Simple integral

Calculation of a simple integral using Monte-Carlo integration.


Michel Bierlaire, EPFL


Thu Apr 13 20:42:24 2023

import pandas as pd
import biogeme.database as db
import biogeme.biogeme as bio
from biogeme.expressions import exp, bioDraws, MonteCarlo
from import TemporaryFile

We create a fake database with one entry, as it is required to store the draws

df = pd.DataFrame()
df['FakeColumn'] = [1.0]
database = db.Database('fakeDatabase', df)
integrand = exp(bioDraws('U', 'UNIFORM'))
simulatedI = MonteCarlo(integrand)
trueI = exp(1.0) - 1.0
R = 200

Create a parameter file to set the number of draws.

with TemporaryFile() as filename:
    with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        print('[MonteCarlo]', file=f)
        print(f'number_of_draws = {R}', file=f)

    sampleVariance = MonteCarlo(integrand * integrand) - simulatedI * simulatedI
    stderr = (sampleVariance / R) ** 0.5
    error = simulatedI - trueI

    simulate = {
        'Analytical Integral': trueI,
        'Simulated Integral': simulatedI,
        'Sample variance   ': sampleVariance,
        'Std Error         ': stderr,
        'Error             ': error,

    biosim = bio.BIOGEME(database, simulate, parameter_file=filename)
    R = biosim.number_of_draws
    biosim.modelName = f'01simpleIntegral_{R}'
    results = biosim.simulate(theBetaValues={})
    print(f'Number of draws: {R}')
    for c in results.columns:
        print(f'{c}: {results.loc[0,c]}')
Number of draws: 200
Analytical Integral: 1.718281828459045
Simulated Integral: 1.7343161785792407
Sample variance   : 0.23925624415037472
Std Error         : 0.0345872985466034
Error             : 0.016034350120195606

Create a parameter file to set the number of draws.

with TemporaryFile() as filename:
    with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        print('[MonteCarlo]', file=f)
        print(f'number_of_draws = {MULTIPLIER * R}', file=f)

    biogeme2 = bio.BIOGEME(database, simulate, parameter_file=filename)
    biogeme2.modelName = '01simpleIntegral_{multiplier*R}'
    results2 = biogeme2.simulate(theBetaValues={})
    print(f'Number of draws: {MULTIPLIER * R}')
    for c in results2.columns:
        print(f'{c}: {results2.loc[0, c]}')
Number of draws: 20000000
Analytical Integral: 1.718281828459045
Simulated Integral: 1.7182868032455962
Sample variance   : 0.2420428918652573
Std Error         : 0.034788136761348495
Error             : 4.974786551148469e-06

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 15.244 seconds)

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