""" Arithmetic expressions accepted by Biogeme: generic class
:author: Michel Bierlaire
:date: Sat Sep 9 15:25:07 2023
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from itertools import chain
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Iterable
from biogeme.configuration import Configuration
from biogeme.controller import CentralController, Controller
from biogeme.deprecated import deprecated, deprecated_parameters
from biogeme.function_output import (
from .catalog_iterator import SelectedExpressionsIterator
from biogeme.database import Database
from biogeme.catalog import Catalog
from .elementary_expressions import Elementary
from . import MultipleExpression, Numeric
import numpy as np
from biogeme.exceptions import BiogemeError, NotImplementedError
from biogeme_optimization.function import FunctionToMinimize, FunctionData
from .idmanager import IdManager
from .numeric_tools import is_numeric
from .elementary_types import TypeOfElementaryExpression
from .calculator import calculate_function_and_derivatives
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Expression:
"""This is the general arithmetic expression in biogeme.
It serves as a base class for concrete expressions.
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.children = [] #: List of children expressions
self.id_manager = None #: in charge of the IDs
self.keep_id_manager = None #: a copy of the ID manager
self.fixedBetaValues = None
"""values of the Beta that are not estimated
self.numberOfDraws = None
"""number of draws for Monte Carlo integration
self._row = None
"""Row of the database where the values of the variables are found
self.missingData = 99999
""" Value interpreted as missing data
self.central_controller = None
""" Central controller for the multiple expressions
def __bool__(self):
error_msg = f'Expression {str(self)} cannot be used in a boolean expression. Use & for "and" and | for "or"'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
def __iter__(self) -> SelectedExpressionsIterator:
the_set = self.set_of_configurations()
return SelectedExpressionsIterator(self, the_set)
def check_panel_trajectory(self) -> set[str]:
"""Set of variables defined outside of 'PanelLikelihoodTrajectory'
:return: List of names of variables
check_children = set(
[e.check_panel_trajectory() for e in self.get_children()]
return check_children
def check_draws(self) -> set[str]:
"""Set of draws defined outside of 'MonteCarlo'
:return: List of names of variables
check_children = set(
chain.from_iterable([e.check_draws() for e in self.get_children()])
return check_children
def check_rv(self) -> set[str]:
"""Set of random variables defined outside of 'Integrate'
:return: List of names of variables
check_children = set(
chain.from_iterable([e.check_rv() for e in self.get_children()])
return check_children
def get_status_id_manager(self) -> tuple[set[str], set[str]]:
"""Check the elementary expressions that are associated with
an ID manager.
:return: two sets of elementary expressions, those with and
without an ID manager.
with_id = set()
without_id = set()
for e in self.get_children():
yes, no = e.get_status_id_manager()
return with_id, without_id
def getStatusIdManager(self) -> tuple[set[str], set[str]]:
"""Kept for backward compatibility"""
@deprecated_parameters(obsolete_params={'numberOfDraws': 'number_of_draws'})
def prepare(self, database: "Database", number_of_draws: int) -> None:
"""Prepare the expression to be evaluated
:param database: Biogeme database
:param number_of_draws: number of draws for Monte-Carlo integration
# First, we reset the IDs, if any
# Second, we calculate a new set of IDs.
id_manager = IdManager([self], database, number_of_draws)
def set_id_manager(self, id_manager: IdManager | None) -> None:
"""The ID manager contains the IDs of the elementary expressions.
It is externally created, as it may nee to coordinate the
numbering of several expressions. It is stored only in the
expressions of type Elementary.
:param id_manager: ID manager to be propagated to the
elementary expressions. If None, all the IDs are set to None.
:type id_manager: class IdManager
self.id_manager = id_manager
for e in self.get_children():
def setIdManager(self, id_manager: IdManager | None) -> None:
"""Kept for backward compatibility"""
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""built-in function used to compute the 'official' string reputation
of an object
:return: description of the expression
return self.__str__()
def __add__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for addition.
:param other: expression to be added
:return: self + other
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
error_msg = f"Invalid expression during addition to {self}: [{other}]"
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
from .binary_expressions import Plus
return Plus(self, other)
def __radd__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for addition.
:param other: expression to be added
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: other + self
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
error_msg = f"Invalid expression during addition to {self}: [{other}]"
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
from .binary_expressions import Plus
return Plus(other, self)
def __sub__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for substraction.
:param other: expression to substract
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: self - other
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
error_msg = f"Invalid expression during substraction to {self}: [{other}]"
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
from .binary_expressions import Minus
return Minus(self, other)
def __rsub__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for substraction.
:param other: expression to be substracted
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: other - self
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
error_msg = f"Invalid expression during substraction of {self}: [{other}]"
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
from .binary_expressions import Minus
return Minus(other, self)
def __mul__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for multiplication.
:param other: expression to be multiplied
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: self * other
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
error_msg = (
f"Invalid expression during multiplication " f"to {self}: [{other}]"
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
from .binary_expressions import Times
return Times(self, other)
def __rmul__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for multiplication.
:param other: expression to be multiplied
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: other * self
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
error_msg = (
f"Invalid expression during multiplication " f"to {self}: [{other}]"
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
from .binary_expressions import Times
return Times(other, self)
def __div__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for division.
:param other: expression for division
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: self / other
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
error_msg = f"Invalid expression during division of {self}: [{other}]"
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
from .binary_expressions import Divide
return Divide(self, other)
def __rdiv__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for division.
:param other: expression for division
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: other / self
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
error_msg = f"Invalid expression during division by {self}: [{other}]"
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
from .binary_expressions import Divide
return Divide(other, self)
def __truediv__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for division.
:param other: expression for division
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: self / other
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
error_msg = f"Invalid expression during division of {self}: [{other}]"
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
from .binary_expressions import Divide
return Divide(self, other)
def __rtruediv__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for division.
:param other: expression for division
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: other / self
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
error_msg = f"Invalid expression during division by {self}: [{other}]"
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
from .binary_expressions import Divide
return Divide(other, self)
def __neg__(self) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for unary minus.
:return: -self
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
from .unary_expressions import UnaryMinus
return UnaryMinus(self)
def __pow__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for power.
:param other: expression for power
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: self ^ other
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if is_numeric(other):
from .unary_expressions import PowerConstant
return PowerConstant(child=self, exponent=float(other))
from . import Numeric
if isinstance(other, Numeric):
from .unary_expressions import PowerConstant
return PowerConstant(self, other.get_value())
if isinstance(other, Expression):
from .binary_expressions import Power
return Power(self, other)
raise BiogemeError(f"This is not a valid expression: {other}")
def __rpow__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for power.
:param other: expression for power
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: other ^ self
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
raise BiogemeError(f"This is not a valid expression: {other}")
from .binary_expressions import Power
return Power(other, self)
def __and__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for logical and.
:param other: expression for logical and
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: self and other
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
raise BiogemeError(f"This is not a valid expression: {other}")
from .binary_expressions import And
return And(self, other)
def __rand__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for logical and.
:param other: expression for logical and
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: other and self
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
raise BiogemeError(f"This is not a valid expression: {other}")
from .binary_expressions import And
return And(other, self)
def __or__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for logical or.
:param other: expression for logical or
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: self or other
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
raise BiogemeError(f"This is not a valid expression: {other}")
from .binary_expressions import Or
return Or(self, other)
def __ror__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for logical or.
:param other: expression for logical or
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: other or self
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
raise BiogemeError(f"This is not a valid expression: {other}")
from .binary_expressions import Or
return Or(other, self)
def __eq__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for comparison.
:param other: expression for equality
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: self == other
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
raise BiogemeError(f"This is not a valid expression: {other}")
from .comparison_expressions import Equal
return Equal(self, other)
def __ne__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for comparison.
:param other: expression for difference
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: self != other
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
raise BiogemeError(f"This is not a valid expression: {other}")
from .comparison_expressions import NotEqual
return NotEqual(self, other)
def __le__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for comparison.
:param other: expression for less or equal
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: self <= other
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
raise BiogemeError(f"This is not a valid expression: {other}")
from .comparison_expressions import LessOrEqual
return LessOrEqual(self, other)
def __ge__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for comparison.
:param other: expression for greater or equal
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: self >= other
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
raise BiogemeError(f"This is not a valid expression: {other}")
from .comparison_expressions import GreaterOrEqual
return GreaterOrEqual(self, other)
def __lt__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for comparison.
:param other: expression for less than
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: self < other
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
raise BiogemeError(f"This is not a valid expression: {other}")
from .comparison_expressions import Less
return Less(self, other)
def __gt__(self, other: ExpressionOrNumeric) -> Expression:
Operator overloading. Generate an expression for comparison.
:param other: expression for greater than
:type other: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:return: self > other
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
:raise BiogemeError: if one of the expressions is invalid, that is
neither a numeric value nor a
biogeme.expressions.Expression object.
if not (is_numeric(other) or isinstance(other, Expression)):
raise BiogemeError(f"This is not a valid expression: {other}")
from .comparison_expressions import Greater
return Greater(self, other)
@deprecated_parameters(obsolete_params={'numberOfDraws': 'number_of_draws'})
def create_function(
database: Database | None = None,
number_of_draws: int = 1000,
gradient: bool = True,
hessian: bool = True,
bhhh: bool = False,
) -> Callable[
"""Create a function based on the expression. The function takes as
argument an array for the free parameters, and return the
value of the function, the gradient, the hessian and the BHHH. The
calculation of the derivatives is optional.
:param database: database. If no database is provided, the
expression must not contain any variable.
:type database: biogeme.database.Database
:param number_of_draws: number of draws if needed by Monte-Carlo
:type number_of_draws: int
:param gradient: if True, the gradient is calculated.
:type gradient: bool
:param hessian: if True, the hessian is calculated.
:type hessian: bool
:param bhhh: if True, the BHHH matrix is calculated.
:type bhhh: bool
:return: the function. It will return, in that order, the
value of the function, the gradient, the hessian and the
BHHH matrix. Only requested quantities will be
returned. For instance, if the gradient and the BHHH
matrix are requested, and not the hessian, the tuple that
is returned is f, g, bhhh.
:rtype: fct(np.array)
:raise BiogemeError: if gradient is False and hessian or BHHH is True.
if (hessian or bhhh) and not gradient:
raise BiogemeError(
"If the hessian or BHHH is calculated, so is the gradient. "
"The provided parameters are inconsistent."
with_id, without_id = self.get_status_id_manager()
if len(without_id) > 0:
if len(with_id) > 0:
error_msg = (
f"IDs are defined for some expressions "
f"[{with_id}] but not for some [{without_id}]"
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
self.set_id_manager(IdManager([self], database, number_of_draws))
def my_function(
x: np.ndarray,
) -> float | NamedBiogemeFunctionOutput:
"""Wrapper presenting the expression and its derivatives as a function"""
if isinstance(x, (float, int, np.float64)):
x = [float(x)]
if len(x) != len(self.id_manager.free_betas_values):
the_error_msg = (
f"Function is expecting an array of length "
f"{len(self.id_manager.free_betas_values)}, not {len(x)}"
raise BiogemeError(the_error_msg)
self.id_manager.free_betas_values = x
return self.get_value_and_derivatives(
return my_function
def createFunction(
database: Database | None = None,
number_of_draws: int = 1000,
gradient: bool = True,
hessian: bool = True,
bhhh: bool = False,
) -> Callable[
float | BiogemeFunctionOutput,
"""Kept for backward compatibility"""
@deprecated_parameters(obsolete_params={'numberOfDraws': 'number_of_draws'})
def create_objective_function(
database: Database | None = None,
number_of_draws: int = 1000,
gradient: bool = True,
hessian: bool = True,
bhhh: bool = False,
) -> FunctionToMinimize:
"""Create a function based on the expression that complies
with the interface of the biogeme_optimization model. The
function takes as argument an array for the free parameters,
and return the value of the function, the gradient, the
hessian and the BHHH. The calculation of the derivatives is
:param database: database. If no database is provided, the
expression must not contain any variable.
:type database: biogeme.database.Database
:param number_of_draws: number of draws if needed by Monte-Carlo
:type number_of_draws: int
:param gradient: if True, the gradient is calculated.
:type gradient: bool
:param hessian: if True, the hessian is calculated.
:type hessian: bool
:param bhhh: if True, the BHHH matrix is calculated.
:type bhhh: bool
:return: the function object.
:rtype: FunctionToMinimize
:raise BiogemeError: if gradient is False and hessian or BHHH is True.
expression_function = self.create_function(
except BiogemeError as e:
raise e
expression_function_gradient = self.create_function(
expression_function_gradient_hessian = self.create_function(
class Function(FunctionToMinimize):
"""Class encapsulating the expression into a FunctionToMinimize"""
def __init__(
self, epsilon: float | None = None, steptol: float | None = None
super().__init__(epsilon, steptol)
self.idmanager = None
def _f(self) -> float:
the_function_output: FunctionOutput = expression_function(
return the_function_output.function
def _f_g(self) -> FunctionData:
the_function_output: FunctionOutput = expression_function_gradient(
return FunctionData(
def _f_g_h(self) -> FunctionData:
the_function_output: FunctionOutput = (
return FunctionData(
def dimension(self) -> int:
return self.idmanager.number_of_free_betas
return Function()
def get_value(self) -> float:
"""Abstract method"""
raise NotImplementedError(
f'getValue method undefined at this level: {type(self)}. Each expression must implement it.'
def getValue(self) -> float:
"""Kept for backward compatibility"""
'numberOfDraws': 'number_of_draws',
'prepareIds': 'prepare_ids',
def get_value_c(
database: Database | None = None,
betas: dict[str, float] | None = None,
number_of_draws: int = 1000,
aggregation: bool = False,
prepare_ids: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray | float:
"""Evaluation of the expression, without the derivatives
:param betas: values of the free parameters
:type betas: list(float)
:param database: database. If no database is provided, the
expression must not contain any variable.
:type database: biogeme.database.Database
:param number_of_draws: number of draws if needed by Monte-Carlo
:type number_of_draws: int
:param aggregation: if a database is provided, and this
parameter is True, the expression is applied on each entry
of the database, and all values are aggregated, so that
the sum is returned. If False, the list of all values is returned.
:type aggregation: bool
:param prepare_ids: if True, it means that the IDs of the
expression must be constructed before the evaluation of
the expression.
:type prepare_ids: bool
:return: if a database is provided, a list where each entry is
the result of applying the expression on one entry of the
database. It returns a float.
:rtype: np.array or float
:raise BiogemeError: if no database is given, and the number
of returned values is different from one.
if self.requires_draws() and database is None:
error_msg = (
'An expression involving MonteCarlo integration '
'must be associated with a database.'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
the_function_output: (
BiogemeDisaggregateFunctionOutput | BiogemeFunctionOutput
) = self.get_value_and_derivatives(
if aggregation or database is None:
return the_function_output.function
return the_function_output.functions
def getValue_c(
database: Database | None = None,
betas: dict[str, float] | None = None,
number_of_draws: int = 1000,
aggregation: bool = False,
prepare_ids: bool = False,
"""Kept for backward compatibility"""
'numberOfDraws': 'number_of_draws',
'prepareIds': 'prepare_ids',
def get_value_and_derivatives(
betas: dict[str, float] | None = None,
database: Database | None = None,
number_of_draws: int = 1000,
gradient: bool = True,
hessian: bool = True,
bhhh: bool = True,
aggregation: bool = True,
prepare_ids: bool = False,
named_results: bool = False,
) -> (
| BiogemeFunctionOutput
| NamedBiogemeDisaggregateFunctionOutput
| NamedBiogemeFunctionOutput
"""Evaluation of the expression
In Biogeme the complexity of some expressions requires a
specific implementation, in C++. This function invokes the
C++ code to evaluate the value of the expression for a
series of entries in a database. Note that this function
will generate draws if needed.
:param betas: values of the free parameters
:type betas: list(float)
:param database: database. If no database is provided, the
expression must not contain any variable.
:type database: biogeme.database.Database
:param number_of_draws: number of draws if needed by Monte-Carlo
:type number_of_draws: int
:param gradient: If True, the gradient is calculated.
:type gradient: bool
:param hessian: if True, the hessian is calculated.
:type hessian: bool
:param bhhh: if True, the BHHH matrix is calculated.
:type bhhh: bool
:param aggregation: if a database is provided, and this
parameter is True, the expression is applied on each entry
of the database, and all values are aggregated, so that
the sum is returned. If False, the list of all values is returned.
:type aggregation: bool
:param prepare_ids: if True, it means that the IDs of the
expression must be constructed before the evaluation of
the expression.
:type prepare_ids: bool
:param named_results: if True, the gradients, hessians, etc. are reported as dicts associating the names of
the variables with their corresponding entry.
:return: if a database is provided, a list where each entry is
the result of applying the expression on one entry of the
database. It returns a float, a vector, and a matrix,
depending if derivatives are requested.
:rtype: np.array or float, numpy.array, numpy.array
:raise BiogemeError: if no database is given and the
expressions involves variables.
:raise BiogemeError: if gradient is False and hessian or BHHH is True.
:raise BiogemeError: if derivatives are asked, and the expression
is not simple.
:raise BiogemeError: if the expression involves MonteCarlo integration,
and no database is provided.
if prepare_ids:
self.keep_id_manager = self.id_manager
self.prepare(database, number_of_draws)
elif self.id_manager is None:
error_msg = 'Expression evaluated out of context. Set prepare_ids to True.'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
errors, warnings = self.audit(database)
if warnings:
if errors:
error_msg = "\n".join(errors)
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
if (hessian or bhhh) and not gradient:
raise BiogemeError(
"If the hessian or the BHHH matrix is calculated, "
"so is the gradient. The provided parameters are inconsistent."
if database is None:
variables = self.set_of_elementary_expression(
if variables:
raise BiogemeError(
f"No database is provided and the expression "
f"contains variables: {variables}"
self.numberOfDraws = number_of_draws
if betas is not None:
self.id_manager.free_betas_values = [
if x in betas
else self.id_manager.free_betas.expressions[x].initValue
for x in self.id_manager.free_betas.names
# List of values of the fixed Beta parameters (those not estimated)
self.fixedBetaValues = [
if x in betas
else self.id_manager.fixed_betas.expressions[x].initValue
for x in self.id_manager.fixed_betas.names
results = calculate_function_and_derivatives(
if named_results:
if isinstance(results, BiogemeFunctionOutput) or isinstance(
results, BiogemeFunctionOutputSmartOutputProxy
results = NamedBiogemeFunctionOutput(
function_output=results, mapping=self.id_manager.free_betas.indices
elif isinstance(results, BiogemeDisaggregateFunctionOutput) or isinstance(
results, BiogemeDisaggregateFunctionOutputSmartOutputProxy
results = NamedBiogemeDisaggregateFunctionOutput(
function_output=results, mapping=self.id_manager.free_betas.indices
error_msg = f'Unknown type: {type(results)}'
raise BiogemeError(error_msg)
# Now, if we had to set the IDS, we reset them as they cannot
# be used in another context.
if prepare_ids:
# We restore the previous Id manager
return results
def getValueAndDerivatives(
betas: dict[str, float] | None = None,
database: Database | None = None,
number_of_draws: int = 1000,
gradient: bool = True,
hessian: bool = True,
bhhh: bool = True,
aggregation: bool = True,
prepare_ids: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray | FunctionOutput:
"""Kept for backward compatibility"""
def requires_draws(self) -> bool:
"""Checks if the expression requires draws
:return: True if it requires draws.
:rtype: bool
return self.embed_expression("MonteCarlo")
def requiresDraws(self) -> bool:
"""Kept for backward compatibility"""
def get_beta_values(self) -> dict[str:float]:
"""Returns a dict with the initial values of Beta. Typically
useful for simulation.
:return: dict with the initial values of the Beta
:rtype: dict(str: float)
betas = self.dict_of_elementary_expression(TypeOfElementaryExpression.FREE_BETA)
return {b.name: b.initValue for b in betas.values()}
def set_of_elementary_expression(
self, the_type: TypeOfElementaryExpression
) -> set[str]:
"""Extract a set with all elementary expressions of a specific type
:param the_type: the type of expression
:return: returns a set with the names of the elementary expressions
return set(self.dict_of_elementary_expression(the_type).keys())
def dict_of_draw_types(self) -> dict[str:str]:
"""Extract a dict containing the types of draws involved in the expression"""
the_draws = self.dict_of_elementary_expression(
return {name: expression.drawType for name, expression in the_draws.items()}
def dict_of_elementary_expression(
self, the_type: TypeOfElementaryExpression
) -> dict[str:Elementary]:
"""Extract a dict with all elementary expressions of a specific type
:param the_type: the type of expression
:type the_type: TypeOfElementaryExpression
:return: returns a dict with the variables appearing in the
expression the keys being their names.
:rtype: dict(string:biogeme.expressions.Expression)
return dict(
for e in self.children
def get_elementary_expression(self, name: str) -> Elementary | None:
"""Return: an elementary expression from its name if it appears in the
:param name: name of the elementary expression.
:type name: string
:return: the expression if it exists. None otherwise.
:rtype: biogeme.expressions.Expression
for e in self.get_children():
if e.get_elementary_expression(name) is not None:
return e.get_elementary_expression(name)
return None
def getElementaryExpression(self, name: str) -> Elementary | None:
"""Kept for backward compatibility"""
def rename_elementary(
self, names: Iterable[str], prefix: str | None = None, suffix: str | None = None
"""Rename elementary expressions by adding a prefix and/or a suffix
:param names: names of expressions to rename
:type names: list(str)
:param prefix: if not None, the expression is renamed, with a
prefix defined by this argument.
:type prefix: str
:param suffix: if not None, the expression is renamed, with a
suffix defined by this argument.
:type suffix: str
for e in self.get_children():
e.rename_elementary(names, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix)
def fix_betas(
beta_values: dict[str, float],
prefix: str | None = None,
suffix: str | None = None,
"""Fix all the values of the Beta parameters appearing in the
:param beta_values: dictionary containing the betas to be
fixed (as key) and their value.
:type beta_values: dict(str: float)
:param prefix: if not None, the parameter is renamed, with a
prefix defined by this argument.
:type prefix: str
:param suffix: if not None, the parameter is renamed, with a
suffix defined by this argument.
:type suffix: str
for e in self.get_children():
e.fix_betas(beta_values, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix)
def get_class_name(self) -> str:
Obtain the name of the top class of the expression structure
:return: the name of the class
:rtype: string
n = type(self).__name__
return n
def getClassName(self) -> str:
"""Kept for backward compatibility"""
def get_signature(self) -> list[bytes]:
"""The signature of a string characterizing an expression.
This is designed to be communicated to C++, so that the
expression can be reconstructed in this environment.
The list contains the following elements:
1. the signatures of all the children expressions,
2. the name of the expression between < >
3. the id of the expression between { }
4. the number of children between ( )
5. the ids of each children, preceeded by a comma.
Consider the following expression:
.. math:: 2 \\beta_1 V_1 -
\\frac{\\exp(-\\beta_2 V_2) }
{ \\beta_3 (\\beta_2 \\geq \\beta_1)}.
It is defined as::
2 * beta1 * Variable1 - expressions.exp(-beta2*Variable2) /
(beta3 * (beta2 >= beta1))
And its signature is::
:return: list of the signatures of an expression and its children.
:rtype: list(string)
list_of_signatures = []
for e in self.get_children():
list_of_signatures += e.get_signature()
mysignature = f"<{self.get_class_name()}>"
mysignature += f"{{{self.get_id()}}}"
mysignature += f"({len(self.get_children())})"
for e in self.get_children():
mysignature += f",{e.get_id()}"
list_of_signatures += [mysignature.encode()]
return list_of_signatures
def getSignature(self) -> list[bytes]:
"""Kept for backward compatibility"""
def embed_expression(self, t: str) -> bool:
"""Check if the expression contains an expression of type t.
Typically, this would be used to check that a MonteCarlo
expression contains a bioDraws expression.
:return: True if the expression contains an expression of type t.
:rtype: bool
if self.get_class_name() == t:
return True
for e in self.get_children():
if e.embed_expression(t):
return True
return False
def embedExpression(self, t: str) -> bool:
"""Kept for backward compatibility"""
def count_panel_trajectory_expressions(self) -> int:
"""Count the number of times the PanelLikelihoodTrajectory
is used in the formula. It should trigger an error if it
is used more than once.
:return: number of times the PanelLikelihoodTrajectory
is used in the formula
:rtype: int
nbr = 0
for e in self.get_children():
nbr += e.count_panel_trajectory_expressions()
return nbr
def countPanelTrajectoryExpressions(self) -> int:
"""Kept for backward compatibility"""
def audit(self, database: Database | None = None):
"""Performs various checks on the expressions.
:param database: database object
:type database: biogeme.database.Database
:return: tuple list_of_errors, list_of_warnings
:rtype: list(string), list(string)
list_of_errors = []
list_of_warnings = []
for e in self.get_children():
if not isinstance(e, Expression):
the_error = f"Invalid expression: {e}"
err, war = e.audit(database)
list_of_errors += err
list_of_warnings += war
return list_of_errors, list_of_warnings
def change_init_values(self, betas: dict[str, float]):
"""Modifies the initial values of the Beta parameters.
The fact that the parameters are fixed or free is irrelevant here.
:param betas: dictionary where the keys are the names of the
parameters, and the values are the new value for
the parameters.
:type betas: dict(string:float)
for e in self.get_children():
def dict_of_catalogs(
self, ignore_synchronized: bool = False
) -> dict[str, 'Catalog']:
"""Returns a dict with all catalogs in the expression.
:return: dict with all the catalogs
result = {}
for e in self.children:
a_dict = e.dict_of_catalogs(ignore_synchronized)
for key, the_catalog in a_dict.items():
result[key] = the_catalog
return result
def contains_catalog(self, name: str) -> bool:
"""Check if the expression contains a specific catalog
:param name: name of the catalog to search.
:type name: str
:return: True if the given catalog is contained in the
expression. False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
all_catalogs = self.dict_of_catalogs()
return name in all_catalogs
def set_central_controller(
self, the_central_controller: CentralController = None
) -> CentralController:
"""For multiple expressions, defines the central controller"""
if the_central_controller is None:
self.central_controller = CentralController(
self.central_controller = the_central_controller
for e in self.children:
return self.central_controller
def get_all_controllers(self) -> set[Controller]:
"""Provides all controllers controlling the specifications of a multiple expression
:return: a set of controllers
:rtype: set(biogeme.controller.Controller)
if not self.children:
return set()
all_controllers = set()
for e in self.children:
all_controllers |= e.get_all_controllers()
return all_controllers
def number_of_multiple_expressions(self) -> int:
"""Reports the number of multiple expressions available through the iterator
:return: number of multiple expressions
:rtype: int
if self.central_controller is None:
return self.central_controller.number_of_configurations()
def set_of_configurations(self) -> set[str]:
"""Provides the set of all possible configurations"""
if self.central_controller is None:
return self.central_controller.all_configurations
def reset_expression_selection(self) -> None:
"""In each group of expressions, select the first one"""
for e in self.children:
def current_configuration(self) -> Configuration:
"""Obtain the current configuration of an expression
:return: configuration
:rtype: biogeme.configuration.Configuration
if self.central_controller is None:
return self.central_controller.get_configuration()
def select_expression(self, controller_name: str, index: int):
"""Select a specific expression in a group
:param controller_name: name of the controller
:type controller_name: str
:param index: index of the expression in the group
:type index: int
:raises BiogemeError: if index is out of range
if self.central_controller is None:
self.central_controller.set_controller(controller_name, index)
def set_of_multiple_expressions(self) -> set['MultipleExpression']:
"""Set of the multiple expressions found in the current expression
:return: a set of descriptions of the multiple expressions
:rtype: set(MultipleExpressionDescription)
all_sets = [e.set_of_multiple_expressions() for e in self.get_children()]
return set(chain.from_iterable(all_sets))
def get_id(self) -> int:
"""Retrieve the id of the expression used in the signature
:return: id of the object
:rtype: int
return id(self)
def get_children(self) -> list[Expression]:
"""Retrieve the list of children
:return: list of children
:rtype: list(Expression)
return self.children
ExpressionOrNumeric = Expression | float | int | bool