""" Implements piecewise linear formulation
:author: Michel Bierlaire
:date: Wed Oct 25 09:43:41 2023
import logging
from biogeme.deprecated import deprecated
from biogeme.exceptions import BiogemeError
from biogeme.expressions import (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def piecewise_variables(
variable: Expression | str, thresholds: list[float]
) -> list[Expression]:
"""Generate the variables to include in a piecewise linear specification.
If there are K thresholds, K-1 variables are generated. The first
and last thresholds can be defined as None, corresponding to
:math:`-\\infty` and :math:`+\\infty`,respectively. If :math:`t` is
the variable of interest, for each interval :math:`[a:a+b[`, we
define a variable defined as:
.. math:: x_{Ti} =\\left\\{ \\begin{array}{ll} 0 & \\text{if }
t < a \\\\ t-a & \\text{if } a \\leq t < a+b \\\\ b &
\\text{otherwise} \\end{array}\\right. \\;\\;\\;x_{Ti} =
\\max(0, \\min(t-a, b))
:param variable: variable for which we need the piecewise linear
transform. The expression itself or the name of the variable
can be given.
:param thresholds: list of thresholds
:return: list of variables to for the piecewise linear specification.
:raise BiogemeError: if the thresholds are not defined properly,
as only the first and the last thresholds can be set
to None.
.. seealso:: :meth:`piecewiseFormula`
eye = len(thresholds)
if eye == 0:
error_msg = 'No threshold has been provided.'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
if all(t is None for t in thresholds):
error_msg = (
'All thresholds for the piecewise linear specification are set to None.'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
if None in thresholds[1:-1]:
error_msg = (
'For piecewise linear specification, only the first and '
'the last thresholds can be None'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
# If the name of the variable is given, we transform it into an expression.
if isinstance(variable, str):
variable = Variable(variable)
if not isinstance(variable, Variable):
error_msg = f'Expression of type Variable expected, not {type(variable)}'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
# First variable
if thresholds[0] is None:
results = [bioMin(variable, thresholds[1])]
b = thresholds[1] - thresholds[0]
results = [bioMax(Numeric(0), bioMin(variable - thresholds[0], b))]
for i in range(1, eye - 2):
b = thresholds[i + 1] - thresholds[i]
results += [bioMax(Numeric(0), bioMin(variable - thresholds[i], b))]
# Last variable
if thresholds[-1] is None:
results += [bioMax(0, variable - thresholds[-2])]
b = thresholds[-1] - thresholds[-2]
results += [bioMax(Numeric(0), bioMin(variable - thresholds[-2], b))]
return results
def piecewiseVariables(
variable: Expression | str, thresholds: list[float]
) -> list[Expression]:
def piecewise_as_variable(
variable: str | Variable, thresholds: list[float], betas: list[Beta] | None = None
) -> Expression:
"""Generate the formula for a piecewise linear specification, seen
as a transformed variable.
If there are K thresholds, K-1 variables are generated. The first
and last thresholds can be defined as None, corresponding to
:math:`-\\infty` and :math:`+\\infty`, respectively. If :math:`t` is
the variable of interest, for each interval :math:`[a:a+b[`, we
define a variable defined as:
.. math:: x_{Ti} =\\left\\{ \\begin{array}{ll} 0 & \\text{if }
t < a \\\\ t-a & \\text{if } a \\leq t < a+b \\\\ b &
\\text{otherwise} \\end{array}\\right. \\;\\;\\;x_{Ti} =
\\max(0, \\min(t-a, b))
The specification this is returned is
.. math:: x_{T1} + \\sum_{i=2}^{K-1} \beta_i x_{Ti}
:param variable: name of the variable for which we need the
piecewise linear transform.
:type variable: string
:param thresholds: list of thresholds
:type thresholds: list(float)
:param betas: list of Beta parameters to be used in the
specification. The number of entries should be the number of
thresholds, minus two. If None, for each interval, the
parameter Beta('beta_VAR_interval',0, None, None, 0) is used,
where var is the name of the variable. Default: none.
:type betas:
:return: expression of the piecewise linear specification.
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if the thresholds are not defined properly,
which means that only the first and the last threshold can be set
to None.
:raise BiogemeError: if the length of list ``initialexpr.Betas`` is
not equal to the length of ``thresholds`` minus one.
.. see also:: :meth:`piecewiseVariables`
if isinstance(variable, Variable):
the_variable = variable
the_name = variable.name
elif isinstance(variable, str):
the_name = variable
the_variable = Variable(f'{variable}')
error_msg = (
'The first argument of piecewiseFormula must be the '
'name of a variable, or the variable itself..'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
eye = len(thresholds)
if all(t is None for t in thresholds):
error_msg = (
'All thresholds for the piecewise linear specification are set to None.'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
if None in thresholds[1:-1]:
error_msg = (
'For piecewise linear specification, only the first and '
'the last thresholds can be None'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
if betas is not None:
if len(betas) != eye - 2:
error_msg = (
f'As there are {eye} thresholds, a total of {eye-2} '
f'Beta parameters are needed, and not {len(betas)}.'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
theVars = piecewise_variables(the_variable, thresholds)
if betas is None:
betas = []
for i, a_threshold in enumerate(thresholds[1:-1]):
next_threshold = thresholds[i + 2]
a_name = 'minus_inf' if a_threshold is None else f'{a_threshold}'
next_name = 'inf' if next_threshold is None else f'{next_threshold}'
Beta(f'beta_{the_name}_{a_name}_{next_name}', 0, None, None, 0)
terms = [beta * theVars[i] for i, beta in enumerate(betas)]
return theVars[0] + bioMultSum(terms)
def piecewise_function(x: float, thresholds: list[float], betas: list[float]) -> float:
"""Plot a piecewise linear specification.
If there are K thresholds, K-1 variables are generated. The first
and last thresholds can be defined as None, corresponding to
:math:`-\\infty` and :math:`+\\infty`, respectively. If :math:`t` is
the variable of interest, for each interval :math:`[a:a+b[`, we
define a variable defined as:
.. math:: x_{Ti} =\\left\\{ \\begin{array}{ll} 0 & \\text{if }
t < a \\\\ t-a & \\text{if } a \\leq t < a+b \\\\ b &
\\text{otherwise} \\end{array}\\right. \\;\\;\\;x_{Ti} =
\\max(0, \\min(t-a, b))
:param x: value at which the piecewise specification must be avaluated
:type x: float
:param thresholds: list of thresholds
:type thresholds: list(float)
:param betas: list of the Beta parameters. The number of entries
should be the number of thresholds, plus
:type betas: list(float)
:return: value of the numpy function
:rtype: float
:raise BiogemeError: if the thresholds are not defined properly,
which means that only the first and the last threshold can be set
to None.
eye = len(thresholds)
if all(t is None for t in thresholds):
error_msg = (
'All thresholds for the piecewise linear specification are set to None.'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
if None in thresholds[1:-1]:
error_msg = (
'For piecewise linear specification, only the first and '
'the last thresholds can be None'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
if len(betas) != eye - 1:
error_msg = (
f'As there are {eye} thresholds, a total of {eye-1} values '
f'are needed to initialize the parameters. But '
f'{len(betas)} are provided'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
# If the first threshold is not -infinity, we need to check if
# x is beyond it.
if thresholds[0] is not None:
if x < thresholds[0]:
return 0
rest = x
total = 0
for i, v in enumerate(betas):
if thresholds[i + 1] is None:
total += v * rest
return total
if x < thresholds[i + 1]:
total += v * rest
return total
total += v * (
thresholds[i + 1] - (0 if thresholds[i] is None else thresholds[i])
rest = x - thresholds[i + 1]
return total
def piecewiseFunction(x: float, thresholds: list[float], betas: list[float]) -> float: