Source code for biogeme.cnl

"""Implements the probability generating function and the CDF of a
cross-nested logit model. This module is not used by Biogeme
itself. It is essentially used for external use. It has been mainly
implemented to verify the analytical derivatives of these functions.

:author: Michel Bierlaire
:date: Fri Apr 22 09:39:49 2022


from typing import Callable
import numpy as np

from biogeme.expressions import get_dict_values
from biogeme.function_output import FunctionOutput
from biogeme.nests import NestsForCrossNestedLogit
from biogeme.deprecated import deprecated

[docs] def cnl_g( alternatives: list[int], nests: NestsForCrossNestedLogit ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray], FunctionOutput]: """Probability generating function and its derivatives :param alternatives: a list of alternatives in a given order. In principle, the alternative ids should be integers (to be consistent with Biogeme), but it may be actually be any object for this specific function. :param nests: the object describing the nests. :return: function that calculates the G function, and its first and second derivatives. :rtype: f, g, H = fct(np.array(float)) """ order = {alt: index for index, alt in enumerate(alternatives)} nbr_of_alternatives = len(alternatives) def g_and_deriv(y: np.ndarray) -> FunctionOutput: """Probability generating function :param y: vector of positive values :return: value of the CDF and its derivatives :rtype: floap, np.array(float), np.array(np.array(float)) """ g = 0.0 g_i = np.zeros(nbr_of_alternatives) g_ij = np.zeros((nbr_of_alternatives, nbr_of_alternatives)) for m in nests: mu_m = m.nest_param alphas = get_dict_values(m.dict_of_alpha) nest_specific_sum = 0.0 for alpha_alt, alpha_value in alphas.items(): if alpha_value != 0 and y[order[alpha_alt]] != 0: nest_specific_sum += (alpha_value * y[order[alpha_alt]]) ** mu_m p1 = (1.0 / mu_m) - 1.0 p2 = (1.0 / mu_m) - 2.0 g += nest_specific_sum ** (1.0 / mu_m) for i in range(nbr_of_alternatives): alpha_i = alphas.get(alternatives[i], 0) if alpha_i != 0 and y[i] != 0: g_i[i] += alpha_i**mu_m * y[i] ** (mu_m - 1) * nest_specific_sum**p1 g_ij[i][i] += (1 - mu_m) * nest_specific_sum**p2 * alpha_i ** ( 2 * mu_m ) * y[i] ** (2 * mu_m - 2.0) + ( mu_m - 1 ) * nest_specific_sum**p1 * alpha_i**mu_m * y[ i ] ** ( mu_m - 2 ) for j in range(i + 1, nbr_of_alternatives): alpha_j = alphas.get(alternatives[j], 0) if alpha_j != 0 and y[j] != 0: g_ij[i][j] += ( (1 - mu_m) * nest_specific_sum**p2 * (alpha_i * alpha_j) ** mu_m * (y[i] * y[j]) ** (mu_m - 1.0) ) for i in range(nbr_of_alternatives): for j in range(i + 1, nbr_of_alternatives): g_ij[j][i] = g_ij[i][j] return FunctionOutput(function=g, gradient=g_i, hessian=g_ij) return g_and_deriv
[docs] @deprecated(new_func=cnl_g) def cnl_G( alternatives: list[int], nests: NestsForCrossNestedLogit ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray], FunctionOutput]: pass
[docs] def cnl_cdf( alternatives: list[int], nests: NestsForCrossNestedLogit ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray], FunctionOutput]: """Cumulative distribution function and its derivatives :param alternatives: a list of alternatives in a given order. In principle, the alternative ids should be integers (to be consistent with Biogeme), but it may be actually be any object for this specific function. :param nests: a tuple containing as many items as nests. :return: function that calculates the CDF, and its first and second derivatives. """ nbr_of_alternatives = len(alternatives) g_fct = cnl_g(alternatives, nests) def f_and_deriv(xi: np.ndarray) -> FunctionOutput: """Cumulative distribution function :param xi: vector of arguments :type xi: np.array(float) :return: value of the CDF and its derivatives :rtype: float, np.array(float), np.array(np.array(float)) """ y = np.where(xi == np.inf, 0, np.exp(-xi)) g_output: FunctionOutput = g_fct(y) g = g_output.function g_i = g_output.gradient g_ii = g_output.hessian f = np.exp(-g) f_i = g_i * y * f f_ij = np.zeros((nbr_of_alternatives, nbr_of_alternatives)) for i in range(nbr_of_alternatives): f_ij[i][i] = ( f * y[i] * y[i] * (g_i[i] * g_i[i] - g_ii[i][i]) - f * g_i[i] * y[i] ) for j in range(i + 1, nbr_of_alternatives): f_ij[i][j] = f * y[i] * y[j] * (g_i[i] * g_i[j] - g_ii[i][j]) for i in range(nbr_of_alternatives): for j in range(i + 1, nbr_of_alternatives): f_ij[j][i] = f_ij[i][j] return FunctionOutput(function=f, gradient=f_i, hessian=f_ij) return f_and_deriv
[docs] @deprecated(new_func=cnl_cdf) def cnl_CDF( alternatives: list[int], nests: NestsForCrossNestedLogit ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray], FunctionOutput]: pass