Monte-Carlo integration with Biogeme
Example discussed in Bierlaire (2019) Monte-Carlo integration with Biogeme

Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 2000 antithetic draws
Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 2000 antithetic draws

Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 500 antithetic draws
Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 500 antithetic draws

Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 2000 Halton draws
Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 2000 Halton draws

Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 500 Halton draws
Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 500 Halton draws

Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 2000 MLHS draws
Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 2000 MLHS draws

Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 2000 antithetic MLHS draws
Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 2000 antithetic MLHS draws

Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 2000 antithetic MLHS draws
Mixtures of logit with Monte-Carlo 2000 antithetic MLHS draws