.71 -0.0022 0.48 8.7e+03 0.06 0.0037 0.91 ++
45 -0.2 -0.32 -0.72 -0.52 -0.64 -0.71 -0.0023 0.48 8.7e+03 1.2 0.037 1 ++
46 -0.2 -0.33 -0.72 -0.49 -0.64 -0.72 -0.0021 0.45 8.7e+03 0.87 0.37 1 ++
47 -0.51 -0.5 -0.77 -0.56 -0.79 -0.91 -0.00061 0.079 8.7e+03 0.066 0.37 0.4 +
48 -0.51 -0.39 -0.77 -0.78 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00061 0.083 8.6e+03 0.11 3.7 1.1 ++
49 -0.51 -0.39 -0.77 -0.78 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00061 0.083 8.6e+03 0.11 1.9 -1.6e+02 -
50 -0.51 -0.39 -0.77 -0.78 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00061 0.083 8.6e+03 0.11 0.93 -66 -
51 -0.51 -0.39 -0.77 -0.78 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00061 0.083 8.6e+03 0.11 0.47 -9.1 -
52 -0.51 -0.39 -0.77 -0.78 -1.2 -1.3 -0.00061 0.083 8.6e+03 0.11 0.23 0.019 -
53 -0.5 -0.4 -0.77 -0.88 -1.3 -1.5 -0.00016 -0.026 8.6e+03 0.77 0.23 0.79 +
54 -0.51 -0.27 -0.78 -1 -1.5 -1.7 -0.00022 -0.011 8.5e+03 0.11 2.3 0.97 ++
55 -0.51 -0.27 -0.78 -1 -1.5 -1.7 -0.00022 -0.011 8.5e+03 0.11 1.2 -56 -
56 -0.51 -0.27 -0.78 -1 -1.5 -1.7 -0.00022 -0.011 8.5e+03 0.11 0.58 -6.1 -
57 -0.51 -0.27 -0.78 -1 -1.5 -1.7 -0.00022 -0.011 8.5e+03 0.11 0.29 -0.03 -
58 -0.51 -0.24 -0.76 -1.2 -1.6 -2 4.9e-05 -0.075 8.5e+03 2.6 0.29 0.88 +
59 -0.51 -0.044 -0.84 -1.4 -1.9 -2.3 5.5e-05 -0.074 8.5e+03 1.2 2.9 1 ++
60 -0.51 -0.044 -0.84 -1.4 -1.9 -2.3 5.5e-05 -0.074 8.5e+03 1.2 0.5 -2 -
61 -0.52 0.17 -0.74 -1.6 -2.2 -2.7 0.00023 -0.11 8.5e+03 13 0.5 0.49 +
62 -0.5 0.36 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -3 0.0002 -0.11 8.5e+03 1.6 5 0.94 ++
63 -0.5 0.34 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -3 0.0002 -0.11 8.5e+03 0.028 50 1 ++
64 -0.5 0.34 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -3 0.0002 -0.11 8.5e+03 0.00065 5e+02 1 ++
65 -0.5 0.34 -0.8 -1.7 -2.4 -3 0.0002 -0.11 8.5e+03 4.6e-05 5e+02 1 ++
Considering neighbor 1/20 for current solution
Considering neighbor 2/20 for current solution
Attempt 97/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 98/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Attempt 99/100
Considering neighbor 0/20 for current solution
Pareto file has been updated: b07everything_assisted.pareto
Before the algorithm: 1 models, with 1 Pareto.
After the algorithm: 142 models, with 10 Pareto.
VNS algorithm completed. Postprocessing of the Pareto optimal solutions
Pareto set initialized from file with 142 elements [10 Pareto] and 15 invalid elements.
Biogeme parameters provided by the user.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
*** Initial values of the parameters are obtained from the file __b07everything_000000.iter
Parameter values restored from __b07everything_000000.iter
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.21 -0.66 -0.7 -0.88 -0.5 1.5 8.6e+03 0.035 1 0.88 +
1 0.038 -0.38 -0.68 -0.67 -0.55 2 8.5e+03 0.0064 1 0.87 +
2 0.0078 -0.41 -0.68 -0.71 -0.54 2 8.5e+03 0.00013 10 1 ++
3 0.0078 -0.41 -0.68 -0.71 -0.54 2 8.5e+03 4.9e-07 10 1 ++
Biogeme parameters provided by the user.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
*** Initial values of the parameters are obtained from the file __b07everything_000001.iter
Cannot read file __b07everything_000001.iter. Statement is ignored.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_CAR_one_lug ASC_CAR_several ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA ASC_TRAIN_one_l ASC_TRAIN_sever B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.68 0 0 0 0 2 0 1e+04 0.6 0.5 0 -
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.68 0 0 0 0 2 0 1e+04 0.6 0.25 0 -
2 0.049 -0.0046 0.022 -0.00033 -0.13 0.00026 -0.067 -0.0021 -0.66 0.06 0.06 -0.25 0.016 2 0.0019 9.7e+03 2.3 0.25 0.54 +
3 0.049 -0.0046 0.022 -0.00033 -0.13 0.00026 -0.067 -0.0021 -0.66 0.06 0.06 -0.25 0.016 2 0.0019 9.7e+03 2.3 0.12 0.54 -
4 0.049 -0.0046 0.022 -0.00033 -0.13 0.00026 -0.067 -0.0021 -0.66 0.06 0.06 -0.25 0.016 2 0.0019 9.7e+03 2.3 0.062 -3.4 -
5 0.049 -0.0046 0.022 -0.00033 -0.13 0.00026 -0.067 -0.0021 -0.66 0.06 0.06 -0.25 0.016 2 0.0019 9.7e+03 2.3 0.031 -11 -
6 0.049 -0.0046 0.022 -0.00033 -0.13 0.00026 -0.067 -0.0021 -0.66 0.06 0.06 -0.25 0.016 2 0.0019 9.7e+03 2.3 0.016 -0.62 -
7 0.033 -0.02 0.0065 -0.0033 -0.14 0.016 -0.051 -0.0017 -0.64 0.045 0.075 -0.27 0.00029 2 -0.014 9.2e+03 0.92 0.16 0.97 ++
8 -0.08 -0.052 -0.08 -0.0078 -0.18 0.053 -0.042 -0.0016 -0.6 -0.11 0.17 -0.38 0.0068 2 0.039 9e+03 2.3 0.16 0.39 +
9 -0.08 -0.052 -0.08 -0.0078 -0.18 0.053 -0.042 -0.0016 -0.6 -0.11 0.17 -0.38 0.0068 2 0.039 9e+03 2.3 0.078 0.39 -
10 -0.08 -0.052 -0.08 -0.0078 -0.18 0.053 -0.042 -0.0016 -0.6 -0.11 0.17 -0.38 0.0068 2 0.039 9e+03 2.3 0.039 -32 -
11 -0.08 -0.052 -0.08 -0.0078 -0.18 0.053 -0.042 -0.0016 -0.6 -0.11 0.17 -0.38 0.0068 2 0.039 9e+03 2.3 0.02 -5.6 -
12 -0.08 -0.052 -0.08 -0.0078 -0.18 0.053 -0.042 -0.0016 -0.6 -0.11 0.17 -0.38 0.0068 2 0.039 9e+03 2.3 0.0098 -2.5 -
13 -0.07 -0.062 -0.09 -0.018 -0.19 0.063 -0.033 0.0081 -0.59 -0.1 0.16 -0.38 -0.003 2 0.049 8.9e+03 8.9 0.0098 0.21 +
14 -0.07 -0.064 -0.091 -0.018 -0.19 0.066 -0.031 0.0083 -0.59 -0.11 0.16 -0.39 0.0016 2 0.046 8.8e+03 2.2 0.0098 0.47 +
15 -0.07 -0.064 -0.091 -0.018 -0.19 0.066 -0.031 0.0083 -0.59 -0.11 0.16 -0.39 0.0016 2 0.046 8.8e+03 2.2 0.0049 -3.5 -
16 -0.07 -0.064 -0.091 -0.018 -0.19 0.066 -0.031 0.0083 -0.59 -0.11 0.16 -0.39 0.0016 2 0.046 8.8e+03 2.2 0.0024 -1.2 -
17 -0.068 -0.066 -0.093 -0.02 -0.2 0.069 -0.029 0.011 -0.59 -0.11 0.16 -0.4 -0.00088 2 0.049 8.8e+03 2.5 0.0024 0.63 +
18 -0.068 -0.066 -0.093 -0.02 -0.2 0.069 -0.029 0.011 -0.59 -0.11 0.16 -0.4 -0.00088 2 0.049 8.8e+03 2.5 0.0012 -0.017 -
19 -0.068 -0.066 -0.093 -0.02 -0.2 0.069 -0.029 0.011 -0.59 -0.11 0.16 -0.4 -0.00088 2 0.049 8.8e+03 2.5 0.00061 -0.099 -
20 -0.067 -0.067 -0.094 -0.021 -0.2 0.069 -0.028 0.011 -0.59 -0.11 0.16 -0.4 -0.00027 2 0.049 8.8e+03 1.1 0.00061 0.67 +
21 -0.067 -0.067 -0.094 -0.021 -0.2 0.07 -0.028 0.011 -0.59 -0.11 0.16 -0.4 -0.00042 2 0.05 8.8e+03 0.29 0.00061 0.9 +
22 -0.067 -0.067 -0.094 -0.021 -0.2 0.07 -0.028 0.011 -0.59 -0.11 0.16 -0.4 -0.00038 2 0.05 8.8e+03 0.044 0.0061 1 ++
23 -0.067 -0.07 -0.095 -0.021 -0.2 0.075 -0.025 0.012 -0.59 -0.11 0.15 -0.4 -0.00042 2 0.053 8.8e+03 0.19 0.061 1 ++
24 -0.066 -0.093 -0.11 -0.025 -0.21 0.12 -0.004 0.013 -0.59 -0.14 0.089 -0.46 -0.00052 2 0.08 8.7e+03 0.16 0.61 1 ++
25 -0.099 -0.27 -0.19 -0.055 -0.23 0.46 0.21 0.032 -0.56 -0.45 -0.52 -0.64 -0.0014 2.2 0.26 8.4e+03 5.7 0.61 0.63 +
26 -0.099 -0.27 -0.19 -0.055 -0.23 0.46 0.21 0.032 -0.56 -0.45 -0.52 -0.64 -0.0014 2.2 0.26 8.4e+03 5.7 0.31 -1.5 -
27 -0.11 -0.33 -0.043 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.044 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 0.00031 2.3 -0.03 8.4e+03 13 0.31 0.15 +
28 -0.11 -0.33 -0.043 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.044 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 0.00031 2.3 -0.03 8.4e+03 13 0.15 0.15 -
29 -0.11 -0.33 -0.043 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.044 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 0.00031 2.3 -0.03 8.4e+03 13 0.076 0.15 -
30 -0.11 -0.33 -0.043 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.044 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 0.00031 2.3 -0.03 8.4e+03 13 0.038 0.15 -
31 -0.11 -0.33 -0.043 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.044 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 0.00031 2.3 -0.03 8.4e+03 13 0.019 0.15 -
32 -0.11 -0.33 -0.043 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.044 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 0.00031 2.3 -0.03 8.4e+03 13 0.0095 0.15 -
33 -0.11 -0.33 -0.043 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.044 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 0.00031 2.3 -0.03 8.4e+03 13 0.0048 0.15 -
34 -0.11 -0.33 -0.043 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.044 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 0.00031 2.3 -0.03 8.4e+03 13 0.0024 -2.2 -
35 -0.11 -0.33 -0.043 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.044 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 0.00031 2.3 -0.03 8.4e+03 13 0.0012 -1.6 -
36 -0.11 -0.33 -0.043 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.044 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 0.00031 2.3 -0.03 8.4e+03 13 0.0006 -0.64 -
37 -0.11 -0.33 -0.044 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.045 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 -0.00029 2.3 -0.03 8.3e+03 15 0.0006 0.43 +
38 -0.11 -0.33 -0.044 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.045 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 -0.00029 2.3 -0.03 8.3e+03 15 0.0003 -0.28 -
39 -0.11 -0.33 -0.044 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.045 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 9.5e-06 2.3 -0.029 8.3e+03 12 0.0003 0.21 +
40 -0.11 -0.33 -0.044 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.045 0.06 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 9.5e-06 2.3 -0.029 8.3e+03 12 0.00015 -0.12 -
41 -0.11 -0.33 -0.044 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.045 0.061 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 -0.00014 2.3 -0.029 8.3e+03 6.1 0.00015 0.63 +
42 -0.11 -0.33 -0.044 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.045 0.061 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 -9.8e-05 2.3 -0.029 8.3e+03 5.1 0.00015 0.49 +
43 -0.11 -0.33 -0.044 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.045 0.061 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 -0.00011 2.3 -0.029 8.3e+03 0.09 0.0015 0.98 ++
44 -0.11 -0.33 -0.045 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.045 0.061 -0.48 -0.58 -0.64 -0.7 -0.00012 2.3 -0.027 8.3e+03 0.073 0.015 1 ++
45 -0.11 -0.34 -0.048 -0.11 -0.53 0.57 0.048 0.061 -0.48 -0.59 -0.64 -0.71 -0.00018 2.3 -0.012 8.3e+03 0.14 0.15 1 ++
46 -0.18 -0.36 -0.13 -0.12 -0.5 0.64 0.18 0.067 -0.5 -0.59 -0.79 -0.83 -0.00048 2.3 0.059 8.2e+03 0.66 1.5 0.99 ++
47 -0.18 -0.36 -0.13 -0.12 -0.5 0.64 0.18 0.067 -0.5 -0.59 -0.79 -0.83 -0.00048 2.3 0.059 8.2e+03 0.66 0.75 -44 -
48 -0.18 -0.36 -0.13 -0.12 -0.5 0.64 0.18 0.067 -0.5 -0.59 -0.79 -0.83 -0.00048 2.3 0.059 8.2e+03 0.66 0.37 -7.7 -
49 -0.18 -0.36 -0.13 -0.12 -0.5 0.64 0.18 0.067 -0.5 -0.59 -0.79 -0.83 -0.00048 2.3 0.059 8.2e+03 0.66 0.19 -1.5 -
50 -0.31 -0.35 -0.062 -0.16 -0.59 0.66 0.15 0.086 -0.49 -0.72 -0.94 -1 0.00013 2.3 -0.09 8.2e+03 6.8 0.19 0.23 +
51 -0.31 -0.34 -0.069 -0.17 -0.55 0.7 0.24 0.091 -0.51 -0.78 -1.1 -1.1 -7e-05 2.3 -0.043 8.2e+03 4.6 1.9 1 ++
52 -0.31 -0.34 -0.069 -0.17 -0.55 0.7 0.24 0.091 -0.51 -0.78 -1.1 -1.1 -7e-05 2.3 -0.043 8.2e+03 4.6 0.48 -3.1 -
53 -0.46 -0.25 0.018 -0.24 -0.61 0.71 0.24 0.13 -0.52 -1.1 -1.6 -1.5 0.00024 2.2 -0.11 8.1e+03 5.9 0.48 0.74 +
54 -0.48 -0.19 -0.066 -0.29 -0.47 0.8 0.27 0.13 -0.57 -1.4 -2.1 -2 0.00018 2.1 -0.1 8.1e+03 1.8 4.8 0.95 ++
55 -0.44 -0.3 -0.074 -0.36 -0.51 0.91 0.31 0.15 -0.61 -1.5 -2.2 -2.1 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 2.4 4.8 0.9 +
56 -0.44 -0.31 -0.069 -0.36 -0.51 0.91 0.32 0.16 -0.61 -1.5 -2.2 -2.2 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.028 48 1 ++
57 -0.44 -0.31 -0.069 -0.36 -0.51 0.91 0.32 0.16 -0.61 -1.5 -2.2 -2.2 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 5.1e-05 48 1 ++
Biogeme parameters provided by the user.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
*** Initial values of the parameters are obtained from the file __b07everything_000002.iter
Cannot read file __b07everything_000002.iter. Statement is ignored.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST_CAR B_COST_SM B_COST_TRAIN B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.21 -0.65 -0.23 0.7 -0.24 -0.7 -0.72 -1.4 -0.72 7.7e-05 2.8 -0.079 8.2e+03 20 1 0.67 +
1 -0.21 -0.65 -0.23 0.7 -0.24 -0.7 -0.72 -1.4 -0.72 7.7e-05 2.8 -0.079 8.2e+03 20 0.5 -3.5 -
2 -0.21 -0.65 -0.23 0.7 -0.24 -0.7 -0.72 -1.4 -0.72 7.7e-05 2.8 -0.079 8.2e+03 20 0.25 -1.1 -
3 -0.21 -0.65 -0.23 0.7 -0.24 -0.7 -0.72 -1.4 -0.72 7.7e-05 2.8 -0.079 8.2e+03 20 0.12 -0.34 -
4 -0.21 -0.65 -0.23 0.7 -0.24 -0.7 -0.72 -1.4 -0.72 7.7e-05 2.8 -0.079 8.2e+03 20 0.062 -0.093 -
5 -0.24 -0.61 -0.24 0.67 -0.27 -0.65 -0.65 -1.5 -0.72 0.00031 2.8 -0.13 8.2e+03 30 0.062 0.2 +
6 -0.22 -0.57 -0.23 0.65 -0.22 -0.7 -0.6 -1.4 -0.7 0.00016 2.7 -0.095 8.2e+03 27 0.062 0.72 +
7 -0.22 -0.55 -0.26 0.64 -0.22 -0.63 -0.61 -1.5 -0.69 0.00022 2.7 -0.11 8.2e+03 14 0.062 0.76 +
8 -0.21 -0.52 -0.25 0.64 -0.19 -0.65 -0.57 -1.4 -0.67 0.00019 2.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.81 0.62 1 ++
9 -0.28 -0.31 -0.36 0.86 -0.16 -0.61 -0.63 -1.4 -0.53 0.00017 2 -0.099 8.1e+03 1.6 6.2 0.92 ++
10 -0.28 -0.42 -0.45 1 -0.23 -0.73 -0.75 -1.6 -0.64 0.00018 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.02 62 1 ++
11 -0.27 -0.47 -0.48 1.1 -0.24 -0.74 -0.77 -1.7 -0.66 0.00019 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.039 6.2e+02 1 ++
12 -0.27 -0.48 -0.48 1.1 -0.24 -0.74 -0.77 -1.7 -0.66 0.00019 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.0013 6.2e+03 1 ++
13 -0.27 -0.48 -0.48 1.1 -0.24 -0.74 -0.77 -1.7 -0.66 0.00019 1.6 -0.1 8.1e+03 6.8e-06 6.2e+03 1 ++
Biogeme parameters provided by the user.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
*** Initial values of the parameters are obtained from the file __b07everything_000003.iter
Cannot read file __b07everything_000003.iter. Statement is ignored.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME mu_existing Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.041 -0.5 -0.49 -0.63 2.2 8.6e+03 0.034 10 1.1 ++
1 -0.021 -0.36 -0.59 -0.88 2.3 8.5e+03 0.0033 1e+02 1 ++
2 -9.2e-05 -0.37 -0.63 -0.96 2 8.5e+03 0.0015 1e+03 0.92 ++
3 -9.2e-05 -0.37 -0.63 -0.96 2 8.5e+03 3.1e-05 1e+03 1 ++
Biogeme parameters provided by the user.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
*** Initial values of the parameters are obtained from the file __b07everything_000004.iter
Cannot read file __b07everything_000004.iter. Statement is ignored.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME_CAR B_TIME_SM B_TIME_TRAIN cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.27 -0.48 -0.48 1.1 -0.63 -1.5 -2.2 -2.2 0.00019 2 -0.1 8.3e+03 22 0.5 -1.7 -
1 -0.58 -0.2 -0.19 0.56 -0.5 -1.4 -2.2 -1.9 0.0002 2.3 -0.11 8.2e+03 56 0.5 0.26 +
2 -0.5 -0.17 -0.28 0.8 -0.51 -1.3 -2 -1.8 0.00022 2.5 -0.11 8.1e+03 6.9 5 1 ++
3 -0.5 -0.17 -0.28 0.8 -0.51 -1.3 -2 -1.8 0.00022 2.5 -0.11 8.1e+03 6.9 0.51 -0.32 -
4 -0.54 -0.23 -0.32 0.88 -0.62 -1.3 -2 -1.9 0.00019 2 -0.1 8.1e+03 3.1 0.51 0.88 +
5 -0.49 -0.34 -0.32 0.98 -0.61 -1.5 -2.2 -2.1 0.00021 1.9 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.68 5.1 1.1 ++
6 -0.47 -0.37 -0.31 1 -0.62 -1.5 -2.2 -2.1 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.012 51 1 ++
7 -0.47 -0.37 -0.31 1 -0.62 -1.5 -2.2 -2.1 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 0.00062 5.1e+02 1 ++
8 -0.47 -0.37 -0.31 1 -0.62 -1.5 -2.2 -2.1 0.00021 1.8 -0.11 8.1e+03 2.5e-06 5.1e+02 1 ++
Biogeme parameters provided by the user.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
*** Initial values of the parameters are obtained from the file __b07everything_000005.iter
Cannot read file __b07everything_000005.iter. Statement is ignored.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_TRAIN B_COST B_TIME Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 -0.0041 -0.62 -0.77 -1.2 8.7e+03 0.0097 10 1.1 ++
1 0.016 -0.65 -0.79 -1.3 8.7e+03 0.00023 1e+02 1 ++
2 0.016 -0.65 -0.79 -1.3 8.7e+03 1.3e-07 1e+02 1 ++
Biogeme parameters provided by the user.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
*** Initial values of the parameters are obtained from the file __b07everything_000006.iter
Cannot read file __b07everything_000006.iter. Statement is ignored.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.21 -1.3 -0.85 1.4 -0.69 -1.5 -0.59 0.00019 -0.1 8.2e+03 5.1 10 0.97 ++
1 0.15 -1.3 -0.95 1.5 -0.77 -1.7 -0.67 0.00018 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.56 1e+02 1 ++
2 0.15 -1.3 -0.96 1.5 -0.77 -1.7 -0.68 0.00019 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.17 1e+03 0.97 ++
3 0.15 -1.3 -0.96 1.5 -0.78 -1.7 -0.68 0.00019 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.047 1e+04 1 ++
4 0.15 -1.3 -0.96 1.5 -0.78 -1.7 -0.68 0.00019 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.00049 1e+05 1 ++
5 0.15 -1.3 -0.96 1.5 -0.78 -1.7 -0.68 0.00019 -0.1 8.2e+03 4.5e-05 1e+05 1 ++
Biogeme parameters provided by the user.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
*** Initial values of the parameters are obtained from the file __b07everything_000007.iter
Cannot read file __b07everything_000007.iter. Statement is ignored.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME lambda_travel_t Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.33 -1.2 -0.68 1.7 -0.72 -2.1 0 8.3e+03 0.047 1 0.22 +
1 0.2 -1.2 -0.86 1.7 -0.71 -1.7 0.13 8.3e+03 0.004 1 0.9 +
2 0.19 -1.2 -0.87 1.7 -0.72 -1.7 0.34 8.2e+03 0.0042 10 1 ++
3 0.19 -1.2 -0.87 1.7 -0.72 -1.7 0.34 8.2e+03 7.2e-05 10 1 ++
Biogeme parameters provided by the user.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
*** Initial values of the parameters are obtained from the file __b07everything_000008.iter
Cannot read file __b07everything_000008.iter. Statement is ignored.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME B_TIME_1st_clas cube_tt_coef mu_existing square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.22 -1 -0.79 1.2 -0.7 -1.6 -0.58 0.00017 1 -0.099 8.2e+03 1.5 1 0.55 +
1 0.17 -1 -0.76 1.3 -0.72 -1.6 -0.63 0.00019 1.2 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.25 10 1.2 ++
2 0.17 -0.9 -0.61 1.1 -0.67 -1.6 -0.58 0.00019 1.4 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.6 1e+02 1.2 ++
3 0.16 -0.75 -0.56 1.1 -0.65 -1.6 -0.56 0.00019 1.5 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.04 1e+03 1.1 ++
4 0.16 -0.72 -0.56 1.1 -0.65 -1.6 -0.56 0.00019 1.5 -0.1 8.1e+03 0.024 1e+04 1 ++
5 0.16 -0.72 -0.56 1.1 -0.65 -1.6 -0.56 0.00019 1.5 -0.1 8.1e+03 3.8e-05 1e+04 1 ++
Biogeme parameters provided by the user.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
*** Initial values of the parameters are obtained from the file __b07everything_000009.iter
Cannot read file __b07everything_000009.iter. Statement is ignored.
As the model is not too complex, we activate the calculation of second derivatives. If you want to change it, change the name of the algorithm in the TOML file from "automatic" to "simple_bounds"
Optimization algorithm: hybrid Newton/BFGS with simple bounds [simple_bounds]
** Optimization: Newton with trust region for simple bounds
Iter. ASC_CAR ASC_CAR_GA ASC_TRAIN ASC_TRAIN_GA B_COST B_TIME cube_tt_coef square_tt_coef Function Relgrad Radius Rho
0 0.14 -0.93 -0.84 1.5 -0.72 -2 0.00014 -0.095 8.2e+03 8.1 10 1.1 ++
1 0.15 -1.1 -0.93 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.00021 -0.11 8.2e+03 2 1e+02 0.96 ++
2 0.15 -1.2 -0.92 1.5 -0.72 -2.1 0.00019 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.16 1e+03 1 ++
3 0.16 -1.2 -0.92 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.028 1e+04 1 ++
4 0.16 -1.3 -0.92 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.0032 1e+05 1 ++
5 0.16 -1.3 -0.92 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.0012 1e+06 1 ++
6 0.16 -1.3 -0.92 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.1 8.2e+03 0.00014 1e+07 1 ++
7 0.16 -1.3 -0.92 1.6 -0.72 -2.1 0.0002 -0.1 8.2e+03 5.2e-05 1e+07 1 ++
Pareto: 10
Considered: 142
Removed: 12
print(f'A total of {len(non_dominated_models)} models have been generated.')
A total of 10 models have been generated.
compiled_results, specs = compile_estimation_results(
non_dominated_models, use_short_names=True
for short_name, spec in specs.items():
Model_000000 ASC:no_seg;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:FIRST;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:linear
Model_000001 ASC:GA-LUGGAGE;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:altspec;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:power
Model_000002 ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:altspec;B_TIME:FIRST;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:power
Model_000003 ASC:no_seg;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:linear
Model_000004 ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:altspec;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:power
Model_000005 ASC:no_seg;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:linear
Model_000006 ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:FIRST;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:power
Model_000007 ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:boxcox
Model_000008 ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:FIRST;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:nested existing;train_tt_catalog:power
Model_000009 ASC:GA;B_COST_gen_altspec:generic;B_TIME:no_seg;B_TIME_gen_altspec:generic;model_catalog:logit;train_tt_catalog:power
Total running time of the script: (7 minutes 31.302 seconds)