Source code for biogeme.models.nested

""" Implements various models.

:author: Michel Bierlaire
:date: Fri Mar 29 17:13:14 2019

from __future__ import annotations

import logging

import biogeme.exceptions as excep
from biogeme.deprecated import deprecated
from biogeme.expressions import (
from biogeme.models import logmev, mev
from biogeme.nests import NestsForNestedLogit, OldNestsForNestedLogit

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def get_mev_generating_for_nested( util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], availability: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric] | None, nests: NestsForNestedLogit | OldNestsForNestedLogit, ) -> Expression: """Implements the MEV generating function for the nested logit model :param util: dict of objects representing the utility functions of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. :param availability: dict of objects representing the availability of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. Must be consistent with util, or None. In this case, all alternatives are supposed to be always available. :param nests: an object describing the nests :return: a dictionary mapping each alternative id with the function .. math:: G(e^{V_1}, \\ldots,e^{V_J}) = \\sum_m \\left( \\sum_{\\ell \\in C_m} y_\\ell^{\\mu_m}\\right)^{\\frac{\\mu}{\\mu_m}} where :math:`G` is the MEV generating function. """ if not isinstance(nests, NestsForNestedLogit): logger.warning( 'It is recommended to define the nests of the nested logit model using ' 'the objects OneNestForNestedLogit and NestsForNestedLogit defined ' 'in biogeme.nests.' ) nests = NestsForNestedLogit(choice_set=list(util), tuple_of_nests=nests) ok, message = nests.check_partition() if not ok: raise excep.BiogemeError(message) terms_for_nests = [] for m in nests: if availability is None: sum_terms = [exp(m.nest_param * util[i]) for i in m.list_of_alternatives] the_sum = bioMultSum(sum_terms) else: sum_terms = [ ConditionalTermTuple( condition=availability[i] != Numeric(0), term=exp(m.nest_param * util[i]), ) for i in m.list_of_alternatives ] the_sum = ConditionalSum(list_of_terms=sum_terms) terms_for_nests.append(the_sum ** (1.0 / m.nest_param)) if nests.alone is not None: for i in nests.alone: terms_for_nests.append(util[i]) return bioMultSum(terms_for_nests)
[docs] @deprecated(get_mev_generating_for_nested) def getMevGeneratingForNested( util: dict[int, Expression], availability: dict[int, Expression], nests: NestsForNestedLogit | OldNestsForNestedLogit, ) -> Expression: pass
[docs] def get_mev_for_nested( util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], availability: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric] | None, nests: NestsForNestedLogit | OldNestsForNestedLogit, ) -> dict[int, Expression]: """Implements the derivatives of MEV generating function for the nested logit model :param util: dict of objects representing the utility functions of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. :param availability: dict of objects representing the availability of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. Must be consistent with util, or None. In this case, all alternatives are supposed to be always available. :param nests: object containing the description of the nests. :return: a dictionary mapping each alternative id with the function .. math:: \\ln \\frac{\\partial G}{\\partial y_i}(e^{V_1}, \\ldots,e^{V_J}) = e^{(\\mu_m-1)V_i} \\left(\\sum_{i=1}^{J_m} e^{\\mu_m V_i}\\right)^ {\\frac{1}{\\mu_m}-1} where :math:`m` is the (only) nest containing alternative :math:`i`, and :math:`G` is the MEV generating function. """ if not isinstance(nests, NestsForNestedLogit): logger.warning( 'It is recommended to define the nests of the nested logit model using ' 'the objects OneNestForNestedLogit and NestsForNestedLogit defined ' 'in biogeme.nests.' ) nests = NestsForNestedLogit(choice_set=list(util), tuple_of_nests=nests) ok, message = nests.check_partition() if not ok: raise excep.BiogemeError(message) if nests.alone is None: log_gi = {} else: log_gi = {i: Numeric(0) for i in nests.alone} for m in nests: if availability is None: sum_terms = [exp(m.nest_param * util[i]) for i in m.list_of_alternatives] the_sum = bioMultSum(sum_terms) else: sum_terms = [ ConditionalTermTuple( condition=availability[i] != Numeric(0), term=exp(m.nest_param * util[i]), ) for i in m.list_of_alternatives ] the_sum = ConditionalSum(list_of_terms=sum_terms) for i in m.list_of_alternatives: log_gi[i] = (m.nest_param - 1.0) * util[i] + ( 1.0 / m.nest_param - 1.0 ) * log(the_sum) return log_gi
[docs] @deprecated(get_mev_for_nested) def getMevForNested( V: dict[int, Expression], availability: dict[int, Expression] | None, nests: NestsForNestedLogit | OldNestsForNestedLogit, ) -> dict[int, Expression]: pass
[docs] def get_mev_for_nested_mu( util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], availability: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric] | None, nests: NestsForNestedLogit | OldNestsForNestedLogit, mu: ExpressionOrNumeric, ) -> dict[int, Expression]: """Implements the MEV generating function for the nested logit model, including the scale parameter :param util: dict of objects representing the utility functions of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. :param availability: dict of objects representing the availability of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. Must be consistent with util, or None. In this case, all alternatives are supposed to be always available. :param nests: object describing the nesting structure :param mu: scale parameter :return: a dictionary mapping each alternative id with the function .. math:: \\frac{\\partial G}{\\partial y_i}(e^{V_1},\\ldots,e^{V_J}) = \\mu e^{(\\mu_m-1)V_i} \\left(\\sum_{i=1}^{J_m} e^{\\mu_m V_i}\\right)^{\\frac{\\mu}{\\mu_m}-1} where :math:`m` is the (only) nest containing alternative :math:`i`, and :math:`G` is the MEV generating function. """ if not isinstance(nests, NestsForNestedLogit): logger.warning( 'It is recommended to define the nests of the nested logit model using ' 'the objects OneNestForNestedLogit and NestsForNestedLogit defined ' 'in biogeme.nests.' ) nests = NestsForNestedLogit(choice_set=list(util), tuple_of_nests=nests) ok, message = nests.check_partition() if not ok: raise excep.BiogemeError(message) if nests.alone is None: log_gi = {} else: log_gi = {i: log(mu) + (mu - 1) * util[i] for i in nests.alone} for m in nests: if availability is None: sum_terms = [exp(m.nest_param * util[i]) for i in m.list_of_alternatives] the_sum = bioMultSum(sum_terms) else: sum_terms = [ ConditionalTermTuple( condition=availability[i] != Numeric(0), term=exp(m.nest_param * util[i]), ) for i in m.list_of_alternatives ] the_sum = ConditionalSum(list_of_terms=sum_terms) for i in m.list_of_alternatives: log_gi[i] = ( log(mu) + (m.nest_param - 1.0) * util[i] + (mu / m.nest_param - 1.0) * log(the_sum) ) return log_gi
[docs] @deprecated(get_mev_for_nested_mu) def getMevForNestedMu( util: dict[int, Expression], availability: dict[int, Expression] | None, nests: NestsForNestedLogit | OldNestsForNestedLogit, mu: Expression, ) -> dict[int, Expression]: pass
[docs] def nested( util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], availability: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric] | None, nests: NestsForNestedLogit | OldNestsForNestedLogit, choice: ExpressionOrNumeric, ) -> Expression: """Implements the nested logit model as a MEV model. :param util: dict of objects representing the utility functions of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. :param availability: dict of objects representing the availability of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. Must be consistent with util, or None. In this case, all alternatives are supposed to be always available. :param nests: object containing the description of the nests. :param choice: id of the alternative for which the probability must be calculated. :return: choice probability for the nested logit model, based on the derivatives of the MEV generating function produced by the function getMevForNested :raise BiogemeError: if the definition of the nests is invalid. """ log_gi = get_mev_for_nested(util, availability, nests) P = mev(util, log_gi, availability, choice) return P
[docs] def lognested( util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], availability: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric] | None, nests: NestsForNestedLogit | OldNestsForNestedLogit, choice: ExpressionOrNumeric, ) -> Expression: """Implements the log of a nested logit model as a MEV model. :param util: dict of objects representing the utility functions of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. :param availability: dict of objects representing the availability of each alternative (:math:`a_i` in the above formula), indexed by numerical ids. Must be consistent with util, or None. In this case, all alternatives are supposed to be always available. :param nests: object describing the nesting structure :param choice: id of the alternative for which the probability must be calculated. :return: log of choice probability for the nested logit model, based on the derivatives of the MEV generating function produced by the function getMevForNested :raise BiogemeError: if the definition of the nests is invalid. """ if not isinstance(nests, NestsForNestedLogit): logger.warning( 'It is recommended to define the nests of the nested logit model using ' 'the objects OneNestForNestedLogit and NestsForNestedLogit defined ' 'in biogeme.nests.' ) nests = NestsForNestedLogit(choice_set=list(util), tuple_of_nests=nests) ok, message = nests.check_partition() if not ok: raise excep.BiogemeError(message) log_gi = get_mev_for_nested( util, availability, nests, ) log_p = logmev(util, log_gi, availability, choice) return log_p
[docs] def nested_mev_mu( util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], availability: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric] | None, nests: NestsForNestedLogit | OldNestsForNestedLogit, choice: ExpressionOrNumeric, mu: ExpressionOrNumeric, ) -> Expression: """Implements the nested logit model as a MEV model, where mu is also a parameter, if the user wants to test different normalization schemes. :param util: dict of objects representing the utility functions of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. :param availability: dict of objects representing the availability of each alternative (:math:`a_i` in the above formula), indexed by numerical ids. Must be consistent with util, or None. In this case, all alternatives are supposed to be always available. :param nests: object describing the nesting structure :param choice: id of the alternative for which the probability must be calculated. :param mu: expression producing the value of the top-level scale parameter. :return: the nested logit choice probability based on the following derivatives of the MEV generating function: .. math:: \\frac{\\partial G}{\\partial y_i}(e^{V_1},\\ldots,e^{V_J}) = \\mu e^{(\\mu_m-1)V_i} \\left(\\sum_{i=1}^{J_m} e^{\\mu_m V_i}\\right)^{\\frac{\\mu}{\\mu_m}-1} Where :math:`m` is the (only) nest containing alternative :math:`i`, and :math:`G` is the MEV generating function. """ return exp(lognested_mev_mu(util, availability, nests, choice, mu))
[docs] @deprecated(nested_mev_mu) def nestedMevMu( util: dict[int, Expression], availability: dict[int, Expression] | None, nests: NestsForNestedLogit | OldNestsForNestedLogit, choice: Expression, mu: Expression, ) -> Expression: pass
[docs] def lognested_mev_mu( util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], availability: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric] | None, nests: NestsForNestedLogit | OldNestsForNestedLogit, choice: ExpressionOrNumeric, mu: ExpressionOrNumeric, ) -> Expression: """Implements the log of the nested logit model as a MEV model, where mu is also a parameter, if the user wants to test different normalization schemes. :param util: dict of objects representing the utility functions of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. :param availability: dict of objects representing the availability of each alternative (:math:`a_i` in the above formula), indexed by numerical ids. Must be consistent with util, or None. In this case, all alternatives are supposed to be always available. :param nests: object describing the nesting structure :param choice: id of the alternative for which the probability must be calculated. :param mu: expression producing the value of the top-level scale parameter. :return: the log of the nested logit choice probability based on the following derivatives of the MEV generating function: .. math:: \\frac{\\partial G}{\\partial y_i}(e^{V_1},\\ldots,e^{V_J}) = \\mu e^{(\\mu_m-1)V_i} \\left(\\sum_{i=1}^{J_m} e^{\\mu_m V_i}\\right)^{\\frac{\\mu}{\\mu_m}-1} where :math:`m` is the (only) nest containing alternative :math:`i`, and :math:`G` is the MEV generating function. """ log_gi = get_mev_for_nested_mu(util, availability, nests, mu) log_p = logmev(util, log_gi, availability, choice) return log_p
[docs] @deprecated(lognested_mev_mu) def lognestedMevMu( util: dict[int, Expression], availability: dict[int, Expression] | None, nests: NestsForNestedLogit | OldNestsForNestedLogit, choice: Expression, mu: Expression, ) -> Expression: pass