Source code for biogeme.distributions

""" Implementation of the pdf and CDF of common distributions

:author: Michel Bierlaire

:date: Thu Apr 23 12:01:49 2015


from typing import Union
from biogeme.expressions import (
from biogeme.exceptions import BiogemeError

[docs] def normalpdf( x: Union[float, Expression], mu: Union[float, Expression] = Numeric(0.0), s: Union[float, Expression] = Numeric(1.0), ) -> Expression: """ Normal pdf Probability density function of a normal distribution .. math:: f(x;\\mu, \\sigma) = \\frac{1}{\\sigma \\sqrt{2\\pi}} \\exp{-\\frac{(x-\\mu)^2}{2\\sigma^2}} :param x: value at which the pdf is evaluated. :param mu: location parameter :math:`\\mu` of the Normal distribution. :param s: scale parameter :math:`\\sigma` of the Normal distribution. :note: It is assumed that :math:`\\sigma > 0`. :return: value of the Normal pdf. :raise ValueError: if :math:`\\sigma \\leq 0`. """ x_expr = validate_and_convert(x) mu_expr = validate_and_convert(mu) s_expr = validate_and_convert(s) try: s_value = s_expr.getValue() except NotImplementedError: s_value = None if (s_value is not None) and (s_value <= 0): raise ValueError(f'Scale parameter must be positive and not {s_value}') d = -(x_expr - mu_expr) * (x_expr - mu_expr) n = Numeric(2.0) * s_expr * s_expr a = d / n num = exp(a) den = s_expr * Numeric(2.506628275) p = num / den return p
[docs] def lognormalpdf( x: Union[float, Expression], mu: Union[float, Expression] = Numeric(0.0), s: Union[float, Expression] = Numeric(1.0), ) -> Expression: """ Log normal pdf Probability density function of a log normal distribution .. math:: f(x;\\mu, \\sigma) = \\frac{1}{x\\sigma \\sqrt{2\\pi}} \\exp{-\\frac{(\\ln x-\\mu)^2}{2\\sigma^2}} :param x: value at which the pdf is evaluated. :param mu: location parameter :math:`\\mu` of the lognormal distribution. :param s: scale parameter :math:`\\sigma` of the lognormal distribution. :note: It is assumed that :math:`\\sigma > 0`, but it is not verified by the code. :return: value of the lognormal pdf. """ x_expr = validate_and_convert(x) mu_expr = validate_and_convert(mu) s_expr = validate_and_convert(s) try: x_value = x_expr.getValue() except (NotImplementedError, BiogemeError): x_value = None if (x_value is not None) and (x_value <= 0): raise ValueError(f'Argument must be positive and not {x_value}') try: s_value = s_expr.getValue() except (NotImplementedError, BiogemeError): s_value = None if (s_value is not None) and (s_value <= 0): raise ValueError(f'Scale parameter must be positive and not {s_value}') d = -(log(x_expr) - mu_expr) * (log(x_expr) - mu_expr) n = Numeric(2.0) * s_expr * s_expr a = d / n num = exp(a) den = x_expr * s_expr * Numeric(2.506628275) p = (x_expr > Numeric(0)) * num / den return p
[docs] def uniformpdf( x: Union[float, Expression], a: Union[float, Expression] = Numeric(-1), b: Union[float, Expression] = Numeric(1.0), ) -> Expression: """ Uniform pdf Probability density function of a uniform distribution. .. math:: f(x;a, b) = \\left\\{ \\begin{array}{ll} \\frac{1}{b-a} & \\text{for } x \\in [a, b] \\\\ 0 & \\text{otherwise}\\end{array} \\right. :param x: argument of the pdf :param a: lower bound :math:`a` of the distribution. Default: -1. :param b: upper bound :math:`b` of the distribution. Default: 1. :note: It is assumed that :math:`a < b`, but it is not verified by the code. :return: value of the uniform pdf. """ x_expr = validate_and_convert(x) a_expr = validate_and_convert(a) b_expr = validate_and_convert(b) try: a_value = a_expr.getValue() except NotImplementedError: a_value = None try: b_value = b_expr.getValue() except NotImplementedError: b_value = None if a_value is not None and b_value is not None: if a_value > b_value: raise ValueError(f'Condition {a_value} <= {b_value} is not verified.') result = ( (x_expr < a_expr) * Numeric(0.0) + (x_expr > b_expr) * Numeric(0.0) + (x_expr >= a_expr) * (x_expr <= b_expr) / (b_expr - a_expr) ) return result
[docs] def triangularpdf( x: Union[float, Expression], a: Union[float, Expression] = Numeric(-1.0), b: Union[float, Expression] = Numeric(1.0), c: Union[float, Expression] = Numeric(0.0), ) -> Expression: """ Triangular pdf Probability density function of a triangular distribution .. math:: f(x;a, b, c) = \\left\\{ \\begin{array}{ll} 0 & \\text{if } x < a \\\\\\frac{2(x-a)}{(b-a)(c-a)} & \\text{if } a \\leq x < c \\\\\\frac{2(b-x)}{(b-a)(b-c)} & \\text{if } c \\leq x < b \\\\0 & \\text{if } x \\geq b. \\end{array} \\right. :param x: argument of the pdf :param a: lower bound :math:`a` of the distribution. Default: -1. :param b: upper bound :math:`b` of the distribution. Default: 1. :param c: mode :math:`c` of the distribution. Default: 0. :note: It is assumed that :math:`a < c < b`, but it is not verified by the code. :return: value of the triangular pdf. """ x_expr = validate_and_convert(x) a_expr = validate_and_convert(a) b_expr = validate_and_convert(b) c_expr = validate_and_convert(c) try: a_value = a_expr.getValue() except (NotImplementedError, BiogemeError): a_value = None try: b_value = b_expr.getValue() except (NotImplementedError, BiogemeError): b_value = None try: c_value = c_expr.getValue() except (NotImplementedError, BiogemeError): c_value = None if all(var is not None for var in (a_value, b_value, c_value)): if c_value <= a_value or c_value >= b_value: error_msg = ( f'The following condition is not verified: a [{a_value}] < ' f'c [{c_value} < b [{b_value}]]' ) raise ValueError(error_msg) # x < a r1 = (x_expr < a_expr) * Numeric(0.0) # a <= x < c r2 = ( (x_expr >= a_expr) * (x_expr < c_expr) * Numeric(2.0) * ((x_expr - a_expr) / ((b_expr - a_expr) * (c_expr - a_expr))) ) # x == c r3 = (x_expr == c_expr) * Numeric(2.0) / (b_expr - a_expr) # c < x <= b r4 = ( (x_expr > c_expr) * (x_expr <= b_expr) * Numeric(2.0) * (b_expr - x_expr) / ((b_expr - a_expr) * (b_expr - c_expr)) ) # b < x r5 = (x_expr > b_expr) * Numeric(0.0) return bioMultSum([r1, r2, r3, r4, r5])
[docs] def logisticcdf( x: Union[float, Expression], mu: Union[float, Expression] = Numeric(0.0), s: Union[float, Expression] = Numeric(1.0), ) -> Expression: """ Logistic CDF Cumulative distribution function of a logistic distribution .. math:: f(x;\\mu, \\sigma) = \\frac{1} {1+\\exp\\left(-\\frac{x-\\mu}{\\sigma} \\right)} :param x: value at which the CDF is evaluated. :param mu: location parameter :math:`\\mu` of the logistic distribution. Default: 0. :param s: scale parameter :math:`\\sigma` of the logistic distribution. Default: 1. :note: It is assumed that :math:`\\sigma > 0`, but it is not verified by the code. :return: value of the logistic CDF. """ x_expr = validate_and_convert(x) mu_expr = validate_and_convert(mu) s_expr = validate_and_convert(s) try: s_value = s_expr.getValue() except (NotImplementedError, BiogemeError): s_value = None if (s_value is not None) and (s_value <= 0): raise ValueError(f'Scale parameter must be positive and not {s_value}') result = Numeric(1.0) / (Numeric(1.0) + exp(-(x_expr - mu_expr) / s_expr)) return result