Source code for

import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import product
from typing import Iterable, Iterator

[docs] class ModelNames: """Class generating model names from unique configuration string""" def __init__(self, prefix: str = 'Model'): self.prefix = prefix self.dict_of_names = {} self.current_number = 0 def __call__(self, the_id: str) -> str: """Get a short model name from a unique ID :param the_id: id of the model :type the_id: str (or anything that can be used as a key for a dict) """ the_name = self.dict_of_names.get(the_id) if the_name is None: the_name = f'{self.prefix}_{self.current_number:06d}' self.current_number += 1 self.dict_of_names[the_id] = the_name return the_name
[docs] def generate_unique_ids(list_of_ids: list[str]) -> dict[str, str]: """If there are duplicates in the list, a new list is generated where there are renamed to obtain a list with unique IDs. :param list_of_ids: list of ids :type list_of_ids: list[str] :return: a dict that maps the unique names with the original name """ counts = defaultdict(int) for the_id in list_of_ids: counts[the_id] += 1 results = {} for name, count in counts.items(): if count == 1: results[name] = name else: substitutes = [f'{name}_{i}' for i in range(count)] for new_name in substitutes: results[new_name] = name return results
[docs] def unique_product(*iterables: Iterable, max_memory_mb: int = 1024) -> Iterator[tuple]: """Generate the Cartesian product of multiple iterables, keeping only the unique entries. Raises a MemoryError if memory usage exceeds the specified threshold. :param iterables: Variable number of iterables to compute the Cartesian product from. :type iterables: Iterable :param max_memory_mb: Maximum memory usage in megabytes (default: 1024MB). :type max_memory_mb: int :return: Yields unique entries from the Cartesian product. :rtype: Iterator[tuple] """ mb_to_bytes = 1024 * 1024 max_memory_bytes = max_memory_mb * mb_to_bytes # Convert MB to bytes seen = set() # Set to store seen entries total_memory = 0 # Track memory usage for items in product(*iterables): if items not in seen: seen.add(items) item_size = sum(sys.getsizeof(item) for item in items) total_memory += item_size if total_memory > max_memory_bytes: raise MemoryError( f'Memory usage exceeded the specified threshold: ' f'{total_memory/mb_to_bytes:.1f} MB > ' f'{max_memory_bytes/mb_to_bytes} MB.' ) yield items