""" Decorator for the derivative calculation, so that the names of the variables are associated with their values.
:author: Michel Bierlaire
:date: Sat Apr 20 08:06:54 2024
from functools import wraps
from biogeme.exceptions import BiogemeError
from biogeme.expressions import Expression
from biogeme.expressions.idmanager import ElementsTuple
from biogeme.function_output import FunctionOutput, NamedFunctionOutput, convert_to_dict
def named_expression(func):
def wrapper(self: Expression, *args, **kwargs):
# Call the original function/method
result: FunctionOutput = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(result, FunctionOutput):
raise TypeError(
f'Expected function {func.__name__} to return FunctionOutput, got {type(result).__name__} instead.'
if self.id_manager is None:
error_msg = f'Internal error. No id manager'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
the_betas: ElementsTuple = self.id_manager.free_betas()
if the_betas is None:
error_msg = f'Expression does not contain any free parameter.'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
the_result = NamedFunctionOutput(
gradient=convert_to_dict(result.gradient, the_betas.indices),
[convert_to_dict(row, the_betas.indices) for row in result.hessian],
return the_result
return wrapper