Go to the end to download the full example code.
Re-estimate the Pareto optimal models
The assisted specification algorithm generates a file containg the pareto optimal specification. This script is designed to re-estimate the Pareto optimal models. The catalog of specifications is defined in Specification of a catalog of models .
- author:
Michel Bierlaire, EPFL
- date:
Wed Apr 12 17:25:41 2023
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
can_plot = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
can_plot = False
from biogeme.assisted import ParetoPostProcessing
from biogeme.results import compile_estimation_results
from plot_b22multiple_models_spec import the_biogeme
PARETO_FILE_NAME = 'saved_results/b22multiple_models.pareto'
CSV_FILE = 'b22process_pareto.csv'
SEP_CSV = ','
The constructor of the Pareto post processing object takes two arguments:
the biogeme object,
the name of the file where the algorithm has stored the estimated models.
the_pareto_post = ParetoPostProcessing(
all_results = the_pareto_post.reestimate(recycle=True)
summary, description = compile_estimation_results(all_results, use_short_names=True)
Model_000000 ... Model_000005
Number of estimated parameters 8 ... 6
Sample size 6768 ... 6768
Final log likelihood -4834.225553 ... -4958.518685
Akaike Information Criterion 9684.451106 ... 9929.037369
Bayesian Information Criterion 9739.010793 ... 9969.957135
ASC_CAR (t-test) -0.619 (-5.91) ... -0.153 (-2.64)
ASC_CAR_male (t-test) 0.49 (4.55) ...
ASC_CAR_with_ga (t-test) -2.01 (-9.67) ... 1.16 (5.03)
ASC_TRAIN (t-test) -0.475 (-4.9) ... -1.14 (-14)
ASC_TRAIN_male (t-test) -1.11 (-13.2) ...
ASC_TRAIN_with_ga (t-test) 2.03 (22.4) ... 2.07 (23.7)
B_COST (t-test) -1.47 (-18) ... -2.79 (-17.2)
B_TIME (t-test) -2.95 (-16) ... -3.11 (-17)
lambda_TT (t-test) ...
lambda_COST (t-test) ...
B_HEADWAY (t-test) ...
[16 rows x 6 columns]
print(f'Summary table available in {CSV_FILE}')
summary.to_csv(CSV_FILE, sep=SEP_CSV)
Summary table available in b22process_pareto.csv
Explanation of the short names of the models.
with open(CSV_FILE, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f:
print('\n\n', file=f)
for k, v in description.items():
if k != v:
print(f'{k}: {v}')
print(f'{k}{SEP_CSV}{v}', file=f)
Model_000000: ASC:no_seg;TRAIN_COST_catalog:sqrt;TRAIN_HEADWAY_catalog:without_headway;TRAIN_TT_catalog:sqrt
Model_000001: ASC:MALE-GA;TRAIN_COST_catalog:log;TRAIN_HEADWAY_catalog:with_headway;TRAIN_TT_catalog:log
Model_000002: ASC:GA;TRAIN_COST_catalog:log;TRAIN_HEADWAY_catalog:with_headway;TRAIN_TT_catalog:log
Model_000003: ASC:GA;TRAIN_COST_catalog:sqrt;TRAIN_HEADWAY_catalog:without_headway;TRAIN_TT_catalog:sqrt
Model_000004: ASC:MALE-GA;TRAIN_COST_catalog:log;TRAIN_HEADWAY_catalog:with_headway;TRAIN_TT_catalog:boxcox
Model_000005: ASC:MALE-GA;TRAIN_COST_catalog:sqrt;TRAIN_HEADWAY_catalog:without_headway;TRAIN_TT_catalog:sqrt
The following plot illustrates all models that have been estimated. Each dot corresponds to a model. The x-coordinate corresponds to the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). The y-coordinate corresponds to the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). Note that there is a third objective that does not appear on this picture: the number of parameters. If the shape of the dot is a circle, it means that it corresponds to a Pareto optimal model. If the shape is a cross, it means that the model has been Pareto optimal at some point during the algorithm and later removed as a new model dominating it has been found. If the shape is a start, it means that the model has been deemed invalid.
if can_plot:
_ = the_pareto_post.plot(label_x='AIC', label_y='BIC')

It is possible to plot two different objectives: AIC and number of parameters.
if can_plot:
_ = the_pareto_post.plot(
objective_x=0, objective_y=2, label_x='AIC', label_y='Number of parameters'

It is possible to plot two different objectives: BIC and number of parameters.
if can_plot:
_ = the_pareto_post.plot(
objective_x=1, objective_y=2, label_x='BIC', label_y='Number of parameters'

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.849 seconds)