Source code for biogeme.models.mev

""" Implements the Multivariate Extreme Value models.

:author: Michel Bierlaire
:date: Wed Oct 25 11:35:34 2023

import logging
from biogeme.expressions import (
from biogeme.deprecated import deprecated

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def logmev( util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], log_gi: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], av: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], choice: ExpressionOrNumeric, ) -> Expression: """Log of the choice probability for a MEV model. :param util: dict of objects representing the utility functions of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. :param log_gi: a dictionary mapping each alternative id with the function .. math:: \\ln \\frac{\\partial G}{\\partial y_i} (e^{V_1},\\ldots,e^{V_J}) where :math:`G` is the MEV generating function. If an alternative :math:`i` is not available, then :math:`G_i = 0`. :param av: dict of objects representing the availability of each alternative (:math:`a_i` in the above formula), indexed by numerical ids. Must be consistent with util, or None. In this case, all alternatives are supposed to be always available. :param choice: id of the alternative for which the probability must be calculated. :return: log of the choice probability of the MEV model, given by .. math:: V_i + \\ln G_i(e^{V_1},\\ldots,e^{V_J}) - \\ln\\left(\\sum_j e^{V_j + \\ln G_j(e^{V_1}, \\ldots,e^{V_J})}\\right) """ h = {i: v + log_gi[i] for i, v in util.items()} if av is None: log_p = _bioLogLogitFullChoiceSet(h, choice=choice) else: log_p = _bioLogLogit(h, av, choice) return log_p
[docs] def mev( util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], log_gi: dict[int, Expression], av: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric] | None, choice: ExpressionOrNumeric, ): """Choice probability for a MEV model. :param util: dict of objects representing the utility functions of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. :type util: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression) :param log_gi: a dictionary mapping each alternative id with the function .. math:: \\ln \\frac{\\partial G}{\\partial y_i} (e^{V_1}, \\ldots, e^{V_J}) where :math:`G` is the MEV generating function. If an alternative :math:`i` is not available, then :math:`G_i = 0`. :type log_gi: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression) :param av: dict of objects representing the availability of each alternative (:math:`a_i` in the above formula), indexed by numerical ids. Must be consistent with util, or None. In this case, all alternatives are supposed to be always available. :type av: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression) :param choice: id of the alternative for which the probability must be calculated. :type choice: biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression :return: Choice probability of the MEV model, given by .. math:: \\frac{e^{V_i + \\ln G_i(e^{V_1}, \\ldots,e^{V_J})}}{\\sum_j e^{V_j + \\ln G_j(e^{V_1},\\ldots,e^{V_J})}} :rtype: biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression """ return exp(logmev(util, log_gi, av, choice))
[docs] def logmev_endogenous_sampling( util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], log_gi: dict[int, Expression], av: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric] | None, correction: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], choice: ExpressionOrNumeric, ): """Log of choice probability for a MEV model, including the correction for endogenous sampling as proposed by `Bierlaire, Bolduc and McFadden (2008)`_. .. _`Bierlaire, Bolduc and McFadden (2008)`: :param util: dict of objects representing the utility functions of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. :type util: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression) :param log_gi: a dictionary mapping each alternative id with the function .. math:: \\ln \\frac{\\partial G}{\\partial y_i} (e^{V_1}, \\ldots, e^{V_J}) where :math:`G` is the MEV generating function. If an alternative :math:`i` is not available, then :math:`G_i = 0`. :type log_gi: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression) :param av: dict of objects representing the availability of each alternative (:math:`a_i` in the above formula), indexed by numerical ids. Must be consistent with util, or None. In this case, all alternatives are supposed to be always available. :type av: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression) :param correction: a dict of expressions for the correstion terms of each alternative. :type correction: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression) :param choice: id of the alternative for which the probability must be calculated. :type choice: biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression :return: log of the choice probability of the MEV model, given by .. math:: V_i + \\ln G_i(e^{V_1}, \\ldots,e^{V_J}) + \\omega_i - \\ln\\left(\\sum_j e^{V_j + \\ln G_j(e^{V_1}, \\ldots, e^{V_J})+ \\omega_j}\\right) where :math:`\\omega_i` is the correction term for alternative :math:`i`. :rtype: biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression """ h = {i: v + log_gi[i] + correction[i] for i, v in util.items()} log_p = _bioLogLogit(h, av, choice) return log_p
[docs] @deprecated(new_func=logmev_endogenous_sampling) def logmev_endogenousSampling( util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], log_gi: dict[int, Expression], av: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric] | None, correction: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], choice: ExpressionOrNumeric, ): pass
[docs] def mev_endogenous_sampling( util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], log_gi: dict[int, Expression], av: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric] | None, correction: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], choice: ExpressionOrNumeric, ): """Choice probability for a MEV model, including the correction for endogenous sampling as proposed by `Bierlaire, Bolduc and McFadden (2008)`_. .. _`Bierlaire, Bolduc and McFadden (2008)`: :param util: dict of objects representing the utility functions of each alternative, indexed by numerical ids. :type util: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression) :param log_gi: a dictionary mapping each alternative id with the function .. math:: \\ln \\frac{\\partial G}{\\partial y_i} (e^{V_1}, \\ldots, e^{V_J}) where :math:`G` is the MEV generating function. If an alternative :math:`i` is not available, then :math:`G_i = 0`. :type log_gi: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression) :param av: dict of objects representing the availability of each alternative (:math:`a_i` in the above formula), indexed by numerical ids. Must be consistent with util, or None. In this case, all alternatives are supposed to be always available. :type av: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression) :param correction: a dict of expressions for the correstion terms of each alternative. :type correction: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression) :param choice: id of the alternative for which the probability must be calculated. :type choice: biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression :return: log of the choice probability of the MEV model, given by .. math:: V_i + \\ln G_i(e^{V_1}, \\ldots, e^{V_J}) + \\omega_i - \\ln\\left(\\sum_j e^{V_j + \\ln G_j(e^{V_1},\\ldots,e^{V_J})+ \\omega_j}\\right) where :math:`\\omega_i` is the correction term for alternative :math:`i`. :rtype: biogeme.expressions.expr.Expression """ return exp(logmev_endogenous_sampling(util, log_gi, av, correction, choice))
[docs] @deprecated(new_func=mev_endogenous_sampling) def mev_endogenousSampling( util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], log_gi: dict[int, Expression], av: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric] | None, correction: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], choice: ExpressionOrNumeric, ): pass