Source code for biogeme.expressions.logit_expressions

""" Arithmetic expressions accepted by Biogeme: logit

:author: Michel Bierlaire
:date: Sat Sep  9 15:28:39 2023

from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from .base_expressions import Expression
from .numeric_expressions import Numeric
from .convert import validate_and_convert
from ..deprecated import deprecated
from ..exceptions import BiogemeError

    from . import ExpressionOrNumeric
    from ..database import Database
logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class LogLogit(Expression): """Expression capturing the logit formula. It contains one formula for the target alternative, a dict of formula for the availabilities and a dict of formulas for the utilities """ def __init__( self, util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], av: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric] | None, choice: ExpressionOrNumeric, ): """Constructor :param util: dictionary where the keys are the identifiers of the alternatives, and the elements are objects defining the utility functions. :type util: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.Expression) :param av: dictionary where the keys are the identifiers of the alternatives, and the elements are object of type biogeme.expressions.Expression defining the availability conditions. If av is None, all the alternatives are assumed to be always available :type av: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.Expression) :param choice: formula to obtain the alternative for which the logit probability must be calculated. :type choice: biogeme.expressions.Expression :raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is neither a numeric value nor a biogeme.expressions.Expression object. """ Expression.__init__(self) self.util = { alt_id: validate_and_convert(util_expression) for (alt_id, util_expression) in util.items() } #: dict of availability formulas if av is None: self.av = {k: Numeric(1) for k, v in util.items()} else: self.av = { alt_id: validate_and_convert(avail_expression) for (alt_id, avail_expression) in av.items() } self.choice = validate_and_convert(choice) """expression for the chosen alternative""" self.children.append(self.choice) for i, e in self.util.items(): self.children.append(e) for i, e in self.av.items(): self.children.append(e)
[docs] def audit(self, database: Database | None = None): """Performs various checks on the expressions. :param database: database object :type database: biogeme.database.Database :return: tuple list_of_errors, list_of_warnings :rtype: list(string), list(string) """ list_of_errors = [] list_of_warnings = [] for e in self.children: err, war = e.audit(database) list_of_errors += err list_of_warnings += war if self.util.keys() != self.av.keys(): the_error = 'Incompatible list of alternatives in logit expression. ' consistent = False my_set = self.util.keys() - self.av.keys() if my_set: my_set_content = ', '.join(f'{str(k)} ' for k in my_set) the_error += ( 'Id(s) used for utilities and not for ' 'availabilities: ' ) + my_set_content my_set = self.av.keys() - self.util.keys() if my_set: my_set_content = ', '.join(f'{str(k)} ' for k in my_set) the_error += ( ' Id(s) used for availabilities and not ' 'for utilities: ' ) + my_set_content list_of_errors.append(the_error) else: consistent = True list_of_alternatives = list(self.util) if database is None: choices = np.array([self.choice.get_value_c()]) else: choices = database.values_from_database(self.choice) correct_choices = np.isin(choices, list_of_alternatives) index_of_incorrect_choices = np.argwhere(~correct_choices) if index_of_incorrect_choices.any(): incorrect_choices = choices[index_of_incorrect_choices] content = '-'.join( '{}[{}]'.format(*t) for t in zip(index_of_incorrect_choices, incorrect_choices) ) truncate = 100 if len(content) > truncate: content = f'{content[:truncate]}...' the_error = ( f'The choice variable [{self.choice}] does not ' f'correspond to a valid alternative for the ' f'following observations (rownumber[choice]): ' ) + content list_of_errors.append(the_error) if consistent: if database is None: value_choice = self.choice.get_value_c() logger.debug(f'{value_choice=}') if value_choice not in self.av.keys(): the_error = ( f'The chosen alternative [{value_choice}] ' f'is not available' ) list_of_warnings.append(the_error) else: choice_availability = database.check_availability_of_chosen_alt( self.av, self.choice ) index_of_unavailable_choices = np.where(~choice_availability)[0] if index_of_unavailable_choices.size > 0: incorrect_choices = choices[index_of_unavailable_choices] content = '-'.join( '{}[{}]'.format(*t) for t in zip(index_of_unavailable_choices, incorrect_choices) ) truncate = 100 if len(content) > truncate: content = f'{content[:truncate]}...' the_error = ( f'The chosen alternative [{self.choice}] ' f'is not available for the following ' f'observations (rownumber[choice]): ' ) + content list_of_warnings.append(the_error) return list_of_errors, list_of_warnings
[docs] def get_value(self) -> float: """Evaluates the value of the expression :return: value of the expression :rtype: float :raise BiogemeError: if the chosen alternative does not correspond to any of the utility functions :raise BiogemeError: if the chosen alternative does not correspond to any of entry in the availability condition """ choice = int(self.choice.get_value()) if choice not in self.util: error_msg = ( f'Alternative {choice} does not appear in the list ' f'of utility functions: {self.util.keys()}' ) raise BiogemeError(error_msg) if choice not in self.av: error_msg = ( f'Alternative {choice} does not appear in the list ' f'of availabilities: {self.av.keys()}' ) raise BiogemeError(error_msg) if self.av[choice].get_value() == 0.0: return -np.log(0) v_chosen = self.util[choice].get_value() denom = 0.0 for i, V in self.util.items(): if self.av[i].get_value() != 0.0: denom += np.exp(V.get_value() - v_chosen) return -np.log(denom)
[docs] @deprecated(get_value) def getValue(self) -> float: pass
def __str__(self) -> str: s = self.get_class_name() s += f'[choice={self.choice}]' s += 'U=(' first = True for i, e in self.util.items(): if first: s += f'{int(i)}:{e}' first = False else: s += f', {int(i)}:{e}' s += ')' s += 'av=(' first = True for i, e in self.av.items(): if first: s += f'{int(i)}:{e}' first = False else: s += f', {int(i)}:{e}' s += ')' return s
[docs] def get_signature(self) -> list[bytes]: """The signature of a string characterizing an expression. This is designed to be communicated to C++, so that the expression can be reconstructed in this environment. The list contains the following elements: 1. the signatures of all the children expressions, 2. the name of the expression between < > 3. the id of the expression between { } 4. the number of alternatives between ( ) 5. the id of the expression for the chosen alternative, preceeded by a comma. 6. for each alternative, separated by commas: a. the number of the alternative, as defined by the user, b. the id of the expression for the utility, c. the id of the expression for the availability condition. Consider the following expression: .. math:: 2 \\beta_1 V_1 - \\frac{\\exp(-\\beta_2 V_2) }{ \\beta_3 (\\beta_2 \\geq \\beta_1)}. It is defined as:: 2 * beta1 * Variable1 - expressions.exp(-beta2*Variable2) / (beta3 * (beta2 >= beta1)) And its signature is:: [b'<Numeric>{4780527008},2', b'<Beta>{4780277152}"beta1"[0],0,0', b'<Times>{4780526952}(2),4780527008,4780277152', b'<Variable>{4511837152}"Variable1",5,2', b'<Times>{4780527064}(2),4780526952,4511837152', b'<Beta>{4780277656}"beta2"[0],1,1', b'<UnaryMinus>{4780527120}(1),4780277656', b'<Variable>{4511837712}"Variable2",6,3', b'<Times>{4780527176}(2),4780527120,4511837712', b'<exp>{4780527232}(1),4780527176', b'<Beta>{4780277264}"beta3"[1],2,0', b'<Beta>{4780277656}"beta2"[0],1,1', b'<Beta>{4780277152}"beta1"[0],0,0', b'<GreaterOrEqual>{4780527288}(2),4780277656,4780277152', b'<Times>{4780527344}(2),4780277264,4780527288', b'<Divide>{4780527400}(2),4780527232,4780527344', b'<Minus>{4780527456}(2),4780527064,4780527400'] :return: list of the signatures of an expression and its children. :rtype: list(string) """ list_of_signatures = [] for e in self.get_children(): list_of_signatures += e.get_signature() signature = f'<{self.get_class_name()}>' signature += f'{{{self.get_id()}}}' signature += f'({len(self.util)})' signature += f',{self.choice.get_id()}' for i, e in self.util.items(): signature += f',{i},{e.get_id()},{self.av[i].get_id()}' list_of_signatures += [signature.encode()] return list_of_signatures
class _bioLogLogit(LogLogit): """log of logit formula This expression captures the logarithm of the logit formula. It contains one formula for the target alternative, a dict of formula for the availabilities and a dict of formulas for the utilities It uses only the C++ implementation. """ class _bioLogLogitFullChoiceSet(LogLogit): """This expression captures the logarithm of the logit formula, where all alternatives are supposed to be always available. It contains one formula for the target alternative and a dict of formulas for the utilities. It uses only the C++ implementation. """ def __init__( self, util: dict[int, ExpressionOrNumeric], choice: ExpressionOrNumeric ): """Constructor :param util: dictionary where the keys are the identifiers of the alternatives, and the elements are objects defining the utility functions. :type util: dict(int:biogeme.expressions.Expression) :param choice: formula to obtain the alternative for which the logit probability must be calculated. :type choice: biogeme.expressions.Expression :raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is neither a numeric value nor a biogeme.expressions.Expression object. """ super().__init__(util=util, av=None, choice=choice)